Mar 13, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Arts and Sciences

Amit Chakrabarti, Dean
Louise Benjamin, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Christopher Culbertson, Associate Dean for Research
Alison E. Wheatley, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Kimathi Choma, Assistant Dean for Diversity and Retention

110 Calvin Hall
Fax: 785-532-7004

The College of Arts and Sciences is the home of a wide range of disciplines that, together, offer a liberal education to our students. These disciplines include the arts and humanities, the social sciences, and the natural and quantitative sciences. These areas embody the core studies of a university education.

A liberal education seeks to develop intellectual skills such as critical analysis, effective communication, and creativity. Majors offered by the college range from those related to specific jobs and professions to those related to vocation in a more general way.

Click on any of the following links for information:

Additional requirements for the BA

Modern language
Level 4 (i.e., French 4, German 4, Spanish 4, etc.) or the equivalent of level 4 in a modern language sequence offered by the Department of Modern Languages. (Conversation ”4A” courses do not meet the level 4 requirement.)

Purpose: to bring students to a point at which they are able to proceed on their own to a command of a second language—a key for access both to a foreign culture and to much primary and secondary material in many special fields.

Exception: Students who take a language that is normally offered for only two semesters (Latin 101 and 102, for example) may complete their requirement by taking two additional semesters in another language.

Mathematics (One 3-credit-hour course, 100–799 level, or any other course for which there is a mathematics prerequisite)
Purpose: to give students a college-level competence in mathematical reasoning and analysis.

Any course used to satisfy this requirement cannot be used to satisfy any other general education requirement.

Additional requirements for the BS

Natural sciences (One course, 3 credit hours minimum, with a prerequisite in the same department; for this requirement, biochemistry courses with a chemistry prerequisite qualify as upper-level courses.)
Purpose: to give students who elect the bachelor of science degree an especially solid foundation in the natural sciences.

Courses that qualify are those listed earlier under natural sciences, and:

  • Kinesiology—KIN 330, 335, or 650
  • Psychology—PSYCH 470 or 480

Quantitative and abstract formal reasoning
Purpose: to give students training in a clear, non-ambiguous, simplified language for the efficient transfer and logical analysis of information—a language in which a good deal of discussion is conducted in the sciences.

A course that satisfies this requirement may at the same time be used to satisfy any major requirement for which it qualifies. Students may fulfill this requirement ONE of three ways:

  1. Three courses, 9 credit hours minimum, selected from:
    Computer science—CIS 111, 200 level or above
    Mathematics—MATH 100 level or above
    Philosophy—PHILO 110, 112, 320, or 510
    Statistics—any course
  2. One course and its Level II prerequisite, selected from:
    Geography—GEOG 700 (with a statistics course)
    Physics—PHYS 113 (with MATH 150)
                 PHYS 223 (with MATH 221)
                 PHYS 224 (with MATH 221)
                 PHYS 325 (with MATH 222)
                 PHYS 452 (with MATH 150)
    Sociology—SOCIO 520 (with STAT 325)
    Social work—SOCWK 330 and 530 (with MATH 100)
  3. Equivalent competency:
    Competency may be demonstrated by taking two Level II courses or a Level III course from:

Level II courses (two courses):
Computer science—CIS 200
Mathematics—MATH 150, 205, 210, or 312
Philosophy—PHILO 510
Statistics—STAT 325 or 340 or 350, 703

Level III courses (one course):
Computer science—CIS 300
Mathematics—MATH 220
Philosophy—PHILO 701
Statistics—STAT 341, 351, 704, or 705


Students from any college who have declared open option, interdisciplinary, and pre-health professions majors are advised in the office of the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Students with other majors within the College of Arts and Sciences are assigned an advisor by the department head who supervises the majors.

Bachelor of Fine Arts

At least 124 hours are required for graduation. (Students who entered K-State before the fall of 2003 require only 120 hours for graduation.)

The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree is a professionally oriented undergraduate degree in art. It is designed primarily for those planning to become professional artists, artist-teachers, or art therapists. Greater emphasis is placed on actual practice in the creative arts disciplines.

