Feb 06, 2025  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Honors Program

University Honors Program

The University Honors Program, or the UHP, encourages students to grow in the intellectual craft of scholarship. Through cultural and performing arts events, skill-development workshops, travel opportunities, and challenging course work, UHP students will increase their intellectual curiosity about the world, its wonders and its complexity. The UHP will challenge students to reach their full potential as scholarly, competent and fulfilled leaders.

Admission requirements

The general criteria for admission to the UHP are as follows:

1. ACT composite of 29 or greater.

2. A high school GPA of 3.75 or greater (weighted or unweighted).

3. Completion of the UHP application through the Honors Administration Link.

Students who have notable extracurricular experience and/or leadership activities and who, for whatever reason, do not quite achieve the GPA and ACT scores are still encouraged to apply. All components of the application are used to reach a final decision.

Current students wishing to enter the UHP should have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 (K-State grades only) and are encouraged to visit with the UHP staff.

Because of the high quality and number of applicants, meeting the above criteria does not necessarily guarantee admission.

Students must maintain a 3.5 GPA and make satisfactory progress toward fulfilling program requirements to remain in good standing in the UHP.

Completion requirements

1. Orientation: One (1) introductory course –1 credit

UHP students will complete the following course:

UHP 189   Honors First-Year Seminar. Newly matriculated UHP students select from a variety of sections. Engineering students typically enroll in the spring semester. Course topics will vary, but each will emphasize intellectual and scholarly engagement as well as introduce students to UHP particulars.

2. Courses: Four (4) for-credit academic courses – 12 credits minimum

At least four UHP-eligible courses must be completed for credit for a minimum of twelve credit hours. UHP students will have the flexibility to choose from a menu of three eligible options:

  • UHP-designated courses (e.g., Honors Chemistry, Honors Introduction to the Humanities) that carry course credit.
  • Contract courses (i.e., a regular for-credit course where the student and instructor agree upon additional scholarly expectations and outcomes).
  • Course credits taken for undergraduate research.

3. Experiences: Three (3) co-curricular experiences and/or additional for-credit academic courses – total credits will vary: no minimum.

This requirement accommodates multiple forms of experimental learning, co-curricular enrichment, and/or additional UHP-eligible coursework. Eligible co-curricular experiences will include items such as study abroad, International Service Teams participation, undergraduate research, internships, participation on a university competition team, and work as a teaching assistant.

The UHP will develop and maintain guidelines for what constitutes a qualifying experience, including a menu of options. Other experiences may also be proposed, pending the approval of the relevant College coordinator and the UHP staff.

In brief, eligible experiences will require students to intentionally reference and integrate knowledge from their curriculum in an applied fashion and involve active accountability (supervision, mentorship, instruction, etc.). Thus, eligible co-curricular experiences are not intended to encompass routine participation or leadership in campus clubs or “student life” activities.

Students may also choose to complete additional UHP-eligible and for-credit academic courses in this category.

4. Project: One (1) independent UHP scholarly project – 0-3 credits.

Students can select one of four tracks to complete their UHP Project. Each track emphasizes integrative, independent learning          and skill development.

  • Research track – A traditional “honors thesis” where students complete research under the supervision of faculty members.
  • International track – Project based upon study or service abroad for a minimum duration of ten weeks.
  • Professional track –Project based upon a full-time internship or co-op experience for a minimum durations of ten weeks. Two distinct internships with a single employer may also be used as the basis for a project, provided they total at least ten weeks (with UHP approval granted before the second internship).
  • Creative track – Project based upon the creation of original creative work, principally for students in the fine and performing arts for whom artistic production is an essential scholarly activity.

All four tracks will require a significant intellectual product that is supervised and approved by a K-State mentor with appropriate expertise. All proposals and completed projects must also be approved by the mentor, the College coordinator and the UHP.

Project approval must be obtained prior to beginning the proposed project.

Additional Notes:

  • Students may not “double dip” by counting any single course or activity in more than one UHP requirement category.
  • In both the “Experiences” and “Project” categories, experiences such as internships, if they are required parts of a student’s declared major, may only satisfy a UHP requirement if an additional enrichment and/or intellectual product is agreed upon and verified.
  • Transfer students who completed Honors coursework at another institution will have the opportunity to petition the UHP Director to apply those credits towards the completion of UHP course requirements.
  • The completion of graduate-level coursework above and beyond the stated requirements of the student’s declared major may be counted for UHP credit through the process of course contracting.

For more information
E-mail: ksuhonors@k-state.edu