Larry Moeder, Assistant Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Director, Admissions and Student Financial Assistance
Office of Admissions
Kansas State University
119 Anderson Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-0114
1-800-432-8270 (toll free)
General Admission Information
Undergraduate students interested in attending Kansas State University on the main campus in Manhattan, or the College of Technology and Aviation campus in Salina, may request information and assistance by writing, calling, or sending e-mail to the Office of Admissions.
The Office of Admissions is located on the Manhattan campus and is open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. All campus offices are closed on weekends.
Undergraduate students wishing to apply for admission may do so by submitting a paper application form with appropriate application fee or by submitting the electronic application through the Internet and providing credit card information for the application fee. The application fee must be received before the application can be processed.
Access the electronic application. All supporting documents and credentials must be in paper format to be considered official for admission purposes.
No qualified student will be denied admission to the university on the basis of race, sex, national origin, handicap, age, sexual orientation, or other nonmerit reasons.
Campus Visits
Students and parents are welcome and encouraged to visit the campuses. For a visit to the Manhattan (main) campus please contact the Office of Admissions at the address or phone number above. For maximum benefit from your visit it is wise to plan your visit two weeks in advance so that appropriate appointments can be made and admission representatives can be available for consultation concerning your educational plans.
Students and parents who want to visit the College of Technology campus in Salina are encouraged to contact the College Center, 2310 Centennial Road, Salina campus. The phone number is 785-826-2640 or 1-800-248- 5782 (Kansas only). The office is open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and admissions representatives are available to schedule campus visits and to provide information regarding College of Technology programs.
Glossary of Admission Terms
Apply for admission: The process of submitting written or electronic application and supporting credentials so that an official determination of eligibility to attend the university can be made.
Enrollment: The process of selecting courses and arranging a schedule of classes for the semester.
International students: Individuals who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States.
New freshmen: High school graduates with no earned college credits after high school graduation. Students taking college-level work while in high school are considered new freshmen.
Nondegree students: Students not pursuing a degree who have been admitted for specific purposes or at the discretion of a director. Generally, these students are limited to 15 hours of credit from K-State. Other restrictions may apply. Nondegree students will not qualify for financial assistance.
Official test scores: ACT, SAT, and TOEFL results that are received directly from the testing service. Scores noted on high school transcripts, personal reports, etc., are not official results.
Official transcript: A transcript that is sent directly by mail or fax from the registrar of a credit-granting institution to the K-State Admissions Office. Personal grade reports or student copies of transcripts are not official records.
Readmitted students: Any student who has previously been admitted and attended K-State courses on the Manhattan campus at any time since high school graduation. Any student who was admitted to and attended classes after high school graduation on the College of Technology campus since fall of 1991.
Registration: The process of paying fees.
Special students: Students not pursuing a degree but meeting all standard admission requirements. Special students will not qualify for financial assistance.
Transfer students: Students who have earned college-level credit since high school graduation.
Freshman Admissions
Admission to Kansas State University is granted to individuals who meet one of the following requirements:
High school graduates from an accredited high school must:
- Achieve an ACT score of 21 or above or an SAT of 980 or above; or
- Rank in the top third of the graduating class at the end of the seventh or eighth semester; or
- Complete the precollege curriculum:
Subject |
required |
Courses to take |
English |
4 |
One unit of English for each year of high school |
Natural science |
3 |
Choose three units from:
- Biology
- Advanced biology
- Earth/space science
- General science
- Principles of technology
- Chemistry
- Physics
At least one unit must be in chemistry or physics |
Math |
3 |
Three units of math during high school,
at or above the level of Algebra I:
- Algebra I
- Algebra II
- Geometry
Social science |
3 |
One unit of U.S. history
One-half unit of U.S. government
One unit selected from:
- Psychology
- Economics
- Civics
- History
- Current social issues
- Sociology
- Anthropology
- Race and ethnic group relations
One-half unit selected from:
- World history
- World geography
- International relations
Computer technology |
1 |
Basic applications. Keyboarding does not apply |
One unit = 1 year or 2 semesters
Resident students must have a 2.0 in the precollege curriculum.
Nonresident students must have a 2.5 in the precollege curriculum.
