Feb 05, 2025  
2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog 
2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Services for Students


Academic Assistance Center

Judith Lynch, Director

101 Holton Hall
Fax: 785-532-6457
E-mail: academic_help@k-state.edu

The Academic Assistance Center provides a comprehensive and coordinated system for the identification, diagnosis, advisement, counseling, and referral of students to the various academic support services available at K-State. In addition, the AAC provides direct academic support through programs that include:

Tutorial Assistance

Free tutoring is available in a variety of introductory courses through the EOF tutoring program. Students desiring assistance on a regular basis are assigned to small groups that meet weekly with a peer tutor who assists them with course content and learning strategies. Walk-in tutoring sessions are also available in math, writing, and other selected subjects.

The University Experience

The AAC offers the course EDCEP 111  University Experience to new students for 1-3 hours of credit. This course provides any new student with a general orientation to K-State and university life. Topics covered include study skills, effective use of campus resources, academic planning, career decision making, and university policies and procedures.

Math Assistance

The AAC provides a math review class for students desiring basic review of pre-algebra mathematics before actually enrolling in a formal mathematics course. Assistance with Intermediate or College Algebra is available to students enrolling in University Experience as a part of that course. Students who are unsure of which math course to enroll in may take a 45-minute math placement exam. This assessment is available on a walk-in basis in the AAC.

PILOTS Program

PILOTS is a cooperative, year-long program meant to provide structure and encourage academic discipline and critical reasoning for qualifying entering freshmen. Students enjoy smaller classes, a computer Reading/Writing Lab, a clustering of support courses, and free tutoring. Classes are geared to a diversity of learning styles.

Credit by Examination

K-State offers students a variety of quiz-out programs through which a student may earn academic credit in specific courses. The AAC is the campus service agency for the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) and the DANTES Program. The center will also provide consultation and conduct utility studies for academic departments interested in implementing a credit-by-examination program. Information and registration for the CLEP and DANTES programs are available from the AAC.

Entrance and Professional Examinations

The AAC administers the following examinations, which are often required to enter selected undergraduate, graduate, or professional programs. Contact the AAC to obtain further information concerning these and other examinations.

American College Test (ACT)
Engineering and Land Surveying Examination Services (ELSES)
Graduate Record Examination (subject exams only)
Law School Admission Test (LSAT)
Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)
Miller Analogies Test (MAT)
Pharmacy College Admission Testing PCAT
Praxis Series Assessment
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
Test of Spoken English (TSE)

Proctored Exams
Correspondence course and other non-K-State exams can be proctored in the AAC for a $20 fee.


Academic and Career Information Center

Michelle Haupt, Coordinator

14 Holton Hall
Fax: 785-532-6457
E-mail: acic@k-state.edu

The Academic and Career Information Center provides assistance to students exploring and selecting academic majors and career options. ACIC is a resource center offering career assessments, an extensive career library, and a staff dedicated to assisting students in the career planning process.

ACIC offers a one-credit hour course focusing on academic major and career exploration, personal assessment, and decision-making strategies. Additional resources include employment profiles, salary information, career reference books and files, K-State curriculum guides, graduate school information, and career planning workshops.


Adult Student Services

Nancy Bolsen, Director

101 Holton Hall
Fax: 785-532-6457
E-Mail: nontrad@k-state.edu

Adult Student Services assists undergraduate and graduate students who meet one of the following criteria:

  • Married
  • Parent
  • Re-entering
  • 25 years of age or older

Staff members assist students with admission and enrollment and provide information or referrals for housing, child care, refresher and study skills courses, tutoring, financial aid, scholarships, insurance, and community family programs. The staff assists returning K-State students in advising to remedy past academic deficiencies. Staff members also help students with their everyday challenges and special concerns before, during, and after their admission to K-State.


Alcohol and Other Drug Education Service

Bill Arck, Director

214 Lafene Health Center
Fax: 785-532-3932
E-mail: counsel@k-state.edu

The Alcohol and Other Drug Education Service offers information about physical effects and social issues related to alcohol and other drug use or abuse. Campus services provided include media activities such as newspaper ads, posters, brochures, and radio public service announcements; coordination of and participation in awareness events, such as National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week; and presentations providing information on alcohol and drug-related topics.

This office can also make referrals to various resources for those with concerns about their own or another’s possible alcohol and/or drug use or abuse.