The degree is considered the appropriate preparation for the Master of Fine Arts degree, which is recognized as the terminal degree in studio arts, and for the master’s degree in art therapy, which is required for registration as an art therapist. The BFA in art is a four-year, 124-hour program with concentrations possible in painting, ceramics, graphic design, printmaking, drawing, metalsmithing and jewelry, dx media, and photography. The degree requirements are as follows:

Basic requirements (46 credit hours)

  • Communications—English composition 6 hours; and oral communication 2-3 hours
  • Social sciences—2-3 hours
  • Humanities—9 hours (except ART courses)
  • Philosophy or mathematics—3 hours
  • Natural sciences—two courses, one with a lab - 7-9 hours
  • General electives—13-14 hours

Art courses (78 credit hours)

  • Core—40 hours
  • Major—23 hours
  • Art electives and related courses—15 hours (does not include 100-level courses)

Bachelor of Music

120 credit hours required for graduation

Areas of concentration offered in this curriculum are: all instruments, voice, and composition. A secondary performance area also is required.

Basic requirements (27 credit hours)

Course Course Title Credit hours
ENGL 100  Expository Writing I 3
ENGL 200  Expository Writing II 3
COMM 105  Public Speaking IA 2
PSYCH 110  General Psychology 3
Any science course with a lab 4
GWSS 105 - Introduction to Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies 3
Philosophy course 3
MATH 100 - College Algebra (or higher level math course or grade of C or better on Algebra CLEP test) 3
STAT 325 - Introduction to Statistics (or higher level statistics course) 3

The remaining hours are to be taken in the area of concentration. For specific music requirements, see the Music, Theatre, and Dance  section of this catalog.

Bachelor of Music Education

132 credit hours required for graduation, depending on emphasis

The program of study leading to this degree is a nine-semester curriculum designed to prepare music teachers for grades K–12. With careful planning and enrollment during summer session(s), all requirements may be completed in four years. Within this curriculum there are two optional emphases—one in vocal/choral music, the other in instrumental music.

Basic requirements

Course Credit hours
ENGL 100 - Expository Writing I 3
ENGL 200 - Expository Writing II 3
COMM 105 - Public Speaking IA 2
Philosophy (PHILO 100, 120, 130) 3
GWSS 105 - Introduction to Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies 3
PSYCH 110 - General Psychology 3
Any Science course with a lab 4
MATH 100 - College Algebra (or higher level math course or grade of C or better on Algebra CLEP test) 3
STAT 325 - Introduction to Statistics (or higher level statistics course) 3

All other College of Arts and Sciences basic requirements are fulfilled in the area of concentration. For specific music requirements, see the Music, Theatre, and Dance section of this catalog.

College of Arts and Sciences basic requirements

The aim of these requirements is to provide breadth in the major areas of knowledge outside of the student’s field of specialization. Introductory and intermediate-level courses are available in departments in humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Basic requirements are to be fulfilled with courses chosen by students in consultation with their advisor. The requirement in the humanities enables students to appreciate and understand creative and conceptual human endeavor.

The requirement in the social sciences improves the student’s ability to analyze and understand human social systems. The requirement in the natural sciences develops the student’s knowledge of the principles of scientific method as they are applied in the life and physical science.

Up to two courses from one department may be used to fulfill the distribution requirements for humanities and the social sciences. They may be used at the same time to count towards the student’s major. No course may be used to satisfy more than one specific requirement for humanities and social sciences. Only courses taken for 2 or more credit hours satisfy these requirements; courses in excess of 5 credit hours count as two courses.

At least 120 credit hours are required for graduation.


Four courses, one course for each section, 11 credit hours minimum

Fine arts (one course, or at least two credits)
Purpose: to ensure some interpretive or expressive competence in a traditional nonliterary mode of artistic expression.

