Oct 09, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

K-State Research and Extension

J. Ernie Minton, Director, K-State Research and Extension and Dean College of Agriculture
Martin Draper, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs
Gregg Hadley, Associate Director for Extension

113 Waters Hall

K-State Research and Extension is dedicated to a safe, sustainable, and competitive food and fiber system and to strong, healthy communities, families, and youth through integrated research, analysis, and education.

K-State Research and Extension provides practical, research-based information and educational programs to address critical issues facing individuals, families, agricultural producers, business operators, and communities.

K-State Research and Extension is organized into the following core mission themes; agricultural industry competitiveness; food, nutrition, health, and safety; natural resources and environmental management; youth, family and community development.

One K-State Research and Extension partner, the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station (KAES), conducts original research both on and off campus. Twenty-four departments in five colleges are involved. K-State Research and Extension is also strongly allied with the Graduate School in training graduate students; interested graduate students are encouraged to seek research assistantships. Many undergraduate students work for K-State Research and Extension, which greatly adds to the classroom experience. Off-campus research is centered at two research-extension centers, two research centers, and 10 experiment fields in various parts of the state.

The other K-State Research and Extension partner, the Cooperative Extension Service, provides an important learning bridge between the university and the people of the state. It applies scientific knowledge, principles, and practices to the grassroots problems of Kansans. At the same time, this unique information delivery system brings back requests for new knowledge to the research staff at the university.

The Cooperative Extension Service staffs four area offices (two operate as part of a Research/Extension Center) and helps maintain local extension offices, staffed by off-campus K-State faculty members, in all 105 Kansas counties.

Extension agents are responsible for conducting educational programs in the core mission themes. The agents serve as a local source of information regarding programs of many states and federal agencies, and then help people apply this information to their specific situation.

Information is published in scientific journals; in station bulletins, extension bulletins, national and international conferences; and in popular journals and news releases to the press and radio and television stations. Requests for station publications should be sent to the Distribution Center, Umberger Hall.

Agricultural Experiment Station

Western Kansas Agricultural Research
Centers: Colby-Garden City-Hays

Robert L. Gillen, Head and Professor

Agricultural Research Center-Hays
Professors: Martin, Seifers, and Stahlman
Associate Professors: Harmoney and Kofoid
Assistant Professors: Jaeger and Michaud

Investigations are primarily related to plant and animal systems specific to western Kansas, where rainfall is limited. They include beef grazing, feeding, and breeding studies; crop improvement, with special emphasis on wheat and sorghum; soil management; weed control; plant disease; and insect management.

Northwest Research-Extension Center-Colby
Professor: Lamm; Associate Professor: Aiken

Major areas of research are crop improvement; soil management; irrigation; weed control; and horticulture.

Southwest ResearchExtension Center-Garden City and Tribune
Professors: Klocke and Schlegel
Associate Professors: Buschman and Currie

Current investigations involve irrigation research; dryland soil and crop management; crop improvement; weed control; insect and other pest control in crops; soil management; and environmental management for livestock operations.

Southeast Research Extension Center
J.D. McNutt, Head
Professors: Moyer and Sweeney; Associate Professor: Kelley; Assistant Professor: Long

Research focuses on soil and water conservation; crop improvement; weed control; beef cattle grazing investigations; and forages.

Experiment fields
The Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station includes 11 experiment fields: North Central Kansas (Belleville), Irrigation (Scandia), Sandyland (St. John), South Central Kansas (Hutchinson), Harvey County (Hesston), East Center (Ottawa), and Kansas River Valley Irrigation (Rossville and Silver Lake).

Experimental work is devoted to horticultural and forest crops at three fields: John Pair Horticultural Research Center (Wichita), Pecan Experiment Field (Chetopa), and East Central Horticulture Field (Olathe).

Affiliated agencies

Kansas Water Resources Research Institute
Cooperating with the Water Resources Institute, University of Kansas

The Kansas Water Resources Research Institute conducts basic and applied research on water use and to train scientists in water resources. Representatives of K-State and the University of Kansas participate in institute policy making and research. Research is focused on finding the most effective ways of conserving, using, and distributing available water.

Food Science Institute
Jeanette Thurston, Director

The Food Science Institute facilitates training of undergraduate and graduate students; basic and applied research initiatives; and technical and scientific information transfer to academia consumers, food industry, and governmental agencies. More than 40 faculty are members of the food science graduate faculty. Faculty are located in the Departments of Agronomy; Animal Sciences and Industry; Biochemistry; Chemical Engineering; Communications; Diagnostic Medicine/ Pathobiology; Entomology; Grain Science and Industry; Hotel, Restaurant, Institution Management and Dietetics; Human Nutrition; and Journalism and Mass Communications.

Center for Applied Statistics
George A. Milliken, Director

The Center for Applied Statistics provides consulting services for scientists associated with the Agricultural Experiment Station.

