Jan 13, 2025
2009-2010 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design (M.I.A.P.D.)
Interior architecture and product design program requirements
Once students are accepted into the College of Architecture, Planning and Design they begin their education by enrolling in the Environmental Design Program (ENVD). The ENVD Program provides a common first year curriculum for all students enrolled in the college. Early in the second semester of their first year each student then decides which of the four programs that he or she wishes to apply for entrance into starting in the fall semester of their second year. Students in Interior Architecture and Product Design will then apply for acceptance into the Graduate School for entry into the M.IAPD Program during the spring semester of their third year. Minimum requirements for acceptance into the M.IAPD Program are:
- 3.00 - 4.00 GPA - Regular Admission
- 2.75 - 2.99 GPA - Probationary Acceptance
- 2.50 - 2.74 GPA - Probationary Acceptance by Departmental Request
GPA is based on the last 60 Hours of credit earned at the time you are considered for admission to the Graduate School.
Graduate courses in Interior Architecture and Product Design begin in the fall of the student’s fourth year. Refer to the departmental website (http://www.arch.ksu.edu/iar) for current information regarding this program. The program is subject to constant review and change without notice.
Total undergraduate credits required for graduation - 138
Total graduate credits required for graduation - 31
Total hours required for graduation - 169
For the curriculum requirements for the first two semesters, refer to the Environmental Design Studies, earlier in this section. Courses in bold indicate graduate coursework. Third semester (17 credit hours)
- IAPD 307 - Interior Arch Design Studio I (5)
- ARCH 413 - Environ Systems in Arch I (4)
- IAPD 430 - Visual Communication (2)
- ARCH 350 - Hist. Of Design Environ. III (3)
- ARCH 348 - Structural Systems in Arch I (3)
Fourth semester (16 credit hours)
- IAPD 320 - Interior Arch Design Studio II (5)
- IAPD 248 - Building Science (3)Courses
- ARCH 449 - Structural Systems in Arch II (3)
- IAPD 456 - Theory of Product Design (2)
- University General Education Elective (3)
Fifth semester (17 credit hours)
- IAPD 435 - IAPD Design Studio III (5)
- IAPD 409 - Materials and Finishes (3)
- IAPD 410 - IAPD Microcomputer (3)
- ARCH 433 - Bldg Const Systems in Arch I (3)
- ENGL 200 - Expository Writing 2 (3)
Sixth semester (18 credit hours)
- IAPD 407 - Design Workshop I (3)
- IAPD 412 - Design Workshop I Studio (1)
- ARCH 514 - Environ Systems in Arch II (3)
- IAPD 440 - IAPD Design Studio IV (3)
Seventh semester (17 credit hours)
- IAPD 416 - History of Furniture
Eighth semester (14 credit hours)
Choose one of the following: Summer options (7 credit hours)
- University general education (6)
- IAPD 406 - Problems IAPD (1)
or Ninth semester (17 credit hours)
- University General Education Elective (3)
- IAPD 391 - Topics in Contemporary Design Seminar (3)
Tenth semester (15 credit hours)
- University General Education Elective (3)
- Elective choosen in conjunction with student’s major professor and thesis committee (3)