Dennis Law, Dean
Lynn Ewanow, Associate Dean
Wendy Ornelas, Associate Dean
115 Seaton Hall
Fax: 785-532-6722
The College of Architecture, Planning and Design offers opportunities for professional study in architecture, interior architecture and product design, landscape architecture, and regional and community planning.
The college consists of three academic departments: architecture, interior architecture and product design, and landscape architecture and regional and community planning.
The curriculum in architecture is accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). The interior architecture and product design curriculum is accredited by Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA), and the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD). The landscape architecture curricula are accredited by the Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board (LAAB). The planning curriculum is accredited by the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) in cooperation with the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP).
Accredited graduate degrees are offered in architecture, interior architecture and product design, landscape architecture, and regional and community planning to students who have not completed a bachelor’s degree. Accredited graduate degrees in landscape architecture and regional and community planning are offered to students who already hold a bachelor’s degree. The master of science in architecture is intended for students who already hold an accredited bachelor of architecture.
Admission Policies and Procedures
High school applicants
In addition to meeting the university’s admission requirements, first-year admission to the College of Architecture, Planning, and Design is based upon the review of high school cumulative GPA and composite ACT or SAT scores. Admission is selective and competitive, application does not guarantee admission.
Emphasis is placed upon performance in academic course work. The college can admit up to 180 new students. You must apply prior to the deadline stated below because of the limited number of students admitted into the program. The college does not admit freshman or transfer students for the spring semester.
Application materials and deadline
- Application for undergraduate admission with the College of Architecture, Planning, and Design clearly marked as your intended major
- University application fee.
- Official 6th or 7th semester high school transcript
- Official highscool ACT or SAT scores (unofficial scores are accepted if indicated on the oficial transcript)
Send application materials directly to:
Office of Admissions
Kansas State University
119 Anderson Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506–0102
Deadline: February 1
To ensure consideration, application materials must be postmarked by February 1.
College preparatory curriculum
Students are advised to take a full academic course load each year of high school to meet requirements for the recommended college preparatory curriculum. If honors courses and advanced placement courses are available, students are encouraged to take them. In particular, advanced placement courses in calculus and English are helpful. However, the GPA used for admission is unweighted. Courses that develop creative abilities should be taken if time permits. With respect to drawing, the faculty strongly recommends taking a course in freehand drawing. If a choice must be made between technical drawing, CAD, or freehand drawing, the faculty prefers freehand drawing.
The following high school curriculum is highly recommended:
Course |
Units |
Mathematics (Algebra I, geometry, Algebra II, and trigonometry
(pre-calculus or calculus is highly recommended)) |
3–4 |
English (emphasis on critical thinking, reading, and writing) |
4 |
Science (Physics, chemistry, and biology) |
3–4 |
Social studies |
3–4 |
Foreign language |
2–4 |
Computer technology |
1 |
Transfer applicants
A student’s academic performance in college-level course work is an important indicator of future academic performance. Students must have a college grade point average of at least a 3.0 to be considered for admission. However, being considered does not guarantee admission. Please note that all admission decisions are contingent upon maintaining or exceeding the standards. Students who do not continue to meet or exceed the stated expectations may not be allowed to enroll. Transfer students will be placed in the first year.
Students must have completed the following high school mathematics courses prior to arriving at Kansas State University:
- Two units of algebra
- One unit of geometry
- One-half unit of trigonometry
Mathematics courses not taken in high school may be taken at other universities, community colleges, correspondence schools, night schools, or with a private tutor.
Students should contact the College of Architecture, Planning, and Design’s Office of Student Services at 785-532-5047 for advice about the transfer process. It is a good idea to establish contact with the associate dean before enrolling in college courses.
Application materials and deadline
- Application for undergraduate admission with College of Architecture, Planning, and Design clearly marked as your intended major.
- University application fee
- Official college transcript(s)
Send application materials directly to:
Office of Admissions
Kansas State University
119 Anderson Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506–0102.
Deadline: February 1
To ensure consideration, application materials must be postmarked by February 1.
Second-, third-, fourth-, or fifth-year placement
Students who have attended another National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB), Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board (LAAB), or Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) accredited program may be considered for placement in the second, third, fourth, or fifth year of one of our degree programs. However, it is exceedingly rare for a student to be offered a placement other than first year. Prospective transfer students should follow the procedures described in this document and submit course descriptions for all the professional program courses and a portfolio of work completed in design studio. Studio placement will be determined by means of individual portfolio reviews by the faculty. Portfolios must be sent to the associate dean in 212 Seaton Hall, Manhattan, Kansas 66506 and be postmarked no later than February 1.
For more information
For more information about College of Architecture, Planning, and Design programs, write or call:
Director of Student Recruitment
College of Architecture, Planning, and Design
Kansas State University
212 Seaton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506–2902
Fax: 785-532-6722
For more information about admission to Kansas State University, write or call:
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Kansas State University
119 Anderson Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506–0102
1-800-432-8270 (toll free)
or 785-532-6250
University General Education
The College of Architecture, Planning, and Design assures that all degree programs provide breadth through the completion of 18 credit hours to fulfill the university’s general education requirements. These 18 credit hours must be approved university general education courses from outside the professional major designation.
At least 6 credit hours of the 18 credit hours must be taken in courses numbered 300 or above and no more than two courses from any single discipline (as defined by the course prefix) may be counted toward the required 18 credit hours of university general education electives.
Courses used to fulfill university general education credit cannot be in the student’s major.
Students develop their programs of university general education with the ongoing assistance of their academic advisor.
Those electives listed with a specific designation, such as professional, must be chosen from those courses in the indicated field that are open to the student.
For more information about UGE requirements, see the Undergraduate Degrees section of this catalog. For a current list of approved UGE courses see the Registrar’s Office website.
Student academic creations
All programs involve extensive project work. Students are advised to budget sufficient funds to cover the cost of equipment, materials, and supplies. Material costs will be higher than those published for non-studio curricula.
Student academic creations are subject to Kansas State University and Board of Regents intellectual property policies. The Regents policy states:
‘‘The ownership of student works submitted in fulfillment of academic requirements shall be with the creator(s). The student, by enrolling in the institution, gives the institution a non-exclusive royalty-free license to mark on, modify, retain the work as may be required by the process of instruction, or otherwise handle the work as set out in the institution’s intellectual property policy or in the course syllabus. The institution shall not have the right to use work in any other manner without the written consent of the creator(s).’’ ‘‘Otherwise handle,’’ as referenced in this policy, includes display of student work in various media and use for accreditation purposes.
K-State’s intellectual property policy.
International study
Students can earn academic credit by studying abroad in Italy, France, Denmark, Germany or the Czech Republic. Specific information is available from the associate dean of student services.
Internships are available with private practitioners, corporations, and government agencies. Students earn academic credit and a salary while on internship. Specific requirements vary among the departments.
Extracurricular activities
The college offers opportunities for students to become involved in student government, student chapters of professional societies, college ambassadors, first year mentors, Open House, and the student journal, OZ.
Secondary majors
Certain departmental courses have been approved for credit toward secondary majors in gerontology, international studies, and natural resources and environmental sciences. A popular choice is the natural resources and environmental sciences secondary major . For details on courses and requirements for other Secondary Majors.