Mar 11, 2025
2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Agronomy (B.S.)
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Agronomy includes crop, soil, weed, range, and environmental sciences. Students in agronomy have diverse interests, including crop production and physiology; crop breeding; soil management, fertility, and conservation; soil and water quality; physical and chemical properties of soils; forages; and range management.
Bachelor’s degree requirements
Students majoring in agronomy are required to complete the following courses, plus those in the option that the student selects. - Organic/biochemistry Credits: (3–5)
- Physics Credits: (4)
- Social sciences/humanities electives Credits: (3–9)
- Communications elective Credits: (3)
All options except soil and environmental science require
Choose from the following:
General Education
Agronomy majors must include 18 credit hours of university general education courses, with at least 6 credit hours numbered ≥ 300. At least one university general education course must be taken in each of the following categories: (a) biological and physical sciences, (b) communications, social sciences, and humanities, (c) agriculture, and (d) free electives. Options
Additional courses required for specific option Business and industry option
- Agronomy electives Credits: (9)
- General agriculture elective Credits: (3)
- Agricultural economics or business Credits: (12)
Choose from the following:
Choose two from the following:
- Electives Credits: (12–15)
Consulting and production option
- Agricultural electives Credits: (14–16)
- Business or economics electives Credits: (3)
Choose from the following:
Choose one from the following:
- Electives Credits: (8–11)
Range management option
- Math or statistics elective Credits: (3)
- Electives Credits: (14–17)
Choose from the following:
Plant science and biotechnology option
- Agronomy electives Credits: (6)
selected from AGRON 500-790, excluding 600, 615, 670 - Electives Credits: (12–13)
Plus 12 credit hours from the following courses:
Soil and environmental science option
Choose from the following:
Choose one from the following:
Choose five from the following:
- Electives Credits: (15–20)
Research center, laboratory, and greenhouse facilities are used by the Department of Agronomy for both research and instruction. Total hours required for graduation (127)
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