Oct 18, 2024  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Education

Debbie K. Mercer, Dean
Linda Thurston, Associate Dean for Research and External Funding
Paul R. Burden, Assistant Dean
David L. Griffin, Assistant Dean-Director of the Center for Student and Professional Services

6 Bluemont Hall
Fax: 785-532-7304
E-mail: pmonroe@k-state.edu

College of Education programs prepare individuals for the broad spectrum of professional education positions.

Primary consideration is given to preparing education students for the various positions in elementary, secondary, career and technical programs, and the personnel who support these programs. In addition, the college provides consultative services and in-service training for the improvement of various aspects of education programs at all levels. The College of Education cooperates with all other colleges and departments in its interdisciplinary approach to the preparation of teachers and other educational personnel.

The university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA), and the teacher education programs are accredited by the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).

The college offers a bachelor’s degree in education with an emphasis in elementary or secondary education, and supports education programs outside the College of Education in agricultural education , early childhood education , family and consumer sciences education , and music education .

The professional education unit at Kansas State University is committed to preparing educators to be knowledgeable, ethical, caring decision makers through:

  • delivery of exemplary instruction to students at the undergraduate and graduate levels;
  • production, interpretation, and dissemination of sound and useful research and scholarship;
  • leadership, collaboration, and service within the profession; and
  • promotion, understanding, and celebration of diversity.

Click on any of the following links for information:



All students admitted to the College of Education are assigned an advisor from the Center for Student and Professional Services (13 Bluemont Hall). Students remain with that advisor throughout their program.


General Education: K-State 8

IMPORTANT NOTES: Students who first enroll in Summer 2011 or later must meet the requirements of the K-State 8 General Education Program.

Students who began their programs of study in earlier terms under the University General Education (UGE) program may complete their degrees with UGE requirements or may choose to move to the K-State 8. Students should check with their academic advisors to determine which choice would be better. To switch, students must consult with their academic advisors.

Students who are readmitted in Summer 2011 and later will be designated as meeting the K-State 8 by the Office of Admissions. Deans’ offices can make an exception for the readmitted student who has completed UGE or who would prefer to complete UGE requirements.

Objective of the K-State 8

The K-State 8 General Education Program encourages students to be intellectual explorers. Students and advisors will plan programs of study to promote exposure to a breadth of learning that includes the eight areas below. The emphasis and the amount of study in each area will vary for each student, depending upon his/her choice of major and other interests.

The K-State 8 Areas: 

Aesthetic Experience and Interpretive Understanding Aesthetic Interpretation

Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

Global Issues and Perspectives Global Issues and Perspectives

Historical Perspectives Historical Perspectives

Human Diversity within the U.S. Human Diversity within the U.S.

Natural and Physical Sciences Natural and Physical Sciences

Social Sciences Social Sciences

The K-State 8 icons shown above are also used in Kansas State University’s student information system (KSIS).

Overview of K-State 8 requirements

The intent of The K-State 8 is for students to explore the perspectives of disciplines that may be quite different from those of their own majors. For that reason, a minimum of four different course prefixes (e.g., AGEC, MATH, FSHS) must be represented to fulfill K-State 8 requirements.

Each student must successfully complete credit-bearing courses to cover all of the K-State 8 areas. Some of the K-State 8 areas may be covered in the student’s major.

Departments have decided which courses to designate for one or two K-State 8 areas. K-State 8 designations are noted both in the Undergraduate Catalog and in KSIS.

When a course is tagged for two K-State 8 areas, the student may count that course toward both areas. However, students are strongly encouraged to enroll in a variety of courses and experiences that offers them a genuine breadth of perspective.

For more information

K-State 8 policy for changing majors

Changing majors will not affect students’ general education requirements in the K-State 8.

K-State 8 policy for double majors and dual degrees

A student must meet K-State 8 requirements for only one degree/major.

Transfer students

Transfer students are required to cover all eight (8) of the K-State 8 areas and should check with their academic advisors to determine how best to apply transfer credits to the K-State 8.


General Education: UGE

University General Education Requirements

IMPORTANT NOTES:  This section does not apply to students who first enroll in Summer 2011 or later. Those students must meet the requirements of The K-State 8 General Education Program.

Students who began their programs of study in earlier terms under the University General Education (UGE) program may complete their degrees with UGE requirements or may choose to move to The K-State 8. Students should check with their academic advisors to determine which choice would be better.  To switch, students must consult with their academic advisors.

Students who are readmitted in Summer 2011 and later will be designated as meeting the K-State 8 by the Office of Admissions. Deans’ offices can make an exception for the readmitted student who has completed UGE or who would prefer to complete UGE requirements.

The following information about UGE remains in the Undergraduate Catalog for the benefit of students who choose to continue meeting UGE requirements.

