2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
College of Agriculture
Ernie Minton, Dean and Director of Kansas State Research and Extension
114 Waters Hall
Dan Moser, Associate Dean
Jennifer Bormann, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
Zelia Wiley, Assistant Dean of Diversity and Inclusion
Deana Core, Assistant Dean of New Student Recruitment
229 Waters Hall
114 Waters Hall
The College of Agriculture offers 14 bachelor of science degree programs, 10 master of science programs, nine programs leading to the PhD, and a pre-veterinary medicine program. The programs and options provide flexibility to meet the needs of students who will enter varied careers in the food chain and related agribusinesses.
The profession
Professional agriculture is the application of the physical, biological and social sciences and the principles of management to food production, preservation and processing, crop and livestock production, marketing and processing, culture of flowers, turf grass, and ornamentals, life processes of plants and animals, natural resources management, economic development, agricultural education and communication, and related fields.
More than 95 percent of the instructional faculty of the College of Agriculture have PhD degrees. All are actively involved in research and publish their findings regularly in scientific journals. They work closely with Extension specialists. This integration of teaching, research, and Extension helps ensure that courses are current and relevant.
Effective instruction in the application of basic sciences to modern agricultural industries requires land, buildings, livestock, and equipment. More than 4,000 acres of land are used for experimental work and for instruction.
A feed mill, flour mill, and bakery include modern equipment from eight countries, and new facilities have recently been constructed. Colbert Hills Golf Course supports teaching and research related to the golf course management program. Greenhouses, laboratories, and field plots provide resources for horticulture and agronomy courses.
Modern animal industry and dairy and poultry units near campus contain some of the latest equipment for teaching and research in nutrition, genetics, and food processing (meat, milk, eggs). Livestock of many breeds, plus various soil types, field crops, fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals, are used in teaching and research.
Click on any of the following links for information:
Professional Programs
- Agribusiness—BS, MAB
- Agricultural economics—BS, MS, PhD
- Agricultural education—BS
- Agricultural communications and journalism—BS
- Agricultural technology management—BS
- Agronomy (crops and soils)—BS, MS, PhD
- Animal sciences and industry—BS, MS, PhD
- Bakery science and management—BS
- Entomology—MS, PhD
- Feed and Pet Food management—BS
- Food science—MS, PhD
- Food science and industry—BS
- General Agriculture—two year
- Genetics—MS, PhD
- Grain science—MS, PhD
- Horticulture—BS, MS, PhD
- Milling science and management—BS
- Park management and conservation—BS
- Plant pathology—MS, PhD
- Pre-veterinary medicine—three year
- Veterinary medicine in agriculture—BS
- Wildlife and outdoor enterprise management —BS
Internships and cooperative education
Internships and co-op programs throughout the state and nation are available with agribusiness firms and agencies and in production agriculture to gain on-the-job experience. Specific internship and co-op requirements vary among departments and interdepartmental programs. Students may earn academic credit and salaries for approved internships and co-op experiences. The number of internships and co-op programs in the College of Agriculture is growing as companies seek to attract K-State graduates.
Extracurricular activities
Leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills are essential for today’s agriculture graduate. K-State offers many opportunities to become involved on campus through departmental clubs, service organizations, student government, agricultural competition teams, and much more. Each contributes to greater personal and professional development.
International study opportunities
The College of Agriculture supports various programs for international experiential learning through agricultural study tours, semester abroad programs, and summer internships in other countries. An international agriculture minor that requires completion of an international experience is available to agriculture majors. Students in all majors are encouraged to include foreign language and international culture and business courses in their curricula. International travel and study programs are coordinated by the associate dean in 288C Waters Hall. Additional information on international agricultural programs is provided in the Outreach section of the catalog.
All students applying for College of Agriculture scholarships must complete and file electronically the K-State scholarship application. By completing the university’s scholarship application, you become eligible for all university, college, and departmental scholarships for which you are qualified. Scholarship applications for entering freshmen and transfer students should be submitted by November 1 to receive priority consideration by the university and college. The College of Agriculture also offers international study scholarships and diversity scholarships.
