Feb 15, 2025  
2008-2009 Graduate Catalog 
2008-2009 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Research Facilities and Centers


Special Research Guidelines

James Guikema, Associate Vice President for Research
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
102 Fairchild Hall
785-532-2983 Fax
E-mail: research@k-state.edu

Special research guidelines are in place for scholarly activities that fall into a variety of categories. These include work involving human subjects, which must be reviewed by a human safety oversight committee, and research involving animals, which must be reviewed by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Research that is focused on infectious diseases and hazardous chemicals, or which uses recombinant DNA technology, must be reviewed by a biosafety oversight committee. Research involving artifacts that may be of Native American origin are subject to special federal guidelines. Guidelines for all of these activities, and suggestions regarding the appropriate oversight committees, are found in the Office of Research Compliance.

The purpose of a university is to develop and transmit knowledge. Consistent with this purpose, Kansas State University is committed to making ideas and research results available to all who might wish to use them. Therefore, by University policy, classified research may not be carried out under University auspices by any faculty member, staff, or student. Classified research is broadly defined as research in which the purpose, the investigators, the research procedures, or the results are kept secret for an indefinite period of time, and with the control of their release or publication resting in an agency other than the University.

Below is a partial list of research facilities and centers at Kansas State University. For a more complete listing contact Research and Sponsored Programs at 785-532-6195 or website.


Advanced Manufacturing Institute

510 McCall Road
Manhattan, KS 66502-5034
785-532-7031 Fax
E-mail: ami@ksu.edu

The Advanced Manufacturing Institute contributes to the economic development in Kansas by helping manufacturers become familiar with and adopt advanced technologies. Through research, technology transfer, and technical assistance AMI helps small and medium-sized manufacturing companies become more competitive nationally and internationally. AMI’s interdisciplinary research teams consisting of faculty from various university departments develop technologies vital to manufacturing enterprises.

Clients working with AMI benefit by taking advantage of AMI’s professional staff and facilities as well as Kansas State University’s faculty expertise and resources to assist them in their manufacturing research and development activities. AMI is a KTEC-funded Center of Excellence. AMI also presents seminars and workshops focusing on advanced technology.

AMI is now a Certified Education Center for the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International (FMA). This alliance provides work force training to the metal forming and fabricating industry.

As a Certified Education Center, AMI and FMA can offer industry partners: Customized training programs, training and technical conferences, greater access to advanced technology, programs with equipment demonstrations and hands-on activities, an organized network of renowned experts, expanded offering of FMA benefits and services.


Beach Museum of Art

Lorne E. Render, Director
Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art
701 Beach Lane
Manhattan, KS 66506
785-532-7498 Fax
E-mail: beachart@ksu.edu

The Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art opened in October 1996. The 26,000 square-foot, award-winning building was designed by Moore/Andersson Architects of Austin, Texas. It was built with private funds, led by the gift of Ross and Marianna Beach of Hays, Kansas. It houses K-State’s art collection, which was established in 1928 by Professor John Helm with the purchase of two large oil paintings by the Kansas artist Birger Sandzen. Since that time, the collection has grown to include approximately 4,300 works of art. From the collection’s inception, the focus has been on 20th century American art, with a special emphasis on the works of Kansas and regional artists and the works of American printmakers. These features of the collection promise to make the Museum the premier center for the study and appreciation of regional painting and printmaking. Special collections includes works by John Steuart Curry, the photographs of Gordon Parks, the Konza Prairie works of Patricia DuBose Duncan, and prints issued by the Associated American Artists print club.

The 9,000 square-foot gallery area of the Museum features five exhibition spaces for displaying the permanent collection and traveling exhibitions. The Crosby Kemper Educational center houses the 120-seat UMB Theatre and the LouAnn McKinnon Dunn Activity Center. A variety of educational programming is available to the University, public schools, and Manhattan community. The Theatre may be used for lectures, films, seminars and receptions. The Activity Room has been designed for art workshops, family activities, artist demonstrations and small group meetings. A Works Examination Studio allows scholars and visitors to view works of art not on exhibition. Additional resources include artists files, catalogue files, photographic files of the collection, and a lending resource library for teachers. Visit the Museum’s web page for more information and to view archived exhibitions.

