Jan 15, 2025  
2008-2009 Graduate Catalog 
2008-2009 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Glossary and Abbreviations


A/Pass/F: A grading option in which a student earning a grade of A in a course will have an A recorded for that course; a grade of B, C, or D will be recorded as a Pass; and a grade of F will be recorded as an F.

Academic load: The total number of credit hours enrolled in during one semester.

Academic warning: (W) An indication that a student is in academic difficulty which could lead to dismissal from the university.

Add/Drop: Changing the student’s course schedule by adding and/or dropping a course.

Advanced standing: Having credit awarded for previous work or testing.

Advisor: A department or college-based faculty member who helps a student achieve her or his educational goals by providing guidance on courses, program requirements, prerequisites, programs of study, and policies and procedures.

Audit: To attend a course regularly without participating in course work and without receiving credit.

Bachelor of arts degree: (B.A.) Courses selected from a variety of disciplines with concentrations in one or two areas. A modern language is required for a B.A. degree.

Bachelor of science degree: (B.S.) A specified program of required courses with fewer electives than the B.A. A modern language is not required.

Baccalaureate: Refers to the bachelor’s degree.

Certification programs: A non-degree credential designed to provide students with specialized knowledge that is less extensive than, and different from, a master’s program. A certificate program represents a focused collection of courses that, when completed, affords the student some record of coherent academic accomplishment in a given discipline or set of related disciplines.

Classification: Level of progress toward a degree with classifications of freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior, depending on the number of semester hours completed.

College: An academic unit of the university. Kansas State University has nine colleges.

Cooperative education (co-op): The integration of academic experience with planned employment experiences that relate to a student’s academic major or career goals. The work experience supplements and complements the curriculum.

Concurrent enrollment: (Conc.) Taking a course during the same semester as another.

Course: A unit of study a student enrolls in during a semester.

Credit by examination: Credit received when a student takes an oral or written examination without enrolling for a course.

Credit hour: (Cr.) A unit of measurement used in determining the quantity of work taken. Each credit hour is roughly equivalent to one hour of course time per week. For example, a course meeting three hours a week would be a three-credit-hour course.

Credit/No Credit: (C/NC) A grading option with successful completion of a course recorded as Credit and failure as No Credit. No other grades are given for such courses and they are not figured into the grade point average.

Curriculum: A program of courses that meets the requirements for a degree in a particular field of study, also referred to as a major.

Degree program: Courses required for completion of a particular degree.

Department: A unit within a college representing a discipline.

Discipline: An area of study representing a branch of knowledge, such as mathematics.

Dismissal: (D) A student who neglects his or her academic responsibilities may be dismissed on recommendation of an academic dean.

Double major: A student may elect to pursue two majors at one time.

Drop/Add: Changing the student’s course schedule by adding and/or dropping a course, or both.

Dual degrees: A student may elect to pursue two degrees at one time.

Ed.D.: Doctor of Education degree. A post-baccalaureate degree awarded upon completion of at least three years of full-time specialized study, together with a major research contribution to the field of education that demonstrates independence as a scholar. The degree culminates with a formal dissertation.

Electives: Courses chosen by a student that are not required for the major or minor. The number of hours of electives required varies according to student’s major.

Enrollment: The process of selecting courses and having courses reserved.

Equivalent: (Equiv.) Equivalent course is a course where there is sufficient overlap in content that students may, with approval, register in the course to meet a program’s requirement.

Extracurricular: Activities such as band or debate for which a student may earn credit toward graduation. Extracurricular activities are counted as electives.

Financial aid: Help for a student to pay for college. Aid is available from grants, loans, scholarships, and work/study employment.

Grade point average: (GPA) A measure of scholastic performance. A GPA is obtained by dividing the number of grade points by the hours of work attempted, where an A = 4 points, a B = 3 points, a C = 2 points, a D = 1 point, and an F = 0 points.

Graduate certificate: A nondegree credential designed to provide students with specialized knowledge that is less extensive than, and different from, a master’s program. A certificate program represents a focused collection of courses that, when completed, affords the student a record of academic accomplishment in a given discipline or set of related disciplines.

Graduate student: A student who has completed a bachelor’s degree and has met all the requirements for admission to the Graduate School.

Hour: The unit by which course work is measured. The number of semester hours assigned to a course is usually determined by the number of hours a course meets per week.

Intersession: Courses offered between fall and spring semesters, and after spring semester and prior to summer semester.

Lecture: (Lec.) A course wherein the teaching is done primarily through oration.

M.A.: Master of arts degree. A post-baccalaureate degree awarded upon completion of at least 30 semester hours of graduate credit, usually in the humanities or social sciences. May or may not include research and a thesis, depending on the field of study.

Major: A program of courses that meets the requirements for a degree in a particular field of study.

Minor: A systematic program of study in an area of emphasis outside a student’s major.

M.S.: Master of science degree. A post-baccalaureate degree awarded upon completion of at least 30 semester hours of graduate credit, usually in the sciences or professions. Research and a thesis are required in most of the sciences.

Non-Degree seeking student: A graduate student taking courses at K-State but not admitted to a graduate program leading to a degree.

Option: An approved group of courses creating a specialty within a major field of study.

Orientation: Activities designed to help new students become acquainted with the university.

Ph.D.: Doctor of philosophy degree. A post-baccalaureate degree awarded upon completion of at least three years of full-time specialized study, together with a major research contribution to the discipline that demonstrates independence as a scholar. The degree culminates with a formal dissertation.

Prerequisite: (Pr.) A requirement, usually credit in another course, which must be met before a particular course can be taken.

Probation: Probation is an academic warning that a student in is academic difficulty which could lead to dismissal from the university.

Recitation: (Rec.) A small section usually taken in conjunction with a lecture.

Scholastic honors: An award an undergraduate receives based on the excellence of K-State academic work.

Secondary major: Interdisciplinary major which must be completed along with a primary major course of study.

Special student: An undergraduate student taking courses at K-State but not regularly enrolled in work toward a degree.

Transcript: An official copy of a student’s permanent academic record.

Transfer student: A student who terminates enrollment in another college or university and subsequently enrolls at K-State.

Undergraduate student: A university student who has not received a bachelor’s degree.

Variable: (V/Var.). The credits earned in some courses may vary.