The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree is a professionally oriented undergraduate degree in art or design. It is designed primarily for those planning to become professional artists, artist-teachers, or graphic designers. Greater emphasis is placed on actual practice in the creative art disciplines.
The BFA in Art is a 4-year, 120-credit hour program with concentrations possible in Studio Art or Graphic Design. Areas of focus within the Studio Art BFA include Ceramics, Drawing, Metalsmithing and Jewelry, Painting, Photography and Printmaking. The BFA degree is considered the appropriate preparation for the Master of Fine Arts degree, which is recognized as the terminal degree in Studio Arts and Graphic Design. The BA and BFA can also be used as preparation for:
- A Master’s degree in Art Therapy when a portfolio of artwork is presented and additional coursework, generally consisting of 12-credit hours in Psychology is completed. Required Psychology credits commonly include Developmental and Abnormal Psychology. Requirements for admission may include other preliminary coursework as defined by individual graduate programs. Potential candidates should contact programs directly for admission requirements.
- A Master’s degree in Artistic and Historic Conservation. North American Education programs offer a Master’s degree in Conservation or Historic Preservation as well as Master’s degrees in related disciplines, along with a certificate or diploma in Conservation. Many graduate programs in Conservation of Cultural Property require preliminary coursework that commonly includes one year of General Chemistry and one year of Organic Chemistry, courses in the humanities such as Art History, Anthropology, Architecture, and Archeology, and coursework in Studio Art. Many programs also require a portfolio of art. Potential candidates should contact programs directly for Admission requirements.
NOTE: Students interested in teaching art in elementary or secondary schools should complete the Bachelor of Science in Education degree offered through the College of Education. This degree includes the Art (EDART) Teacher Licensure Program and 42-credit hours of studio art courses.