Career and Employment Services

Kerri Day Keller, Director

100 Holtz Hall
Fax: 785-532-6802
E-mail: ces@k-state.edu

Career and Employment Services (CES) provides career advising, skill development, employment connections, and resources to K-State students and recent graduates (within one year). Whether seeking part-time employment while attending classes, a summer job, an internship/coop, or a full-time career position, CES can help. CES staff is dedicated to assisting students recent graduates in their job search and providing contacts with thousands of employers throughout the country.

Individual career advisors are available to assist clients as they create a professional resume, develop interviewing skills, and identify job search resources. The CES website provides information about upcoming events, workshops, and links to career and employer research sites.

Activate “My CES Account,” a free service to current K-State students and recent graduates, to view internship/employment opportunities, refer your resume to employers, sign up for on-campus interviews and find employer contact information to enhance your professional networking circle.

Stop by Holtz Hall or visit us on the web to learn more about how we can help with “Guiding You from College to Career.”


Cooperative Houses

Alpha of Clovia

1200 Pioneer Lane
Manhattan, Kansas 66502
Email: clovia@k-state.edu

Alpha of Clovia Cooperative House accommodates up to 60 women. Although 4-H members are given preference, any undergraduate woman is welcome to apply for membership. To keep the house self-supportive, the women at Clovia contribute up to four hours a week for duties. Providing economical living conditions for members is a main goal at Clovia. Housebills are approximately $215 per month, and vary according to social activities and other house functions. Rent is $320 per semester. Applications can be obtained at County Extension Offices, the State 4-H Department at Kansas State University, www.k-state.edu/clovia or the Clovia Membership Chairman, 1200 Pioneer Lane, Manhattan, Kansas 66502, 785-395-4500.

Smith Scholars Program

331 North 17th Street
Manhattan, Kansas 66502
E-mail: smithhouse_ksu@yahoo.com

Dr. L. Irene Putnam, who established the house in 1958 in memory of her brother, Maitland E. Smith, stipulated that Smith residents would be charged only for the actual costs of operation and maintenance of the house. The Smith Alumni Association, the organization that has run Smith since 1984, does not charge the residents its own administrative costs. It subsists on alumni donations and other fundraising efforts.

The Smith Scholars Program provides a broad learning experience for 30 young men each year. Smith Scholars are selected on the basis of academic promise and potential to contribute to a structured program of organized living. The Smith Scholars live in Smith Scholarship House, a cooperative living arrangement wherein the men do the cooking and housekeeping, providing a substantial savings in housing costs over other on and off campus dwelling environments.

Smurthwaite Leadership/Scholarship House

The Smurthwaite Leadership/Scholarship House is a unique cooperative living opportunity for women who are interested in becoming active in leadership positions in student government, academic organizations, and co-curricular organizations.

Contact Housing and Dining Services for a Smurthwaite application packet. Assignment to Smurthwaite Leadership/Scholarship House is made through a special process. Since acceptance and assignment to Smurthwaite is limited, it is best to complete the online residence hall application and contract with alternate preferences.


Counseling Services

Fred Newton, Director

232 English/Counseling Services
785-532-3932 Fax
E-mail: counsel@k-state.edu

Counseling Services is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.

Kansas State University Counseling Services, in support of the overall mission of the University, provides the highest standard of professional services to help all students reach their full potential–personally, academically, and socially. Within an accepting, sustaining and compassionate setting, we attend to the psychological needs of our students to alleviate concerns, facilitate problem solving, promote well-being, and enhance success.

At Counseling Services we value our multicultural campus community and, thus we provide culturally sensitive and relevant services. While appropriately protecting confidentiality, we work collaboratively with other entities, both on and off campus, to foster a safe and healthy environment. During times when a critical event occurs, we are ready to offer timely response through consultation, outreach, and follow-up to lessen trauma and promote resoultion.

Counseling Services is funded in part by the student privilege fee. Students receive some initial individual sessions without charge per year. A nominal fee is charged for additional services.

Programs using a workshop or seminar format are offered to enhance personal growth and skill development. These may include stress management, biofeedback, career life planning, assertiveness training and relationship enhancement. A Career Life Planning course is offered for academic credit.

The Counseling Services staff, and the APA-accredited internship training program in psychology, adhere to the ethical code of the American Psychological Association.


Disability Support Services

Andrea Blair, Director

Holton Hall 202
Fax: 785-532-6457
E-mail: dss@k-state.edu

Disability Support Services is the office responsible for coordinating accommodations and services for students with documented disabilities. Staff will serve as a liaison with students’ instructors.

