Students who successfully complete this program will receive both a BA or BS in political science and a Masters of Public Administration (MPA).
The Master of Public Administration is a flexible professional degree designed for those who wish to hold administrative positions in a wide range of administrative environments in the public and nonprofit sectors. Graduates are trained for employment with government agencies at the federal, state, or local level, and with regional or sub-state organizations. Opportunities are also available for graduates of the program with non-profit organizations, public interest groups or commissions, private corporations that work with government agencies, and international organizations. For all relevant details concerning this Master’s degree, please return to the home page.
This concurrent degree has the advantages of decreasing the amount of time required to earn an undergraduate and graduate degree and also reducing overall tuition costs. With careful and early attention to undergraduate course scheduling, this concurrent degree can be completed in six years and opposed to the usual six and one-half needed to obtain the degrees independent of one another. Since a total of nine credit hours can be applied to both degrees, overall tuition cost is reduced by a corresponding amount.