Application for Graduation
{University Handbook, F121}
Students must file an application for graduation clearance via KSIS during the first four weeks of the semester (first two weeks for the summer semester) in which the degree is to be completed.
It is the student’s responsibility to be certain that transcripts from all transfer institutions are on file in the Registrar’s Office before the end of the semester the degree requirements will be completed.
Applications for Graduation are submitted for the term in which the student is completing their degree requirements. All applications must be submitted during the application period. Specific dates are noted in the Academic Calendar. Students who miss the deadline should contact their academic department to determine eligibility and to request a late submission. Students submitting a late application risk not being included in the commencement program and important graduation communication.
Commencement ceremonies at K-State are held twice a year, at the end of the fall and spring semesters, for students graduating with baccalaureate, master, and doctoral degrees only.
- Candidates for spring graduation should attend commencement exercises in May.
- Candidates for fall graduation are asked to participate in the commencement exercises in December or the following Spring.
- Candidates for summer graduation may participate in the fall or spring exercises.
Participation in commencement does not guarantee that all graduation requirements are complete and that your degree will be conferred.
Graduation Process
Degree Requirements
All degree requirements must be complete by the last day of the semester for which the graduation application is submitted. Students whose Graduation Application is denied for any reason or do not meet the requirements for graduation must submit a new application for the semester in which the requirements are met.
Good Standing Status
A student must be in good standing to receive a K-State degree. Accordingly, any student who is subject to academic warning/probation or dismissal for scholastic or disciplinary reasons will not graduate until the conditions of suspension or probation have been satisfied.
The Office of the Registrar will begin reviewing potential graduates approximately one week after grades are due. Awarding of degrees should be completed approximately one month following the review. Once a degree has been posted, your unofficial and official transcript will reflect this information.
Please refer to the Scholastic Honors portion of the catalog for specific information used to determine baccalaureate honors. Be aware, honors indicated on the commencement program are tentative since current semester courses are not included.
Upon completion of a degree, students will receive one complimentary diploma. Diplomas will be mailed to the DIPLOMA MAILING ADDRESS indicated on your graduation application approximately six(6) - eight(8) weeks after graduation.
All financial/academic holds must be cleared before a diploma can be mailed. Check your KSIS Student Center for hold and departmental contact information. (How to View Holds)
Students have 90 days after graduation to clear holds without delaying the mailing of a diploma. If holds are cleared after such time, students will need to notify the Office of the Registrar to arrange the release and mailing of a diploma. Diplomas will be retained for two years after the graduation date and will then be destroyed. After that time, any request for a diploma by the student will incur all charges associated with ordering a duplicate or replacement diploma.
Honorary Degrees
Regents’ institutions may award honorary degrees upon approval by the Kansas Board of Regents (Board of Regents Policy and Procedures Manual Chapter III, Section A.7). {University Handbook, F140}
Posthumous Degrees
A student who dies while actively pursuing a degree at Kansas State University may be considered for a posthumous degree. The dean may nominate the student for consideration by the Academic Affairs Committee and the Faculty Senate. If approved, it will be noted on the transcript and the diploma that it is a posthumous degree. {University Handbook, F150}