Choose from the following:

  • Anthropology—ANTH 515 or ANTH 516
  • Art—any course
  • Dance—DANCE 120, 165, 171, 181, 205, 323, 324, 325, 326, 350, 371, 380, 381, 382, 399, 459, 460, 503, or 507
  • Dean of Arts & Sciences—DAS 100
  • English - ENGL 220, 224, 324, 335, 345, 420
  • Environmental Design - ENVD 210
  • Music—MUSIC 100, 160, 170, 171, 210, 230, 245, 249, 250, 310, 311, 340, 420, 424, 570, or 650.
  • Theatre—THTRE 260 to 799

Philosophy (one course)
Purpose: to ensure some interpretive or expressive competence in the fundamental conceptual issues of human thought and activity.

Choose any philosophy course except PHILO 105, 110, 320, 510, or 610.

Western heritage (one course)
Purpose: to ensure some interpretive or expressive competence regarding the institutions, traditions, and values that have shaped Western civilization.

Choose from the following:

  • American Ethnic Studies—AMETH 160, 300, 351, 352, 353, 354, 450, 501, or 560
  • POLSC 115 or 135, 301, 614, 661, 663, 667, 671, or 675
  • Dean of Arts & Sciences—DAS 300
  • English—ENGL 230, 231, 233, 234, 260, 270, 285, 287, 297, 309, 315, 330, 335, 340, 345, 350, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 470, 490, 501, 525, 570, or 575
  • Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies—GWSS 105, 275, 325, 350, 410, 460, 480, 500, or 610
  • History—101, 102, 103, 105, 151, 152, 155, 297, 298, 311, 503, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 525, 536, 527, 529, 531, 534, 536, 574, 576, 577, 578, 579, 580, 582, 583, 584, 585, 587, 588, 589, 593, 596, 597, 703, 790
  • Kinesiology—KIN 515 (cross-listed with HIST 515)
  • Modern Languages and Foreign Civilizations: CLSCS 309, 310, 501, 502, FREN 514, 515, 519, 530, 720, 721, 742, 743, GREEK 301, 302, GRMN 503, 510, 515, 521, 522, 528, 529, 530, 700, 701, 703, 704, 705, 720, 728, 729, 740, ITAL 520, RUSSN 551, 559, SPAN 560, 565, 567, 568, 569, 773, 776, 777
  • Music—MUSIC 245, or 311
  • Political Thought—POLSC 301, 661, 663, 667, 671, or 675
  • Sociology—SOCIO 507, 537, or 538
  • Theatre—THTRE 572 or 573

Literary or rhetorical arts (one course)
Purpose: to ensure some interpretive or expressive competence in a traditional literary or rhetorical mode of artistic expression.

Choose from the following:

  • English—literature or creative writing—ENGL 220, 230, 231, 233, 234, 251, 253, 260, 270, 280, 285, 287, 295, 297, 298, 299, 309, 310, 315, 330, 335, 340, 345, 350, 355, 361, 362, 381, 382, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 392, 395, 399, 420, 440, 445, 450, 455, 461, 463, 465, 469, 470, 485, 497, 498, 501, 525, 545, 570, 575, 580, 599, 605, 610, 620, 625, 630, 635, 640, 645, 650, 655, 660, 661, 662, 663, 665, 669, 670, 680, 690, 695, 698, 700, 703, 705, 710, 720, 725, 730, 740, 745, 755, 757, 761, 762, 763, 769, 771, 795, 799
  • Communication Studies—COMM 120, 320, 330, 331, 430, 432, 434, 460, 480, 725, 730, 732, 733
  • History of rhetoric—COMM 320, 330, 331, 430, 432, 434, 460, 725, 730, 732, 733, or POLSC 670
  • Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies—GWSS 450
  • Modern Languages—MLANG 507, FREN 502, 519, 520, 521, 530, 709, 710, 711, 713, 714, 715, 716, 719, 720, 721, 799, GRMN 503, 520, 521, 522, 529, 530, 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 728, 729, 731, 799, ITAL 520, CLSCS 501, RUSSN 504, 508, 551, 552, 559, SPAN 411, 505, 560, 567, 568, 569, 730, 731, 732, 734, 735, 736, 750, 751, 752, 755, 757, 760, 779, 799
  • Theatre—THTRE 662 or 764

Exception: Students in BS programs who take two courses in one modern language may use these to satisfy the requirements for Western heritage and for literary and rhetorical arts.

