Mar 05, 2025
GRSC 645 - Pet Food ProcessingCredits: (3)
The course is designed to provide students with an understanding of pet foods, including food products meant for dogs, cats, pet rodents, pet snakes, ornamental fish, exotic and captive wild animals, and the various processing technologies that are deployed for their production. Extrusion, baking, canning, and injection molding technologies will be covered. Other important aspects of pet food production, such as ingredient handling and compounding, quality control, HACCP and sanitation, and packaging will also be discussed. A concurrent laboratory section will allow students to produce pet foods, visit pet food production facilities, and personally explore selected topics in depth.
Note Three one-hour lectures per week.
Requisites Recommended prerequisite: CHM 230, PHYS 114, ASI 318 or HN 132, Junior standing.
When Offered Fall
UGE course No
K-State 8 None
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