Academic accommodations provided to students include readers, materials in large print, and note takers. Test taking accommodations may include extended time, oral examinations, scribes, and testing in an environment with reduced distractions. Assistance is provided in obtaining text books in alternate format. Upon request, any class scheduled in an inaccessible location will be relocated for students with mobility impairments. Interpreters for students who are deaf or hearing impaired will be provided, upon request.

An Adaptive Technology Lab is located in the Media Development Center, 213 Hale Library. The center includes computers with large screen monitors that are equipped with special software such as text enlargers, screen readers, and voice recognition. Also available is a CCTV and Arkenstone Reading Machine with scanner.

Special equipment available for checkout and use by students includes an FM listening system and TDD (telecommunications device for the deaf.)

Additional services include assistance with writing. Tutors are available for some classes. A shuttle van, equipped with hydraulic lift, operates on campus between all buildings. Transportation is available to students with either a temporary injury or a permanent physical disability. A wide range of accessible housing is available.


Educational Supportive Services

Kathleen Greene, Director

Holton Hall
Fax: 785-532-6457
E-mail: ess@k-state.edu

Low-income students and first-generation college students are assisted in setting and attaining realistic educational goals and are provided information about graduate-level educational opportunities. Students admitted and enrolled at K-State are offered educational supportive services including the study skills and academic enrichment program courses, academic preadvising, individualized tutorial assistance, and a variety of referral services.

McNair Scholars Program

The McNair Scholars Program, named for the African American astronaut who died in the 1986 space shuttle explosion, encourages and prepares academically promising students to pursue doctoral degrees. McNair Scholars are from low-income and first generation college educated backgrounds or are from minority groups who are underrepresented in graduate study.

Staff will assist McNair Scholars in selecting an appropriate graduate school for their career goals, in preparing for the Graduate Record Examination, and in applying for graduate admittance and financial assistance. Each year McNair Scholars will be matched with a faculty mentor and will work on research projects for which they will receive a stipend.


Graduate Student Council

Graduate Student Council (GSC) is the student organization representing graduate students from all academic disciplines at Kansas State University. Any organization with graduate student membership is invited to participate in the council and council activities are open to all graduate students. The council meets on the first Monday of every month at the K-State Student Union. To register your student group with the GSC, please use the on-line registration form. The Graduate Student Council is funded mainly by the Student Governing Association from the Graduate Student Activity Fee.

Leadership Opportunities
There are various ways to get involved with GSC. Every council member is encouraged to serve on a committee, including the Allocations Committee, GRA/GTA/GA Affairs Committee, International Affairs Committee, Research Forum Planning Committee and Ice Cream Social Planning Committee. Members also publicize GSC events and help maintain the website. Council officers are elected during the spring semester. Officers include the president, president-elect, secretary, and treasurer. All graduate students are encouraged to participate in the council activities. Memberships in the standing committees are open to all graduate students.

Professional Development
GSC strives to provide informational meetings, workshops and forums that enhance the professional development of graduate students. The council promotes interdisciplinary activities to enrich graduate students’ education beyond their own disciplines. The council also sends out information on various seminars held across campus every week to the Council members, to be shared with their graduate student groups.


Greek Affairs

Scott Jones, Director
Brandon Cutler, Assistant Director and Primary Fraternity Advisor
Shawn Eagleburger, Assistant Director and Primary Sorority Advisor

214 K-State Student Union
Fax: 785-532-5341
E-mail: greekaffairs@k-state.edu

K-State is home to more than 3,300 fraternity and sorority members. The fraternity and sorority community consists of 47 chapters, most of whom own and control their own residential facility. Chapters range in size from 10-150. The average sorority size is 140, and the average fraternity size is 64.

Most sororities select their members during Fall Formal Recruitment which happens approximately one week prior to the start of fall semester. Women who wish to participate in the Formal Recruitment process must register and pay a participation and new member fee by no later than August 1 each year. Most women join sororities as freshman. Most new members live in the residence hall.

Most fraternities select new members beginning in the spring and continuing through the summer each year. Men may join primarily as freshman and sophomores. Most new members live in their fraternity house if the chapter owns a property. Men may join a fraternity year-round.

Complete information regarding fraternities and sororities including costs, how to register, recruitment dates and methods, the recruitment week schedule for sororities, and a list of K-State fraternity and sorority chapters can be found on the website.

Information about fraternities and sororities that select new members via the intake process which occurs later in the academic year can also be found on the website.


