Feb 03, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

All-University Regulations


Student Conduct

Philosophy of Student Conduct

At Kansas State University students have a direct and primary role in the establishment and enforcement of campus and living group policies and regulations. The basic philosophy of discipline is one of education and enforcement of community standards. Since that is the ultimate purpose, we focus on the growth and development of the student. Most efforts are directed at preventing problems, or at least correcting them, rather than concentrating on punishment. The responsibility for proper conduct is put upon the student, not the university, with the assumption that most students do not try to intentionally cause violations, and will generally respect the rights and property of others.

The following principles govern the disciplinary process. Every effort is made to bring about outcomes that are positive for all parties involved; students will be members of all Student Governing Association judicial bodies; formal hearing processes are fundamentally fair and respect the rights of the individuals involved; confidentiality will be respected; records of proceedings will be released only on written authorization of the student(s) involved unless otherwise authorized by law or court order. The procedures are outlined in the SGA Judicial Code, included in the by-laws to the SGA Constitution.

Descriptions of the judicial structure and process, as well as university policies, are free and are available in the Office of Student Activities and Services in the K-State Student Union and on their web page.

Prohibited conduct

The following described conduct is prohibited by this Code and subject to sanctions by the University:

  1. Acts of dishonesty, including but not limited to the following:
    1. Furnishing false information to any University official, faculty/staff member, or office.
    2. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any University document, record, or instrument of identification.
    3. Tampering with the election of any organization or student governing body.
  2. Disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or other University-sponsored activities.
  3. Conduct directed towards another person(s) that is intended to and does substantially interfere with another’s educational or employment opportunity, peaceful enjoyment of residence, or physical security.
  4. Attempted or actual theft of property.
  5. Intentional damage to property or vandalism.
  6. Hazing, which is defined as an act which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or which destroys or removes public or private property for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization. Consent by the person hazed shall be no defense to the hazing.
  7. Telephone or Internet harassment, which shall include: (KSA 21-6206)
    1. Making calls containing or making or transmitting any comment, request, suggestion, proposal, image or text which is lewd or obscene remarks.
    2. Making or transmitting calls, whether or not conversation ensues, or any comment, request, suggestion, proposal, image or text with intent to substantially interfere with another person’s educational or employment opportunity, peaceful enjoyment of residence, or physical security. Transmission of comments, requests, suggestions, proposal, images, or texts may include any transmission utilizing electronic means, including but not limited to sending text, picture, video, or audio messages over social media websites, social media applications, instant messenger or chat services, message boards or any other electronic format.
  8. Failure to comply with directions of University faculty, staff, or law enforcement officers acting in performance of their duties or failure to identify oneself to these persons when requested to do so.
  9. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys, or other devices that provide access to any University property or services.
  10. Unauthorized presence in or use of University premises, facilities, or property.
  11. Use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages in an unlawful manner or otherwise in violation of a university policy.
  12. Use, possession, distribution of a controlled substance in an unlawful manner or otherwise in violation of a university policy.
  13. Possession or use of in violation of the University’s Weapons Policy.
  14. Intentionally initiating or causing to be initiated, any false report, warning or threat of fire, explosion or other emergency.
  15. Participation in a campus demonstration which unreasonably disrupts the normal operations of the University included but not limited to the following:
    1. infringes on the rights of;
    2. inciting others to disrupt scheduled and/or normal;
    3. intentional obstruction which unreasonably interferes with freedom of    movement, either pedestrian or vehicular;
    4. inciting another person to breach the peace.
  16. Intentionally interfering with the freedom of expression of others.
  17. Conduct that is disorderly, lewd, or obscene; breach of peace; or inciting another person to breach the peace.
  18. Any violation of “KSU Information Technology Usage Policies.”
  19. Abuse of the SGA Judicial Program, including but not limited to:
    1. Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information.
    2. Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a judicial proceeding.
    3. Knowingly initiating a complaint without cause.
    4. Attempting to discourage an individual’s proper participation in, or use of, the judicial system.
    5. Attempting to influence the impartiality of a member of a judicial board prior to, or during the   course of, the judicial proceeding.
    6. Verbal, written, phone, or physical harassment, and/or intimidation of a member of a judicial board.
    7. Failure to comply with the sanction(s) imposed under this Code.
    8. Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an abuse of the judicial program.
  20. Any illegal or unauthorized taking, selling, or distribution of class notes.
  21. Violation of University policies, rules, or regulations.
  22. Violation of federal, state or local law that causes a substantial disruption to university operations. 


