*a - A total of 6 credits of humanities and social science electives are required. Three of these credits can come from 300-level or above AERO or MSCI courses for students who successfully complete the ROTC program. These are to be selected from the College of Engineering Humanities and Social Science Electives Course List. Students should select these courses such that the requirements of the K-State 8 general education program also are met, thus one of these courses must cover 2 K-State 8 tags not covered by required courses.
*b - Technical Electives: Three technical electives are to be chosen from MNE courses with at least one course 600-level or above. Another technical elective is to be chosen from 200-level or above College of Engineering (including MNE) classes. The remaining technical electives credits are to be chosen from 200-level or above College of Engineering, Math, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, or Business Administration classes, 400-level or above Statistics classes, or a maximum of 3 credit hours from 300-level or above AERO or MSCI courses for students who successfully complete the ROTC program. Other classes that strengthen a student’s program of study will be considered and require advisor and department head approval.
*c - Nuclear Engineering Option: NE 612 will replace ME 535 in the curriculum. The three remaining Nuclear Engineering option courses fulfill the requirement of the three MNE technical electives.
*d - ME 535 and NE 612 may both be taken and one of them applied as a Tech Elective. NE 612 must be taken for the NE Option.
*e - Currently admitted students will only be allowed to transfer in one ME/NE numbered course as required by the curriculum; however, ME 533, ME 574, ME 575 and ME 573 must be taken within the MNE department.
*f - Currently admitted students will be allowed to transfer one of the three required MNE technical electives with the exception of the >=600 level MNE technical elective.
*g - To graduate with a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering, students must have a >= 2.200 GPA in all ME/NE classes >= 400 level taken for undergraduate credit at Kansas State University. Course grades that have been removed by the K-State Retake policy will not apply to this GPA calculation.
*h – Classes from within the students chosen MBA Concentration Area, must be taken for graduate credit.
*i – Either GNBA 897 or 890 (Internship or Capstone Class)