University Handbook, F121
Requirements for a bachelor’s degree from K-State are listed below. Colleges and departments may have requirements that exceed these minimums. Students should refer to the Degree Progress Audit (DARS) to review degree requirements. To graduate, a student must complete an approved curriculum and the degree audit must indicate all requirements have been completed. Courses applied to degree requirements must be completed no later than the term in which a degree is awarded. Under special conditions, substitutions to the curriculum are allowed if approved by the department head and dean. Please consult the individual departments for details. Professional curricula may impose additional degree requirements. {FS 02/14/23 - Effective Fall 2023}
Minimum Credit Requirement:
A bachelor’s degree requires a minimum of one hundred and twenty (120) semester hours; in an approved program; however, individual programs in some colleges and departments may exceed the minimum..
Minimum Grade Requirement:
There are two-grade point averages a student must meet to be awarded a degree
- at least 2.000 on Kansas State University graded courses that are applied toward the degree and,
- at least 2.000 cumulative GPA for all graded courses taken at Kansas State University
At least eighty-three percent (83%) of the credit hours taken at Kansas State University and applied toward a degree must be graded hours (e.g., one hundred (100) credit hours of one hundred and twenty (120) credit hour bachelor’s degree program). Required courses of an internship or practicum nature or credit by examination, offered on a Credit/No Credit basis only, are to be considered as graded hours in implementing this requirement.
Upper-Division Credit Requirement:
A minimum of forty-five (45) credit hours must be at a course level of 300 or above to meet the upper division course requirements established by KBOR {KBOR Policy Manual, Chapter III, Section A(9)(b)}.
In-Residence Requirement:
Each student must complete at least twenty-five percent (25%) or a minimum of thirty (30) credits in-residence at Kansas State University to be considered for a degree {per HLC requirements}.
Resident work includes all K-State scheduled course instruction (e.g., course component types), given by the university faculty.
Senior Year Requirement:
Of the last thirty (30) semester credits earned (course level 300 or higher), at least fifteen (15) must be completed at K-State. Credits earned in an authorized education abroad program and designated or approved domestic exchange programs or agreements may apply to this requirement. Courses in the student’s major field shall be taken at Kansas State University unless an exception is granted by the major department on the petition of the student. That department shall have jurisdiction over the acceptance of major courses by transfer for fulfillment of the major requirement.
Exceptions to the senior year requirement may be made by the Dean of the college and the department head in the student’s major program with submission to the Office of the Registrar and Provost Designee for approval. Exceptions may be requested if the student has completed a total of three years of work acceptable to Kansas State University.
University Requirements:
Up to half of the credits required for a normal four-year degree may be completed at an accredited two-year college (e.g., sixty (60) transfer credits for a one hundred and twenty (120)-credit hour bachelor’s degree program). Colleges/Departments may have transfer agreements in place that would allow for an exception to exceed the sixty (60) semester credit hours in transfer towards a baccalaureate degree {KBOR Policy Manual, Chapter III, Section A(9)(ii)(2)(d)}.
No more than twenty-five percent (25%) of credit hours applied to degree requirements may be from Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) sources. CPL may include standardized national exams, recognition of military or workforce training, or portfolio assessment (e.g., thirty (30) credits of CPL for a one hundred and twenty (120)-credit hour bachelor’s degree program) {per HLC requirements}.
Standing Requirement
A student must meet all university academic standing requirements as established in section F100-103 to receive a K-State degree. Accordingly, any student who is subject to dismissal or suspension for scholastic or disciplinary reasons will not graduate until the conditions of the dismissal or suspension have been satisfied.
The individual whose education has been interrupted may have to meet new degree requirements if a change has occurred in the approved curriculum.
Off-Campus Completion of Degree Requirements:
It is the student’s responsibility to be certain that transcripts from all transfer institutions are on file and have been articulated/reflected in the Degree Progress Audit (DARS) within the semester the degree requirements will be completed and no later than the deadline date designated on the Academic Calendar.
Modification to Graduating Requirements for Students with Disabilities
Modification of Graduating Requirements for Students with Disabilities. A student may request a program modification if he or she can document a disability that directly impairs his/her ability to meet the normal requirements of the program. Students must contact the Student Access Center or the K-State Salina Student Accommodation Services unit for assistance. {FS 02/14/23} {University Handbook, F122}