Larry Moeder, Director
104 Fairchild Hall
Kansas State University administers an extensive financial aid program to bridge the gap between family contribution and the cost of attending the university. Detailed information concerning financial aid is available on request from the Office of Student Financial Assistance, 104 Fairchild Hall.
The Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) should be used by students applying for all federal and state aid programs. Students may obtain the FAFSA from any high school counselor or from K-State. The priority date for submitting the FAFSA is March 1 before the fall semester in which the student intends to enroll.
Each year nearly 4,000 Kansas State University undergraduate students receive more than $7 million of scholarship assistance based on their academic records, financial need, and/or leadership qualities. Freshmen are encouraged to meet K-State’s early application deadline of November 1 of their senior year. All students should meet the final application deadline date of February 1 each year for the following academic year. To apply for K-State scholarships, go to the website. Applications and scholarship information are available from high school counselors, the Office of Student Financial Assistance, and the various colleges at K-State.
Approximately 5,000 students are assisted through the Federal Pell Grant and the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant.
Assistance exceeds $12 million. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is the application for these programs and should be filed by March 1.
Teaching and Research Assistantships for Graduate Students
Individual departments and graduate programs administer graduate student financial assistance primarily in the form of teaching and research assistantships. Award of assistantships is based on the student’s ability and promise and is usually made for either nine or twelve months. The maximum appointment is for half time, but appointments for lesser fractions also may be made. Continuation of appointments is subject to availability of funds and academic performance in ”good standing” in the Graduate School (GPA 3.0 or greater). Information on applying for graduate assistantships may be obtained from the head of the department concerned.
Students are eligible for tuition benefits for each semester in which they hold an appointment of at least 0.4 time. Graduate research assistants pay tuition at the staff rate; in addition, those who have been on appointments for at least 0.4 time during the spring semester are eligible for staff fees during the following summer semester, even though they may not hold assistantships. Graduate teaching assistants receive a full tuition waiver for spring and fall semesters in which they hold at least a 0.4 appointment. These waivers are not available in the summer, but, like research assistants, teaching assistants pay staff fees for the semester if they have held at least a 0.4 appointment in the previous spring. Funds are provided for tuition benefits only; students will be responsible for campus privilege fees (student health, activity fees, etc.).
To be eligible for tuition benefits, students must be enrolled for a minimum of 6 graduate credit hours in a fall and spring semester. Individual departments may also require minimum enrollment in the summer of 3 graduate credit hours. The maximum enrollment for graduate assistants is 10 hours for 0.5 and 12 hours for 0.4 appointments. The corresponding maximums for a summer semester are 5 and 6 hours respectively.
Graduate teaching assistants must be on appointment from September 1 through November 17 for the fall semester and February 1 through April 17 for the spring semester. (Dates are subject to change.) If a graduate appointment does not begin by these dates or terminates before these ending dates, all tuition benefits will be lost. The student then is responsible for the total tuition payment.
All prospective graduate teaching assistants who are non-native speakers of English shall be required to achieve a minimum score of 50 on the TSE (Test of Spoken English).
Traineeships for Graduate Students
The university has a number of traineeships available. Several departments also have federally supported traineeships available under the programs of the National Institutes of Health and other agencies. Contact individual departments for information
K-State participates in the Federal Family Education Loan Program, the Federal Perkins Loan, and the Health Professions Student Loan Programs. The university also manages three institutional loan programs: the alumni loan, the foundation loan, and the emergency student loan.
The Federal Family Educational Loan program is comprised of three separate loan types: the subsidized, unsubsidized, and parent loan. The subsidized loan is considered need-based aid, while the unsubsidized loan and PLUS are considered non-need-based aid.
The interest rates for each of these loan programs are variable and are set on July 1 of each year. The subsidized and unsubsidized loans have a capped interest rate of 8.25 percent, and the PLUS has a cap at 9 percent. The federal government pays the interest on the subsidized loan until the student enters repayment. The student borrower is responsible for the interest on the unsubsidized loan from the time the loan is disbursed until it is paid in full. The parent borrower is responsible for the interest on the PLUS loan from the time the loan is disbursed until it is paid in full.