Social science

Four courses, 12 credit hours minimum, from at least three disciplines.

Purpose: to acquaint students with the adaptation of scientific method to the analysis of human social systems.

One course must be at 500 level or above, or carry a prerequisite in the same department.

Three of the four courses must be from these areas:

  • American Ethnic Studies—any course 
  • Anthropology—Any ANTH course EXECPT ANTH 280, 380-389, 580-589, 680-689, 780-789
  • Communication Studies: COMM 320, 323, 325, 326, 332, 420, 425, 435, 465, 526, 542, 550, 720, 742, 756
  • Economics—any course
  • Geography—any course except GEOG 221, 235, 445, 535, 735, 740, or 745
  • Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies—any course
  • History—any course
  • Mass Communications—MC 110, 120, 180, 331, 396, 531, 576, 585, 600, 612, 623, or 710
  • Political Science—any course
  • Psychology—any course except PSYCH 370, 470, and 630
  • Sociology—any course
  • Social Work—SOCWK 510, or 565

The fourth course must be from the above areas or from:

  • Gerontology—GERON 315, 600, or 615
  • Kinesiology—KIN 320, 330, 345
  • Linguistics—ENGL 602, or 603
  • Mathematics - MATH 570
  • SPAN 580

Natural sciences

BS Degree: Four courses, 14 credit hours minimum.
BA Degree: Three courses, 11 credit hours minimum.

1. Life Sciences with a lab
2. Physical Sciences with a lab
3. Life or Physical Sciences, including additional Natural Science

Life science (one 3- or 4-hour course with laboratory)
Purpose: to introduce students to the systematic study of organisms and their interrelationships.

Choose from the following:

  • Biochemistry—any course
  • Biology—any course
  • Paleobiology—GEOL 581, 650, or 704
  • Physical anthropology—ANTH 380-389, 550-589, 680-689, 780-789

Physical science (one course with laboratory)
Purpose: to introduce students to the appropriate attitudes and methods that characterize the systematic study of matter and energy.

Choose from the following:

  • Biochemistry—BIOCH 265 to 799
  • Chemistry—any course
  • Geology—any course except GEOL 581 or 704
  • Physical geography—GEOG 121, 221, 235, 445, 535, 735, 740, 742, or 747
  • Physics—any course

Additional Natural Sciences (for 3rd requirement only)

  • Anthropology - ANTH 383, 388, 506, 588, or 687
  • Art - ART 301
  • Entomology - ENTOM 301
  • Kinesiology - KIN 220 or 310

4. BS Degree Only: One course, 3 credit hour minimum) with a prerequisite in the same department chosen from:

  • Life or Physical Sciences listed in #3 above
  • Biochemistry course with a chemistry prerequisite
  • Dean of Arts & Sciences—DAS 333
  • Kinesiology—KIN 330, 335, or 650
  • Psychology—PSYCH 470 or 480 (you may use only one of these)
  • BIOL 310 does not fulfill this requirement

NOTE: Only courses taken for 2 or more credit hours satisfy these requirements and courses in excess of 5 credit hours count as two courses.

Cooperative Education

Cooperative education is the integration of academic experience with planned, paid employment experiences related to a student’s academic major or career goals. Check with Career and Employment Services for eligibility requirements, available opportunities, and faculty contacts.

Degree Requirements           

At least 120 credit hours are required for graduation.

Courses numbered below 100 may not be applied toward a degree. In addition to the university’s limit on credits for extracurricular work, no more than 4 credit hours in lifetime sports and exercise activity classes may be applied toward a degree.

Common degree requirements

(Three courses, 8 credit hours minimum)

Purpose: to give students practice in oral presentation and in writing and analyzing expository and argumentative prose.