Housing and Dining Services

Charles Werring, Assistant Vice President/Director

104 Pittman Building
1-888-568-5027 (toll free)
Fax: 785-532-6855
E-mail: housing@k-state.edu

The university encourages all new K-State students to live in an organized living group. Living in a residential community provides students with a sense of belonging and an avenue for involvement. Research indicates academic achievement is enhanced by involvement. Students who choose a community-based living group are provided many opportunities for interaction with other students and university staff. Furthermore, the opportunity to participate in organized social, athletic, and educational events contributes to career success.

K-State provides on-campus residence hall living for approximately 3,800 students and on campus apartment living for approximately 1,345 residents.

Residence Halls

K-State residence halls have a rich tradition of providing a living and learning environment that encourages personal growth and academic success.

The award-winning dining services provides a wide variety of menu options in dining centers conveniently located adjacent to the residence halls. Lifestyle options include standard double-occupancy rooms, suites, cluster areas and quiet floors. Staff members work diligently to meet the needs of all students.

The academic-year contract is issued to a student following receipt of a residence hall application and nonrefundable application fee. The cost of the contract is set on an annual basis. Students may select a semester or payment plan.

Academic Initiatives

Residence halls offer individualized academic support to residents through trained staff, programming, and faculty involvement. Computer labs, study rooms, two academic resource centers, free tutoring, cluster floors for students with the same major, and workshops to help improve academic skills make the residence halls a great environment for learning and academic success.

Leadership and Involvement Opportunities

The Leadership Education And Development (LEAD) program offers current and aspiring leaders the skills they need to be successful. Hall Governing Boards (HGB) and floor governments plan and implement educational, cultural, and social programs; intramural events; community service projects; and more. Judicial boards provide an opportunity for students to address one another regarding policy violations that impact the community. The Kansas State University Association of Residence Halls (ARH) works closely with hall representatives to develop and implement policies that promote respect and acceptance of all residence hall students. ARH also plans larger all-hall events.

Jardine Apartment Complex

The on campus Jardine Apartment Complex provides apartment living for student families, nontraditional, single graduate and upperclass undergraduate students.

This newly redeveloped apartment complex offers students an apartment style housing selection including over 56 different floor plans to choose from. Different price points include options in newly constructed apartments, renovated and traditional units. Activities help residents to get involved and stay connected.

The rental rate includes gas (if applicable), water, and trash. There is a nonrefundable application fee due at the time of application. Assignments are made on a first-come, first-serve basis, and early application is recommended. On assignment, a deposit equivalent to one month’s rent is required.


International Student Center

Sara Thurston González, PhD, Director

International Student Center
Fax: 785-532-6607
E-mail: isc-fso@k-state.edu

The staff at the International Student Center provide vital services for K-State’s over 1,400 international students, scholars, and their families. This incluldes advice on U.S. immigration regulations, support during their stay in the U.S., and cultural programs. Additionally, staff members provide leadership and support for a variety of programs that promote global awareness and understanding.

The International Student Center is composed of three building that have been completely funded by private gifts to K-State. The Taiwan Wing houses most of the staff. The Korean Room houses the director’s office and office meeting space. The Center provides a comfortable relaxed atmosphere where people can meet or attend various programs. It includes a multipurpose meeting room, kitchen, reading lounge, and the Barbara Wilson Children’s Room. Rental of the facilities is available. The building has wireless internet reception.


K-State Student Union and Union Program Council (UPC)

Bernard Pitts, Executive Director

K-State Student Union
Director’s Office, 2nd Floor
Fax: 785-532-6565
E-mail: union@k-state.edu

Union Mission Statement: The K-State Student Union is the host of the campus community and plays an integral role in the educational mission of the University. It provides products, services, and programs to enhance the quality of life of its students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests, with particular emphasis on students. It fosters an environment that promotes respect for all peoples and values diversity, leadership development, and the free exchange of ideas.

Since 1956 the K-State Student Union has served the university and surrounding community with a variety of social, recreational, educational, and cultural activities. The Union and its diverse programs and services are supported by student fees and generated revenue. The Union is the exciting hub of campus life. Often referred to as the “living room” of the campus, the Union provides a gathering place and a common ground for students, faculty, staff, alumni, university departments and the greater community.

The Union facility is made up of many services and programs. It is also the home of several campus organizations.

The official K-State Bookstore located on the Union’s ground floor, is not only the most convenient place to get your textbooks, but also has a great selection of K-State merchandise and apparel. For more information you can contact us by phone (785) 532-6583 or visit our web page.