Repayment of the subsidized and unsubsidized loans begins six months after the student drops below half-time status. Repayment of the PLUS begins 60 days after the loan has been disbursed in full. Borrowers can choose a repayment plan (standard, extended, graduated, or income-contingent) by contacting their lender.
The Federal Perkins Loan and the Health Professions Student Loan programs have a fixed interest rate of 5 percent. The interest on the loans begins when the student goes into repayment. Repayment on the Perkins Loan begins nine months after enrollment drops below half-time status. Repayment on the HPSL begins one year after enrollment drops below half-time status.
The alumni loan and the foundation loan charge six percent interest payable annually from the date of the loan, with $50 monthly payments beginning six months after the borrower is no longer a student at K-State. The emergency student loan is a short-term loan available to enrolled students who have exceptional circumstances. The loan must be repaid by the end of the semester in which it was taken.
Kansas State University provides services for students seeking part-time employment to help offset educational, living, and social expenses. K-State has two categories of jobs: college work-study program jobs and campus payroll jobs. In addition, students are frequently employed in off-campus positions. Available jobs are listed online.
To be employed on the hourly student payroll, a student must be enrolled in at least 6 resident semester credit hours at K-State during a fall or spring semester, and at least 3 resident semester credit hours at K-State during a summer semester, or have been enrolled in at least 6 resident semester credit hours at K-State during the preceding spring semester.
Services for veterans
The university maintains a veterans’ service to aid veterans, children, and spouses of deceased or 100 percent disabled veterans from a military services-connected disability or death in securing educational benefits.
Veterans who entered the military on or after July 1, 1985; have served at least two years; had their pay reduced or contributed $1,200 for education; and received an honorable discharge may be eligible for educational benefits if they are within 10 years from their final discharge date. Veterans who entered the military prior to January 1, 1977; received an honorable discharge; and are less than 10 years from their final discharge date may be eligible without any contribution. Veterans who entered military service between January 1, 1977, and July 1, 1985; have an honorable discharge; and contributed to the GI Bill may also be eligible. Certain conditions or restrictions may apply.
Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve consisting of reservists and National Guard who have after June 30, 1985, signed a six-year agreement and completed their initial active duty for training; have a high school diploma or GED; and are in good standing in a drilling reserve unit are eligible for educational benefits. Certain restrictions may apply.
Children of veterans with 100 percent service-connected permanent disability or deceased and identified as service-connected may receive educational benefits until age 26. Spouses have 10 years from the time the veteran was classified with the service-connected condition to be eligible to receive educational benefits. Certain restrictions may apply.
A new benefit makes certain reservists or National Guard members who were activated after September 11, 2001, either eligible for education benefits or eligible for increased benefits while in an approved training program for a contingency operation and serving at least 90 consecutive days or more. Certain conditions or restrictions may apply.
Information may be obtained from your nearest Veterans’ Administration Office or the Office of Student Financial Assistance (Veteran’s Office).
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Federal regulations require that financial aid recipients make satisfactory academic progress in order to remain eligible for federal financial assistance.
Satisfactory academic progress standards, therefore, apply to students receiving financial assistance from such program as: Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), State of Kansas Scholarship, Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Stafford Loan, Federal Direct Loan, Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS), Health Professions Student Loan, and College Work-Study. The only programs not covered by Kansas State University’s satisfactory academic progress policy are athletic grants-in-aid and non-federally funded forms of assistance.
To measure satisfactory academic progress, K-State has established a framework for evaluating a student’s successful progression toward a degree. This policy has two components: quantitative and qualitative. Students are monitored for satisfactory academic progress beginning with their first semester for which federal financial assistance is received.
Quantitative measure
Two measurements make up the quantitative portion of K-State’s satisfactory academic progress policy.
Successful completion of courses
A student must successfully complete a minimum number of his/her scheduled courses for which federal financial assistance has been received. For example, if an undergraduate student’s financial assistance is calculated on a full-time basis (12 or more hours) for one semester, that student must, at a minimum, successfully complete at least 9 hours for that semester. See the chart below for further details.