Currently the university general education requirements for the university are under review for changes. Students will be informed of changes as they occur. See the list of Approved University General Education Courses.


University Honors Program

The University Honors Program has been established for undergraduate students who have demonstrated high academic achievement. The major purpose of the honors program is to give selected students an opportunity to expand their knowledge of the teaching profession and to acquire a desire to be leaders in the profession. Participants receive recognition for achievements; learn and interact with other honor students in small groups; establish close association with faculty members in seminars and research projects; and exercise creativity and explore leadership responsibilities.

For information about the university honors program, available to all students entering K-State in fall 2006 or later, see the Degrees & Certificates Offered  section of this catalog. Check the university honors program web page for applications, requirements, current classes, and more.

University Honors Program Requirements - College of Education

  1. University Level - 7 credit hours required
    1. RETREAT for new students prior to fall semester (optional)
    2. DED 020   Students enroll in program each semester at college level - 0 credit
    3. DED 189   Introduction to University Honors Program - 1 credit
    4. Other University Level Requirements - 6 credits

In addition to the introductory course (1 credit), students are required to complete 6 credit hours from a list of honors courses generated by the University Honors Program Director each semester. (These courses can be honors sections of required courses or elective seminars; most are 3 credit hours.)

Alternative opportunities (e.g., study abroad) to generate university-level honor credit hours must be approved by both the Director of the University Honors Program and the College Coordinator (or appropriate college representative).  Students cannot use a given activity for both university and college level.  Under no circumstances will students be allowed to arrange for credit after the experience is completed.

  1. College Level - 8 credit hours or equivalent required

    A and B are required; C and D are optional
    1. DED 420  Honors Project (2-3 credit hours)
                Research or creative project, including presentation of findings to faculty and/or students.  Requires supervision by a faculty member.
    2. DED 320   COE Topical Honors Seminars (2 credit hours)
                There will be at least one honors seminar offered each semester in the college.
                (Minimum of two one-credit hour seminars required)
    3. *Leadership (1-3 equivalent credit hours)
      • Mentoring (e.g. upper class COE honors student mentoring a freshman honors student)
      • Undergraduate teaching assistant (paid or unpaid) for an undergraduate seminar (e.g., university honors or retreat, COE honors seminars or COE regular courses)
      • Student Leadership Roles: COE Ambassadors, KNEA-SP, Kappa Delta Pi, Education Symposium, Telefund
    4. *Professional Development (1-3 equivalent credit hours)
      • International Study Abroad or National Student Exchange
      • Community Service  (International, state, or local level)
        (beyond COE Teacher Education Requirement)
      • Professional Meeting Participation/Presentation
      • Application for Nationally Competitive Scholarship Awards

*Requires a UHP plan, approved by UHP Director and COE Honors Program Coordinator, submitted prior to the activity and a follow-up evaluation/self-reflection to be counted as an honors activity.  

  1. Total UHP Requirements - 15 credit hours or equivalent required

NOTE: Skeen Tuition Reimbursement Scholarships — College of Education Honors students are reimbursed for tuition associated with honors courses/seminars that are not associated with curriculum requirements.


Support Facilities and Programs

In addition to major instructional and research programs, the College of Education provides service to K-State faculty and students, local schools, and a variety of other entities in the state and region.

Specific services of the College of Education are provided or coordinated through the following centers:

Center for Rural Education and Small Schools

Activities designed to address the unique educational needs of small schools and rural communities in Kansas and the plains states are the major focus of this center. Its basic services are in research— to identify unique needs, effective techniques, and decision-making processes—and assistance programs centered on the development, coordination, and delivery of information and services. Development and maintenance of links with local schools and state and federal agencies are important functions of the center.

The Catalyst

The Catalyst provides a range of services, instruction materials, and audiovisual equipment for the college’s faculty and students. Students use the Catalyst to prepare materials for use in class projects and student teaching. Audiovisual equipment of many types is maintained and provided by the Catalyst along with training, desktop support, technology integration into classroom environments, and support for college applications.

The Catalyst provides a full range of computer and computer services for use in instructional media classes and professional use. It offers a video production studio and state-of-the-art video and audio recording capabilities. The Catalyst also houses the Midwest Educational Assistance Center (MEAC) library containing multicultural resources for K–12 public schools districts as well as College of Education educators and pre-service students.

The Catalyst has space for individual student and small-group learning activities, video investigation, and use of computer and instructional materials. Also housed in this center is an interactive video conference unit for instructional collaboration.