The Union Recreation Center, located in the Union’s lower level, is the best place for relaxing on campus. Whether it’s something fun to do between classes or an evening with friends, the Union Recreation Center is the place to be. The center is equipped with 16 bowling lanes 14 billiard tables, 2 air hockey tables, a video arcade, shuffleboard, and a Subway Sandwich Shop. Student Bolwing leagues are always very popular and billiard leagues are also available. The recreation center is also available for group gatherings.

Food is always on the mind of the college student and the Union has plenty of choices:

The Union Food Court offers a wide variety of food in one convenient location. Chic-fil-A, Taco Bell, Panda Express, pizza, Bar-B-Que, home cooking favories, salad bar, and even shushi are some of the offerings available daily in the Foodcourt.

Caribou Coffee Shop, located just inside the Union’s north entrance, is a great place to grab a cup of coffee and relax. Its large menu of speciality drinks, Call Hall ice cream, and the cozy atmosphere make it a great time-out in a busy day. For more information, contact us by phone (785) 532-7104.

Subway Sandwiches, located in the Recreation Area on the lower level of the Union, is ready to serve you great tasting sandwiches seven days a week. Subway is open longer hours and later than any other food venue in the Union.

The Bluemont Buffet, located on the second floor of the Union, has been a campus favorite for many years. The buffet, served in the Bluemont Room from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, is very popular for a relaxed, quiet, professional lunch atmosphere. The buffet features entrees, carved meats, vegetables, hot rolls, desserts, beverages, and a salad bar. The buffet also features specialty buffets throughout the year such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day and many more. A complete listing of specialty buffets and the daily menu is available on the web page.

The Cats’ Den Convenience Store, located just inside the north entrance of the Union, is an easy place to pick up a drink or a tasty snack between classes. The Cats’ Den also has basic school supplies and a selection of health and beauty items for Cats on the go. For more information, contact us by phone (785) 532-6592 or visit our web page.

The Bookend Cafe in Hale Library is not physically located in the Union building, but it is definitely part of the Union. Located in Hale Library, the Bookend has become the place to go when studying at Hale Library. Offering Starbucks Coffee and a variety of menu items, the cafe has captured the hearts and appetites of Library patrons.

The Union has a large selection of meeting rooms and banquet facilities. These rooms are offered at a discount to students, faculty, staff and registered campus student groups. Whatever the size of your next meeting, the Union has a room to meet your needs.

Catering is an essential part of the Union’s essential services. It it’s a private lunch for 12 or a banquet for 1200, Union Foodservice can handle it. For a listing of catering services and menu items see our web page.

The Union Computer Store, located on the Union’s first floor, is a full-line computer store and an Apple authorized educational reseller. Students can receive discounts on Apple computers, Microsoft and Adobe products, as well as other “academic” software. The computer Store also carries a variety of computer supplies, the complete line of Apple iPods and a large selection of iPod accessories. For a listing of services, feel free to contact us by phone at (785) 532-7319 or web page.

The ID Center, located on the first floor of the Union, is where all students, faculty, and staff get their Wildcat Cards. The Wildcat Card is your official university ID and can be used as: Photo ID, Access/Entry Card, Calling Card, Vending/Printing Card, Library Card, Cat Cash On-Campus Debit Account, Meal Debit Plan Card. The ID Center can also assist with card replacements, Cat Cash deposits and Union Gift Card purchases. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by phone at (785) 532-6399 or by e-mail.

Union Program Council (UPC)

Union Program Council (UPC), K-State’s premier student-led event planning organization, provides entertainment to the K-State community and an opportunity for students to gain leadership skills. UPC sponsors over 175 programs each year. UPC’s student volunteers determine the films you see on weekends, select the comedians that make you laugh, choose the art exhibited in the William T. Kemper Art Gallery, decide which controversial issues speakers address, expose you to different cultures with their multicultural programming and organize a substance-free After Hours every Friday night during the semester.

All students are encouraged to get involved with UPC and its various committees. Students help create and plan the exciting events that are the talk of the campus. UPC volunteers receive valuable experiences that complement both their academic pursuits and future job skills. Students who want to get involved should contact UPC by phone (785) 532-6571 or visit our web page.

The Union has many other services to offer, including a full-service Commerce Bank, ATMs, a copy center, two computer labs with printing capabilities, and the K-State’s Women’s Center information center. The Union is also the home of many student offices: the Student Governing Association (SGA), the Office of Student Activities and Services (OSAS), Greek Affairs, Multicultural Student Organization, Union Governing Board (UGB), and the campus radio station, Wildcat 91.9, all call the Union home


Lafene Health Center

Lannie W. Zweimiller, Director

1105 Sunset Avenue
Manhattan, KS 66502-3761
Fax: 785-532-6627
E-mail: lafene@k-state.edu

The Lafene Health Center is a modern ambulatory healthcare facility designed to provide for most student outpatient health needs. The health center is fully accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Students who have paid the health fee as a part of their tuition are eligible for care. Non-student spouses, university conference participants, and other campus visitors may receive care upon payment of a special fee.

