Pre-law options
While no one major is given preference by law school admission boards, law schools recognize the value of philosophy for refining skills in expression, comprehension, and critical thinking. According to the Pre-Law Handbook, ‘‘the free and spirited consideration of philosophical questions is almost the model for legal training.’’
The department offers two degree options:
Philosophy/pre-business option
The pre-business option is for students who plan to do graduate work leading to a master’s in business administration. This program has been developed in accordance with the results of surveys in professional business journals that rate this type of program as an excellent preparation for careers in business leadership.
Philosophy/pre-med option
While no one major is given preference by medical schools and related post-graduate programs, their admission committees recognize philosophy as a valuable primary or secondary major. In fact, surveys indicate that nationally, philosophy graduates have some of the highest acceptance rates at medical schools. Students in this program will be advised to supplement their education with an important science component.