Mar 13, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Philosophy - Pre-Medicine (BS)
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The program in philosophy gives students an understanding of traditional philosophical subjects such as the nature and justification of moral values, religious and scientific explanations of the world, the rationality of social institutions, and the nature of reasoning and argument.
Pre-Medicine Option: While no one major is given preference by medical schools and related post-graduate programs, their admission committees recognize philosophy as a valuable primary or secondary major. In fact, surveys indicate that nationally, philosophy graduates have some of the highest acceptance rates at medical schools. Students in this program will be advised to supplement their education with an important science component.
Kansas State University Core: 34-36 Credit Hours
KBOR Statewide Transfer (SWT) Courses: https://www.kansasregents.org/academic_affairs/transfer-articulation. English (Written Communication Outcomes): 6 Credit Hours
Communication (Oral Communication Outcomes): 3 Credit Hours
Math & Statistics (Quantitative Literacy Outcomes): 3 Credit Hours
Natural & Physical Sciences (Natural & Physical Sciences Outcomes): 4-5 Credit Hours
Choose 1 subject area which must include a lab. Social & Behavioral Sciences (Social & Behavioral Sciences Outcomes): 6 Credit Hours
At least 2 courses from 2 subjects under this area. - AGEC 120 - Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Credits: 3
- AMETH 160 - Introduction to American Ethnic Studies Credits: 3
- ANTH 200 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Credits: 3
- ANTH 204 - A General Education Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Credits: 3
- ANTH 210 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, Honors Credits: 3
- ANTH 220 - Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology Credits: 3
- ANTH 260 - Introduction to Archeology Credits: 3
- CRIM 261 - Introduction to Criminology and Criminal Justice Credits: 3
- ECON 110 - Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: 3
- ECON 111 - Principles of Macroeconomics - Honors Credits: 3
- ECON 120 - Principles of Microeconomics Credits: 3
- GEOG 100 - World Geography & Globalization Credits: 3
- GEOG 200 - Human Geography Credits: 3
- GEOG 201 - Human Geography (Honors) Credits: 3
- GWSS 105 - Introduction to Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Credits: 3
- GWSS 275 - Gender, Race, and Sex in Science Fiction Credits: 3
- HDFS 110 - Introduction to Human Development Credits: 3
- HDFS 250 - Interpersonal and Family Relationships Credits: 3
- PLAN 115 - Introduction to Regional and Community Planning Credits: 3
- PLAN 215 - World Cities Credits: 3
- POLSC 110 - Introduction to Political Science Credits: 3
- POLSC 111 - Introduction to Political Science, Honors Credits: 4
- POLSC 115 - U.S. Politics Credits: 3
- POLSC 135 - Introduction to Comparative Politics Credits: 3
- POLSC 145 - World Politics Credits: 3
- POLSC 155 - Introduction to Political Thought Credits: 3
- POLSC 250 - Environmental Political Thought: The Future of Food, Air, Water, and Soil Credits: 3
- PSYCH 110 - General Psychology Credits: 3
- PSYCH 115 - General Psychology (Honors) Credits: 4
- PSYCH 202 - Drugs and Behavior Credits: 3
- PSYCH 280 - Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence Credits: 3
- PSYCH 290 - Innovative Studies in Psychology Credits: 1-6
- SOCIO 211 - Introduction to Sociology Credits: 3
- SOCIO 214 - Introduction to Sociology, Honors Credits: 4
- SOCIO 260 - Social Problems Credits: 3
- SOCWK 100 - Social Work: The Helping Profession Credits: 3