Honor and Integrity System

Camilla Roberts, Director
K-State Honor and Integrity System
1800 Claflin Road, Suite 001
Manhattan, KS 66502
E-mail: honor@k-state.edu

The honor and integrity system uses the Faculty Senate approved definition of academic dishonesty found in the Faculty Handbook and at the honor and integrity system web page.

Students’ rights are enumerated under Article XII of the Student Governing Association constitution.

The Honor Council constitution can be reviewed in the student handbook section of the campus phone book. The investigation and adjudication procedures can be reviewed on the web page.

Kansas State University’s honor and integrity system is based on personal integrity, which is presumed to be sufficient assurance that, in academic matters, each student’s work is performed honestly and without unauthorized assistance. Students, by registering at K-State, acknowledge the jurisdiction of the honor system.

The policies and procedures of the graduate and undergraduate honor and integrity system apply to all full-time and part-time students enrolled in courses on-campus, off-campus, and via distance learning.

A prominent part of the honor and integrity system is the honor pledge, which applies to all assignments, examinations, or other course work undertaken by students. The honor pledge is implied, whether or not it is stated: “On my honor, as a student, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work.”

Honor Council

The honor and integrity system trusts students to perform their academic work honestly and with integrity. The honor and integrity system is based on trust and administered jointly by students and faculty members of the Honor Council. Having students equally share in the process increases the visibility of Honor Council procedures and promotes a community of trust.

The Honor Council includes faculty, staff, undergraduate, and graduate student members representing academic colleges as well as Information Technology Services, the Libraries, the office of the Dean of Student Life, the office of the Associate Provost for Diversity, the office of the Vice-Provost for Undergraduate Studies, and Graduate Student Council. Members of the honor council educate about and adjudicate the honor and integrity system by serving as panel members during hearings of alleged honor pledge violations.

Reporting Academic Dishonesty

All members of the academic community, both students and faculty, are urged to report acts of academic dishonesty. To discuss or report an alleged violation, contact the office of the honor and integrity system.



Plagiarism, taking someone else’s intellectual work and presenting it as your own, covers unpublished and published sources. Borrowing another’s semester paper, handing in a paper purchased from an individual or agency, or submitting papers from a living group, club, or organization files are all punishable as plagiarism. The current definition for plagiarism is located in Section II of Appendix F in the university handbook.

The standard for attribution and acknowledgment of literary indebtedness is set by each discipline. Students should consult with their department or with recognized handbooks in their field if in doubt.

The guidelines apply to faculty and research assistants in their possible use of students’ and colleagues’ research and ideas, as well as to students’ use of source materials and authorities, and student use of other students’ ideas and work.


Other Forms of Academic Cheating

Other forms of academic dishonesty subject to penalties include, but are not limited to, consultation of books, library materials, or notes during a test; use of crib sheets or hidden notes during an examination or looking at another student’s test; having a confederate supply of questions or answers from an examination to be given or in progress; having another person stand in on an exam or other graded activity; deliberate falsification of lab results; submission of falsified data; procurement or alteration, without permission, of examinations or other academic exercises; collaborating on projects where collaboration is forbidden; and other forms of academic dishonesty and fraud.


University Policies

Students, faculty, staff and administrators are members of a community dedicated to the growth and development of individuals.

Enrollment at K-State entails responsibilities as well as privileges. Acceptance of and adherence to University policies are necessary for the protection of the rights of others and the protection and health of the community.

Complete copies of these policies, some of which are excerpted below, are available in the Office of Student Activities and Services in the K-State Student Union and the Office of Student Life in 102 Holton Hall, unless otherwise indicated. The most current versions of these policies are available on the website.

Advertising, Sales, and Solicitation

Facilities of Kansas State University are not available for unrestricted use by non-university groups. University property may not be used for commercial purposes except when sponsored by a university-affiliated organization or department. The regulations governing fund-raising and the posting and distribution of literature are available in the Procedures and Policies Manual.

