The apparel and textiles program prepares graduates for professional careers in apparel design, apparel marketing, and the retailing industries. Apparel design and production students develop creative and analytical skills necessary to solve complex design problems. Students in apparel marketing develop the necessary competencies to become resourceful business leaders. The program provides detailed practical experience and a solid base for graduate studies.
Course work for all majors includes a foundation in liberal and general studies, including written and oral communications, mathematics, and computer science; textile and apparel evaluation; consumer behavior; historic analysis; sustainable aspects of apparel; and an analysis of textile, apparel, and retailing industries.
Admission to the apparel design and production specialization is selective and based on performance criteria. Students applying to the specialization are first admitted to apparel and textiles. Those who have completed prerequisite courses may apply for advancement to the apparel design and production specialization. See website for more information.
Bachelor’s degree requirements