GED graduates must:
Before January 2002
- Achieve an overall average GED score of 50 points or higher.
Tested January 2002 or later (minimum scores)
- Achieve a 2,550 overall GED score; 510 on each test.
Transfer students with fewer than 24 transferable credit hours must:
- Meet the conditions for high school graduates; and
- Achieve a cumulative college GPA of 2.0.
- *Some academic programs require higher GPAs
Home-schooled students
Home-schooled students will be considered for admission on the same basis of ACT, SAT, or GED scores. Students must submit scores and high school transcripts. Contact the Office of Admissions if you have questions about home schooling qualifications or requirements for admission.
Adult students
Students who are 21 or older and have graduated from high school, or earned a GED score (defined in preceding section), may be admitted to Kansas State University without meeting the state’s ACT score, high school rank, or high school GPA criteria. Adult students are required to have a cumulative college GPA of 2.0.
Students with unusual academic circumstances
Kansas State University realizes there are circumstances that may prevent students from meeting the admission requirements. Students who have encountered unusual situations that may have kept them from meeting the requirements for admission should bring those circumstances to the attention of an admissions director. In some situations, a student who has not met the established admission requirements may be admitted on an exception basis.
Apply early
Students are encouraged to initiate the application process early in their senior year by submitting a completed application and the nonrefundable $30 application fee. To complete an application, each student must submit official scores from the American College Test (ACT) or from the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Following graduation from high school, an eighth-semester transcript showing the date of high school graduation must be submitted.
American College Test (ACT)
K-State recommends that all new freshmen applicants, regardless of age and non-traditional status, take the ACT (or SAT) and have official test results forwarded to the university. The test can be taken on one of the national test dates throughout the year. If the applicant anticipates applying for scholarships, the October test is recommended. Test centers are available nationally. Information about the ACT is available from the Office of Admissions and from your local high school counseling office.
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
In some situations, students are unable to participate in the ACT program but do have access to the SAT program offered through the College Board. K-State will substitute SAT results for purposes of making admission decisions, but students are encouraged to take the ACT so that all data made available through that service can become part of the student’s advising portfolio. Contact the Office of Admissions if you have questions about standardized testing.
Transfer Admissions
Transfer qualifications
Students who have earned college or university credit after high school graduation must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale to qualify for admission to the university. The following programs of study require higher grade point averages.
- All College of Architecture, Planning, and Design programs
- All College of Engineering programs
- All College of Business Administration programs
- Interior design
- Mass communication (journalism)
- Psychology
- All health-related professions
- All teacher education programs (does not apply to pre-professional education)
For information regarding specific program requirements contact the college’s dean’s office or refer to the college’s academic section of this catalog. Students transferring fewer than 24 credit hours should see the Freshman Admissions section in this catalog.
Transfer application
Application procedures require a completed application form, the $30 nonrefundable application fee, and complete official transcripts from all previous colleges or universities.
Transfer applicants who have earned less than 24 hours of transfer credit must also submit an official final high school transcript showing their graduation date and ACT scores. Information about institutions previously attended should be submitted upon application, and transcripts should be submitted regardless of the applicant’s preferences concerning use of previously earned credit.
The College of Arts and Sciences offers an option to enter the university without declaring a specific program of study. This program is limited to students who have earned less than 60 college-level credit hours. If you have earned 60 or more credit hours you must specify a major.
All applicants to the College of Business Administration must begin their studies in pre-professional business administration. Students who have less than a 2.3 GPA will not be admitted to the College of Business Administration.
All documentation should be sent to the Office of Admissions in Manhattan. All documents submitted become the property of the university and cannot be returned or copied.
Transcript evaluations
Most academic credits from accredited community colleges and universities are transferable to K-State. Up to half of the hours required for a K-State baccalaureate degree can be taken at a two-year college.
Official evaluation of transfer credit is part of the admission procedure. Application of transfer credit toward degree requirements is determined by each college and major department.
University general education requirements for transfer students
Transfer students entering Kansas State University beginning in fall 1997 and/or transferring credit earned from accredited two-year or four-year institutions after summer 1997 are required to complete a minimum number of university general education credit hours at K-State. The minimum number of university general education credit hours required is based upon total number of completed transfer credit hours accepted at K-State.