Alcohol and Cereal Malt Beverage Policy

The legal drinking age in Kansas for alcoholic beverages is 21. The Kansas Board of Regents policy permits the service and consumption of alcoholic beverages under authorized and appropriately controlled conditions and regulations. Included in the K-State policy is information on alcohol and cereal malt beverage service and consumption in residence halls, at athletic events, and for student organizations.

Drug-free Workplace Policy

In 1988 Congress passed the Drug-Free Workplace Act. This act applies to all institutions holding and applying for federal grants and contracts. K-State adopted the policy that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of controlled substances is prohibited in its workplace. For more information go to the website.

Facilities Usage

K-State facilities are available for use by authorized groups for activities that complement the teaching, research, and service programs of the university. Policies and procedures for use of K-State facilities (other than the K-State Student Union) are available in the Division of Facilities in 109 Dykstra Hall or on their web page.

Policies and procedures for use of the K-State Student Union are available in the Union Reservations Office on the second floor or in the Source Handbook for Registered Organizations.


The university seeks to create an environment in which all students, faculty, and staff interact solely on the basis of individual strengths and characteristics without having those interactions shaped by generalizations, stereotypes, or valuations based on gender. Copies of applicable policies are available in the Center for Advocacy, Response, and Education (CARE) in 206 Holton Hall and Office of Institutional Equity in 103 Edwards Hall.

HIV/AIDS University Guidelines

Under the direction of the Kansas Board of Regents, the university has developed guidelines to assist students, staff, and faculty members in the event that they are involved with situations involving acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), or the causative agent, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Current copies of the guidelines are available upon request from the Department of Health Promotion, Lafene Health Center.

Political Activity Guidelines

All members of the university community are encouraged to take advantage of opportunities to educate themselves regarding the candidates and issues relating to national, state, and local elections. University guidelines related to political activities on campus are available in the Procedures and Policies Manual. In addition, a comprehensive collection of political activities laws, regulations and policies is available on the webpage.


K-State prohibits harassment based a person or persons based on race, color, ethnic or national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, ancestry, disability, genetic information, military status, or veteran status in the work and on-campus housing environment that: (1) has the purpose or effect of: (a) creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment or non-campus housing environment for the person(s); or (b) unreasonably interfering with the work, or on-campus housing, of the person (s); and (2) is sufficiently severe or pervasive that it alters the terms, conditions, or privileges of a person’s employment or use of on-campus housing.

In the academic environment, “harassment” is conduct toward a person or persons based on race, color, ethnic or national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, ancestry, disability, genetic information, military status, or veteran status that: (1) has the purpose and effect of: (a) creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment for the person(s); or (b) unreasonably interfering with the academic performance or participation in any university-sponsored activity of the person; or (c) threatening the academic opportunities of the person; and (2) is sufficiently severe or pervasive that it alters the terms, conditions, or privileges of the person’s academic opportunities or participation in university-sponsored activities.

Harassment under these definitions should be reported to the university administrator responsible for the department or unit or to the Office of Institutional Equity. Copies of the policy are also available from the Office of Institutional Equity in 103 Edwards Hall.

Religious Activities

Nonsectarian prayers, invocations, benedictions, or silent meditations are permitted at university functions to enhance mutual respect and awareness. Religious activities policy can be viewed at this web page.

Sexual Harassment

“Sexual harassment” is a type of harassment that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, disparagement of members of one sex, or other conduct of a sexual nature when: (1) (a) submission to or rejection of such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment, education, on-campus housing, or participation in a university-sponsored activity or program; or (b) submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for or as a factor in decisions affecting that individual’s employment, education, on-campus housing, or participation in a university-sponsored activity or program; or (c) such conduct meets either “harassment” definition above; and (2) the conduct is sufficiently severe or pervasive that it alters the terms, conditions, or privileges of the person’s employment, use of on-campus housing, academic opportunities, or participation in university-sponsored activities or programs.

Sexual harassment should be reported to the university administrator responsible for the department or unit or to the Office of Institutional Equity. Students with complaints of sexual harassment by other students should contact the Office of Student Life, the Office of Institutional Equity, or the Center for Advocacy, Response, and Education (CARE). Copies of the policy prohibiting sexual harassment are available from the Office of Student Activities and Services, departmental offices, the Center for Advocacy, Response, and Education (CARE), Office of Student Life, or the Office of Institutional Equity.

