Mar 13, 2025
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Kinesiology B.S.
A total of 120 credit hours are required for graduation. The BS degree is obtained by following the curriculum of the College of Human Ecology.
Kinesiology majors must take a minimum of 35 kinesiology credit hours that include 17 credit hours from the lower-level core, 12 credit hours in an emphasis area, and 6 credit hours from other elective kinesiology courses at the 300 level or above, plus 3 credit hours in Human Nutrition.
A minimum grade of C and GPA of 2.2 are required for all kinesiology courses meeting degree requirements.
General Requirements (49-53 credit hours)
Communicatons (8-9 credit hours)
Humanities (6 credit hours)
Only courses of 3 credits or more will apply. Social Sciences (9 credit hours)
Natural and Physical Sciences (16-17 credit hours)
Quantitative Studies (9-11 credit hours)
Integrative Human Ecology Course (1 credit hour)
Professional Studies (38 credit hours)
Grades of “C” or higher required. Kinesiology (35 credit hours)
Lower-level core (17 credits hours)
Kinesiology Upper-level Emphasis (12 credit hours)
Select an emphasis in Exercise Physiology or Public Health Physical Activity Behavior. Exercise Physiology Emphasis (12 credit hours)
Select one course (3 credit hours) from the biological basis of human movement. Select three courses from the following (9 credit hours)
Public Health Physical Activity Behavior Emphasis (12 credit hours)
Select one course (3 credit hours) from the behavioral basis of human movement. Select three courses from the following (9 credit hours)
Kinesiology Electives (6 credit hours)
Human Nutrition (3 credit hours)
Unrestricted electives (29-33 credit hours)
- 300 level or above (>3 hours)
Total hours required for graduation (120 credit hours)
Pre-professional curricula
Students seeking admission to physical therapy, medical, and other health professional schools may major in kinesiology (or another discipline) provided the required pre-professional course work is completed. Students should seek a pre-professional health professions advisor from the College of Human Ecology dean’s office and a kinesiology advisor for proper planning to meet academic and professional goals. Health fitness instructor sub-curriculum
This sub-curriculum consists of a series of classes that complements the kinesiology degree in preparing students to design, implement, and administer physical fitness programs in YMCAs, private corporations, hospitals, clinics, and fitness clubs. Students completing this emphasis are prepared to seek health/fitness instructor certification from the American College of Sports Medicine. The following courses are required in addition to those required for the kinesiology degree: |