Museum Hours Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday, 1 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Closed on Mondays and Holidays
Open on selected Thursdays for public programs.
Phone: (785) 532-7718
Admission is free.
Complimentary parking adjacent to the Museum.


Biology Research Microscopy and Image Processing Facility

Kansas State University Microscopy Facility
Dan Boyle, Director
Division of Biology
6 Ackert Hall
785-532-6653 Fax
E-mail: dboyle@ksu.edu

The Biology Microscopy and Image Processing Facility, located in the basement of Ackert Hall, is a fee-for-service facility available to Kansas State University faculty, staff and students, and individuals from state and outside institutions. This modern facility is fully equipped to meet your research microscopy and imaging needs. Individual or small group training and familiarization with equipment and techniques used by electron and confocal microscopist are provided by this facility. Clients can be trained to use equipment at this facility by themselves or request assistance from facility staff members.


Biosecurity Research Institute (BRI)

Dr. Ron Trewyn, Vice President for Research
Dr. Beth Montelone, Interim Research Program Director
Scott Rusk, Director Pat Roberts Hall
1041 Pat Roberts Hall

The Biosecurity Research Institute located in Pat Roberts Hall provides unique biocontainment space for research on food crop, food animal and food safety diseases. Active research will address agriculture and public health issues. In addition to the research missions, Pat Roberts Hall also houses training and education space that provides for hands-on laboratory biosafety training and biocontainment operations training, as well as, educational progrms for scientific information exchange and conference capabilities.


Center for BioServe Space Technologies

230 Ackert Hall
Fax: 785-532-6707
E-mail: bioserv@k-state.edu

The Division of Biology, in cooperation with Aerospace Engineering Sciences at the University of Colorado, has been selected by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to lead BioServe Space Technologies, a NASA Center for the Commercial Development of Space. The division activities are focused on the life science application of the center, which adds a vast new dimension to the scientific education of future generations of students. This space training and research program gives biologists, students training in the animal and plant sciences, engineers and others an awareness of opportunities in space sciences that will intellectually involve them in space missions of the future. Initial research projects are directed towards an understanding of many biological processes in microgravity. Projects also are focused on the application of the space environment in areas of significant market value, such as biotechnology and bioengineered pharmaceuticals, synthetic organ products and high efficiency agriproducts and agrigenetic materials. Faculty scientists and students participating in BioServe Space Technologies have an opportunity to conduct important research by NASA’s reduced gravity program on the KC-135 aircraft, as well as on sounding rockets and space shuttles.


Biotechnology Core Facility

Dr. John M. Tomich, Director
Burt Hall, Rooms 201, 207, 211, and 216
Fax: 785-532-6297
E-mail: jtomich@k-state.edu

The Biotechnology Core Laboratory was established to provide a number of centralized services to researchers at KSU and elsewhere. Significant university support from the deans of the College of Agriculture and the Graduate School has enabled us to offer a number of services at very competitive rates. Our services include: DNA/RNA oligonucleotide synthesis, peptide/protein synthesis, amino acid analysis, peptide/protein sequencing, peptide mapping, and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.


Center for Basic Cancer Research

Terry C. Johnson Center for Basic Cancer Research
Dr. Rob Denell, Director
1 Chalmers Hall
Fax: 785-532-6707
E-mail: rdenell@ksu.edu

The Center for Basic Cancer Research sponsors numerous educational and research programs related to cancer studies at KSU. The center developed a cancer research award program designed specifically for undergraduate students. Funded entirely by private and corporate gifts, these research awards are given to deserving undergraduate students on a competitive basis. An integral part of the cancer center is the Anti-Cancer Drug Laboratory where studies are conducted on the cellular and molecular events associated with tumor promoters which, unfortunately, enhance cancer growth. Support is provided for graduate student and faculty travel, summer stipends, laboratory equipment and supplies. These programs are interdisciplinary in nature and include faculty scientists in biology, biochemistry, chemistry, psychology, laboratory medicine, pathobiology, family services, foods and nutrition, and plant pathology. The unique administrative structure and the quality of the faculty scientists have made this multidisciplinary program both powerful and successful.


