Thesis Option
Students interested in researching and writing a master’s thesis should consult with their major professor and supervisory committee to identify a topic. Once the topic has been determined, the student writes and defends a proposal describing the research project. Once the proposal is approved, the student completes the research project described in the proposal. The student researches, writes, and defends the thesis. Full details about the thesis option are available in the Sociology Graduate Handbook and the Graduate School Student Handbook.
Master’s in Social Analysis Option
The master’s in social analysis option is designed to enhance career opportunities for M.A. students who wish to go into applied professional fields, specialize in social analysis and program evaluation, and/or focus on organizational dynamics. The MSA option differs from the thesis and non-thesis options in two key ways: (a) the MSA option requires a greater number of credit hours in research methods (12 hours compared to 6); and (b) offers the option of a field practicum in social analysis which will allow students to earn credit hours while employed, or placed in an internship at an approved agency, organization, or firm.
Students enrolled in the MSA option must take 6 credit hours of SOCIO 897 Practicum in Social Analysis and must complete the Social Analysis Research Project. In taking the practicum, students must complete an on-site, learning experience in a professional organizational environment consisting of a minimum of 200 service hours. Students who are employed may substitute their work experience for the 200 hour practicum, pending approval from the student’s major professor.
Students taking the practicum in lieu of the M.A. thesis or M.A. comprehensive exam must complete a Social Analysis Research Project. The requirements for this research project will be developed in consultation with the student’s major professor and must be approved by members of the student’s advisory committee. The end product will be a research paper developed from the on-site learning experience. Once the paper is completed, it must be evaluated as satisfactory by the student’s supervisory committee.
Any student enrolled in the MSA option and writing an M.A. thesis or taking the M.A. comprehensive exam may also take SOCIO 897 Practicum in Social Analysis for 3 hours credit as an elective course. Students taking the SOCIO 897 for 3 hours credit must complete the requirements for the on-site learning experience (pre-proposal agreement, onsite hours, Practicum Evaluation Report, and seminar participation), but are not required to complete the Social Analysis Research Project.
Full details about MSA requirements are available in the Sociology Graduate Handbook and the Graduate School Student Handbook.
Non-Thesis Option
Students pursuing the non-thesis option take the M.A. Comprehensive Examination. The M.A. Comprehensive Examination consists of three parts: (1) Theory; (2) Methods; and (3) one additional area of the student’s choice. The area examination may be taken in one of the following specialty areas: Community, Agriculture, Food, and Environment CAFE); Politics and Development; Criminology; Social Inequalities; or some other area approved by the student’s major professor and supervisory committee. Full details about non-thesis M.A. requirements are available in the Sociology Graduate Handbook and the Graduate School Student Handbook.