Associate degree programs
Number of completed transfer credit hours
accepted at K-State on initial date of entry |
Minimum university general education
credit hours to be taken at K-State |
0–14 |
6 |
15 and above |
3 |
Baccalaureate degree programs
Number of completed transfer credit hours
accepted at K-State on initial date of entry |
Minimum university general education
credit hours to be taken at K-State |
0–7 |
18 |
8–29 |
12 |
30–44 |
9 |
45 and above |
6 |
Each student pursuing a bachelor’s degree is required to complete a minimum of 6 credit hours of K-State upper-division university general education courses (300 or above) as specified in the program in which they will graduate. For precise requirements for degree completion, refer to the academic department of your major in this catalog.
Credit by exam credits may be considered “transfer credits” for purposes of the university general education policy.
UGE policy for credit for study abroad
See University General Education Requirements in the Degrees section of this catalog.
Approved courses
Courses currently approved for university general education credit are listed on the web.
This list will change as courses are approved, deleted, and added.
Please note that the Kansas Board of Regents defines basic skills courses as separate from university general education. K-State basic skills courses include Expository Writing courses, College Algebra, and Public Speaking. Therefore, these courses will not fulfill your general education requirements.
Community college articulation
K-State has transfer articulation agreements with the 19 Kansas community colleges. Students who have received an associate of arts degree from a Kansas community college are guaranteed junior classification.
All credits of an associate degree are not necessarily applicable toward a bachelor’s degree; additional freshman, sophomore, and general education courses may be required to meet degree requirements.
The associate of applied science (AAS) and associate of general studies (AGS) degrees will only transfer into specific bachelor’s programs. Generally, these degrees will only apply toward bachelor degrees in areas related to technical occupations.
Course equivalency information on all Kansas community colleges is available on the web. Access this information to look up specific course transferability.
Military evaluation for credit
The evaluation of military training and experience is conducted in the Office of Admissions. An evaluation of military experience is optional and has no bearing on admission to K-State. This evaluation does not include evaluation of transfer work from other educational institutions.
These documents are used for evaluations: DD-214, DD-295, certificates of completion, Defense Language Institute transcripts, Academy of Health Sciences at Fort Sam Houston transcripts, and AARTS transcripts. Active military personnel may have their current, primary MOS evaluated, provided it has been validated by a performance evaluation within the last 12 months.
Credit awarded through military credential evaluation will be recorded on the K-State transcript at the time the student is admitted to a degree seeking program at K-State and enrolls in K-State courses.
In general, the university follows the recommendation given in A Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services published by the American Council on Education as these recommendations apply to a student’s K-State degree program. Kansas State University does not award physical education credit for basic training. Credit in military science is granted based on length of time in service and rank upon discharge. Military correspondence courses and courses that last less than two weeks are not recognized for college-level credit. Credits resulting from military evaluations granted by other institutions are not transferable to K-State.
Special and Non-degree Student Admissions
Several categories of special and nondegree students exist at K-State. All students are subject to stated requirements and are responsible for payment of all fees, regular attendance at classes, and maintenance of satisfactory standing. Special and nondegree options are not available for international students on student visas.
Special student applicants
Students who do not intend to become candidates for a degree may apply for admission as special students. Such students must submit the traditional application, application fee, test scores, and appropriate transcripts. Special student applicants must meet standard admission requirements. Special and nondegree-seeking students are not eligible for financial assistance.
Nondegree-seeking student applicants
Some students may be admitted as nondegree-seeking students at the discretion of a director of admissions. Nondegree-seeking students must submit the standard application, application fee, test scores, and appropriate transcripts. These students will be allowed to complete a maximum of 15 semester hours in nondegree status. In order to pursue work beyond the 15 hour limit, students must notify the Office of Admissions of the selected degree program and meet all requirements. Nondegree-seeking students are required to sign an agreement specifying the terms of their admission.
High school students
Outstanding high school juniors and seniors may be admitted to take courses while completing their high school requirements. High school students must submit an application, application fee, a recommendation from the high school, an outstanding high school academic record, and specify the courses in which they plan to enroll.