Office for Diversity Programs
Zelia Wiley, Director
The Office for Diversity Programs provides support services for all students and faculty. The office provides leadership for diversity programs, educational activities, and recruitment and retention of multicultural students in the College of Agriculture. The director coordinates activities of the Kansas State University chapter of Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS). Through membership in MANRRS, students have access to enhanced professional development and career opportunities.
General Requirements
Selection of a major
Students usually select a curriculum or major when they enter the college. They are provided faculty academic advisors in their major fields. Students enroll in general agriculture if they want to enter some part of professional agriculture but are not yet ready to identify a particular major. They are assigned an academic advisor in the academic programs office or an advisor in one of the academic departments. These students are urged to choose majors before the end of the freshman year.
The curriculum or major may be changed at almost any time and with relative ease, though a change after the sophomore year may delay graduation.
Electives permit adaptation of the program to the student’s goals. The student should work with an advisor to develop the most beneficial and effective academic program.
Many students work part time at K-State laboratories, greenhouses, and farms. This experience adds greatly to students’ learning and understanding.
Selection of an option
Most major fields of study in agriculture provide for selection of groups of courses known as options. Some typical options include:
Business and industries
Students who wish to emphasize business, marketing, and management related to agribusiness firms may select an option in business and industries. Course work includes classes in business administration and economics.
Those who plan to enter farming, ranching, horticultural production, landscape and turf management, or other technical positions in agriculture or agribusiness may select a production/ technical option. Study in one of these options allows students to gain more depth in the technical aspects of their majors.
A science/professional option prepares students for research and graduate and professional schools. This option allows students to structure programs strong in the basic sciences and/or other areas that will enhance success in graduate and professional schools such as law and veterinary medicine. Additional options are available in certain curricula or majors to allow students to develop specific strengths or specializations.
Suggested courses
Suggested humanities and social science electives
The following list includes courses that will satisfy non-specific humanities and social science requirements for some agricultural majors. Requirements in some majors may be more specific in these areas. Students should consult their advisor for details.
(Maximum of 3 credit hours may be taken from participatory courses)
(must be taken from more than one department):
- American ethnic studies—any course
- Architecture, planning, and design—any course in history or appreciation of architecture or environmental design
- Anthropology—any course
- Art—courses in appreciation and theory
- Dance—any course
- Economics—above ECON 110 - Principles of Macroeconomics
- English—any except courses in composition
- Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies—any course
- Geography—any except GEOG 121 - Introductory Physical Geography: Earth Systems Science
- History—any course
- Family studies and human services—any course
- Modern languages—any course
- Music—any course in theory or appreciation of music
- Philosophy—any course
- Political science—any course
- Psychology—any course
- Sociology—any course
- Theatre—any course
Suggested additional communications courses
Many majors require additional communications courses beyond expository writing and speech. The following list includes courses that will satisfy non-specific communications requirements for some agricultural majors. Requirements in some majors may be more specific. Students should consult their advisor for details.
Course |
Course Title |
Credit hours |
AGCOM 222 |
Agricultural Business Communications |
3 |
AGED 706 |
Teaching Adults in Extension |
3 |
COMM 311 |
Business and Professional Speaking |
3 |
COMM 321 |
Public Speaking II |
2 |
COMM 322 |
Interpersonal Communications |
3 |
COMM 325 |
Argumentation and Debate |
3 |
COMM 326 |
Small Group Discussion Methods |
3 |
COMM 726 |
Seminar in Persuasion |
3 |
ENGL 300 |
Expository Writing III |
3 |
ENGL 516 |
Written Communications for the Sciences |
3 |
MC 200 |
News and Feature Writing |
3 |
MKTG 542 |
Professional Selling and Sales Management |
3 |
General Education: K-State Core
Please click on the following link to learn more about General Education: K-State 8.
