Jan 26, 2025
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog
Human Development and Family Science - Youth Development (MS)
The Department of Applied Human Sciences offers a Master of Science degree in Family Studies and Human Services with a specialization in youth development. The collaborative, multi-institutional master’s degree program in Youth Development draws on the expertise of graduate faculty and graduate courses from seven land-grant universities. Faculty at these institutions share knowledge and expertise in youth development, delivering most instruction over the internet. All institutions are members of the Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance and have a history of success in distance education.
Master’s Degree Program Requirements
The graduate program consists of 36 credit hours, including 10 required courses equaling 28 credit hours and 8 elective hours. The courses are offered on a rotating basis, with all courses offered at least once every other year (i.e., fall, spring, and summer).
The eight elective hours will consist of a practicum (1-3 credits), independent study (1-3 credits), or coursework. Practicum and independent study project hours will be coordinated with the major professor.
Required courses
Core courses offered within the program include nine courses (3 credit hours each) and a professional development seminar (1 credit hour):
Students interested in this option with questions about program requirements or curriculum should contact:
Elaine Johannes, PhD
Human Development and Family Science
College of Health and Human Sciences
318 Justin Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506