Younger students may be granted admission under special circumstances. In addition to the documents mentioned above, younger students must file a letter of consent from their parent(s) and a letter of approval to enroll in the selected class from the K-State department offering the class.
The university monitors the progress of all pre-college students very carefully. Students are approved for enrollment on the basis of space available in the selected class and success in prior university course work, if applicable.
International Admissions
For purposes of admission, international applicants are defined as all persons who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States.
Generally, international applicants seeking admission to Kansas State University must meet the same academic standards for admission as those required of American applicants. There are wide variations, however, between educational systems throughout the world that make exact comparisons of educational standards difficult. International applicants are selected on the basis of their prior academic work, probability of success in the chosen curriculum (as evidenced by prior work in the academic area involved), and certification of adequate financial resources.
International applicants must submit a completed international application form; an $80 nonrefundable application fee; translated secondary schooling records, or a credentials evaluation report; notarized affidavit of financial sponsorship; and when applicable, translated college transcripts.
TOEFL/English proficiency
A minimum score of 550 on the TOEFL, or 213 on the computer-based TOEFL, is required for enrollment at K-State. Proficiency also may be demonstrated by passing a full academic year of college-level freshman English (i.e., equivalent to ENGL 100 and ENGL 120) with a grade of C or better at an accredited institution of higher education in the United States.
Priority deadlines for international application
For students currently studying in the United States and for students outside the country:
- May 1: Fall semester
- October 1: Spring semester
- March 1: Summer semester
Advanced credit for international evaluation
The following methods are used by Kansas State University to validate the awarding of advanced standing credit for international students who have completed work in their home countries at the postsecondary level:
- Credit is granted based upon recommendation by recognized academic publications, primarily the World Education Series of American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.
- Validation by an academic department at Kansas State University. Students initiate validation of prior academic experiences through their college dean’s office.
- Validation by a comparable credit-granting department at Kansas State University. Students initiate validation of prior academic experiences through the transfer coordinator in the Office of Admissions or their college dean’s office. Validation by one of the following two options will be at the discretion of the credit-granting department.
a. Course-by-course evaluation examination by comparable K-State academic department.
b. The advisor and/or academic dean’s office makes a preliminary evaluation of the level a student has completed and begins the student at that level. Upon successful completion of that course, all related lower-level courses in that area, as determined by the department granting credit, would be validated and credit awarded.
Enrollment requirements
All new students whose primary language is not English must demonstrate English Language proficiency before completing enrollment for the first time at the university. This requirement applies to international and non-international, permanent residents, immigrants, transfer and non-transfer student alike. An assessment test of written and spoken proficiency is given by the English Language Program prior to each enrollment period. If results of the student’s proficiency level indicate inadequate preparation, the director of the English Language Program may recommend one of the following conditional enrollment options.
- Full-time study in the English Language Program until adequate proficiency is demonstrated.
- A combination of part-time study (6 hours) in the English Language Program and parttime study (6 hours) in the academic area until adequate proficiency for full-time academic study is demonstrated.
- Full enrollment in an academic program with no English language requirements.
Fraudulent Applications
Individuals who withhold or provide fraudulent information on applications for undergraduate admissions or readmissions are subject to immediate dismissal from the university. The decision for immediate dismissal will be made by the director of admissions or academic dean. This decision will be made after a complete and thorough review of the situation and an individual conference with the student involved. The individual dismissed has the right to appeal the decision to the committee on academic policy and procedure, whose decision will be final.
Readmit Students
A readmit is any undergraduate student who has previously been admitted and attended K-State courses on the Manhattan campus at any time since high school graduation, or any undergraduate student who was admitted to and attended classes after high school graduation on the Salina (College of Technology and Aviation) campus since fall 1991.
Students need to reapply and be readmitted if they have graduated from K-State and want to return for further undergraduate work, have not been enrolled at K-State for at least one semester, or have been dismissed from K-State. There is no readmission application fee.
Graduate students who have attended graduate school at K-State or earned a K-State graduate degree, but have never been an undergraduate student at K-State, must file an undergraduate application and pay the $30 application fee.
Students must be readmitted to a primary major. A minor or secondary major can be added once enrolled. Students who have graduated from K-State cannot be readmitted to seek or complete a minor or secondary major. |