Undergraduate requirements per semester
Hours for which aid was received |
Minimum hours to
be successfully completed |
12 hours scheduled (full-time aid) |
9 hours |
9 hours scheduled (3/4-time aid) |
7 hours |
6 hours scheduled (1/2-time aid) |
7 hours |
Graduate requirements per semester
Hours for which aid was received |
Minimum hours to
be successfully completed |
*9 hours scheduled (full-time aid) |
7 hours |
7 hours scheduled (3/4-time aid) |
5 hours |
5 hours scheduled (1/2-time aid) |
4 hours |
*Graduate students eligible for veterans administration benefits are considered as full time students if they are enrolled in 6 hours or more.
Hours successfully completed in excess of the minimum requirement will result in the student earning “credits.” Such credits are carried forward to subsequent semester(s) as part of the student’s satisfactory academic progress record.
Alternatively, failure to meet the noted minimum requirements will result in the accumulation of “deficiencies,” which are also carried forward to subsequent semesters. Courses for which a grade of F, incomplete (I), (IX), withdrawn (WD), no grade recorded (NR), or no credit received (NC) is recorded are not considered to have been successfully completed.
Note: Graduate students will receive “credits” for any incompletes associated with research conducted as part of the published degree requirements, elective or required course work, or as part of developmental studies once credit has been posted.
Further Considerations for Graduate Students
A course cannot be counted twice for financial assistance purposes. Example: A student has received a D in a 3-credit-hour course and takes that course again in order to earn a higher grade. The credit hours have already been counted as financial assistance hours and cannot be counted again, even though the student’s GPA may be improved.
Courses in which a grade of F or incomplete (I), (IX), withdrawn (WD), no grade reported (NR), or no credit reported (NC) are not counted in the qualitative portion of the satisfactory academic progress standards. Graduate students receive credit for incompletes in research that follows the published degree requirements as elective or required courses, or courses taken as a part of developmental studies.
- Maximum time frame
Federal regulations have also established a maximum time frame in which a student is expected to have completed a program. At K-State, a student may not receive financial assistance if he/she has exceeded the following number of earned credit hours:
- Undergraduates: 180 hours
- Master’s degree students: 60 graduate hours
- Doctoral students: 120 graduate hours
Qualitative measure
In addition to the quantitative component for satisfactory academic progress, federal regulations also require that a student must, at a minimum, maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average after having completed 60 hours. K-State’s satisfactory academic progress policy requires that all students classified as juniors and above maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher in order to receive financial assistance.
Undergraduate Financial assistance warning
Students who have accumulated any “deficiencies” (quantitative component) and/or who have failed to meet the minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA (qualitative component) within a given award year will be placed onto a “financial assistance warning” status for one academic year by K-State’s Office of Student Financial Assistance.
A student will be removed from the warning status if he or she successfully removes any deficiencies and/or raises his or her cumulative GPA to a 2.0. during the academic year.
Failure to remedy either one of the noted components within one academic year will result in the student being placed onto a “financial assistance exclusion” status.
Graduate Financial Assistance Warning
Students who fail to meet K-State’s satisfactory academic progress standards at the end of the spring semester will be placed on financial assistance “warning” for the following semester. At the conclusion of the following academic year, the student’s academic progress will, once again, be measured. The student will be reinstated into the “satisfactory” academic progress status if he/she has met K-State’s standards. However, a student will be placed on financial assistance “exclusion” status if he/she has failed to meet K-State’s academic progress standards.
Financial assistance exclusion
Students who have reached the maximum allowable hours for which financial assistance may be received and/or who have failed to remove themselves from the “financial assistance warning” status will be placed onto “financial assistance exclusion.” Students on financial assistance exclusion will be denied financial assistance until they meet the qualifications for satisfactory academic progress listed above.
Students may appeal their exclusion status by filing a satisfactory academic progress appeal. Appeal forms may be obtained at K-State’s Office of Student Financial Assistance. The appeal requires statements from both the student and the student’s academic advisor to be considered complete.
An appeal may be either approved or denied. If approved, financial assistance may be awarded to the student subject to its availability for the semester in question. Decisions regarding satisfactory academic progress appeals are final and not subject to further review.
Transfer students
If a transfer student meets established federal guidelines for student aid eligibility, he or she may receive financial assistance at K-State. The first evaluation of a transfer student’s academic progress at K-State occurs at the same time as the scheduled review of all financial aid recipients at the end of the spring semester. Credit hours earned by a student at another institution will only be included in satisfactory academic calculations after K-State’s Office of Admissions has formally accepted the transfer credits. |