2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Environmental Design
Katrina Lewis, Associate Professor and Director of the Environmental Design Studies Program
Lisa Last, Director of Student Academic Services and Academic Advisor
1127 Regnier Hall
Fax: 785-532-6722
E-mail: myapd@k-state.edu
The Environmental Design Studies Program is the College of Architecture, Planning and Design’s first-year program for all incoming freshmen and most transfer sudents. Students will explore the design professions while directly engaging in design work.
There are two options in environmental design studies. The studio option leads to a degree in architecture, interior architecture, industrial design, or landscape architecture. The planning option leads to a degree in regional and community planning. Both options introduce the design and planning professions.
The Environmental Design Studies Program, for most students, introduces a way of seeing and thinking about the environments we occupy. The studio begins the development of design, drawing, modeling and presentation skills. Each studio class consists of approximately 18 students and requires active participation. Studio Seminar, a companion course to studio, provides information that is both common and critical to the work being done in studio as well as some of the best practices in managing one’s self in a challenging academic program.
The environments we create are an expression of culture and history. The two-semester history course introduces students to the connections between our past and present society and to the design professions as civic art. The visual and verbal vocabulary employed in the creation, definition, and communication of space are further explored.
A fourth course, Survey of Design Professions, explores each of the disciplines within the environmental design field and gives students an opportunity to become better acquainted with professional opportunities in architecture, interior architecture, industrial design, landscape architecture, and planning.
In addition to history, studio, studio seminar, and an introduction to the design professions, students will take classes in public speaking, english, mathematics, physics, and an elective.
Academic advising, for both the studio and planning options, is provided by professional academic advisors. Advisors meet with all advisees before enrollment each semester and assist students throughout the semester with academic planning, goal setting and referral to campus resources.
Students enter the second year after successfully completing the environmental design studies curriculum and maintaining a strong cumulative grade point average. In all departments, the number of students who may continue in each program is limited by the availability of faculty, space and equipment.