Lafene Health Center provides, through a full complement of medical and other professional personnel, a range of services that include special clinics for sports-related injuries, women, and allergies and immunizations, as well as a clinic for general care. Also included are services in health education, nutrition, and physical therapy. The services of a pharmacy, laboratory, and x-ray are available at reduced rates.

The center is staffed by full-time physicians with medical support personnel. When necessary, the student is referred to specialists for treatment at the student’s expense.

After regular clinic hours, a student who is ill or injured may receive medical care at a local hospital, at the student’s expense. Home visits are not made. The local ambulance service is available, when needed, to transport patients to the appropriate health care facility.


It is strongly recommended that all students at K-State carry medical insurance, either through the parents’ plan at home or through the university-sponsored student health insurance plan available at special rates. This latter plan covers most services provided at Lafene Health Center and allowed claims for medical expenses if the student requires care away from the campus.

Medical History

K-State requires a complete medical history, including a current immunization record, on all new students or transfer students. This history must be completed on the Kansas State University medical history form and is required prior to provision of non-emergency treatment at the health center. A physical examination is not required, but encouraged, and a copy of this examination assists the staff in evaluating illnesses. If a student has a continuing medical problem, a summary from the attending physician is helpful should treatment at the center be needed. Students receiving allergy injections must furnish instructions from their allergist before injections can be administered at the health center.

International Students

International students from countries with a high incidence of tuberculosis and others who have spent more than four months in such a country are required by university policy to be skin tested for tuberculosis prior to enrolling at K-State.

Incoming Students Residing in University-owned Housing

State of Kansas Board of Regents requires all incoming students residing in university-owned housing to be vaccinated against meningitis or sign a document waiviing the vaccination. The vaccine can be obtained at Lafene Health Center or the student’s private physician. Waiver forms may also be obtained at the Health Center or the university housing office.

Multicultural Programs and Services

224 Anderson Hall

The Office of Multicultural Programs and Services provides assistance to the Asian- American Student Union (AASU), Black Student Union (BSU), Hispanic American Leadership Organization (HALO), Native American Student Association (NASA), United Black Voices (UBV), and other cultural and academic interest organizations focusing on multicultural students.

MPS assists organizations in sponsoring programs and activities that heighten multicultural awareness and leadership at K-State and in the community. MPS also provides support and assistance to all multicultural students through individual consultations and through building strong support systems that help foster the educational and personal development of multicultural students on campus.


New Student Services

Pat J. Bosco, Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students
Emily Lehning, Assistant Dean of Student Life and Coordinator of New Student Programs

122 Anderson Hall
Fax: 785-532-6108
E-mail: nss@k-state.edu

New Student Services works with prospective students and their families. Admissions representatives meet with high school students during school visits, college fairs, and special events.

New Student Services coordinates campus visits, orientation and enrollment, Wildcat Warm-up, the K-State Parents and Family Association, the K-State Challenge Course, and the Presidential Lecture Series.


Off-Campus Housing

The Office of Student Activities and Services maintains an up-to-date listing of major apartment complexes, real estate agents, and property management companies. The office also provides a bulletin board in the Union that lists available rental units, with information on cost, size, restrictions, etc., and other housing options.


Office of Student Life

Pat J. Bosco, Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students
122 Anderson Hall

Student life services, including Admissions, Student Financial Assistance, Greek Affairs, Housing, K-State Student Union, New Student Services, Recreational Services, Registrar, and the Office of Student Life, are coordinated and directed by the associate vice president and dean. These units meet the needs of prospective and enrolled students.

Carla Jones, Assistant Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Senior-Associate Dean of Student Life
Heather Reed, Assistant Dean of Student Life

102 Holton Hall
Fax: 785-532-5307
E-mail: stulife@k-state.edu

The Office of Student Life is responsible for student activities, student government, and the administration of the judicial program for nonacademic misconduct. Adult Student Services, Religious Activities, Student Activities, Student Government, and the K-State Women’s Center are supervised and supported by this office. Staff members coordinate assistance to students and families in times of personal crisis and are available to students for general advice, counsel, and assistance with personal and academic problems.


