Feb 13, 2025  
2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog 
2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Support Services

Early Childhood Laboratory

139 Campus Creek Complex
Fax: 785-532-3537
E-mail: fshs@k-state.edu

The Early Childhood Laboratory, located on Campus Creek Road, houses two preschool classrooms and is sponsored by the School of Family Studies and Human Services and the local public school system, U. S.D. 383. The Early Childhood Laboratory is licensed by the state and is accredited by the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs. The children enrolled at the center range in age from three to five years. Children who are eligible by age to enter kindergarten are not eligible for enrollment at the center. The group is balanced by age and sex of the children. Within these guidelines, children are accepted by date of application. The program integrates children with developmental delays with typically developing children. The children with special needs are identified by U.S.D. 383. The total group size is 44 children. About one-third of the children have handicapping conditions. The two standard half-day preschool sessions are operated Monday through Thursday, 8:30 - 11:30 a.m., 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. The two extended sessions are operated Monday through Friday 7:45-12:15 and 12:30-5:00.


Family Center

139 Campus Creek Complex
Fax: 785-532-6523
E-mail: heinfo@humec.k-state.edu

The Family Center provides applied educational training to students while offering counseling, family-related educational programs, and consultation services to Manhattan and the state. On-site services include individual, couple, family and group therapy, parent education, and family life education sessions. Outreach services include the state training office for child care providers and other training programs for children and families. These services are supported by outside funding that has averaged over a quarter of a million dollars for the past several years.


Galichia Institute

The Galichia Institute for Gerontology and Family Studies is designed to provide: increased understanding and response by students to the needs of seniors; greater awareness by society of the needs of an ever-expanding elderly population; better -prepared students to serve society, with understanding of programs for children and the elderly; support for families raising children and coping with elderly relatives; continued growth of research and information concerning aging issues; national attention for professional activities; improved care for rural and urban elderly; expanded understanding of intergenerational relations; and educational programs to families that will enrich the lives of aging family members. Recent programs include the Personal Actions to Health (PATH), a demonstration program on senior health issues, funded by the Kansas Health Foundation.


Hoeflin Stone House Child Care Center

1701 N. Manhattan Ave
E-mail: fshs@k-state.edu

Stone House is located on the north side of campus on North Manhattan Avenue. The two-story house and architect-designed playground provide space for two groups of children: toddlers, ranging in age from 18 months to 3 years, and preschoolers, aged 3 to 5 years. Children who are eligible by age to enter kindergarten are not eligible for the program. The toddler group accommodates 12 children, and 18 children are enrolled in the preschool group. The groups are balanced by sex and age of the children. Priority is given to children whose parents work full time. Within these guidelines, children are accepted by date of application. The center is available only for full-day enrollments, five days a week. The hours are 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and the center is open for most of the year, with the exception of university holidays, three weeks in August, and two weeks at the end of December. The Hoeflin Stone House Child Care Center is licensed by the state and is accredited by the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs.


Office of Community Health

The Office of Community Health was initiated to serve the university, the Cooperative Extension Service, and community groups within the state. The mission of the office is to promote collaborations between K-State and other institutions in order to expand Cooperative Extension Service activities into community health. Examples of focus areas include: health and safety promotion, community education, community health assessment, community health planning, and safety promotion. The office develops multi-media curricula to train new and existing county extension agents and community leaders about various community health topics. The office also offers work study opportunities, internships, and research assistantships for undergraduate and graduate students.


Other Research Facilities and Equipment

A variety of specialized facilities is maintained to support research and scholarly work in the humanities, natural sciences, applied sciences, social sciences, and professional areas. Although an exhaustive listing is prohibitive, the following list represents a selection of supporting resources:

  • Aquatic and terrestrial research laboratories
  • Arp electronic music synthesizer
  • Audiovisual materials center
  • Center for Excellence in Computer-Controlled Automation
  • Center for Extended Services and Studies Computer-Aided Design Laboratories (human ecology)
  • Consortium for Political Research data banks
  • Controlled environment test facility
  • Editorial offices of major journals
  • Experimental animal facilities
  • Fourier transform spectroscopic laboratory
  • Glassblowing and instrument shops
  • Greenhouses
  • Heliodon and wind tunnel
  • Herbarium and monographic library
  • Insect reference collection
  • Interior architectural shops
  • Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic
  • Near infrared protein laboratory
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers
  • Physiology of exercise laboratory
  • Plant disease diagnostic laboratory
  • Population and demographic laboratory
  • Recording Raman spectrometer
  • Scanning electron microscope
  • Soil testing laboratory
  • Speech and Hearing Center
  • Statistical laboratory
  • Textile chemistry laboratory
  • Textile conservation laboratory
  • Transmission electron microscope
  • Veterinary diagnostic laboratory
  • Weather data laboratory
  • Wind and soil erosion laboratory
  • X-ray diffractometers


Scholarly and Professional Publications

College of Architecture and Design Newsletter of the Rural/Small Town Planning Division, American Planning Association-information, articles, and essays on the nature of rural/small town planning. Oz, modern architectural trends. Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology Newsletter, information and features on environmental design as place making.

College of Education Educational Considerations, timely papers on educational issues at all levels. Media Adult Learning, research, reviews, papers.

College of Engineering Kansas State Engineer, technical and nontechnical articles on engineering developments. Research Activities, biennial report on research in the College of Engineering.

College of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary and Human Toxicology, toxicology, research, reviews, and field observation.

Continuing Education National Issues in Higher Education, proceedings of annual meetings on educational issues. IDEA Papers, series on college teaching, from the Center for Faculty Evaluation and Development.

Cooperative Agricultural Extension Numerous publications about research, in varied formats for various audiences.

Department of English Literary Magazine Review, reviews of literary magazines and commentary on the international noncommercial literary magazine scene. Touchstone, student literary magazine. The Spenser Newsletter, the official publication of the Spenser Society.

Department of History Journal of the West, history and culture of the U.S. West.

Department of Modern Languages Studies in Twentieth Century Literature, literary theory and practical criticism of 20th-century literature in French, German, Russian, and Spanish (with University of Nebraska, Lincoln).

Libraries Bibliography Series, each bibliography on a different topic.


University Press of Kansas

Fred M. Woodward, Director
2502 Westbrooke Circle
Lawrence, Kansas 66045-4444
785-864-4586 Fax
E-mail: upress@ku.edu

Kansas State University, in association with the other five Regents universities, operates and supports the University Press of Kansas for the purpose of publishing scholarly and regional books on a nonprofit basis. K-State joined the consortium in 1967 when the press was officially reorganized by the Kansas Board of Regents. Until mid-1982, the operation was known as the Regents Press of Kansas.

The University Press of Kansas is the first American university press to operate as a statewide consortium under the specific sponsorship of all the state’s universities. A member of the Association of American University Presses since its founding in 1946, the press has published over 900 titles, with more than 500 currently in print. Its ongoing American Presidency Series, with 35 titles issued to date, has been praised as one of the most interesting and rewarding historical series in this country.

The press is governed by a board of trustees, who are the chief academic officers of the sponsoring institutions and who appoint two members and two alternates from each faculty to serve on the advisory editorial committee.