Sep 09, 2024
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Graduate Certificate
Contact: Valerie Padilla Carroll
E-mail: padillacarroll@ksu.edu
Home Page: http://www.k-state.edu/gwss/
Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
The Department of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies offers a graduate certificate for students in M.A., M.S., Ph.D and professional programs at Kansas State or those wishing to complete the certificate independent of another degree. It consists of 12 hours of graduate level courses in gender, women, and sexuality studies. One core course–GWSS 810, Gender: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Feminist Thought and Practice–is required. Three other courses at the 600 level and above can be chosen from an approved list of electives from a variety of disciplines.
To apply to the graduate certificate program, admitted students enrolled in a master’s or doctoral program at K-State should email the graduate certificate coordinator, outlining their goals in pursuing the certificate, and copying their major professor or director of graduate studies in their degree program. Students wishing to pursue the certificate independently of another degree program at K-State should apply online through the graduate school. After they have been accepted, students should meet with the coordinator to identify the courses most congruent with their chosen program of study.
Program requirements
The certificate consists of 12 hours of approved graduate level courses at the 600 level or above in gender, women, and sexuality studies.
Core course required (3 hours):
Elective courses (choose 9 hours from the following list of courses)
Courses followed by a subtitle in parentheses vary and count toward the Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Graduate Certificate only when offered with the indicated subtitle.
- GWSS 605 - Social Change Field-Experience Credits: 3
- GWSS 610 - Capstone in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Credits: 3
- GWSS 700 - Advanced Topics in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Credits: 1-3
- GWSS 784 - Internship in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Credits: 1-12
- GWSS 799 - Independent Study for Graduate Students or Advanced Undergraduate Students Credits: 1-3
- ANTH 710 - Writing Cultures: Ethnographic Methods Credits: 3
- COMM 630 - Special Topics in Rhetoric and Communication Credits: 3 (Gender and Communication)
- EDLEA 838 - Qualitative Research in Education Credits: 3
- EDACE 750 - Women, Education, Leadership, and Work Credits: 3
- EDCI 735 - Gender Implications for Education Credits: 3
- EDCI 886 - Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction Credits: 1-18 (Women, Education, and Leadership)
- ENGL 605 - Readings in Medieval Literature Credits: 3 (Medieval Others: Dragons, Damsels, & Death, The Idea of Work in the Middle Ages)
- ENGL 625 - Readings in Eighteenth-Century British Literature Credits: 3
(Austen, Readings in 18th Century Women, Restoration Drama, or Ghosts and Goths) - ENGL 630 - Readings in Nineteenth-Century British Literature Credits: 3 (Victorian Childhoods)
- ENGL 635 - Readings in Twentieth-Century British Literature Credits: 3 (Bloomsbury Group)
- ENGL 650 - Readings in Twentieth-Century American Literature Credits: 3 (Queer Native Literatures or Dream Acts)
- ENGL 655 - Readings in American Ethnic Literature Credits: 3
(What is African American Literature? or Dream Acts: Immigration in Ethnic Literature) - ENGL 660 - Readings in Major Authors Credits: 3
(The Brontes, Gender and Performance, George Eliot, Louise Erdrich and Sherman Alexie, Shakespeare, Austen and Her Legacy, Whitman and Dickinson, American Indian Literatures, American Gothic, or Louise Erdrich) - ENGL 670 - Topics in British Literature Credits: 3 (18th Century British Women Writers, Downton Abbey in Context)
- ENGL 680 - Topics in American Literature Credits: 3
(In the Shadows of American Literature, Latino/a Literature, or Asian American Literature, or Two-Spirit Literature) - ENGL 695 - Topics in Literature Credits: 3
(African American Children’s Literature, Innocence and Experience, or Postcolonial Literature) - ENGL 705 - Theories of Cultural Studies Credits: 3
- ENGL 710 - Studies in a Literary Genre Credits: 3
(Back to the Future) (Gender and Sexuality in American Indian Literature, Romances and Saints’ Lives) - ENGL 720 - Studies in a Major Author Credits: 3
(The Brontes, Drama, Shakespeare, or Extreme Shakespeare) - ENGL 725 - Studies in Children’s/Young Adult Literature Credits: 3
(African American Children’s Literature) - ENGL 730 - Studies in a Literary Period Credits: 3
(Alcott and Twain) - ENGL 740 - Studies in Literary Theory Credits: 3
(African American Literary Theory) - ENGL 745 - Cultural Studies Credits: 3 (Queer Cinema in Context)
- ENGL 755 - Studies in Composition and Rhetoric Credits: 3
(Power and Persuasion) - ENGL 825 - Seminar in Literature Credits: 3
(Golden Age of Children’s Literature, Medieval Endings, Harry Potter and Literary History) - ENGL 830 - Seminar in Cultural Studies Credits: 3
(Affect Theory, Queer Native Literature, American Feminisms, US Latino Studies, Victorian Women Writers, or Literature of Mad Men) - ENGL 840 - Seminar in Composition and Rhetoric Credits: 3
(Maverick Rhetorics) - GRMN 701 - Topics in Eighteenth Century German Literature and Culture Credits: 3
(Judaism in Germany) - GRMN 705 - Topics in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century German Literature and Culture Credits: 3 (The Graphic Novel and Postmemory)
- FSHS 865 - Human Sexuality Credits: 3
- HIST 984 - Topics in American History Credits: 1-3
(Gender in American History, or Gender and Sexuality in the United States) - MC 612 - Gender, Class, Race, and the Media Credits: 3
- CFT 869 - Systematic Treatment of Trauma Violence and Substance Abuse Credits: 3
- POLSC 606 - Gender and Politics Credits: 3
- POLSC 799 - Pro-Seminar in Political Science Credits: 3
(Women and Law) - SOCIO 633 - Gender, Power, and Development Credits: 3
- SOCIO 635 - Sociology of Human Trafficking Credits: 3
- SOCIO 665 - Women and Crime Credits: 3
- SOCIO 670 - Diversity and Social Interaction in the Workplace Credits: 3
- SOCIO 833 - Gender Differentiation and Inequality Credits: 3
- SOCIO 933 - Gender and Society Credits: 3
- THTRE 782 - Women in Theatre Credits: 3
Other appropriate graduate level Topics and Readings courses are offered every year in a variety of disciplines. Thus, students have a large selection of classes to choose from each year.