Application Process
The application process is the same as for the traditional M.S. degree except that completion of the B.S. degree is not required and the GRE score requirement will be waived.
- K-State graduate application form completed on-line and submitted before semester of enrollment. Application fee submitted with application.
- Applicant’s statement of academic objective(s) and preferred primary advisor(s) must be submitted with application.
- Three letters of reference are required.
- Transcript(s) of all undergraduate work must be sent to the Director of Graduate Programs in HFRR.
Once a student is admitted to the concurrent B.S./M.S. degree program, the student should consult the graduate handbook for policies and procedures for M.S. degrees which include: supervisory committee, final examination, etc. The student will work closely with her/his major professor to form a supervisory committee and file a program of study by the end of the first semester of the senior year. The student’s supervisory committee must approve the program of study, which is a statement of the student’s graduation requirements. The undergraduate advisor will continue to advise the student in academic progress toward the B.S. degree, and the major professor will supervise the student’s academic progress and research project for the M.s. degree. Research toward the M.S. thesis will begin as soon as possible, but will not begin later than the first semester of the senior year.
Should the student meet these requirements and be approved for admission by the HFRR Graduate Admission Committee, admission will be provisional, pending the award of the B.S. degree. The student must complete all of the undergraduate requirements with the exception that up to nine (9) credit hours of graduate level classes taken for graduate credit may be applied toward the 130 credit hour requirement for the undergraduate degree and can also count toward the 30 credit hours required for the M.S. degree. The B.S. degree may be awarded at any time following the completion of the undergraduate degree requirements. Alternatively, the B.S. and M.S. degrees may be awarded concurrently.