Course Course Title Credit hours
ENGL 100  Expository Writing I 3
ENGL 200  Expository Writing II 3
COMM 105 or Public Speaking IA or
COMM 106  Public Speaking I 3

Dual Degree BA or BS

Students have the option of seeking a dual degree BA or BS.  The dual degree seeking student is one who is enrolled in two BA or BS programs, only one of which is within the College of Arts and Sciences. The following distribution requirements apply exclusively to dual degree seeking students. They may not be applied to dual majors, who are students seeking two majors within the College of Arts and Sciences. 

The Dual degree program is designed for those students entering the University Fall 2013 and forward.

Dual degree seeking BA students must fulfill the requirements for the College of Arts and Sciences listed under Additional Requirements of the BA, except for the Mathematics requirement.  They must fulfill all the requirements in at least one of the three other required areas (Humanities, Social Science, or Natural Science), and half of the distribution requirements in the remaining two areas. The choice of how these requirements will be met will be made with the approval of an advisor within the College of Arts and Sciences.

Dual degree seeking BS students must fulfill all the requirements for the College of Arts and Sciences in at least two of the four required areas (Humanities, Social Science, Natural Science, and Additional Requirements of the BS), and half of the distribution requirements in the remaining two areas. The choice of how these requirements will be met will be made with the approval of an advisor within the College of Arts and Sciences.

Dual degree seeking students must meet the International Studies Overlay requirement.

Half of the distribution requirements in each area are:


One course from Philosophy (3 credits) and one course in the Fine Arts, Western Heritage, or Literary or Rhetorical Arts (3 credits).

Dual degree seeking students enrolled in Biochemistry and Molecular Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Physical Sciences, Natural Sciences, or Statistics, are required to take PHILO 501: Perspectives on Science to meet the Philosophy requirement.

Social Science

Two courses, 6 credit hours, from two disciplines.

Natural Sciences

BS or BA Degrees, 7 credit hours minimum, from two disciplines.

Any science course with lab, and one other science course from a different discipline.

Additional Requirements for BS

At least 2 courses or 6 credit hours from option 1 or any Level II or Level III course listed under option 3.

No additional Natural Sciences requirement.  Any course used to satisfy this requirement cannot be used to satisfy any other general education requirement.

English Language Program

Mary Wood, Director
Ketty Reppert, Associate Director
Leena Chakrabarti, Assistant Director

Instructors: Asebedo, Ben-Itzhak, Brunner, Carel, Caufield, Chappell, Chikanne-Gyurko, Climenhaga, Conroy, Crist, Darnell, Davidson, Diah, Elliot, Ensley, Everley, Franchitti, Gramp, Henriksen, Irish, Jagosz, Jennings, Kelly, Kim, Kitson, Law, Lemmons, Mason, McConnell, McNamara, Morgan, Musil, Peverill, Phillips-Zee, Rice, Smolenski, Tran, Vandeventer, Walker, and Williams; Emeritus: Cocke.

205 Fairchild Hall
Fax: 785-532-6550

The English Language Program offers intensive English courses primarily for international students who plan to enter degree programs at K-State. However, it also accepts students who wish to come for English instruction only.

The program offers five levels of full-time intensive English. It also offers advanced part-time courses specifically for students who need support in English while taking classes in their degree field (DAS 176, 177, and 178).

International undergraduate applicants do not have to submit a TOEFL score. They can be admitted on their academic credentials only.  Once they arrive at K-State, if students do not provide other evidence of English proficiency, they must take the English Proficiency Test (EPT).  If their test scores place them in English classes, they must enroll in them. This is the condition for beginning academic work. The admission policy follows below:

If you meet academic requirements, Kansas State University can admit you with no proof of English proficiency. Once you arrive, you will be required to take the English Proficiency Test (EPT). The results of the EPT will determine if you need to study English, either full-time or part-time, or if you are ready to begin full-time university classes. This is to make sure that you have the necessary English skills to be successful in your career here at K-State.

