Philosophy Major Core curriculum (15 credit hours)
All philosophy majors must take the following five courses:
Standard philosophy option
This option is for students who are interested in a traditional liberal arts course of study.
Philosophy course requirements (36 credit hours)
- Core curriculum Credits: (15)
Choose two courses (6 credit hours)
Choose two courses (6 credit hours)
Philosophy electives (9 credit hours)
Three philosophy electives (one of the electives must be at the 500 level or above). Select from the choices above.
Pre-graduate school option
This option is for students who are mainly interested in doing graduate study in philosophy.
Philosophy course requirements (42 credit hours)
- Core curriculum Credits: (15)
Choose two courses (6 credit hours)
Choose three courses (9 credit hours)
One of the three courses must be PHILO 635 or PHILO 640.
Philosophy electives (9 credit hours)
Three philosophy electives (two of the electives at the 500 level or above). Select from the choices above.
Pre-law options
While no one major is given preference by law school admission boards, law schools recognize the value of philosophy for refining skills in expression, comprehension, and critical thinking. According to the Pre-Law Handbook, ‘‘the free and spirited consideration of philosophical questions is almost the model for legal training.’’
The department offers two degree options:
Single major option (39 credit hours)
- Core curriculum Credits: (15)
Choose two courses (6 credit hours)
Philosophy electives (12 credit hours)
Four philosophy electives (two of them at the 500 level or above).
Double major option (30 credit hours)
- Core curriculum Credits: (15)
Choose one course (3 credit hours)
Philosophy electives (6 credit hours)
Two philosophy electives (one of them at the 500 level or above).
Additional requirement:
Completion of another major in a department of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Philosophy/pre-business option
The pre-business option is for students who plan to do graduate work leading to a master’s in business administration. This program has been developed in accordance with the results of surveys in professional business journals that rate this type of program as an excellent preparation for careers in business leadership.
Philosophy course requirements (30 credit hours)
- Core curriculum Credits: (15)
Philosophy electives (9 credit hours)
Three philosophy electives (two of the electives at the 300 level or above and one of elective at the 500 level or above).
Students may combine a philosophy/pre-business degree with an undergraduate degree in the College of Business Administration.
Philosophy/pre-ministry option
This is a nonsectarian program designed for students who are interested in the religious ministry as a profession. Students will be advised on other courses outside philosophy recommended by most American schools of theology.
Philosophy course requirements (33 credit hours)
- Core curriculum Credits: (15)
Philosophy electives (12 credit hours)
Four philosophy electives (three of the electives at the 500 level or above).
Additional Requirements:
Two courses in which religion is studied, from departments other than philosophy. The Department of Philosophy must approve counting these courses towards completion of the major.
Interdisciplinary option
This option is for students who wish to combine a major in philosophy with a major in another discipline. Each student completing a degree under this option must have a faculty advisor in the Department of Philosophy who supervises the student’s program.
Philosophy course requirements (30 credit hours)
- Core curriculum Credits: (15)
Philosophy electives (12 credit hours)
Four philosophy electives (two of the electives must be at the 500 level or above).
Additional requirements:
- Completion of a second major, as appropriate; student’s program must be approved by a faculty advisor in the Department of Philosophy.
- PHILO 680 Problems in Philosophy (3 credit hours) must focus on the relationship of philosophy to the student’s other major; the student must write a substantial paper on that relationship for this course.
Philosophy/pre-med option
While no one major is given preference by medical schools and related post-graduate programs, their admission committees recognize philosophy as a valuable primary or secondary major. In fact, surveys indicate that nationally, philosophy graduates have some of the highest acceptance rates at medical schools. Students in this program will be advised to supplement their education with an important science component.
Philosophy course requirements (33 credit hours)
- Core curriculum Credits: (15)
Choose one course (3 credit hours)
Choose one course (3 credit hours)
Philosophy electives (9 credit hours)
Three philosophy electives (two of the electives at the 500 level or above). Electives can be from the lists above.
Students choosing this option and planning to apply for medical school are strongly advised to combine it with at least a minor in one of the following disciplines: biology , chemistry , or physics .
Total hours required for graduation (120 credit hours)