The Animal Sciences & Industry major prepares students for a variety of careers related to animal care and production. Students may continue their education in veterinary or graduate school or start their careers in areas like animal health, nutrition, breeding & genetics, reproduction, meat science, or milk processing within the industry, education, or government. Coursework focuses on the science and business of raising animals, with an emphasis on domesticated animals of importance to the lives of Kansans. There are two options of study to choose from based on a student’s target career: Prevet/Science or Management/Industry, both of which are available on the Manhattan campus or online.
The ASI major is housed in the Northeast corner of the main Manhattan campus, but its reach is far beyond classrooms, offices, and laboratories located in Weber Hall and Call Hall. The Department maintains teaching and research units within two miles of campus, where students take courses and apply concepts with hands-on education. There are separate units and farms for horses, sheep and meat goats, swine, dairy, poultry, purebred beef cattle, cow/calf, stocker cattle, and feedlot cattle. Animal products are further processed on campus through the Department’s meats and milk processing facilities. Finally, the ASI Dept. enjoys a collaborative relationship with the College of Veterinary Medicine, other Departments in the College, and its stakeholders so students can gain experience in the veterinary health center, feed mill and pet food processing facilities, and state/federal government facilities all located within a few miles of campus.