Recreational Services

Steve Martini, Director

101 Peters Recreation Complex
Fax: 785-532-4983
E-mail: recservices@k-state.edu

Recreational Services is responsible for intramurals, recreational sports, fitness/wellness programs, and sport clubs administration for the campus.

The award-winning Chester E. Peters Recreation Complex features 14 racquetball courts; two squash courts; three gyms for basketball, volleyball, and badminton; two weight training and cardiovascular areas; a large multipurpose area for group fitness sessions; two indoor running/walking tracks; a combatives area; a table tennis room; locker rooms with saunas; and a central services area for equipment checkout.

The natatorium at the Ahearn Sports Complex offers two 25-yard pools, diving well with 3-meter and 1-meter boards, and sunning deck. The natatorium is handicapped accessible.

Outdoor facilities include lighted playfields for football, soccer, softball, and sand volleyball; lighted tennis, basketball, and 3-wall racquetball/handball courts; horseshoe pits; and a fitness cluster with running/walking trails.

Outdoor recreational equipment and camping equipment can be rented at the Outdoor Rental Center.

A wide variety of group fitness sessions are offered, including cardio, BOSU, indoor cycling, yoga, pilates, and aqua exercise. Personal trainers offer assessments and program planning. Athletic trainers provide evaluation and treatment of sports-related injuries, including first aid and taping service.

Intramural sports are scheduled competitive activities. Team, individual, and meet sports are offered for students, faculty, and staff. More than 50 different intramural activities are offered for men, women, and co-rec competitors.

The sport clubs program provides an opportunity to participate and compete against other universities, in a number of traditional sports such as volleyball, soccer, and rugby, plus nontraditional sports such as paintball, skydiving, and ultimate frisbee.

The department provides many student employment opportunities for lifeguards, sports officials, building supervisors, group fitness leaders, personal trainers, and office assistants.

Additional information and a complete schedule of hours and events is available on the Recreational Services home page.


Religious Activities

D. Erich Schwartz, Coordinator

102 All Faiths Chapel
E-mail: des2007@k-state.edu

The coordinator of religious activities provides information regarding religious activities and organizations on campus and in the community. Pastoral care and counseling are available through this office and by referral. Students may seek counseling regarding relationships, sexuality, death and loss, or other personal and spiritual concerns. Two memorial chapels on campus, Danforth and All Faiths, are available at specific times for student worship, weddings, and private meditation.


Scholarship Advising Office

Jim Hohenbary, Assistant Dean for Nationally Competitive Scholarships

112 Eisenhower Hall
Fax: 785-532-7004
Email: jimlth@k-state.edu

The Scholarship Advising Office assists K-State students as they compete for nationally competitive awards such as the Rhodes, Marshall, Truman, Goldwater, and Udall.

The office informs students about awards that might suit their accomplishments and goals, advises students as they prepare their applications, and manages the campus selection process for scholarships and fellowships that require applicants to be nominated by their university.

A strong academic record and active resume are essential for applications. Students interested in competing for major awards are encouraged to consult with the office as early as possible in their college career.

The office website provides a more complete listing of national scholarships and fellowships. Note that the office primarily advises students regarding major award competitions that are external to the university. Students seeking information about K-State scholarships should consult the Office of Student Financial Assistance and their academic departments.


Student Activities and Services

Gayle Spencer, Assistant Dean of Student Life and Coordinator of Student Activities and Services

Office of Student Activities and Services
K-State Student Union, Ground Floor
Fax: 785-532-7292
E-mail: osas@k-state.edu

The Office of Student Activities and Services helps students identify campus activities and avenues of campus and community involvement. The office houses the Student Governing Association, Student Judicial System, Student Legal Services, Consumer and Tenant Affairs, K-State HD, and the Student Organization Budget Office. The office also assists individuals and groups who wish to organize and register their organization on the K-State campus.


Student Government

Gayle Spencer, Assistant Dean of Student Life and Coordinator of Student Activities and Services

Office of Student Activities and Services
K-State Student Union, Ground Floor
Fax: 785-532-7292
E-mail: osas@k-state.edu

The purpose of the Student Governing Association is to help students voice concerns, suggestions, or grievances. Every student is a member of SGA and is represented by a college council (elected by the students in each respective college), a student senator, and by the student body president and vice president. The student senators, student body president, and vice president are elected by the K-State student body.

SGA is divided into three branches: legislative, judicial, and executive. Student Senate makes up the legislative branch. It is composed of six standing committees: allocations, college council allocations, governmental relations, privilege fee, senate operations, and university relations.