Center for Gravitational Studies in Cellular and Developmental Biology

E-mail: nasaepscor@ksu.edu

The Division of Biology is the home of the Center for Gravitational Studies in Cellular and Developmental Biology. This center has been funded as a NASA Specialized Center for Research and Training in Gravitational Biology, as the Gravity as a Determinant in Cellular and Developmental Biology NASA-EPSCoR Program, and by individual NASA grants to Center investigators. Research in this center is focused on the potential role of gravity on cell and developmental biology of both plant and animal systems. Investigations are based both on basic sciences and applications for long-term space travel. This center has a major emphasis on graduate and post-graduate training, offering a unique opportunity for student preparation in space life sciences.


COBRE in Epithelial Function in Health and Disease

Dr. Daniel C. Marcus, Program Director
124 Coles Hall
Fax: 785-532-4557
E-mail: marcus@ksu.edu

The College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) at Kansas State University hosts the COBRE for epithelial function. This multiyear National Institute of Health (NIH) award provides the resources needed to enhance the epithelial research programs of junior basic scientists and clinician scientists at Kansas institutions. The ultimate goal of the COBRE is to assist the junior investigators in their development, and to help them become NIH-funded investigators as rapidly as possible. The COBRE includes seven teams of junior investigators and mentors in the KSU CVM, along with collaborating departments at KSU and the University of Kansas Medical Center. As junior investigators graduate from the program and are successful at obtaining NIH funding, other junior investigator/mentor teams will be actively sought and brought into the COBRE. COBRE programs center on epithelial cell physiology or pathophysiology and provide a strong foundation for translational research. To ensure programmatic success, three core facilities are being established for the center: 1) a state-of-the-art confocal microscope facility; 2) a gene array analysis station; and 3) an epithelial electrophysiology facility.


Dow Multicultural Resource Center

Rhondalyn Peairs, Director
Hale Library, Room 302
E-mail: dowmrc@gw.ksu.edu

The Dow Chemical Multicultural Resource Center (DOWMRC) provides research and instructional services in support of K-State’s American ethnic studies program. Research emphasis is placed on the following ethnic groups: African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and Asian Americans.

DOWMRC features a reference collection of encyclopedias, dictionaries, and indexes related to various American ethnic groups; magazines and periodicals; and multicultural and international newspapers. Visitors can view displays showcasing the University’s unique multicultural activities and programs.


Electronics Design Laboratory

Tim, J. Sobering, Director
124 Burt Hall
Fax: 785-532-2092
E-mail: edl@ksu.edu

The Electronics Design Laboratory (EDL) provides full-time engineering support, electronics design and software development for research and teaching at Kansas State University through the design and manufacturer of advanced instrumentation, data acquisition systems, sensors, and other high-end electronics. Established in 1996, EDL eases researchers’ access to advanced electronics, assists with integrating electronics technology into research and teaching programs, and aids in electronics technology transfer to users by providing ongoing technical support. EDL works in cooperation with many diverse academic departments, allowing a symbiotic approach to problem solving.

By delegating technical electronics issues to EDL, investigators free themselves to focus more fully on core research objectives.

EDL is headed by an experienced electrical engineer, who supervises a full-time technical staff and a number of graduate and undergraduate interns. More information on EDL capabilities and services can be obtained at our web site.


Food Safety and Security

216 Call Hall
Fax: 785-532-5861
E-mail: fss@k-state.edu

The U.S. and international food system is so complex that any effort to understand its multiple dimensions must draw on multiple academic disciplines. By integrating insights from multiple disciplines, researchers can better describe problems and prescribe solutions in this system. K-State’s Food Safety and Security program pursues excellence in such interdisciplinary scholarship. By highlighting research from the fields of microbiology, sociology, economics, et cetera–indeed, the list does and should go on–universities can paint truer pictures of today’s food safety and food security problems and solutions. In 2001, K-State formed the Food Science Institute to facilitate initiatives across five colleges and 11 departments. Food Safety and Security is one of the major program areas of the Food Science Institute. Owing to the Institute’s unique interdepartmental and interdisciplinary mission, the Food Safety and Security program has thrived din this environment.