Sexual Violence

No form of sexual violence will be tolerated or condoned at Kansas State University. This policy prohibits not only those acts commonly understood to constitute “sexual assault,” but all attempts to coerce sexual activity as well. Although the university cannot assure protection from sexual violence, it can state expectations of conduct and impose sanctions on any university student who fails to meet those expectations. Copies of the policy prohibiting sexual violence are available in the Center for Advocacy, Response, and Education (CARE) in 206 Holton Hall, Office of Student Life or the Office of Institutional Equity, 103 Edwards Hall.


Undergraduate Student Grievance Policies

  1. Undergraduate Student Grievance Procedures (FSM 02-15-94; 9-11-00)

    The following procedures will be employed to deal with grade appeals and academic grievances other than matters of academic dishonesty brought by students against faculty members or faculty members against students. These procedures will serve three functions: (1) to safeguard the rights and academic freedom of both students and faculty, (2) to assure due process, and (3) to provide for consistency in handling undergraduate academic grievances throughout the university.

    1. Procedures

      1.1 Grievances against faculty or administrators.

      Unethical actions by faculty or administrators should be reported as soon as possible so that appropriate action can be taken. The grievance must be made within six months of the alleged unethical action(s). Students should begin by contacting the office of their dean. The dean, or a representative of the dean, will describe the procedure to be followed and will aid the student in procedural matters. Further, the dean or representative will appoint a faculty member as an advocate for the student if the situation seems to warrant an advocate or if the student requests an advocate. If a faculty advocate is appointed, the student will participate in the selection of, and must agree to the appointment of, the person selected. The advocate need not be in the same college as the student.

      1.2 Grievances involving student academic dishonesty.

      The procedures for handling charges of cheating or other academic dishonesty are given in the policy on academic dishonesty (section II above).

      1.3 Grievances involving change of grade (but not academic dishonesty).

      1. All efforts will be made by the student and instructor involved in any grievance to settle all disputes that may arise. Grade appeals must be initiated within six months following the issue date of the grade in question.
      2. If a grade-change grievance is not resolved by the student and instructor, the student may appeal in writing to the department head concerned, who will act as a mediator in the dispute. This appeal should be made within two weeks of the date of the decision of the instructor. At this time, the student may petition the dean of his college for an ombudsperson. The duties of the ombudsperson are to arrange meetings of all concerned parties and report actions taken at each level to the appropriate persons or groups. The role of the ombudsperson is to expedite the process and to ensure a fair hearing.
      3. If the grievance has not been settled to the student’s satisfaction at the department level, written appeal may be made to the dean of the college in which the course is taken. This appeal should be made within two weeks of the date of decision of the department head.
      4. If the student does not feel that an adequate solution has been reached in the grade appeal dispute, he or she may appeal in writing to the Undergraduate Grievance Board which will arbitrate the dispute. This appeal should be made within two weeks of the date of decision of the dean. Appeals received during the summer will be heard the following fall term. Appeals should be addressed to the Undergraduate Grievance Board, c/o Chair (whose name is listed under Committee 3030 at http://www.ksu.edu/provost/committeehb/).
      5. The two-week time limits given in the sections above are intended to move the grievance process along at a reasonable rate. The limits may be modified for reasons such as illness, scheduled academic holidays, or mutual consent of both parties.
    2. The Undergraduate Grievance Board

      2.1 Notice of hearings

      1. Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given to all individuals involved with the complaint not less than two weeks prior to the hearing.
      2. The notice shall include a written statement of the complaint and the requested action.
      3. The notice shall be accompanied by a copy of the rules describing procedures to be used at a hearing. The notice shall state that the individual shall be permitted to inspect any written evidence which has been submitted to the board by other parties.