Center for Science Education

The Center for Science Education is housed in the College of Education. The center’s mission is to improve the quality of science, mathematics, and technology teaching and learning throughout Kansas, the plains states, and the nation from kindergarten through the PhD level. The center facilitates collaboration among individuals and units on and off campus to conduct research; develop curriculum materials, pedagogical strategies, and organizational mechanisms; demonstrate their effectiveness in model school sites; and disseminate the latest knowledge to an audience of school administrators, teachers, researchers, other professionals, parents, and citizens.

Center for Social Studies Education

Kansas State University’s Center for Social Studies Education was established in 2007 to serve as a resource for social studies students, teachers, and organizations. The center provides high quality professional development, conducts rigorous research and evaluation, and disseminates engaging curricular and scholarly resources. Since its inception, the center has administered K-12 social studies programs affecting thousands of students, conducted original research on the content needs of pre-service teachers, provided professional development to hundreds of teachers, and supplied evaluation services to several state and national organizations.


Teacher Education

The College of Education is the designated unit responsible for all K-State educator licensure.

The programs are designed to develop competencies essential for teaching and to meet Kansas State Department of Education standards. Some programs are parts of degree requirements in colleges other than the College of Education. All College of Education program requirements are subject to revision as necessary to meet Kansas licensure standards. Students should contact their advisors or the licensing officer if they have questions about licensure program changes.

Licensure through the teacher education program is available for four teaching levels: (a) early childhood unified birth through kindergarten, (b) elementary education prepares for grades K–6, (c) secondary programs satisfy state licensure requirements for grades 6–12, and (d) PK-12 in art, music, and modern languages.

Admission Requirements for Teacher Education

The application for admission to a teacher education program may be filed when the applicant has satisfied all of the admission requirements. Transfer students who have satisfied all the admission requirements should apply at the time of initial enrollment. Students making changes in degree programs within teacher education must reapply for teacher education.


Successful completion of

  Orientation to Teacher Education at K-State.


Fifty total hours for secondary, 42 hours for elementary must be completed, including all transfer and K-State credits.

English composition

Both Expository Writing I and II must be completed satisfactorily with a grade no lower than C (2.0).

Public speaking

A grade of C or better is required in COMM 105, 106, or 109. Courses in interpersonal communication do not apply.

Quantitative sciences

A grade of C or better is required in six credit hours of mathematics including college algebra, or a higher level of mathematics and a statistics course (for elementary education, MATH 160 is acceptable).

Overall Degree Program GPA

A 2.75 GPA is required in all attempted courses that meet degree program requirements, including all graded transfer and K-State credits. Probationary admission may be granted if the student has a 2.6 GPA and all other requirements are met. GPA must be 2.75 before the Professional semester.

Teaching Field GPA

A 2.75 GPA is required in all college work attempted in the required teaching field courses. (This includes work at K-State and other institutions.) Probationary admission may be grantedif the student has a 2.6 GPA and all other requirements are met. GPA must be 2.75 before the Professional semester. Note: Elementary education majors do not have a teaching field.

Basic Skills Test

The Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (CORE) is required for admission to teacher education for all students who do not have an ACT composite score of 22 or above. The test includes sections on Reading, Writing, and Math. A minimum passing score will be established when sufficient data is available. Until that time, students must take the CORE test with no required minimum score.

Early field experience

Early field experience is completed in EDEL/EDSEC 230. This experience includes 40 hours of observation in a classroom.

Application deadlines

  • To early enroll for summer or fall professional classes, apply by: February 15
  • To early enroll for spring professional classes, apply by: October 1

When the applications are approved, students are notified of their acceptance into the respective teacher education professional program. Students who do not meet the requirements will be notified of the options available to them.

The professional semester

The professional semester involves a full semester of student teaching. This semester occurs in the fall or spring of the senior year. There is no student teaching offered during summer sessions. Because of the school districts’ schedules, students may be required to begin their student teaching before the start of K-State’s semester schedule and/or end their student teaching after K-State’s semester schedule ends.

Students desiring to be recommended for licensure by K-State must earn credit for student teaching in residence. Students may only take the courses prescribed for the professional semester unless permission is obtained through the Office of Student and Professional Services in 13 Bluemont Hall. Teaching participation is graded Credit/No Credit.

Admission to the professional semester

Students will be approved for the professional semester when the requirements listed below have been met.

Requirements for all applicants to the professional semester

  • Full admittance to a teacher education program.
  • Completion of 90 semester hours.
  • An overall grade point average of 2.75 in all college or university course work that meet degree program requirements.
  • Completion of all Professional and Teacher Education courses and practica with a 3.0 GPA with no grade lower than C. Student may retake blocked methods courses one time only.
  • Demonstrate the standards and dispositions defined in our Conceptual Framework.
  • Teaching as a Career, Core Teaching Skills, and Methods courses must be taken at KSU.
  • Verification of a negative tuberculosis (TB) test.
  • Completion of the Professional Hour requirement. By November 1 or April 1 of the semester prior to student teaching, documentation must be submitted concerning the completion of 20 hours of professional growth/service to the profession and 20 hours of educational service to yourth and families. Guidelines can be found at the website for Professional Hour Requirements.