Food Science Institute

Dr. Curtis Kastner, Director
216 Call Hall
Fax: 785-532-5861
E-mail: foodsci@ksu.edu

The Food Science Institute (FSI) was established in 2001 to integrate the wide range of expertise in Food Science at K-State. Approximately 40 faculty in more than a dozen disciples are collectively involved in facilitating undergraduate and graduate academic programs and providing research and technical assistance for the food industries.

State-of-the-art laboratories and pilot plants are available to fulfill research, teaching, and extension missions that address food-related issues. Facilities include bakery, milling, dairy, meat, poultry, egg, thermal, extrusion, fermentation, sensory analysis, and value-added processing/evaluation capabilities. Interaction with other existing institutes, centers, and programs expands the base of expertise needed to address food-related issues.


Frontier Program

Dr. Justin Kastner, Assistant Professor, Food Safety and Security
Co-Coordinator of Frontier
Department of Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology
310 Coles Hall
Fax: 785-532-4851
E-mail: jkastner@k-state.edu

is an interdisciplinary program for the historical studies of border security, food security, and trade policy, which Dr. Justin Kastner coordinates in partnership with Dr. Jason Ackleson of New Mexico State University. Frontier undergraduate and graduate students blend academic perspectives from history, food security and trade policy, and international relations to study border and trade issues arising at the frontier.


Geographic Information Systems Spatial Analysis Laboratory (GISSAL)

Shawn Hutchinson, Director
164A Seaton Hall
Fax: 785-532-7310
E-mail: gissal@ksu.edu

The Geographic Information System Spatial Analysis Laboratory (GISSAL) at Kansas State University is a multidisciplinary center supporting spatial research, education, and outreach activities at Kansas State University. Established in August 1990 and recognized as a National Center of Digitizing Excellence by the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, GISSAL combines faculty expertise and trained graduate and undergraduate student technicians with advanced geospatial technology and sophisticated spatial analysis capabilities.

GISSAL offers a modern computing infrastructure, access to state-of-the-art data visualization tools, and the most powerful GIS, satellite remote sensing, CAD, digital mapping, database, and statistical analysis software packages. Contract services include GIS database design and construction, digital cartographic support and production (including web-servable interactive maps), and customized GIS workshops and software training.


Center for Hazardous Substance Research

Dr. Larry E. Erickson, Center Director
104 Ward Hall
Fax: 785-532-5985

Kansas State University leads the consortium comprising the Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Hazardous Substance Research Center which serves Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regions 7 and 8. Other member universities are Colorado State, Haskell Indian Nations, Lincoln, Montana State, South Dakota State, and Utah State Universities, along with the Universities of Iowa, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Northern Iowa, Utah, and Wyoming. The center was established in 1989 to conduct research pertaining to identification, treatment, and reduction of hazardous substances resulting from agriculture, forestry, mining, mineral processing, and other activities of local interest. In 1994, efforts of principal investigators were broadened to include programs for minority academic institutions, technical outreach services for communities, and research and re-education for displaced military and Department of Defense personnel.

The center has undertaken research in the following areas: studies of soil and water contamination by heavy metals and mining wastes; research on soil and groundwater contamination from a variety of sources; development of biodegradation and immobilization technology; development of simplified and inexpensive methods for analyzing contaminated soil; hazardous waste minimization; and determination of safe concentration levels of hazardous substances in soil and water.

Diversity of interests in EPA Regions 7 and 8 and the large geographic area represented are further reflected in the training and technology transfer program the center currently supports. Issues of the center newsletter HazTech Transfer have been widely disseminated across the nation; an information clearinghouse at Kansas State University Hale Library has been established and contains over 1,000 publications, including center-funded theses, dissertations, reports, and videos; the center has held annual conferences on hazardous waste research since 1986 with more than 70 papers presented at each conference; and general public environmental information activities are ongoing. Many center publications, including proceedings of the 1995-1999 conferences, are now available on our web site.