      2.2 Hearings

      1. At the hearing, each party may be accompanied by (1) a representative, who is not an attorney, to serve as an advocate and/or assist in the presentation, and/or (2) an attorney, who may advise but not participate in the hearing.
      2. All hearings shall be closed except for parties to the grievance, their advisors, and witnesses. However, upon request of the person against whom the grievance is lodged, the board may open the hearing with the restriction that the number of observers may not exceed that which the hearing room will comfortably accommodate. The chair may exclude from the hearing any person whose conduct disrupts, disturbs, or delays the proceedings. If the person charged fails to appear at the hearing or engages in conduct which makes a fair hearing impossible, the board may complete the hearing without the presence of the person charged.
      3. The evidence against the student or faculty member shall be presented at the hearing. The person presenting the case shall have the opportunity to question all witnesses and to present witnesses and evidence in support of the charge specified in the notice of hearing. The person charged is not required to testify.
      4. The student or faculty charged, or advisor, shall have the opportunity to question all witnesses, to present witnesses, and to present any other evidence. Formal rules of evidence shall not apply, and any evidence relevant to a fair determination of the charges may be admitted, except that a previous statement shall be admissible only if the person who made the statement is present.
      5. All members of the university community shall be obligated to cooperate with the board, and failure to appear pursuant to a reasonable request of the board, or intimidation or improper influencing of witnesses shall be grounds for disciplinary action by the board under separate action.
    3. Composition of the Board.

      3.1 Two faculty members will be appointed by the Committee on Academic Affairs of the Faculty Senate. The terms are to be two years, with one of the two original appointees serving for a one-year term.

      3.2 Two students will be appointed yearly by a committee consisting of the president of the student body, the chair of the student senate, and the vice chair of the student senate.

      3.3 A faculty member will be appointed by the provost to serve as chair for a two-year term.

      3.4 A quorum is defined as full board membership present and participating in any hearing.

      3.5 The board will appoint an appropriate alternate member to serve at any hearing in which a regular board member has disqualified himself or herself for any reason whatsoever.

    4. Jurisdiction

      The Undergraduate Grievance Board shall have final jurisdiction in all cases properly appealed to it and in all cases requiring dismissal or suspension. The execution of its decisions shall be supervised by the provost.

    5. Powers

      The board will have the power to summon members of the university community to present pertinent information and to supply expert counsel concerning any case presented to the board.

      5.2 The board will have the power to dispose of grievances by one or more of the following actions:
      1. Dismiss for want of jurisdiction or lack of substantial evidence. As in courts of law, the board will not entertain complaints of a trivial nature.
      2. Issue a warning. A warning shall consist of a written or oral statement to the faculty member and/or student.
      3. Censure. Censure shall consist of a written statement to the faculty member and/or student. In addition, copies of the statement will be sent to the head of the department and the dean of the college in which the course is offered or the faculty member is employed or the student is majoring, as appropriate, and to the provost.
      4. Change of grade. In the case the board decides a grade should be changed, the board may consult appropriate faculty for a suggested grade. The student, the faculty member, and the dean of the college in which the course was offered will be notified that the board is ordering a change of grade through the Office of the Registrar.
      5. Suspension. Students may be suspended for a specified period of time.
      6. Dismissal. Students may be dismissed from the university for an indefinite period of time.
      7. Other equitable action. In any case involving academic dishonesty, the board may take other equitable action in addition to any of the penalties provided by the academic dishonesty policy or any of the above actions.
  2. Veterinary Medicine Academic Grievance Procedures

    The following procedures will be employed to resolve all grade appeals, academic dishonesty appeals, and other academic grievances brought by all veterinary students.

