The major in general business is a degree completion program offered through the Division of Continuing Education and is available only to off-campus students.
The degree is suitable for individuals who have an associate of science degree, who are employed full time and want to continue their education, or who have family responsibilities that make it impossible to take courses in a traditional on-campus setting.
Students will be admitted into the general business administration program upon completion of at least 45 credit hours of coursework and a grade point average of 2.5 or higher (K-State or combined transfer GPA).
In order to remain in good standing, students in the general business administration program must have a 2.5 or higher GPA on the first 15 K-State graded credit hours after admission into the general business administration program. Students not meeting this requirement will be dismissed from the College of Business Administration and will need to achieve a 2.5 or higher K-State GPA in order to be readmitted to the program.
Application for admission to the general business degree program should be made through the Division of Continuing Education, non-traditional studies program, at 1-800-622-2KSU or on the website.
The exact sequence of the courses to be taken is worked out between student and advisor. There is some flexibility in scheduling. To enroll in any course, students must have prerequisites as stated in the catalog.
Degree Requirements
Candidates for the bachelor of science in business administration must complete at least 9 credit hours of resident instruction in upper-division business courses after acceptance and enrollment in a degree plan program in the college. See additional residency requirements earlier in this catalog.
A student will become eligible for graduation with a bachelor of science in business administration degree upon fulfilling the above requirements and completing 126 credit hours of coursework. Students must earn a minimum 2.5 grade point average in the business core courses in order to graduate.
Transfer Coursework
All transfer coursework approved by the K-State Admissions Office, with a grade of C or better, will be reviewed by the CBA Office of Student Services for equivalency within the business curriculum and is subject to final approval. (Transfer coursework carrying a grade of D will not be accepted toward a student’s business degree requirements.)
Final approval of transfer courses for use within an individual’s business degree plan is determined by the appropriate department head, in conjunction with the CBA Office of Student Services and the Associate Dean and Director of Undergraduate Studies. In general, upper-level (300+) business* courses will only be considered for approval if the coursework has been completed at an AACSB-accredited institution. *Business courses are defined as those carrying a prefix of ACCTG, FINAN, GENBA, MANGT, or MKTG.
Note: Students completing the General business Administration degree via Distance Education do NOT fulfill the BAPP requirements as outlined elsewhere in this catalog. General Business students should follow the curriculum (126 credit hours) list below.
Bachelor’s degree requirements