Huck Boyd National Center for Community Media

Gloria Freeland, Director
105 Kedzie Hall
Fax: 785-532-5484
E-mail: huckboyd@ksu.edu

The Huck Boyd National Center for Community Media was founded in 1990 to serve and strengthen the local newspapers, radio stations, cable systems, and other media that play a key role in the survival and revitalization of America’s small towns. The center’s mission is to assist in sustaining and enhancing the positive qualities of life characteristic of small communities in America through strengthening community media.


Kansas Center for Agricultural Resources and the Environment (KCARE)

Bill Hargrove, Director
15 Waters Hall
Fax: 785-532-6563
E-mail: kcare@ksu.edu

KCARE provides research and educational programs that help Kansans balance “utilization” and “protection” of natural resources today and into the future. The health and prosperity of future generations depends on a mutually beneficial relationship between agriculture, natural resources, the environment and consumers. The Kansas Center for Agricultural Resources and the Environment was established to coordinate and enhance research, extension, and teaching activities pertaining to environmental issues related to agriculture.

KCARE’s roles are to foster interdisciplinary team approaches to solve environmental problems related to agriculture; serve as a liaison for state and federal agencies, non-government organizations and private groups outside K-State; communicate the relationship of agriculture and the environment to producers and the public; and develop financial resources for interdisciplinary research, extension and communications activities at the Center.


Center for Engagement and Community Development

Dr. David E. Procter, Director
202 Ahearn
Fax: 785-532-6808
E-mail: cecd@k-stat.edu

The Center for Engagement and Community Development (CEDC) will extend and expand K-State’s historic mission of engagement and outreach. CECD is a place where university faculty and community leaders can come together to address community challenges, meet community needs, and realize community dreams through effective scholarship-based engagement. In this process, we plan to help make Kansas State University one of the truly premiere land-grant universities.


Kansas Center for Sustainable Agriculture and Alternative Crops (KCSAAC)

Jana Beckman, Coordinator
Kansas Center for Sustainable Agriculture and Alternative Crops
c/o HFRR
3029 Throckmorton
Fax: 785-532-5780
E-mail: kcsaac@oznet.ksu.edu

KCSAAC was created in 2000 by the Kansas Legislature to facilitate research, education, and outreach related to sustainable agriculture. The future of agriculture must balance agricultural production, use of natural resources, profitability, the environment and the needs of consumers.

KCSAAC’s role is to work with university faculty, government agencies and other agricultural groups to educate family farmers on environmental stewardship, boosting family farm profitability, building community support for agriculture, and enhancing rural communities.


Educational Communication Center

Doug VonFeldt, Interim Director
128 Dole Hall
Fax: 785-532-7355
E-mail: ecc@ksu.edu

The Educational Communications Center (ECC) in Dole Hall was established in 1986, the facilities and equipment were made possible through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. The mission and purpose of the ECC is to develop and enrich human resources within the state by providing access for residents of Kansas, the nation and the world to educational opportunity at all levels through the appropriate utilization of technology.

Dole Hall, is a 32,000 square foot production and distribution facility with three production studios, control rooms and satellite uplink, educational development laboratory, editing suites, multimedia lab, graphic design studio, offices, conference rooms and a Channel 49 ABC News Bureau. A large garage houses a mobile satellite uplink unit and a video production truck to provide services from any location. Other tenants in Dole Hall include offices and student facilities for the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism, Kansas Regents Network (Telenet), Kansas audio and videoconferencing network, and the Department of Communications Extension Television.

Information about the ECC’s services and staff along with pictures of the facilities can be seen on the ECC website.


Kansas Water Resources Research Institute (KWRRI)

The Kansas Water Resources Research Institute is part of a national network of research institutes in every state and trust territory of the U.S. established by law in the Water Resources Research Act of 1964. The network is funded by a combination of federal funds through the U.S. Geological Survey and non-federal funds from state and other sources. The mission of KWRRI is to develop and support research on the high priority water resources problems of the state, to foster the dissemination and application of research results, and to facilitate effective communication amongst water resources professions in Kansas. The mission is accomplished through: 1) Supporting research through a competitive grants program that encourages interdisciplinary approaches, interagency collaboration, scientific innovation, cost-effectiveness, relevance to present and future water resource issues/problems as identified in the State Water Plan, and dissemination and interpretation of results to appropriate audiences; 2) Fostering dissemination and application of results through conferences, briefings, white papers, and/or newsletters; and 3) Facilitating communication through an electronic network. KWRRI currently is administratively under the Kansas Center for Agricultural Resources and the Environment (KCARE) at Kansas State University.


