Grading System
Per the University Handbook, F80-82 – grades will be reported in the following manner:
Grade |
Description |
Grade Point |
A |
Excellent Work |
4.00 |
B |
Good Work |
3.00 |
C |
Fair Work |
2.00 |
D |
Poor Work |
1.00 |
F |
Failure |
0.00 |
XF |
Honor Code Violation |
0.00 |
EP |
Exam Pass of Standardized National Exams |
N/A |
I |
Incomplete |
N/A |
IH |
Incomplete Hold |
N/A |
NH |
Non-reported Hold |
N/A |
P |
Grades of B, C, or D in course taken A/Pass/F courses |
N/A |
CR |
Credit in courses for which no letter grade is given (non-graded courses)
N/A |
NC |
No credit in courses for which no letter grade is given (non-graded courses) |
N/A |
NR |
No Grade Reported |
N/A |
W |
Withdrawn |
N/A |
Grade points are assigned to determine graduation requirements, academic warning and dismissal levels, and scholastic honors.
Beginning in Spring 2012, all grades of “F” (Fail) and/or “NC” (No Credit) will require a Yes/No statement as to the student’s participation in Academicrelated activity. This statement is required due to the federal mandate regarding the issuance of federal financial aid.
Grade changes are submitted directly in the student information system (KSIS). Grade Change Rosters will remain open for five years from the original posting date to submit changes. On-line changes to certain grades such as “W” and “XF” will not be allowed, nor to grades related to a completed program of a graduated student. Any changes not accommodated by KSIS must be handled by submitting a Grade Change Memorandum form to the Dean of the College.
Courses in which a CR or P grade is received may be used in fulfilling graduation requirements. Only the grades A, B, C, D, and F are used in calculating resident grade averages.
Incomplete Grade Policy
{University Handbook, F83}
The instructor will make an appropriate report on any student who does not complete a course in accordance with these definitions:
- If a drop in a full-semester course occurs in the first 36 calendar days, no grade is reported. The deadline for other courses will be pro-rated based on the course length.
- If a student drops a full-semester course after the first 36 calendar days, but before the start of the eleventh week, a withdrawn (W) is reported. The deadline for other courses will be pro-rated based on course length. See Registrar’s website for details.
- After the tenth week of classes, a course may not be dropped.
- The grade of incomplete is a temporary grade given at the discretion of the faculty upon request of the student. An incomplete grade is appropriate when verifiable circumstances beyond the student’s control prevent completion of course requirements by the grade submission deadline, and the student was engaged and participating in the class prior to the circumstances that prevented completion of course requirements. The grade of incomplete is not to be used to avoid assigning a poor grade that results from unsatisfactory academic work.
In most instances, the requirements for completion of a course are detailed in the original course syllabus. It is in the student’s best interest to confirm in writing with the faculty member the remaining requirements to be completed in order to replace the grade of incomplete. If the faculty member requires anything other than the syllabus requirements or chooses to have a time frame for completion other than the end of the next regular term, the faculty member must provide written notification to the student. A sample notification form is available on the Registrar’s website. Typically, requiring student participation in the entire course in a subsequent semester without enrolling is not an appropriate means to satisfy requirements for the incomplete.
Incompletes are expected to be finished by the conclusion of the next regular academic term (fall or spring), or the student’s graduation term – whichever is earlier. Any incomplete remaining after the next regular term is reassigned to an F (regardless of student’s enrollment status) and will be computed in the student’s GPA, weighted at 0 points per credit. In extreme cases, a student may be granted an extension of an incomplete beyond the next regular term. To request such an extension, the student must complete with appropriate signatures the Incomplete Extension Request Form. The incomplete extension form can be found on the Registrar’s website.
Undergraduate research courses, internship courses, theses, dissertations, directed research courses, and other courses with the “IH” grading option are exempt from the one regular term limit for completion.
A student with incompletes will only be cleared for graduation if receiving Fs in every incomplete class earned Fall 2018 or later will satisfy the requirements for graduation. Upon approval for graduation, all grades of incomplete earned Fall 2018 or later remaining on the record will be changed to grades of F.
Auditing is participating in a class regularly without submitting classwork and without receiving credit. Permission to audit is granted by the instructor, with the approval of the dean of the college in which the class is offered. Laboratory and activity courses may not be audited. Audits are not recorded on the permanent record. Students should not enroll in courses they plan to audit. {University Handbook, Section F66.1}
Any Kansas resident 60 years of age or older upon the presentation of sufficient proof of age shall be permitted to audit courses at state universities on a space-available basis with no requirement for payment of tuition and fees required of every student as a condition of enrollment. A person meeting these requirements shall be considered a non-degree seeking student for purposes of K.A.R. Articles 88-29, 29a, and 29b. Special academic fees shall be paid by the student. All determinations as to residency, the age of the applicant, and the space available for the auditing of courses by such persons shall be made by the state university involved. {University Handbook, Section F66.2} - For more information, see the Kansas Board of Regents Policy Manual.
Non-Permissible Changes to the Academic Record after Degree Posting
Grade changes may not be made after a degree has been posted, for courses taken prior to that degree posting. In addition, backdated withdrawals will not be processed after a degree has been posted, for any term prior to that degree posting.
Release of Grades
A student’s grades may be accessed only by the student through KSIS or by ordering an academic transcript. {University Handbook, F43}
Report of Grades
Academic progress reports for new freshmen are available in KSIS to students and deans’ offices approximately six weeks into the spring and fall semesters.
The instructor reports final term grades, based on examinations and course work, to the Office of the Registrar via the KSIS grade roster.
In case of absence from the final examination, the instructor reports a mark of I for incomplete or computes the grade on the basis of zero for the final examination. If an Incomplete is reported, a reasonable time, usually not over one month, is allowed in which to take the examination.
Grade Appeals/Grievances
Grievances involving a change of grade (but not academic dishonesty). {University Handbook, Appendix V: 1.3}
- All efforts will be made by the student and instructor involved in any grievance to settle all disputes that may arise. Grade appeals must be initiated within six months following the issue date of the grade in question.
- If a grade-change grievance is not resolved by the student and instructor, the student may appeal in writing to the department head concerned, who will act as a mediator in the dispute. This appeal should be made within two weeks of the date of the decision of the instructor. At this time, the student may petition the dean of his college for an ombudsperson. The duties of the ombudsperson are to arrange meetings of all concerned parties and report actions taken at each level to the appropriate persons or groups. The role of the ombudsperson is to expedite the process and to ensure a fair hearing.
- If the grievance has not been settled to the student’s satisfaction at the department level, written appeal may be made to the dean of the college in which the course is taken. This appeal should be made within two weeks of the date of decision of the department head.
- If the student does not feel that an adequate solution has been reached in the grade appeal dispute, he or she may appeal in writing to the Undergraduate Grievance Board which will arbitrate the dispute. This appeal should be made within two weeks of the date of decision of the dean. Appeals received during the summer will be heard the following fall term. Appeals should be addressed to the Undergraduate Grievance Board, c/o Chair (whose name is listed under Committee 3030 at
- The two-week time limits given in the sections above are intended to move the grievance process along at a reasonable rate. The limits may be modified for reasons such as illness, scheduled academic holidays, or mutual consent of both parties.