- SOCWK 200 - Basic Skills for Working with People Credits: 3
Arts & Humanities (Arts & Humanities Outcomes): 6 Credit Hours
At least 2 courses from 2 subjects under this area. - AGCOM 222 - Agricultural Business Communications Credits: 3
- AMETH 185 - Race, Film, and American Stories Credits: 3
- ARAB 101 - Arabic I Credits: 4
- ARAB 102 - Arabic II Credits: 4
- ARAB 201 - Arabic III Credits: 5
- ARCH 299 - Appreciation of Architecture Credits: 3
- ART 102 - Ceramics for Non-majors Credits: 3
- ART 103 - Jewelry Design and Processes for Non-majors Credits: 3
- ART 104 - Digital Photography for Non-majors Credits: 3
- ART 106 - Art Appreciation Credits: 3
- ART 108 - Introduction to Modern and Contemporary Art for Non-Majors Credits: 3
- ART 111 - Photography, Civil Rights, Art and the Environment Credits: 3
- ART 174 - A and D: Mixed Media Process and Exploration Lab Credits: 3
- ART 180 - AandD: Color, Light, and Perception Lab Credits: 3
- ART 190 - Drawing I Credits: 3
- ART 194 - A and D: Community and the Environment Experience Credits: 3
- ART 195 - Survey of Western Art History I Credits: 3
- ART 196 - Survey of Western Art History II Credits: 3
- ART 197 - Survey of Non-Western Art History Credits: 3
- ART 200 - AandD: Visual Representation and Fabrication Credits: 3
- ART 202 - Art and Insects Credits: 3
- ART 290 - Visual Communication Design I: Typography and Design Principles Credits: 3
- ART 291 - Introduction to Drawing Credits: 3
- CHINE 101 - Chinese I Credits: 4
- CHINE 200 - Chinese II Credits: 4
- CHINE 201 - Chinese III Credits: 4
- CLSCS 105 - Medical Terminology: Latin and Greek for Scientists Credits: 2
- COMM 120 - Introduction to Human Communication Credits: 3
- COMM 210 - Forensics, Debate, or Mock Trial Participation Credits: 0-1
- COMM 260 - Introduction to Trial Advocacy Credits: 3
- CNS 110 - History of Building and Construction Credits: 3
- COT 150 - The Humanities Through the Arts Credits: 3
- CZECH 101 - Czech for Travelers Credits: 2
- DANCE 110 - Breathe, Move, Be Credits: 3
- DANCE 115 - Yoga for Restoration Credits: 3
- DANCE 120 - Contemporary Dance I Credits: 2-3
- DANCE 165 - Ballet I Credits: 2-3
- DANCE 171 - Jazz Dance I Credits: 2-3
- DANCE 181 - Tap I Credits: 2-3
- DANCE 205 - Dance as an Art Form Credits: 3
- DANCE 215 - Improvisational Structures Credits: 2-3
- DANCE 220 - Principles of Dance Technology Credits: 1-3
- DANCE 225 - Rhythmic Notation for Dance Credits: 1
- DANCE 240 - West African Styles of Social Dance and Music Credits: 2
- DANCE 250 - Performance Styles Credits: 1
- DANCE 265 - Pointe Techniques Credits: 1
- DANCE 280 - Musical Theatre Dance Credits: 2-3
- EDEL 270 - Arts for Elementary Schools Credits: 3
- ENGL 170 - Writing Studio Credits: 0-3
- ENGL 185 - Race, Film, and American Stories Credits: 3
- ENGL 187 - Book Club Credits: 3
- ENGL 220 - Fiction into Film Credits: 3
- ENGL 224 - Television as Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 227 - Video Games as Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 230 - Classical Cultures Credits: 3
- ENGL 231 - Medieval and Renaissance Credits: 3
- ENGL 233 - Reformation to Enlightenment Credits: 3
- ENGL 234 - Modern Credits: 3
- ENGL 251 - Introduction to Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 253 - Short Story Credits: 3
- ENGL 260 - British Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 270 - American Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 280 - Studies in World Literature and Culture Credits: 3
- ENGL 285 - Introduction to American Ethnic Literatures Credits: 3
- ENGL 287 - Great Books Credits: 3
- ENGL 295 - Selected Studies in English Credits: 1-3
