Jan 30, 2025
2009-2010 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Women’s Studies Graduate Certificate
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Contact: Angela Hubler
E-mail: ahubler@ksu.edu
Home Page: www.ksu.edu/womst
Women’s Studies Graduate Catalog Page
Women’s Studies offers a graduate certificate for students in M.A., M.S., Ph.D and professional programs at Kansas State. It consists of 12 hours of graduate level courses in women’s studies and/or gender studies. One core course–Women’s Studies 810, An Interdisciplinary Overview of Feminist Thought and Practice–is required. Three other courses (at the 500 level and above) can be chosen from an approved list of electives from a variety of disciplines. Interested students should apply by letter to the Women’s Studies Certificate Coordinator detailing their goals and gender focus and how a certificate will enhance their program of study. The letter should be signed by both the student and her/his major professor or department head. After acceptance, students will meet with the Certificate Coordinator of Women’s Studies to select those courses most congruent with their program of study. A member of the Women’s Studies Graduate Faculty will serve on the student’s supervisory committee.
Program requirements
The certificate consists of 12 hours of graduate level courses in women’s studies and/or gender. Core course required (3 hours):
Elective courses (choose 9 hours from the following list of courses)
Courses followed by a subtitle in parentheses vary and count toward the Women’s Studies Graduate Certificate only when offered with the indicated subtitle. - WOMST 500 - Topics in Women’s Studies Credits: (1-3)
- WOMST 505 - Independent Study in Women’s Studies Credits: (1-3)
- WOMST 550 - Women and Popular Culture Credits: (3)
- WOMST 551 - The History and Politics of Family Violence Credits: (3)
- WOMST 560 - Women and Violence Credits: (3)
- WOMST 580 - Women and Religion Credits: (3)
- WOMST 585 - Women and Islam Credits: (3)
- WOMST 590 - Women’s Studies Practice and Theory Credits: (3)
- WOMST 610 - Seminar in Women’s Studies Credits: (3)
- WOMST 700 - Advanced Topics in Women’s Studies Credits: (1-3)
- ANTH 508 - Male and Female: Cross-Cultural Perspectives Credits: (3)
- ANTH 523 - Topics in Linguistic Anthropology Credits: (1-4)
(Language and Gender) - ANTH 633 - Gender, Power, and International Development Credits: (3)
- ART 654 - Women in Art Credits: (3)
- ENGL 525 - Women in Literature Credits: (3)
- ENGL 625 - Readings in Eighteenth-Century British Literature Credits: (3)
(Women in the Eighteenth Century) - ENGL 660 - Readings in Major Authors Credits: (3)
(George Eliot, Shakespeare, Gender, and Performance) - ENGL 670 - Topics in British Literature Credits: (3)
(Women in the Eighteenth Century) - ENGL 680 - Topics in American Literature Credits: (3)
(Asian-American Literature, Topics in Latina/o Literature) - ENGL 705 - Theory and Practice of Cultural Studies Credits: (3)
- ENGL 710 - Studies in a Literary Genre Credits: (3)
(Gender and Sexuality in American Indian Literature, Restoration & Eighteenth Century Drama, Shakespeare and Children’s Literature) - ENGL 720 - Studies in a Major Author Credits: (3)
(The Brontes) - ENGL 730 - Studies in a Literary Period Credits: (3)
(Restoration and Eighteenth Century Drama) - ENGL 740 - Studies in Literary Theory Credits: (3)
(Film Theory, Deconstruction and Psychoanalysis) - ENGL 830 - Seminar in Cultural Studies Credits: (3)
- HIST 512 - Women in European History Credits: (3)
- HIST 533 - Topics in the History of the Americas Credits: (1-3)
- HIST 540 - Women in America, 1600 to the Civil War Credits: (3)
- HIST 542 - Women in America, Civil War to the Present Credits: (3)
- HIST 551 - History of Family Violence Credits: (3)
- HIST 980 - Topics in European History Credits: (1-3)
- HIST 984 - Topics in American History Credits: (1-3)
- MC 612 - Gender Issues and the Media Credits: (3)
- KIN 598 - Topics in Kinesiology Credits: (1-3)
- KIN 796 - Topics in Excercise Physiology Credits: (1-4)
- PHILO 525 - Social-Political Philosophy Credits: (3)
(when offered as Women in Western Thought) - POLSC 606 - Gender and Politics Credits: (3)
- POLSC 799 - Pro-Seminar in Political Science Credits: (3)
(when offered as Women and Law) - PSYCH 540 - Psychology of Women Credits: (3)
- PSYCH 543 - Women’s Mental Health Issues Credits: (3)
- PSYCH 563 - Gender Issues in the Workplace Credits: (3)
- SOCIO 545 - The Sociology of Women Credits: (3)
- SOCIO 633 - Gender, Power, and Development Credits: (3)
- SOCIO 665 - Women and Crime Credits: (3)
- SOCIO 670 - Diversity and Social Interaction in the Workplace Credits: (3)
- SOCIO 833 - Gender Differentiation and Inequality Credits: (3)
- SOCIO 933 - Gender & Society Credits: (3)
- THTRE 782 - Women in Theatre Credits: (3)
- EDCI 735 - Curriculum Materials for Nonsexist Teaching Credits: (3)
- EDCI 886 - Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction Credits: (Var.)
(Women, Education, and Leadership) - EDACE 750 - Women, Education, and Work Credits: (2-3)
- FSHS 869 - Systematic Treatment of Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse Credits: (2)
- FSHS 865 - Human Sexuality Credits: (3)
Other appropriate graduate level Topics and Readings courses are offered every year in a variety of disciplines. Courses such as Philosophy of Feminism (PHILO 560) are also offered, though less frequently. Thus, graduates have a large selection of classes to choose from each year. |
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