The program also screens the English proficiency of incoming non-native speakers of English. For other information and a brochure, write or e-mail the English Language Program at the addresses above.

General Education: K-State 8

Please click on the following link to learn more about General Education: K-State 8 .

Interdisciplinary Studies

The College of Arts and Sciences offers four interdisciplinary majors that provide opportunities to study multiple disciplines rather than the narrower focus required by a major in a single discipline. Students create their own fields of emphasis and choose multidisciplinary approaches to their area of academic interest.

Major Degree(s) Credit hours
Humanities BA only   36
Life science BA or BS   39
Physical science BA or BS   37
Social science BA or BS   36

The requirements for each of the interdisciplinary options are flexible to allow students, in consultation with their advisor, to devise degree programs designed to meet their particular needs, interests, and career goals.


Humanities is a multidisciplinary major that deals with human thought and culture. Creativity, imagination, and interpretation are central to humanistic study. The humanities disciplines include art, art history, creative writing, dance, history, literature, modern languages, music, philosophy, communication studies, theatre, and selected gender, women, and sexuality studies and American ethnic studies courses. A humanities major leads to the traditional liberal arts degree, the bachelor of arts.

Students develop a plan of study with an interdisciplinary humanities advisor in the College of Arts and Sciences dean’s office, who acts as a liaison with the Humanities Advisory Committee. The student also confers with other humanities faculty members who have expertise in the areas of the student’s interest. The student’s proposal must include a rationale or thematic design for the interdisciplinary degree and a tentative listing of courses. The proposal must be approved by the Humanities Advisory Committee. This procedure must be accomplished before or during the semester in which the student completes 90 credit hours toward the degree.

The humanities major consists of 36 credit hours. Students must select two humanities disciplines and complete 15 hours in each discipline, including at least 6 hours of 500–699 level course work in one discipline and 9 hours of 500–699 level course work in the second discipline. Six hours of humanities electives are also required.

Up to 9 credit hours of major course work may be applied to basic requirements of the BA degree. Courses used in the two selected disciplines may not also be applied toward another major. Students who select music as one discipline must seek additional advising in the music department.

A 2.0 GPA in the major is required for graduation.

Life Science

Life science is an multidisciplinary major that deals with studies of living organisms and life processes.

Course Course Title Credit hours
BIOL 198  Principles of Biology 4
BIOL 201  Organismic Biology 5
CHM 350/351 
Introductory Organic and Biochemistry or
General Organic Chemistry and Lab
BIOL 455  Microbiology 4
ANTH 280  Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Lab 4
Psychology course with prerequisites  3
Electives 14*

*The 14 elective hours must be at or above the 300 level and they must be selected from two or more of the following fields: biochemistry, biology, microbiology, organic chemistry, physical anthropology, and psychology. 

A minimum of 15 hours in the major must be taken at K-State.  Only transfer courses accepted by departments to meet requirements in their majors will be accepted to meet requirements in the life science major.

To obtain a life science degree a student must earn at least a 2.0 GPA in the required science courses (including transfer work).

The life science degree is not available to students who will earn a degree in biochemistry, biology, or microbiology.

Pre-vet option

Students who complete the College of Arts and Sciences basic requirements, the pre-veterinary prerequisites, all the life science major requirements except the electives, and a minimum of 84 hours prior to enrolling in the College of Veterinary Medicine at K-State may earn a life science degree after successful completion of the first year of veterinary medical school.

Physical Science

Physical science is an interdisciplinary major that deals with nonliving matter.

Students may earn a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts degree. Although the classes within the major are the same for the BA or the BS degree, the college’s basic requirements for the two degrees will differ as described in the College of Arts and Sciences section. (The significant difference between the BA and the BS for the Physical Science degree is that the BA requires the equivalent of a level 4 in a foreign language sequence.)

Both the BA and the BS require a minimum of 120 credits for degree completion. A minimum of 37 of these credits must be from classes within the major. Students must also complete the College of Arts and Sciences basic requirements for degree. These requirements can be individualized so working with an advisor is recommended.