Program Choices
General agriculture
Students who are undecided regarding the selection of a major in agriculture may want to enroll in the general agriculture exploratory program. Courses taken in this area are selected with the help of an advisor to meet basic requirements and expose students to potential areas of study in agriculture through introductory course work in one or more departments. Examples of course selections for first semester follow:
Example I
Course |
Course Title |
Credit hours |
AGCOM 110 |
Introduction to Ag Communications |
1 |
ASI 102 |
Principles of Animal Science |
3 |
ASI 105,
106, or 107 |
An ASI Lab |
1 |
ENGL 100 |
Expository Writing I |
3 |
GENAG 101 |
Ag Orientation |
1 |
HORT 256 |
Human Dimensions of Horticulture |
3 |
MATH 100 |
College Algebra |
3 |
Total |
15 |
Example II
Course |
Course Title |
Credit hours |
AGEC 120 |
Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness |
3 |
CHM 110 |
General Chemistry |
3 |
and |
CHM 111 |
General Chemistry Lab |
1 |
or |
CHM 210 |
Chemistry I |
4 |
ENGL 100 |
Expository Writing I |
3 |
GENAG 101 |
Ag Orientation |
1 |
GRSC 101 |
Introduction to Grain Science & Industry |
3 |
Total |
14 |
Example III
Course |
Course Title |
Credit hours |
AGED 300 |
Introduction to Agricultural Education |
1 |
AGRON 220 |
Crop Science |
4 |
ECON 110 |
Principles of Macroeconomics |
3 |
FDSCI 302 |
Introduction to Food Science |
3 |
GENAG 101 |
Ag Orientation |
1 |
PSYCH 110 |
General Psychology |
3 |
Total |
15 |
Various foundation and agriculture courses can be substituted in the examples above, depending on the student’s interest.
Natural resource management
Students interested in natural resource management can pursue programs in park management and conservation; environmental communications; range management; or soil and environmental science.
A major in park management and conservation with options in law enforcement, park manager, recreation business, or interpretation can be earned in the Department of Horticulture and Natural Resources .
Range management and soil and environmental science options are available through the Department of Agronomy.
Students may major in agricultural communications and journalism with an environmental option through the Department of Communications.
These programs provide training for individuals interested in interpretation and application of ecological principles to environmental problems involving natural resources. Each program contains courses in the social sciences and humanities to help students become sensitive to the interactions between humans and their environmental surroundings. Courses in the physical and biological sciences help students understand and solve environmental problems, and courses in communications assist them in interpreting, conveying, and employing solutions. Many students in these programs also complete the secondary major in natural resources and environmental sciences .
Pre-veterinary medicine program (UPRVAG) and Bachelor of Science in Agriculture - Veterinary Medicine (BVMA)
The pre-veterinary medicine program in the College of Agriculture benefits students working toward admission to veterinary school. Students work with a faculty advisor to find the best classes for their individual needs. While fulfilling the pre-vet curriculum, students can take additional courses to apply their skills.
The College of Veterinary Medicine does not offer a Bachelor of Science degree. The Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) is awarded following the successful completion of a minimum of 64 hours in pre-professional requirements and four years in the professional curriculum.
The Bachelor of Science in Agriculture-Veterinary Medicine (BVMA): College of Agriculture students admitted into a College of Veterinary Medicine without a Bachelor of Science degree from Kansas State University will be granted a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture-Veterinary Medicine (BVMA) after successfully completing two years of the professional program. Click Here for the BVMA degree requirements.
Course |
Course Title |
Credit hours |
ASI 500 |
Genetics |
3 |
BIOCH 521 |
General Biochemistry |
3 |
BIOL 198 |
Principles of Biology |
4 |
BIOL 455 |
Microbiology (with lab) |
4 |
CHM 210 |
Chemistry I |
4 |
CHM 230 |
Chemistry II |
4 |
CHM 350 |
General Organic Chemistry |
3 |
CHM 351 |
General Organic Chemistry Laboratory |
2 |
COMM 105 or 106 |
Public Speaking |
2/3 |
ENGL 100 |
Expository Writing I |
3 |
ENGL 200 |
Expository Writing II |
3 |
PHYS 113 |
General Physics I |
4 |
PHYS 114 |
General Physics II |
4 |
PHYS 113 |
General Physics I |
4 |
Electives |
8-9 |
Humanities and/or social science electives |
12 |
64 |
Dual degrees/dual majors
The agribusiness complex of industries (processing, preservation, distribution, and retailing of farm-produced food, and manufacture and sale of farm equipment, feeds, and agricultural chemicals) employs a variety of professionally trained personnel. The type of education required varies with the nature of the work performed. A dual degree or a dual major may be appropriate, depending on the student’s occupational objectives.
