2009-2010 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Modern Languages
104 Eisenhower Hall
Fax: 785-532-7004
Department Head:
Robert Corum
Graduate Program Coordinator:
Claire Dehon
Graduate faculty:
Loren R. Alexander, (Emeritus) Ph.D., Michigan State University.
Peter Arnds, Ph.D., University of Toronto.
Jennifer Drake Askey, Ph.D., Washington State University, St. Louis.
Douglas K. Benson, Ph.D., University of New Mexico.
Emma Betz, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Robert L. A. Clark, Ph.D., Indiana University.
Robert T. Corum, Ph.D., University of Virginia.
Claire L. Dehon, Ph.D., University of Kansas.
Abby Franchitti, Ph.D., University Francois Rabelais, France.
Lucia Garavito, Ph.D., University of Kansas.
Derek Hillard, Ph.D., Indiana University.
Amy L. Hubbell, Ph.D., University of Michigan.
Laura Kanost, Ph.D., University of Kansas.
Maria Martinez-Ortiz, Ph.D., Purdue University.
Salvador A. Oropesa, Ph. D., Arizona State University.
Michael Ossar, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.
Silvia Sauter, Ph.D., University of Texas-Austin.
Bradley A. Shaw, Ph.D., University of New Mexico.
Benjamin Torrico, Ph.D., University of Kansas.
Final examinations
In both program options a final comprehensive written and oral examination is required at the completion of work. This exam is tailored to the particular M.A. option. It generally takes two years to complete the M.A. program in literature. Practicing teachers who typically take only one course per semester may need an additional year or two to complete the option in language acquisition.
Teaching support
The Department of Modern Languages prides itself on the excellence of its teaching staff, and it considers one of its most important goals that of training outstanding future teachers. The faculty works closely both with on-campus teaching assistants and practicing teachers to ensure the maximum benefit from the program.
Graduates in modern languages may also wish to pursue careers in textbook publishing, consultation in multimedia language programs, educational graphics, translation and editing, educational foundations, educational travel, and educational administration. Some of these career fields require additional specialized training. The knowledge of a language, culture, and literature at this level can also be combined with other fields: journalism, ecology, theology, music and art, film, library science, and business.
Special programs and activities
We offer summer programs in Mexico, Spain, and France. Graduate students in German may qualify for substantial scholarships in a recently expanded program for study in selected universities of Austria, Germany, or Switzerland. The university has an agreement with the University of Costa Rica and connections to a number of study abroad programs including International Students Exchange Program. The department co-sponsors the publication of Studies in Twentieth Century Literature, a scholarly journal devoted to the study of literature written in French, German, Russian, and Spanish.
In 1988 and 1991 the department received major grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities to conduct a year-long institute for secondary-school foreign-language teachers. Through these Institutes, our faculty developed considerable expertise in the integration of language, culture, and literature in secondary instruction. A substantial amount of the course work was carried out using a telecommunications system provided by the Regents TELEnet system located in the Educational Communications Center on campus. The department also cooperates with ECC staff in the development of Spanish courses which are transmitted by satellite to high schools all over the United States.
Financial support
A limited number of graduate teaching assistantships is available that offer the opportunity of teaching university-level courses under close pedagogical supervision. Appointments may be partial (teaching two courses per year) or full-time (three courses per year). All full-time GTAs receive a 100 percent tuition waiver. Those who have partial appointments will receive a tuition reduction. GTAs must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 hours of classwork in the Department of Modern Languages per semester to qualify. Except in unusual circumstances, GTAs are expected to enroll in 9 hours. Assistantships are normally renewable for a period of two years, assuming satisfactory teaching performance and progress toward the degree. The department also offers graduate fellowships to incoming M.A. candidates as well as to students in their second year of graduate study.
Most incoming students have undergraduate degrees in the particular language or in teaching, although we also may accept on a provisional basis those students who have considerable expertise in the language and culture in other ways, e.g., native speakers or U. S. citizens with extensive travel, living, and educational experience abroad.
We do not require the GRE examination for admission. Graduate applications to begin study in the fall must be received in our office by March 1, and by October 1 for the spring. Depending on the language you wish to study, assistantships may or may not be available after this date.
All international students must provide evidence of financial support. International students who do not have a degree from a university in the U.S. must submit a minimum TOEFL score of 560 or 220 (new scale) before they will be admitted to any graduate program at K-State. International students who apply for a teaching assistantship must attain a minimum score of 240 on the Test of Spoken English as well. We do have courses in English as a second language on campus in July and August to help applicants reach this TSE speaking score should they require it. It is in the applicant’s best interest to take both the TOEFL and the TSE early if possible.
Modern languages courses
Courses at the 500 level may not be included in the M. A. program of study unless they are in a language or discipline other than the candidate’s major field.
Master of Arts
Modern Languages
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