The accelerated BS/MS Kinesiology program will provide exceptional undergraduates with the opportunity to obtain both a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology (BS KIN) and a Master of Science (MS) in Kinesiology in 5 years, a shorter time than typically required to earn the bachelor’s degree plus MS if both degrees are pursued separately. This program has theses and coursework formats.
The application process is the same as for the traditional M.S. degree except that completion if the B.S. degree is not required. The following requirements must be met before an individual can be admitted into this program:
- The student must be seeking a B.S. degree from the Department of Kinesiology.
- The student must have completed 75 credit hours toward the B.S. degree.
- The student must have completed the Kinesiology undergraduate core (KIN 220 , KIN 310 , KIN 335 , KIN 336 , and KIN 345 ).
- The student’s cumulative undergraduate GPA must be at least 3.0.
Since there is some overlap between undergraduate and graduate study, some graduate courses will satisfy the degree requirements of the undergraduate degree. A maximum of 9 graduate credit hours from the M.S. KIN degree may be counted toward the B.S.KIN degree. Some additional conditions are:
- The student must complete 30 (thesis) or 36 (coursework) graduate credit hours with a graduate GPA of at least 3.0.
- The student must complete all B.S. KIN undergraduate degree requirements with the exception of up to 9 credit hours taken at the 600 or 700 level that satisfy the undergraduate and graduate program requirements.
- At least 18 of the graduate credit hours on the Graduate Program of Study must be in classes at the 700 level or above.
- A student pursuing a thesis format must complete at least 6 credit hours of Master’s Thesis (KIN 899 ).
Once an individual is admitted to the accelerated B.S. /M.S. KIN degree program, the student should consult the graduate handbook for policies and procedures for graduate degrees, which include: supervisory committee, final examination, thesis defense, etc. The student’s supervisory committee must approve the program of study, which is a statement of the student’s graduation requirements. The B.S. degree will be awarded following the completion of the undergraduate degree requirements.
Degree requirements for the M.S. are as described in the Kinesiology (M.S.) section.