To graduate, a student must receive a grade of C or higher in Intermediate Macroeconomics and Intermediate Microeconomics. In addition, a student must either (a) receive a grade of C or higher in all other 500-level or higher economics courses used to satisfy the degree requirements or (b) have a GPA of at least 2.50 in all economics courses used to satisfy the degree requirements.
Courses taken A/Pass/F may not be used to fulfill these requirements.
Students interested in graduate study in economics should take MATH 220 and 221. Additional courses in calculus, matrix algebra, and statistics are also recommended. Early counsel with an advisor is encouraged.
Students may elect to earn a BA or a BS in the department through a course of study based on one of the following four tracks: Economic Analysis, Economic Policy, Financial Economics, or Business Economics. These tracks are optional additions to the requirements to the major listed above. In each case the above bachelor degree requirements must be met. Tracks include additional requirements. They do not generally require an increase in the number of credit hours required but instead focus the student’s choices.