Oct 18, 2024  
2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog 
2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Horticulture, Forestry, and Recreation Resources

Stuart Warren, Head
Raymond Aslin, State Forester
Alan Stevens, Horticulture Extension Program Leader
Keith Lynch, Undergraduate Program Coordinator

Professors: Cable, Carey, Fry, Geyer, Mattson, Rajashekar, Shoemaker, Warner, Warren, and Williams; Associate Professors: Barden, Bremer, Davis, Griffin, Janke, Keeley, Khatamian, Kimmins, Lynch, Reid, Stevens, and Stevenson; Assistant Professors: Lavis, Park, and St. John; Emeriti Professors: Clayberg, Leuthold, Marr, Morrison, and van der Hoeven.

2021 Throckmorton Hall
Fax: 785-532-6949
E-mail: creyer@k-state.edu

The Department of Horticulture, Forestry, and Recreation Resources is a multi-disciplinary department offering undergraduate programs in horticulture and park management and conservation. Each of these programs offers multiple options to meet the career objectives of a wide variety of individuals.  Departmental faculty participate in research, extension, and academic programs in these diverse fields which have a positive impact on the quality of life and enhancing the environment. Individual students may have opportunities working with faculty on research or extension programs.

Horticulture programs

K-State offers a four-year curriculum in horticulture. The Department of Horticulture, Forestry, and Recreation Resources also participates in an interdepartmental program in food science and industry.

Horticulture is the science and art of growing plants for environmental improvement, aesthetic value, intensive food production, or social-therapeutic effects.  The horticulture program is designed for those seeking to move into the production or service sectors of horticulture or pursue careers in public horticulture, those interested in careers in science, or those interested in the use of horticulture in therapeutic settings.  Students completing this program also meet requirements for entrance into graduate programs across the United States and can meet the education requirements for certification by the American Registry of Certified Professionals in Agronomy, Crops, and Soils.

All students are required to take a core of general courses in addition to the agricultural, horticultural, and business courses. Students in the horticulture program will be expected to choose a specialization in fruit and vegetable production, golf course management, greenhouse and nursery management, horticultural therapy, horticulture science, landscape design, landscape management,  public horticulture, or sports turf management.   The horticulture science specialization provides a stronger foundation in basic sciences for graduate studies.  Students interested in pursuing careers in industry research or extension can also follow this specialization.  After the sophomore year, students are required to complete a three- or six-month internship at an approved site.

Career opportunities for students graduating with a degree in horticulture exist in various arenas, including production, landscape and management, floral design, botanic gardens mental health services, correctional facilities, assisted-living and extended care facilities, rehabilitation and psychiatric hospitals, and vocational training centers, arboreta, garden center operation, athletic grounds management, and golf course operations.

Opportunities exist with the various support industries in the area of sales of fertilizers, chemicals, plant material, seeds, containers, and various other supplies; product development; breeding and seed production companies; and trade magazines. Horticulture majors obtaining a minor in plant pathology or entomology will also find opportunities in horticultural pest diagnosis and consulting. Students considering a career in extension should consider pursuing a master of science degree.

Options in Horticulture include: 

Fruit and Vegetable Production Landscape Design
Golf Course Management Landscape Management
Greenhouse and Nursery Management Public Horticulture
Horticultural Science Sports Turf Operations Management
Horticultural Therapy  

Horticulture minor

The department offers a minor  in horticulture consisting of 16 credit hours of course work.  The minor is available to undergraduate students in any primary major.  To be considered a candidate for the minor, the student must file an application with Dr. Kent Kimmins, supervisor of the horticulture minor program.  This should be done prior to completion of the final 9 credit hours required for the minor

Park Management and Conservation programs

Advisors: Cable, Lynch, Stevenson, and Warner

The recreation resources division offers a four year degree in park management and conservation.   All students are required to take a core of courses deemed central to the outdoor recreation profession.  In addition to this core, each student will select one of four options that will allow them to specialize in an area of their particular interest.  The options are interpretation, law enforcement, park management and recreation business.

Interpretation is a rapidly expanding field in park management that attempts to educate visitors regarding the natural history, cultural or historical significance, geologic history or other aspects of the park area or environment.  Students who select this option will further develop their communication skills and knowledge base to better equip them for assisting the public.

Students in the law enforcement option graduate with a two year temporary law enforcement certification that allows them to practice law enforcement with any federal agency including the National Park Service.  Others elect to work for state agencies following additional training in the law enforcement academy of the state for which they are employed.  These individuals may serve as conservation officers enforcing state and federal game laws or as general park law enforcement officers.

The park management option prepares young people to manage the resource where outdoor recreation takes place including the soil, water, flora, fauna and human visitors.  A broad array of course work including plant taxonomy, wildlife management, history, entomology and other social and natural sciences equip the individual for this resource management task.

The recreation business option is designed to prepare a person to manage the business aspects of a recreation organization or other enterprise.  Course work beyond the core include a number of accounting, management, marketing, and personnel management courses.  If desired, a person can obtain a minor in business while fulfilling the requirements for this option.

Society faces a future of making potentially infinite demands upon finite natural resources. Appropriate management of America’s natural and recreation resources will require the best efforts of dedicated, trained professional managers. A basic objective of recreation resource managers is to provide essential goods and services while maintaining the highest environmental standards. A primary focus of recreation and park professionals is the supply of quality leisure opportunities that lead to an enhanced “quality of life.”

Career choices for the park management professional include a wide array of governmental and non-governmental options.  The majority of graduates pursue employment as program specialists and unit managers at municipal and recreation agencies; state park, wildlife and natural resource departments, and land management agencies of the federal government such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the national Park Service.  Others choose to work for outdoor and environmentally based associations and organizations.  A few utilize the entrepreneurial training to operate their own enterprises.

Coursework required for the various options in park management and conservation can be viewed by clicking on the following links: