Mar 13, 2025  
2008-2009 Graduate Catalog 
2008-2009 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Architecture Planning and Design



Peter Magyar

Director of graduate studies:

Carol Martin Watts

Academic Advisor:

G. Rebecca Stark

Graduate Faculty:

Larry Bowne II, M. Arch., Harvard University.
Wayne M. Charney, Ph.D., Northwestern University.
Gary J. Coates, M.Arch., North Carolina State University.
Robert J. Condia, MS, Columbia University.
John Eck, M.Arch., University of Virginia.
Richard Farnan, B.Arch., University of Kansas
R. Todd Gabbard, M.Arch., University of Florida.
Richard Gnat, M.Arch., Cornell University.
Richard Hoag, M.Arch., University of Washington.
Nathan J. Howe, M.Arch., University of Texas.
James S. Jones, M.Arch., University of Washington.
Matthew A. Knox, M.Arch., University of Virginia.
Eugene R. Kremer, (Emeritus) M.Arch., University of California, Berkeley.
Vladimir Krstic, M.Eng/Arch., Kyoto University, Japan.
Michael McGlynn, M.Arch., University of Oregon.
Peter Magyar, Dr.Arch., Technical University of Budapest, Hungary.
Miriam Neet, M.Arch., Columbia University.
Torgeir Norheim, M.Arch., California Polytechnic State University.
Lyn Norris-Baker, Ph.D., University of Houston.
Wendy Ornelas, M. Arch., Oklahoma State University.
David H. Sachs, D. Arch., University of Michigan.
David R. Seamon, Ph.D., Clark University.
Susanne Siepl-Coates, M.Arch., University of California, Berkeley.
Dragoslav Simic, M.Arch., University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
Christopher Spaw, M.Arch., Kansas State University.
Raymond Streeter, M.Arch., Harvard University.
Carol Martin Watts, Ph.D., University of Texas, Austin.
Donald Watts, M.Arch., University of California, Berkeley.


The Department of Architecture offers two degrees at the masters level: a professional Master of Architecture and a research based post-professional Master of Science in Architecture.

The professional program consists of a core of required professional courses supplemented by electives. These courses include an ten semester architectural design studio sequence, a four semester structural systems sequence, a three semester environmental systems sequence, and a two semester building science/construction systems sequence, among others. One hundred seventy (170) credit hours are required for graduation. Thirty (30) of these credit hours are taken at the graduate level, primarily in the ninth and tenth semesters of the program.

The post-professional program of study requires a minimum of 30 semester credit hours for completion of the degree. The program usually requires two years in residence, and is designed to enable students to pursue specialized study in specific architectural topics.


College of Architecture and Design resources include the Paul Weigel Library, a professionally staffed branch of the university’s main facility. It includes over 35,000 bound volumes and approximately 200 periodical subscriptions. Among other facilities supporting instruction and research in the College are the Technical Information Collection, the Computer Laboratory, the Krider Audio-Visual Learning Resource Center, and an artificial sky. Students in the college enjoy a diverse range of lectures, seminars, exhibits, and guest critics throughout the academic year.

Financial aid

A limited number of graduate teaching assistantships are available for students with particularly strong qualifications. Appointment as a teaching assistant requires knowledge in the subject matter of the course, human relations skills, and excellence in spoken and written English. Appointment to a GTA is made by the head of the department in which a specific course is taught and does not guarantee successive appointments. Specific instructions and application forms are available in the graduate section of the department webpage. Limited scholarship aid may be awarded to one or two incoming graduate students each year. The amount of these scholarships ranges between $500 and $1,000.

For more information

For more information about the Master of Architecture program, please contact:

Director of Student Recruitment
College of Architecture, Planning, and Design
Kansas State University
212 Seaton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-2902

Phone: 785-532-5047
Fax: 785-532-6722
Home Page:

For more information about the Master of Science in Architecture program, please contact:

Master of Science in Architecture Program
Department of Architecture
Kansas State University
211 Seaton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-2901

Phone: 785-532-5953
Fax: 785-532-6722
Home Page:



Master of Architecture

Master of Science