Additional requirements for secondary majors

A grade point average of 2.75 is required in all teaching fields based on all teaching field courses attempted at K-State and at all colleges or universities attended.

Student teaching assignment request

Student teaching requires a special application called the Student Teaching Assignment Request (STAR form). Instructions for completing the application can be obtained online at the College of Education web page.

The deadlines for submitting the STAR form are:

  • September 1 for those student teaching in the spring
  • February 1 for those student teaching in the fall

Verification of Red Cross first aid training (or an approved equivalent) and CPR certification (or an approved equivalent) must be submitted prior to completion of the STAR form.


Interruption of degree

The following College of Education policy regarding interruption of academic programs applies to all people seeking teacher licensure as well as those enrolled in degree programs in the College of Education.

Students who graduate within six years from the time they enter K-State without having previously earned credit from another institution shall have the opportunity to graduate under the academic program (course and total credit requirements) in existence at the time of entrance, unless the student cannot be licensed by the State of Kansas under the original entry requirements.

If more than six years have elapsed since original entry, the student will need to complete the degree or teacher education program requirements in existence at the time he or she re-enters the university for the final and uninterrupted phase of the program.

This policy applies to students who are admitted to the university with previously attained credit as follows:

Credits attained Allowed for completion
Less than 30 credits 6 years
30 to 59 credits 5 years
60 to 89 credits 4 years
90 or more credits 3 years

Due to the number of credit hours required in their program, music education students will have an additional semester, for a total of six and one-half years, to complete their teacher education program.

Most students who interrupt their educations for military service during peacetime do so by voluntary enlistment. In such a case, the above policy would hold. In wartime or national emergency, students with good grade records might be drafted. In these cases, it would be expected that students could graduate under the requirements that existed at the time they originally entered unless licensure requirements have changed, whereupon the student must modify the entry program to include the current licensure requirements.


Professional licensure

Initial licensure

The College of Education has the responsibility to serve as the recommending agent for all K-State graduates who wish to apply for Kansas licensure. Typically, degrees earned in the College of Education in elementary education and in secondary education will partially fulfill licensure program requirements in the state of Kansas. Early childhood, elementary, and secondary teaching licensure may be accomplished through the completion of the approved program and the appropriate degree. Additional testing is required by the Kansas State Department of Education.

Students must meet the requirements for licensure or for an endorsement area in effect at the time they apply for that licensure or endorsement. Students enrolled in and earning degrees in colleges other than the College of Education must complete all requirements of an approved teacher education program.

The State of Kansas will issue initial teaching licenses only to individuals who have completed an approved teacher education program, received the recommendation of their college or university, and successfully passed the pre-licensure examination (Principles of Learning and Teaching and content assessments). These tests are administered at K-State several times each academic year. Anyone applying for initial licensure in a state other than Kansas is recommended to also apply for Kansas licensure.

The State of Kansas may not issue a teaching license to any applicant who has been convicted of a felony, signed certain diversion agreements, or who has had a teaching license revoked in another state.

People seeking initial licensure who present degrees from other accredited institutions must meet all requirements of the teacher education program. For additional information, these individuals should contact the Office of Student and Professional Services, 13 Bluemont Hall.

Additional licensure endorsements

K-State will recommend for licensure those individuals who are already licensed, but who are adding an endorsement leadership license, or specialist license to their license (e.g., reading specialist, administrator, counselor, an additional teaching area, middle-level teaching in selected fields). K-State may become the recommending agent for individuals presenting degrees from other accredited institutions.


Renewal applications not requesting an additional licensure endorsement are sent directly to the Kansas State Department of Education.

For additional information on pre-licensure testing, applications, or procedures, contact the Office of Student and Professional Services in 13 Bluemont Hall.


Approved programs

All students preparing to be licensed to teach in preschool, elementary, or secondary schools must fully complete the approved teacher education program regardless of which college awards the degree. The approved program consists of: general education studies, a major or specialization, and professional education studies.

The curricula in elementary education and in secondary education fulfill program requirements for teacher licensure in the state of Kansas. Both degrees offered through the College of Education are four-year programs.

Secondary Education Teaching Fields:

Education Programs Outside the College of Education:

Other Program Choices:

Second Teaching Fields in Secondary Education

The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) currently allows any licensed teacher to add additional endorsements in all areas except elementary, early childhood, and special education, by passing the Praxis content test for that subject.

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Earth and Space Science
  • English
  • English as a Second Language (Grades 6-12)
  • Journalism
  • Mathematics
  • Physics