2009-2010 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Civil Engineering
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2118 Fiedler Hall
Department Head:
Yacoub Najjar (iterim)
Director of graduate studies:
Hayder A. Rasheed
Graduate faculty:
David G. Chandler, Ph.D., Cornell University.
Sunanda Dissanayake, Ph.D., University of South Florida.
Asadollah Esmaeily, Ph.D., University of Southern California.
Mustaque Hossain, Ph.D., Arizona State University.
Alexander P. Mathews, Ph.D., University of Michigan.
Hani G. Melhem, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh.
Yacoub M. Najjar, Ph.D., University of Oklahoma.
Dunja Peric, Ph.D., University of Colorado, Boulder.
Robert J. Peterman, Ph.D., Purdue University.
Hayder A. Rasheed, Ph.D., The University of Texas, Austin.
Kyle Riding, Ph.D., The University of Texas, Austin.
Steven K. Starrett, Ph.D., Iowa State University.
David R. Steward, Ph.D., University of Minnesota.
Robert W. Stokes, Ph.D., Texas A&M University.
Program description
The Department of Civil Engineering at Kansas State University offers comprehensive programs leading to the degrees of master of science within the department and doctor of philosophy within the College of Engineering. Established programs of study are available in structural analysis and design, geotechnical engineering, water resources engineering, environmental engineering and transportation engineering and materials. An active research program is conducted in each of these areas, and it is the goal of the department to maintain a close association between graduate study, research, teaching, and engineering practice.
Research facilities
The Department of Civil Engineering has several laboratories which can be used to perform a wide variety of graduate research projects. These include laboratories in the areas of environmental engineering, hydraulic engineering, materials testing, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, and water resources engineering.
The department also has the Civil Infrastructure Systems Laboratory (CISL) which includes a full-scale Accelerated Pavement Testing facility.
In addition, the department has modern computing facilities including a number of personal computers and workstations.
Financial support
The department has several graduate research assistantships and graduate teaching assistantships available. These positions are generally 0.4 or 0.5 time appointments and the stipends vary accordingly. In addition, a number of graduate research assistantships are supported through externally funded research projects obtained by individual faculty members. Student fees are assessed at the in-state level for graduate students who receive research or teaching assistantships.
Career opportunities
Graduate study in civil engineering will provide students with training for a wide variety of academic, technological, and public service careers. Students completing the master of science degree program typically find employment related to their chosen discipline in either private consulting firms or governmental agencies. Students completing the doctor of philosophy degree program can also expect to find employment in academic positions, or in government and private research laboratories.
Areas of emphasis
Environmental and water resources engineering: Chandler, Mathews, Starrett, Steward
Structural analysis and design: Esmaeily, Melhem, Peterman, Rasheed
Geotechnical engineering: Najjar, Perics
Transportation and materials engineering: Dissanayake, Hossain, Riding, Stokes
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