    1. All grievances should be initiated promptly during the semester or summer session in which the grievance arises, and, in any event, before the start of either the next semester or summer session, whichever comes first.
    2. Students who feel they have been given an unfair grade or treated unjustly in some aspect of academic work should first consult with the faculty member(s) involved to resolve the matter.
    3. For matters that have not been satisfactorily resolved with the faculty member, a student may file a written grievance with the appropriate department head. The department head will promptly arrange one or more meetings with the student and the faculty member to attempt to resolve the matter. At the meeting(s) both the student and the faculty member will have a full opportunity to state their views regarding the grievance and an opportunity to present any relevant written documentation concerning the grievance. On the basis of the information presented, the department head will attempt to arrive at a resolution that is agreeable to both parties. The department head will normally complete this process within 10 days of the date on which the written grievance is received. The department head will transmit to the dean’s office a copy of the written grievance and a statement that the attempt to resolve the grievance has been concluded at the department level. A copy of the statement will also be sent to the student and the faculty member.
    4. A student who is not satisfied with the resolution at the department level may file the written grievance with the dean’s office. The dean will appoint a five-member faculty committee to hear the appeal. One of the five faculty members will be designated as chair of the committee. One of the five members will be appointed from outside the College of Veterinary Medicine. A member of the Student Board of Ethical Behavior will also be appointed as a non-voting member of the committee. All committee members will be persons with no previous involvement with the grievance.
    5. The committee will conduct an administrative hearing designed to consider the facts it deems necessary to arrive at a fair decision. The hearing will include presentation of the written complaint by the student, with additional oral statements, if so desired; testimony by all students, faculty members, administrators, or other persons called as witnesses; and all pertinent written records. The committee will afford both the student and the faculty member full opportunity to express their views on relevant matters. Each party will have an opportunity to present witnesses and to cross-examine the other party and their witnesses. Questions may also be asked by members of the committee. The chair will have the responsibility of assuring that only relevant information is brought before the committee.
    6. The chair of the committee will be responsible for notification of parties and witnesses of the time and place of the hearing, for an exchange of written documents and witness lists, and for overall administration of the proceedings in a timely and orderly fashion.
    7. A grievant may be accompanied at the hearing by an attorney or advisor who may advise, but who may not otherwise participate in the proceedings, except with the permission of the chair of the committee. A grievant who intends to be advised by an attorney at the hearing should so inform the chair of the committee at least 48 hours prior to the hearing, so that the faculty member may also have an attorney present.
    8. Unless the student requests an open hearing, the hearing will be closed with only those associated with the hearing present. At the end of the hearing, the committee will meet in executive session to discuss the grievance and draw up its report. The hearing, but not the deliberations of the committee, will be tape recorded.
    9. The written report of the committee will be transmitted to the dean. The report will include (a) the factual findings of the committee; (b) a recommendation to the dean; and (c) the reasons for its recommendation. Normally the committee will transmit its recommendation to the dean within no more than twenty (20) days of the date of its appointment.
    10. The dean will make a final decision based upon the written advice of the hearing committee. The decision of the dean along with the copy of the report of the hearing committee will be transmitted to both the student and the faculty member with copies to the department head. Should the dean’s decision differ from the recommendation of the hearing committee, he will include a written explanation of the basis for his decision. Normally, the dean will transmit his decision within ten (10) days of receipt of the committee report. The dean’s decision will be final within the university.
    11. All records and tapes of the grievance procedure will be maintained in a separate confidential file in the dean’s office. (FSM 06-13-89)


Graduate Student Grievance Procedures

If a graduate student feels he or she has been unjustly treated in some aspect of academic work and has been unable to secure a remedy through consultation with the professor(s) involved, with the supervisory committee, and thereafter with the head of the department or chair of the program, it is the student’s prerogative to take the matter to the Dean of the Graduate School. If the Dean is unable to arrive at a mutually acceptable solution with the persons concerned, at the student’s request the dean will initiate the grievance procedures adopted by the Graduate Council and described in the Graduate Handbook.


Prayer at University Functions

Nonsectarian prayers, invocations, benedictions, or silent meditations are permitted at university functions to enhance mutual respect and awareness. Religious activities policy can be viewed at this web page.


Community Principles

Principles of Community

Kansas State University is a land-grant, public research university, committed to teaching and learning, research, and service to the people of Kansas, the nation, and the world. Our collective mission is best accomplished when every member of the university community acknowledges and practices the following principles:

We affirm the inherent dignity and value of every person and strive to maintain an atmosphere of justice based on respect for each other.

We affirm the value of human diversity for community.

We affirm the right of each person to freely express thoughts and opinions in a spirit of civility and decency. We believe that diversity of views enriches our learning environment and we promote open expression within a climate of courtesy, sensitivity, and mutual respect.

We affirm the value of honesty and integrity. We will operate with honesty in all professional endeavors and expect the same from our colleagues.

We acknowledge that we are a part of multiple communities, and we have an obligation to be engaged in a positive way with our civic partners.

We recognize our individual obligations to the university community and to the principles that sustain it. We will each strive to contribute to a positive spirit that affirms learning and growth for all members of the community.

Campaign for Nonviolence


This campaign works to apply the principles of active nonviolence to problems associated with discrimination, harassment, violence, and other abuses of power.