Konza Prairie Biological Station (KPBS)

Dr. Eva Horne, Interim Director
Division of Biology
232 Ackert Hall
Fax: 785-532-6653
E-mail: konza@ksu.edu

Konza Prairie Biological Station (KPBS) is a 8,600 acre tallgrass prairie preserve owned by The Nature Conservancy and Kansas State University and operated as a field research station by the K-State Division of Biology. The station is dedicated to a three-fold mission of long-term ecological research, education, and conservation. It is a unique outdoor laboratory that provides opportunities for the study of tallgrass prairie ecosystems and for basic biological research on a wide range of organisms and processes. The station is open to scientists and students from throughout the world. It also serves as a “benchmark” for comparisons with areas that have been affected by human activities, and as an environmental education facility for students and the public. KPBS is a member of the Organization of Biological Field Stations and the Association of Ecosystem Research Centers, and is a National Science Foundation Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) site.



Dr. Lori Goetsch, Dean of Libraries
Hale Library
Fax: 785-532-7415
E-mail: library@gw.ksu.edu

Kansas State University Libraries provides support for the educational, research, extension and public service objectives of K-State. Staff acquires and maintains the libraries’ electronic and print collection needed for the University to achieve its objectives.

K-State Libraries consists of four libraries: Hale Library, known historically as Farrell Library, Weigel Library of Architecture, Planning and Design (Seaton Hall), Fiedler Engineering Library (Fiedler Hall), Math/Physics Library (Cardwell Hall), and Veterinary Medicine Library (Trotter Hall). K-State Salina Library is a cooperating library that shares integrated electronic access systems and databases.

Reference staff provides assistance in helping patrons access materials or information needed. Staff help initiate literature searches and assist with electronic resources. Librarians, in addition to their reference staff duties, serve as subject specialists. Subject librarians, who are knowledgeable of the resources in a specific subject matter, assist patrons with their particular information needs. Subject librarians are available for one-on-one consultations or for groups and classes.

K-State Libraries offers state-of-the-art electronic data information retrieval systems for the catalog and databases unique for K-State’s diverse academic areas. The libraries’ web site provides information about its collections and services. An extensive section is devoted to electronic information available to K-State and around the world. Remote access to the libraries’ electronic resources are available to K-State students.

The Information Commons is located in Hale Library, the main library. InfoCommons consists of more than 200 computers located on all four floors. The most attractive feature of InfoCommons is that it brings together electronic, print and microform resources. Also, InfoCommons is consistent among all student computing facilities supported by CNS. In addition, InfoCommons has technical assistance on hand to answer questions regarding the computers and application software. Another exciting feature of InfoCommons is the laptop computers available for check out.

Other areas in Hale Library providing information or access services include circulation, interlibrary services, government documents, microforms, science library, and reserves. The Anita C. Lehner 24-hour study area is available on the first floor. Most services available at Hale Library are also available at the branch libraries.

Award-winning Hale Library is impressive with its seven-arch loggia entrance, six and seven-story towers topped with decorative finials. Oak hardwood floors and brass handrails adorn the interior finishes. The carved and etched limestone facings, sculpted metal banisters and door ornamentations depict native Kansas plants, trees, shrubs and wildlife. The largest academic building on campus with nearly 400,000 square feet, centrally located on K-State’s Manhattan campus, Hale Library is the academic heart of Kansas State University.


Nuclear Reactor

Dr. Mike Whaley, Nuclear Reactor Manager
112 Ward Hall
E-mail: whaley@mne.ksu.edu

The University operates a TRIGA Mark II nuclear reactor and related laboratories. Inherently safe by design, the reactor normally operates at 250 kW, but can be pulsed to peak power levels of 250 MW. Researchers throughout the world use the reactor for neutron activation analysis, neutron radiography, fission track studies, neutron spectroscopy, and isotope geochronology. The reactor is also used for student education and public demonstrations.