The judicial branch is composed of the judicial council, student review board, student tribunal, parking citations appeals board, and the housing and dining services judicial boards.

The student body president, vice president, and cabinet make up the executive branch. The president has the responsibility to promote the general welfare of the students and acts as the official voice of the student body to the faculty, administration, and public.

Student Organizations

More than 425 organizations are available to students, faculty members, staff, and community members.

Any organization desiring to become a registered organization must register with the Office of Student Activities and Services. Registered groups have the opportunity to request funds from SGA, hold fund-raising activities on campus, and schedule rooms and tables in the K-State Student Union as well as most campus facilities. Registered student organizations may also post notices in university buildings and on campus bulletin boards.


Upward Bound and Other Youth Programs

Margaret Turner, Director
Upward Bound-Manhattan and
Upward Bound Math and Science
Wildcat Landing
1800 Claflin Ave., Ste. 204
785-532-6374 (Math and Science)
Fax: 785-532-5099
E-mail: mat7854@ksu.edu

Cari Barragree, Director
Upward Bound-Salina
103 Tullis-Salina campus
Fax: 785-826-2627
E-mail: clott@ksu.edu

Upward Bound

Upward Bound provides academic and personal counseling and guidance to high school students who qualify by being first generation and/or students with limited income from Pottawatomie, Riley, and Geary counties. Upward Bound Math and Science serves students from Topeka. Upward Bound at Salina serves students from Canton Galva, Clay Center, Ell-Saline, Newton, Lincoln Junior and Senior, Hanover, and Linn High Schools. Each program motivates students with academic potential and prepares them for post-secondary education. Emphasis is on academics, social, cultural, and vocational activities and experiences during the school year and a summer campus residential program.

Earl Woods Youth Academy

Jon Kropilak, Executive Director

Earl Woods National First Tee Academy
201 Holton Hall
Fax: 785-532-6457
E-mail: national1sttee@k-state.edu

This dynamic youth development initiative delivers valuable character education and leadership training to participants from throughout the world. Many University departments support the EWYA mission of impacting young people by conducting career and academic workshops, ethical leadership training, and life skills clinics. The EWYA is a non-profit organization.


K-State Women’s Center

Mary Todd, Director & Sexual Assault Advocate

206 Holton Hall
Fax: 785-532-6457
Email: womenscenter@k-state.edu

Dr. Susan Allen, Nonviolence Education

The K-State Women’s Center works to promote a safe and equitable work and learning environment for women and all people through advocacy, presentations, academic classes, training, and referral. Social justice is our unifying mission for a variety of individual and community efforts. Since 1973, this office has supported the well-being of K-State women by providing advocacy and promoting gender equity. More recent initiatives involve campus culture change efforts such as nonviolence education, the Empty Bowls Project, and programs directed to men. Over 150 K-State men and women from all majors comprise W.A.R. (Wildcats Against Rape), a student group dedicated to raising awareness of campus sexual violence.

We work with the K-State Campaign for Nonviolence (CNV) on many justice-related projects including: the SafeZone project, a campus-wide volunteer organization created to improve reporting of sexual assault and other discriminatory or hateful acts and crimes, as well as to provide allies for GLBT students, faculty, and staff with concerns; Noontime Yoga and Evening Meditation for faculty, staff, students, and community members; and sponsorship of the CNV student activist group ACTION, whose mission is to carry out social change projects.

On the academic side, we work with the College of Arts and Sciences on the development of its new 15-hour Nonviolence Studies Certificate Program. The P.E.E.R.S. (Proactive Educators for the Elimination of Rape and Sexual Violence) class is taught by the K-State Women’s Center Director and is founded on the belief that students can effectively educate each other on issues concerning rape and sexual/relationship violence. PEERS is offered as a two-semester, 3 credit seminar, providing in-depth training about the cultural, psychological, medical, criminal, and legal system aspects of sexual assault, followed by opportunities to present to organizations, living groups and classes.

The K-State Women’s Center sexual assault advocate provides 24-hour assistance for K-State students who have been victimized by violence or who are threatened by biased, hateful, or criminal behavior. Staff members work with individuals who are filing complaints under K-State’s Policy Prohibiting Sexual Violence and with offices and agencies on and off campus who can help students with law enforcement, legal, medical, and academic conerns.

The office is 206 Holton is open to all faculty, staff, and students; a K-State Women’s Center/CNV Kiosk is located in the K-State Union Monday through Friday from 10-3 for more information.