Kansas Center for Agricultural Resources and the Environment
Dan Devlin, Director

The Kansas Center for Agricultural Resources and the Environment (KCARE) is an interdisciplinary research and education unit of K-State Research and Extension whose purpose is to provide focus on environmental issues related to agriculture. The center works with faculty from academic departments to provide coordination and support for research and educational activities in natural resources and environmental management. The center also works to garner financial support for programs and serves as a single point of contact for agencies and organizations outside K-State who have interest in natural resource and environmental issues.

Kansas Center for Sustainable Agriculture and Alternative Crops

KCSAAC is an interdisciplinary center that supports family farms in Kansas through research, education, and outreach programs focusing on production, storage, processing, and marketing technologies that boost small farm profitability, protect natural resources, and enhance rural communities. Examples of activities include evaluating production and marketing of new crops for Kansas, providing educational programs on value-added processing and niche marketing, and providing educational programs on whole farm planning and environmental assessment. KCSAAC was created by the 2000 Kansas Legislature out of concern for the survival of family farms.

Plant Biotechnology Center
John Leslie, Director

The Plant Biotechnology Center links scientists in several colleges and departments who use molecular biology and cell and tissue culture to modify the plant genome. The center’s mission is to use biotechnology to add quality and value to Kansas products.

The major emphasis is to develop systems, approaches, linkages, and a knowledge base to apply biotechnology to plant improvement. The goals are to enhance yield and product quality for traditional uses and to explore value-added uses for novel markets.

Projects include activities that are immediately important to Kansas agriculture and that have a high probability of success in a relatively short period of time. They also include a component of basic research that will reach application at a later time. An important consideration is work on Kansas plants and plant products that could be designed to better meet the demands of national and international markets.


Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources

Faculty in the Colleges of Agriculture and Engineering conduct educational programs and provide technical assistance through the county extension network to citizens throughout the state.

Interdisciplinary educational programs are conducted in water quality; natural resource use and conservation; community and economic development; value-added processing and production; food, feed, forage; animal production and utilization; and farm business and financial management.

Agricultural Economics

Allen Featherstone, Head
Glynn Tonsor, State Leader

Farm management
The extension educational program in farm management is divided into two areas: Kansas Farm Management Association programs and area and state farm management programs.

In the Kansas Farm Management Association program, farm management agricultural economists conduct an intensive educational program with approximately 3,000 Kansas farm families in the six farm management associations. The KFMA program website is www.AgManager.info/KFMA.

The extension farm management program is conducted by state specialists and area economists. It is done with in-depth educational programs in cooperation with the county extension agents. The area specialists conduct in-depth workshops in farm business management with farm families, provide a nearby reference resource for agents, and develop educational materials for agent use. Much of the program delivery occurs through our website at www.AgManager.info/KFMA.

Agricultural policy
The public affairs extension educational program provides educational information on policy issues of current interest. Problems are analyzed, alternatives and consequences examined, and the people are challenged to reach decisions.

The economic information program provides current data on factors affecting farming, business and industrial operations, labor supply and demand, and family living costs.

Extension marketing
The main projects of marketing include marketing information, agribusiness, and commodity marketing activities. News releases, monthly teleconferences, publications directed to the general public, and special information directed toward specific agricultural audiences are used to disseminate information.

Extension economic development
Extension economic development assists communities and businesses in development efforts. News releases, publications, and seminars are offered.

Extension local government
The extension local government programs provide direct educational assistance in the areas of structure, management, finance, and policy. The Office of Local Government serves as the primary unit providing outreach programming in this area.

Extension Agronomy

William Schapaugh, Interim Head

Extension agronomy conducts a statewide educational program in agricultural crop production and natural resource conservation. The program is focused on conservation and protection of natural resources through education and technology transfer that results in improved, stable crop production efficiency. The breadth of the program is in understanding the dynamics of crops, weeds, soils, and water on crop and grazing lands, management, and production.

Extension Animal Sciences and Industry

Michael Day, Head
Joel DeRouchey, State Leader

Extension specialists in animal sciences and industry provide leadership for state programs in beef cattle, dairy cattle, horses, poultry, sheep, swine, meats, dairy products, value-added food products, food safety, and wildlife damage control.

Extension Biological and Agricultural Engineering

Joseph P. Harner, Department Head and State Leader
Professors: Harner, Murphy, and Rogers; Associate Professor: Taylor; Assistant Professor: Wolf; Emeriti Professor: Clark, Jepsen, Koelliker, Powell, and Wendling.

Extension agricultural engineering conducts an educational program which relates to engineering principles to agricultural concerns including water management, water quality, waste management, crop and grain management systems, food processing, ag safety, pesticide application equipment, and livestock production facilities.

Community Vitality

Associate Specialist: Menon, Steen, Daniels, Rice; Emeritus Associate Specialist: McAdoo.

The Kansas PRIDE Community Improvement Program is a cooperative effort between government, education, and private industry to develop an organizational and leadership structure for community-wide volunteer action. The Kansas PRIDE program is jointly administered by the Kansas State University Cooperative Extension Service and the Kansas Department of Commerce and Housing.