Particle Accelerators: James R. Macdonald Laboratory

Dr. Itzik Ben-Itzhak, Director
116 Cardwell Hall
Fax: 785-532-6806
E-mail: jrmlab@phys.ksu.edu

Kansas State University operates a national user facility, the James R. Macdonald Laboratory, which is supported by the U. S. Department of Energy. The laboratory has ion sources and particle accelerators that provide highly stripped heavy ions over an energy range of a few eV to the order of 100 MeV. This facility is dedicated to the investigation of the interactions of highly charged heavy ions with atoms, ions, molecules, and surfaces. The equipment available to researchers includes a 7MV tandem Van de Graaff accelerator, a superconducting LINAC (booster/decelerator), an ion source for the production of highly charged low velocity heavy ions (CRYEBIS), a crossed beam ion-ion collisions facility, and five independent multiparameter data acquisition/analysis systems. The laboratory provides high-level technical support to aid users in the design, construction, and implementation of experimental projects. The laboratory is unique in its ability to provide long term access to state-of-the-art complex experimental apparatus related to ion collision studies.


Pollution Prevention Institute

Nancy Larson, Director
133 Willard Hall
1-800-578-8898 (toll free)
Fax: 785-532-6952
E-mail: sbeap@ksu.edu

This institute provices free, confidential technical assistance and training in source reduction and other environmentally sound practices to businesses, regulatory agencies, technical assistance groups, and private citizens throughout the Midwest. The institute also serves as a meeting ground for faculty involved in pollution and other related activities.


Sensory Analysis Center

Dr. Delores H. Chambers, Co-director
Dr. Edgar Chambers IV, Co-director
145A Justin Hall
Fax: 785-532-0176
E-mail: eciv@ksu.edu and delores@ksu.edu

The Sensory Analysis Center, a part of the College of Human Ecology, is one of the outstanding providers of sensory services in the nation. The Center assists in teaching sensory analysis by providing students with opportunities to gain practical experiences and it provides outstanding research capabilities for university researchers and consumer products industries. Clients of the Center have included researchers on campus from numerous departments, Kansas businesses, and national and international corporations. The Center provides two major types of analyses: 1) descriptive analysis that defines the characteristics of a product or service and the amount or intensity of that characteristics, and 2) consumer evaluation that provides information on benefits, liking, or acceptance or helps to determine what consumers understand about the product, service, or information.


Technology and Aviation

Dr. Dennis K. Kuhlman, Dean
2310 Centennial Road
Salina, KS 67401-8196
Fax: 785-826-2998
E-mail: dkuhlman@sal.k-state.edu

The College of Technology and Aviation, located at the Salina campus, provides a comprehensive array of associate and baccalaureate degree programs in engineering technology, aviation, and technology management. Many of the engineering technology programs are TAC of ABET accredited, while the aviation programs maintain FAA certification and accreditation by the Aviation Accreditation Board International. The college also engages in cooperative scholarship and creative endeavors with regional and national industry partners.


University Transportation Center

Dr. Brian Coon, Director
2118 Fiedler Hall
Fax: 785-532-7717

The University Transportation Center coordinates faculty, industry and governmental agencies in multidisciplinary research efforts focusing on the Center’s Theme: The Sustainability and Safety of Rural Transportation Systems and Infrastructure. As rural populations throughout the United States are decreasing as well as becoming more elderly, the status of rural transportation systems becomes increasingly critical–both from a sustainability perspective as well as that of safety. The Center focuses on improving the quality of life of rural America through increased infrastructure life and economy, improved safety and EMS response times, improved driver training and testing, as well as bringing a holistic, multi-disciplinary perspective to transportation research. Transportation Engineering: transportation planning, transportation systems, analysis and simulation, geometric design of highways, highway safety, pavements and highway materials, and rural transportation policy. Psychology: driver behavior, driver education and testing.