- ENGL 297 - Honors Introduction to the Humanities I Credits: 3
- ENGL 298 - Honors Introduction to the Humanities II Credits: 3
- ENGL 299 - Honors Topics in English Credits: 3
- ENGL 355 - Literature for Children Credits: 3
- ENGL 381 - American Survey I Credits: 3
- ENGL 382 - American Survey II Credits: 3
- ENGL 461 - Introduction to Fiction Writing Credits: 3
- ENTOM 202 - Art and Insects Credits: 3
- ENVD 203 - Survey of the Design, Planning and Community Development Professions Credits: 1
- ENVD 251 - History of the Designed Environment II Credits: 3
- FREN 101 - French I (Elementary French I) Credits: 4
- FREN 102 - French II Credits: 4
- FREN 103 - Accelerated Beginning French Credits: 5
- FREN 201 - French III Credits: 3
- GREEK 101 - Classical Greek I Credits: 5
- GREEK 102 - Classical Greek II Credits: 5
- GRMN 101 - German I Credits: 4
- GRMN 102 - German II Credits: 4
- GRMN 201 - German III Credits: 3
- GRMN 222 - Elementary German Conversation IIIA Credits: 2
- HINDI 101 - Hindi I Credits: 4
- HINDI 102 - Hindi II Credits: 4
- HINDI 201 - Hindi III Credits: 4
- HIST 100 - Introduction to History Credits: 3
- HIST 101 - Western Civilization I: Ancient Greece to Early Modern Europe Credits: 3
- HIST 102 - Western Civilization II: Europe in the Modern World Credits: 3
- HIST 105 - Western Civilization: The Rise of Europe (Honors) Credits: 3
- HIST 106 - Western Civilization: The Modern Era (Honors) Credits: 3
- HIST 111 - World History to 1450 Credits: 3
- HIST 112 - World History From 1450 Credits: 3
- HIST 151 - History of the United States to 1877 Credits: 3
- HIST 152 - History of the United States Since 1877 Credits: 3
- HIST 155 - U.S. Military History since 1775 Credits: 3
- HIST 200 - Topics in History for Freshmen and Sophomores Credits: 1-3
- HIST 222 - Western Warfare Since 1618 Credits: 3
- HIST 250 - Russian Culture and Civilization Credits: 3
- IAID 290 - Design and Material Culture Credits: 3
- IAID 299 - History of Furniture Credits: 3
- INDD 292 - Design Thinking Credits: 3
- ITAL 101 - Italian I Credits: 4
- ITAL 102 - Italian II Credits: 4
- ITAL 105 - Italian for Travelers Credits: 1-8
- JAPAN 101 - Japanese I Credits: 4
- JAPAN 200 - Japanese II Credits: 4
- JAPAN 201 - Japanese III Credits: 4
- JAPAN 299 - Special Studies in Japanese Credits: 1-8
- LAR 101 - Introduction to Landscape Architecture Credits: 3
- LAR 211 - Unlocking Creativity Credits: 3
- LAR 298 - Ethics and Environmental Dilemmas Credits: 3
- LATIN 101 - Latin I Credits: 4
- LATIN 102 - Latin II Credits: 4
- MC 110 - Mass Communication in Society Credits: 3
- MLANG 100 - Beginner Studies in Foreign Language Credits: 1-5
- MLANG 106 - Legal Terminology: Latin and French for Law Professions Credits: 2
- MLANG 110 - Hebrew for Beginners Credits: 2
- MLANG 120 - Multilingualism in the U.S. Credits: 3
- MLANG 200 - Intermediate Studies in Foreign Language I Credits: 1-5
- MLANG 280 - Studies in World Literature and Culture Credits: 1-5
- MLANG 297 - Honors Introduction to the Humanities I Credits: 3
- MLANG 298 - Honors Introduction to the Humanities II Credits: 3
- MUSIC 100 - Introduction to Music Theory Credits: 3
- MUSIC 103 - Voice Class I Credits: 1
- MUSIC 104 - Voice Class II Credits: 1
- MUSIC 111 - Concert Choir Credits: 0-1
- MUSIC 112 - University Choir Credits: 0-1
- MUSIC 113 - University Band Credits: 0-1
- MUSIC 114 - Cat Band Credits: 0-1
- MUSIC 115 - Marching Band Credits: 0-1
- MUSIC 116 - Concert Band Credits: 0-1
- MUSIC 117 - Wind Symphony Credits: 0-1
- MUSIC 118 - Jazz Ensemble Lab A Credits: 0-1
- MUSIC 121 - Collegiate Chorale Credits: 0-1
- MUSIC 129 - University Orchestra Credits: 0-1
- MUSIC 130 - Symphony Orchestra Credits: 0-1
