First Year |
Hours |
K-State Core |
Semester 1 |
AGRON 101 - Agronomy Orientation |
1 |
AGRON 120 - Crop Science |
4 |
AGRON 121 - Crop Science Laboratory |
1 |
CHM 210 - Chemistry I |
4 |
English Requirement |
3 |
KSC 010 |
Social and Behavioral Sciences Requirement |
3 |
KSC 050 |
Choose One Course Below: |
AGEC 120 - Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness |
[3] |
AGEC 121 - Honors Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness |
[3] |
ECON 110 - Principles of Macroeconomics[ |
[3] |
ECON 120 - Principles of Microeconomics |
[3] |
Total Credits: 15 |
Semester 2 |
AGRON 205 - Soils |
3 |
AGRON 206 - Soils Laboratory |
1 |
CIS 102 - Introduction to Spreadsheet Applications |
1 |
Communications Requirement |
3 |
BIOL 198 - Principles of Biology |
4 |
KSC 040 |
MATH 100 - College Algebra |
3 |
KSC 030 |
Total Credits: 15 |
Second Year |
Semester 1 |
AGRON 202 - Introduction to Precision Ag Software |
3 |
CHM 230 - Chemistry II |
4 |
MATH 150 - Plane Trigonometry |
3 |
English Requirement |
3 |
KSC 010 |
Social & Behavioral Sciences Requirement |
3 |
KSC 030 |
Total Credits: 16 |
Semester 2 |
PHYS 113 - General Physics I |
4 |
ENTOM 250 - Economic Entomology OR |
3 |
ENTOM 312 - General Entomology |
3 |
Social & Behavioral Sciences Requirement |
3 |
KSC 050 |
Business & Communications Elective |
3 |
KSC 060 |
Arts & Humanities Requirement |
3 |
KSC 060 |
Total Credits: 16 |
Third Year |
Semester 1 |
AGRON 330 - Weed Science |
3 |
AGRON 360 - Crop Growth and Development |
3 |
STAT 240 - Biometrics I |
3 |
GEOG 508 - Geographic Information Systems I |
4 |
AGRON 405 - Internship in Agronomy |
0-3 |
Must complete one internship for 3 cr |
Total Credits: 16 |
Semester 2 |
AGRON 375 - Soil Fertility |
3 |
AGRON 385 - Soil Fertility Laboratory |
2 |
AGRON 665 - Soil Genesis and Classification |
3 |
PLPTH 500 - Principles of Plant Pathology |
3 |
GEOG 302 - Cartography and Thematic Mapping |
3 |
GEOG 605 - Remote Sensing of the Environment OR |
3 |
GEOG 608 - Geographic Information Systems II Or |
3 |
UAS 270 - Introduction to UAS |
3 |
Total Credits: 14 |
Fourth Year |
Semester 1 |
ATM 550 - Precision Agriculture Technologies |
3 |
Agronomy Electives |
3 |
Agricultural Electives |
3 |
Free Electives {Institutionally Designated Area} |
6 |
KSC 070 |
Total Credits: 15 |
Semester 2 |
AGRON 655 - Site Specific Agriculture |
3 |
Agronomy Electives |
3 |
Agricultural Electives |
3 |
Free Electives |
4 |
Total Credits: 13 |
Total Program Hours: 120 |