Extension Entomology

Brian McCormack, Interim Head

Extension entomology is concerned with integrated insect and mite management or control for Kansas citizens. Pilot pest management projects are used to introduce and validate integrated approaches to managing pest populations.

Extension Grain Science and Industry

Gordon Smith, Head

Educational efforts target all sectors of the grain industry and include people involved with wheat breeding, production, grain handling, merchandising, processing, baking, feed manufacturing, and regulatory compliance. Two thrusts of this program include grain utilization and processing quality; and flour mill, feed mill, and grain elevator management. Subjects include wheat quality as it relates to milling and baking properties, commercial and on-farm grain storage and quality maintenance techniques, on-farm feed manufacturing, commercial feed processing, grain industry safety and regulatory compliance, plant sanitation, food safety, and grain grading.

Extension Horticulture, Forestry, and Recreation Resources

Steven Keeley, Interim Head
Jason Griffin, State Leader

Programs in extension horticulture and landscaping serve persons interested in fruits, nuts, vegetables, flowers, turf, shrubs, ornamental and shade trees, and forest and riparian management.

Extension Plant Pathology

Meghan Kennelly, Interim Head
Douglas J. Jardine, State Leader

Plant pathology extension specialists provide information about the occurrence and nature of plant diseases and the economic means for their control.


Youth, Family, and Community Development

Community Development

VACANT, Extension PRIDE Program Coordinator
Associate Specialists: Rice; Emeritus Professor: Frazier; Emeritus Associate Specialist: McAdoo.

An educated and knowledgeable citizenry is the foundation of our state’s economic productivity, democratic charter and social system.

K-State programs inform and help people through research and extension build strong, healthy communities.

4-H Youth Development

Professor: Weber; Associate Professor: Potter, Jepsen, Seay; Associate Specialist: Wiebers; Instructor: Van Horn; Extension Associate: Hecht; Emeriti Professors: Apel, Bates, Busset, and Eyestone; Emeriti Associate Professors: Borst and Salmon.

The 4-H youth development program is a community of young people across Kansas who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. Utilizing a variety of delivery methods and trained volunteers, young people ages 7-19 are involved in hands-on learning experiences. Program priorities include science and technology, healthy lifestyles, and youth citizenship.


Family and Consumer Sciences

Family Studies and Human Services

Sonya Lutter, Head
Assistant Professor: Johannes; Emeritus Professor: Bradshaw.

Extension programs address a wide range of issues that help strengthen families and youth across Kansas. Programs teach families about financial planning, parenting, family communication, health, and aging issues.

Food, Nutrition, Dietetics, and Health

Mark Haub, Head
Tanda Kidd, Extension State Leader
Professor: Medeiros; Associate Professor: Higgins; and Assistant Professor: Kidd.

Healthy eating and physical activity education across the lifespan is available through local extension offices in Kansas. Food, nutrition, dietetics, and health faculty lead programming for nutrition for pregnancy, infants, children and youth, adults, and seniors. All of these include programming for limited resource families and individuals.


Services and Facilities


Jason Ellis, Head

In addition to its teaching and research program, the Department of Communications provides comprehensive communications and computer-based technology support and consultation for all offices, departments, and centers in K-State Research and Extension and the College of Agriculture.

Our faculty have professional experience in editing and producing publications, creating graphic design, writing news releases, producing radio and television news and features, managing information systems, training to enhance communication and technology software skills, and duplicating and distributing educational materials.

Extension Field Operations

James L. Lindquist, Associate Director
Professor Emeriti: Cox and Van Meter; Associate Professor Emeriti: Albright and McReynolds.

The Extension Field Operations office provides leadership as a resource and support to the area director team. It provides leadership for organizational guidelines, policy and centralized functions in support of out-state local operations, and professional development of effective boards and councils.

Northeast Regional

Chris Onstad, Regional
Professor: Duncan; Instructors: Flaming-Jackson, Graber, and Mack; Instructor Emeriti: Christian and Domsch.

Northwest Research-Extension Center

Aliesa Woods, Regional Director
Associate Professors: Barker, Johnson, O’Brien, and Olson; Instructors: Falk; Assistant Professor Emeriti: Mikesell and Overley; Director Emeritus: White.

Southeast Research-Extension Center

J. D. McNutt, Director
Professor: Price; Instructor: Hinshaw; Assistant Professor: Shoup; Professor Emeriti: Brazle, Kilgore, Lippert, Robbins, and Westmeyer; Associate Professor Emeritus: Appleby; Instructor Emeriti: George and Stephens.

Southwest Research-Extension Center

Mary Sullivan, Director
Professor: Sloderbeck; Assistant Professors: Martin and Waggoner; Instructors: Dumler and Sollock; Professor Emeriti: Mann, Hartman, and Young; Instructor Emeriti: Frisbie.

Local Extension Offices

There are extension offices in each of the 105 counties.