- MUSIC 131 - Theatre Orchestra Credits: 0-1
- MUSIC 135 - University Tenor/Bass Choir Credits: 0-1
- MUSIC 140 - University Treble Chorus Credits: 0-1
- MUSIC 150 - History of Musical Instruments Credits: 2-3
- MUSIC 151 - Women in Music Credits: 3
- MUSIC 152 - Introduction to Film Music Credits: 3
- MUSIC 153 - History of Jazz Credits: 3
- MUSIC 154 - Salsa: Afro-Cuban Music of the Past and Present Credits: 3
- MUSIC 155 - Jazz in Kansas City and the Southwest Credits: 2-3
- MUSIC 156 - Introduction to the Broadway Musical Credits: 3
- MUSIC 157 - Introduction to American Music Credits: 3
- MUSIC 160 - Experiencing Live Music Credits: 2-3
- MUSIC 170 - History of Rock and Roll Credits: 3
- MUSIC 171 - Inventing the Future: Underground Rock: 1968-1993 Credits: 3
- MUSIC 172 - History of Country Music Credits: 3
- MUSIC 173 - Music as Protest and Propaganda in the United States Credits: 3
- MUSIC 203 - Vocal Techniques I Credits: 1
- MUSIC 204 - Vocal Techniques II Credits: 1
- MUSIC 208 - Guitar Class I Credits: 1
- MUSIC 210 - Music Theory I Credits: 3
- MUSIC 211 - Piano Class I Credits: 1
- MUSIC 212 - Piano Class II Credits: 1
- MUSIC 213 - Piano Class III Credits: 1
- MUSIC 214 - Piano Class IV Credits: 1
- MUSIC 220 - Topics in Music Credits: 1-3
- MUSIC 230 - Music Theory II Credits: 3
- MUSIC 231 - Aural Skills I Credits: 1
- MUSIC 240 - Advanced String Techniques and Materials Credits: 1
- MUSIC 241 - Italian Diction Credits: 1
- MUSIC 242 - French Diction Credits: 1
- MUSIC 243 - German Diction Credits: 1
- MUSIC 244 - West African Drumming and Percussion Credits: 2
- MUSIC 246 - Drumset Techniques Credits: 1
- MUSIC 248 - Songwriting Credits: 3
- MUSIC 249 - Introduction to Music of the World Credits: 3
- MUSIC 250 - Introduction to Music Credits: 3
- MUSIC 251 - Applied Study for Non-Music Majors Credits: 1-2
- MUSIC 254 - Secondary Performance Credits: 1-2
- MUSIC 255 - Lower-Division Performance Credits: 1-4
- MUSIC 268 - Vocal Pedagogy Credits: 2
- MUSIC 280 - Lower-Division Ensemble Performance Credits: 1
- MUSIC 405 - Music for Elementary Teachers Credits: 3
- PHILO 100 - Introduction to Philosophical Problems Credits: 3
- PHILO 105 - Introduction to Critical Thinking Credits: 3
- PHILO 112 - Causal and Statistical Reasoning Credits: 3
- PHILO 115 - Introduction to Philosophy of Religion Credits: 3
- PHILO 120 - Introduction to Philosophy of Art Credits: 3
- PHILO 125 - Introduction to Philosophy of Science Credits: 3
- PHILO 130 - Introduction to Moral Philosophy Credits: 3
- PHILO 135 - Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy Credits: 3
- PHILO 140 - Introduction to Philosophy of Mind Credits: 3
- PHILO 145 - Historical Introduction to Philosophy Credits: 3
- PHILO 150 - Introduction to Philosophy of Feminism Credits: 3
- PHILO 160 - Introduction to Philosophy of Law Credits: 3
- PHILO 185 - Engineering Ethics Credits: 3
- PHILO 215 - Honors Introduction to Philosophy Credits: 3
- PHILO 230 - Honors Introduction to Moral Philosophy Credits: 3
- PHILO 297 - Honors Introduction to the Humanities I Credits: 3
- PHILO 298 - Honors Introduction to the Humanities II Credits: 3
- RUSSN 101 - Russian I Credits: 5
- RUSSN 102 - Russian II Credits: 5
- RUSSN 250 - Russian Culture and Civilization Credits: 3
- SPAN 101 - Spanish I Credits: 4
- SPAN 102 - Spanish II Credits: 4
- SPAN 110 - Conversational Spanish for the Workplace Credits: 3
- SPAN 201 - Spanish III Credits: 3
- SWAH 101 - Swahili I Credits: 4
- SWAH 102 - Swahili II Credits: 4
- SWAH 201 - Swahili III Credits: 4
- SWAH 202 - Swahili IV Credits: 4
- THTRE 111 - Production Participation Credits: 1
- THTRE 171 - Fundamentals of Acting Credits: 3
