Sep 10, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Additional Degree Requirements

Common Degree Requirements

The common requirements for all curricula leading to an undergraduate degree are:

  • Expository Writing, 6 credits
  • Public Speaking, 2 credits

Dual Degrees

A dual degree is two unique degree types that a student has elected to pursue at one time (e.g., B.S. in Mathematics and B.S.B.A/ in Business Administration). The requirements for both degrees must be satisfied.  {ARN Manual, pg. 49}

Minors, Secondary Majors, and Certificates


A program of courses that meets the requirements for a degree in a field of study. Major (discipline): “A subject of academic study chosen as a field of specialization… characterized by the majority of courses required at the junior/senior level, generally from a specific academic department.” The subject or subject areas upon which a student chooses to place principal academic emphasis. {ARN Manual, pg. 50}

Double Major

A double major is two majors in the same degree type being pursued by a student at one time (e.g., B.S. in Mathematics and B.S. in Geography). The requirements for both degrees must be satisfied. {ARN Manual, pg. 49-50}

UDual option with one degree from the College of Arts and Sciences

{Faculty Senate: 05/14/2013}

Students have the option of seeking a dual degree.  The dual degree-seeking student is one who is enrolled in two B.A. or B.S. programs, one of which is within the College of Arts and Sciences. The following distribution requirements apply exclusively to dual degree-seeking students with one major in the College of Arts and Sciences.  This may not be applied to a dual major (2 majors) both in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Dual degree-seeking B.A. students must fulfill the requirements for the College of Arts and Sciences listed under Additional Requirement of the B.A., except for the Mathematics requirement. The student must fulfill all the requirements in at least one (1) of three (3) other areas (Humanities, Social Science, or Natural Science) and half of the distribution requirements in the remaining two areas. The choice of how these requirements will be met will be made with the approval of an advisor within the College of Arts and Sciences.

Dual degree-seeking B.S. students must fulfill all the requirements for the College of Arts and Sciences in at least two (2) of the four (4) required areas (Humanities, Social Science, Natural Science, and Additional Requirements of the B.S.), and half of the distribution requirements in the remaining two (2) areas. The choice of how these requirements will be met will be made with the approval of an advisor within the College of Arts and Sciences.

Dual Degree-seeking students must meet the International Studies Overlay requirement. 

Half of the distribution requirements in each area are:

  • Humanities: one (1) course in Philosophy (3 credits) and one (1) course in the Fine Arts, Western Heritage, or Literary or Rhetorical Arts (3credits).

Dual Degree-seeking students enrolled in Biochemistry and Molecular Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Physical Sciences, Natural Sciences, or Statis, are required to take PHILO 501 : Perspectives on Science to meet the Philosophy requirement. 

  • Social Science: two (2) courses, 6 credits hours, from two (2) disciplines.
  • Natural Sciences: B.S. or B.A. degrees - 7 credit hours minimum, from two (2) disciplines. 

Any science with a lab, and one other science course from a different discipline.

  • Additional Requirements for B.A.: At least a Level 2 (i.e., French 2, German 2, Spanish 2, etc.) or the equivalent of level 2 in a foreign language sequence offered by the Department of Modern Languages. No additional Mathematics requirement. Any course used to satisfy this requirement cannot be used to satisfy any other general education requirement. 
  • Additional Requirements for B.S.: At least a Level 2 equivalent competency in the areas of quantitative and abstract formal reasoning. No additional Natural Sciences requirement. Any course used to satisfy this requirement cannot be used to satisfy any other general education requirement. 

Secondary Majors

Interdisciplinary major which must be completed along with a primary major course of study. A secondary field of specialization is an interdisciplinary program of study which is completed in addition to a major. These programs are administered by a director and a supervisory committee of faculty representing the various academic departments offering courses for the secondary major. Secondary majors cannot be earned outside of the completion of the primary major. {ARN Manual, pg. 50}

Undergraduate Academic Minors

A systematic program of study in an area of emphasis outside a student’s major. A program of study with a minor emphasis in a field of specialization outside a student’s major field of study. Minors are offered by academic departments and administered by a director, who is a faculty member of the academic department which offers the minor.  For additional information please refer to the University Handbook, Section F160

Undergraduate Academic Credit Certificates

A program of courses that emphasizes a focused specialty area of study as part of or beyond the requirements for the B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. degrees. It is designed to increase the knowledge and skills of individuals such as to enhance their employability and opportunities for promotions and salary benefits.   For additional information please refer to the University Handbook, Section F170