ANTH Electives: 21 Credit Hours
Majors must take electives in at least two of our three main subfields: cultural anthropology, biological anthropology, and archaeology.
Remaining 15 credit hours may be chosen from any of the below subfields
Of the required 21 elective hours, at least 9 credit hours must be at, or above, the 500 level.
Biological Anthropology: ANTH 380-389; 580-589; 680-689;780-789
Cultural Anthropology: ANTH 305-319; 505-519; 605-619; 705-719
Archaeology Electives: ANTH 360-369; 560-569; 660-669; 760-769
Linguistic Electives: ANTH 220; 320-329; 520-529; 620-629; 720-729
Intersubdisciplinary+: ANTH 350-359; 550-559; 650-659