Dual degrees may be earned by a student who desires a BS degree in some discipline in agriculture along with a BS degree in some other college at K-State. To earn a dual degree, the student must complete the requirements for each degree. Dual degrees may also be earned by a student in two separate degree programs in some disciplines in agriculture. The student must complete all course requirements for each degree. Within the College of Agriculture, most majors receive a BS in Agriculture. Major specific BS degrees are awarded in Agribusiness, Bakery Science and Management, Milling Science and Management, Feed Science and Management, Food Science and Industry, and Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management.
Dual majors are completed by students who wish to complete two different programs of study in the College of Agriculture while earning a bachelor of science degree in agriculture. This approach allows the student to select two majors to give greater depth and breadth to the educational program. The student is required to complete the requirements for both majors and earns a bachelor of science degree in agriculture. Notation of a Dual Major will be made on the student’s transcript, however, only one BS in Agriculture will be awarded.
Secondary majors
Certain departmental courses have been approved for credit toward secondary majors in gerontology , global food systems leadership , international studies , and natural resources and environmental sciences . A popular choice that links well with several agriculture majors is the natural resources and environmental sciences secondary major.
To pursue a minor in the College of Agriculture, students must: (1) file a declaration of intent to pursue a minor with the minor-granting department, and (2) consult with an advisor in the minor-granting department prior to enrolling in the last three courses used to satisfy minor requirements. See departmental listings for more information about requirements for those minors.
Five undergraduate certificate programs are offered in the college. For details on the requirements and verification of completion, see the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry and the Food Science and Industry program.
University Honors Program
Please click on the following link to learn more about the University Honors Program .
Agriculture Scholars Program
The College of Agriculture Honors and Scholars Program enables capable undergraduate students to expand their skills and stimulate their curiosity for continual learning. Several unique benefits result from participation in the Honors and Scholars Programs. Students can explore a career area of interest through working closely with a faculty member on a research/creative project or other scholarly activity. Students may have an opportunity to attend professional meetings to give presentations and have the potential for publication of the final paper in a student or professional research journal. Participants are recognized at the College of Agriculture student recognition program and at commencement. Funding for undergraduate research project expenses are also available.
Students, on advice from faculty members, propose, prepare, and conduct a project of their choice. This activity provides students with hands-on experience in the functioning of persons in academia and, therefore, must be of a creative nature. This project will be relevant to one or more of the missions of land-grant institutions: research, Extension, and/or instruction. The research project is typically completed during the junior or senior year. Supporting courses taken during the freshman and sophomore years are designed to build toward the development of a successful project proposal.
Eligibility - Agriculture Scholars Program
New freshman agriculture students with a 28 ACT (or equivalent SAT) or in the top 10 percent of their high school graduating class, new transfer students with a 3.5 GPA on 24 hours or more of transfer credit, and continuing students with a 3.5 or above K-State GPA are invited to join the Agriculture Scholars Program.
College of Agriculture Scholars Program Requirements
To graduate as a College of Agriculture scholar, students must have a cumulative K-State GPA of 3.4 or higher and complete the following 4 credits:
- GENAG 000 Agriculture Scholars Program (0 credit) Enroll each semester
- GENAG 396 Research Topic and Proposal Development
- GENAG 515 Honors/Scholars Project: (2 credits) Written and oral report required upon completion of research or creative project. Project must be approved by college advisory committee and supervised by a faculty mentor.
- In addition to the GENAG courses, students are expected to complete at least one three-credit course numbered 600 or above in their curriculum
Research/Creative Project
The core of the both the College of Agriculture Scholars Program and the University Honors Program is the Research/Creative project. Working with a faculty mentor, students propose, prepare and conduct an honors/scholars project of their choice. The intent is to provide a creative academic experience relevant to the land-grant missions of research, Extension and instruction. The project is typically completed during the junior or senior year.
Questions about membership and requirements should be directed to the College of Agriculture Academic Programs Office in 229 Waters Hall.