- THTRE 201 - Drugs and Alcohol in Theatre and Film Credits: 3
- THTRE 202 - Taboo! Transgression and Censorship in Theatre and Film Credits: 3
- THTRE 203 - Stage to Screen: Theatre into Film Credits: 3
- THTRE 205 - Contemporary American Theatre Credits: 3
- THTRE 211 - Run Crew Credits: 0-2
- THTRE 212 - Wardrobe Crew Credits: 1
- THTRE 220 - Musical Theatre History Credits: 3
- THTRE 235 - Introduction to the Art of Film Credits: 3
- THTRE 260 - Stage Movement Credits: 3
- THTRE 263 - Oral Interpretation of Literature Credits: 3
- THTRE 265 - Fundamentals of Improvisation I, II Credits: 3
- THTRE 268 - Techniques of Makeup Credits: 1
- THTRE 270 - Introduction to Theatre Credits: 3
- THTRE 271 - Intermediate Acting Credits: 3
- THTRE 280 - Script Analysis Credits: 3
- THTRE 299 - Vocal Expression for Actors Credits: 3
- THTRE 368 - Fundamentals of Technical Production Credits: 3
Free Electives (Institutionally Designated Area): 6 Credit Hours
Includes ALL 100 and 200 level courses at K-State or in Transfer. Note: One course may be used to satisfy more than one requirement. However, students must complete a total of 34-36 credit hours of general education courses. For a Full Listing of K-State 100/200 level courses you may search those courses individually via the University Course Catalog. Orientation: 1 Credit Hour
Outside Concentration: 9 Credit Hours
Outside credential of at least 9 credit hours (May be from any unit, except Philosophy, OR from approved interdisciplinary credentials within the unit). OR Any 9 credit hours in a single prefix (except for PHILO) (all must be 300 level or above OR at any level with a prereq in the same prefix; up to 5 credit hours may overlap with program). OR Any 9 credit hour microcredential (up to 5 credit hours may overlap with program). Overlays: [9] Credit Hours
May be filled in K-State Core, Outside Concentration, electives, or the Program itself. - Ethical Reasoning Overlay, 1 course Credits: [3]
- Global Perspectives Overlay, 1 course Credits: [3]
- US Multicultural Overlay, 1 course Credits: [3]
Philosophy (Philo) Common Requirements: 15 Credit Hours
Philosophy Pre-Medicine Option Requirements: 3 Credit Hours
Philosophy (Philo) Elective Requirements: 18 Credit Hours
Students take one course (3 credits) at the 100 level or above, two courses (6 credits) at the 300 level or above, and three courses (9 credits) at the 500 level or above. PHILO 100+ elective - 3 credit hours PHILO 300+ elective - 3 credit hours PHILO 300+ elective - 3 credit hours PHILO 500+ elective - 3 credit hours PHILO 500+ elective - 3 credit hours PHILO 500+ elective - 3 credit hours
BS Natural and Quantitative Requirements: 12-15 Credit Hours
One course in each of the following, with at least two courses at the 300 level or above OR at any level with a prerequisite in the same discipline. Natural Science course Credits: 3-5
Quantitative course Credits: 3-4
Natural Science, or Quantitative, or Social Science w/MATH or STAT prereq Credits: 3
Natural Science, or Quantitative, or Social Science w/MATH or STAT prereq Credits: 3
BS Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Requirements: 3 Credit Hours
3 credit hours in each of the following, with at least 3 credit hours total at 300 level or above OR at any level with a prerequisite in the same discipline. Non-Quantitative Social Science: Any social science course that does NOT have a MATH or STAT prereq Credits: 3
Free Electives: 22-25
In addition to K-State Core Free Electives requirement, take any course so that the total credit hours completed equals 120. Grand Total for Program of Study: 120
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