Students majoring in Physical Science must earn grades of C or better in all courses required for the major, including electives and transfer work.

Course Course Title Credit hours
MATH 220  Analytic Geometry and Calculus I 4
STAT 325 or 340 or
410 or 510 
Statistics course 3
CHM 210 or
CHM 220 
Chemistry I or
Honors Chemistry I
CHM 230 or
CHM 250 
Chemistry II or
Honors Chemistry II
PHYS 113 or
PHYS 213 
General Physics I or
Engineering Physics I
PHYS 114 or
PHYS 214 
General Physics II or
Engineering Physics II
GEOL 100/103 or
GEOG 221 
Earth in Action and Lab or
Introductory Physical Geography
DAS 499  Physical Sciences Senior Report 1
Electives  5-9*

Students must complete a total of 37 credit hours in the major. 

*Electives must be selected from the following:

  • Computing and information sciences—CIS 200 or above
  • Chemistry—CHM 350, CHM 351, CHM 371, CHM 500 or above
  • Geology—GEOL 100, GEOL 102, GEOL 103, GEOL 105, GEOL 501 or above, except GEOL 512
  • Geography—GEOG 221
  • Mathematics—MATH 221, MATH 222, MATH 240, MATH 510, MATH 540 or MATH 551 
  • Physics—PHYS 122, PHYS 191, PHYS 300 or above, except PHYS 515
  • Statistics—STAT 341, STAT 511, or above

Problems, seminar, and topics courses are not acceptable unless listed above.  At least five elective hours must have a prerequisite.

Students majoring in Physical Science must earn grades of C or better in all courses required for the major, including electives and transfer work.

DAS 499 - Physical Sciences Senior Report. Credits: (1) Fall, Spring.  A capstone course required of physical sciences interdisciplinary majors. Individual exploration of an area of physical sciences culminating in a final, formally written, report.  Prerequisite: Permission of physical sciences advisor.

Social Science

Social Science is a branch of learning that examines society’s institutions—their structures, theoretical foundations, evolution, and interrelationships—and how they affect and are affected by human behavior.  The social science disciplines include American ethnic studies, anthropology, economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, sociology, and gender, women, and sexuality studies.  Selected courses in mass communication may also qualify.

A student works closely with a social science advisor to determine a plan of study with a thematic emphasis.  This theme includes a minimum of 12 hours of courses in the major.  In general, only one course outside the stipulated social science disciplines may be used to count toward the major, if the course fits the student’s theme.

The student’s social science advisor may encourage him or her to confer with other social science faculty members who have expertise in the area of the student’s interest.

A total of 36 credit hours must be completed with at least 3 credits being completed in each of four different social science disciplines.

At least 9 credit hours must be completed in one social science discipline, including at least one course at the 500-699 level.

At least 15 credit hours must be completed in social science disciplines at the 500-699 level.

Students must complete at least one course in social science research methods or data analysis.  This course may be any statistics (STAT) course that a student is qualified to take, or it may be selected from: GEOG 700 Quantitative Analysis in Geography; HIST 586 Junior Seminar in History; POLSC 400 Political Inquiry and Analysis; POLSCI 700 Research Methods in Political Science; PSYCH 350 Experimental Methods in Psychology; SOCIO 520 Methods of Social Research.

The research/data course cannot be used to fulfill any other requirement in the major.  It can, however, be used to fulfill a general requirement.

No more than 9 credit hours may be counted toward both the general requirements and the major.

A 2.0 GPA in the major is required for graduation.

The social science major is not available to students who will earn a degree in anthropology, economics, geography, history, mass communications, political science, psychology, sociology, or gender, women, and sexuality studies.

International studies overlay

One course.

Purpose: to equip students better to become citizens of a world where the most important problems are unavoidably defined in international terms and to understand cultures of the world outside the Western tradition.

A student must take one course of which at least half is devoted to: economic, political, and social relations or interactions between or among different countries, in which the major focus is upon the interdependency of nations of the modern world; or contemporary features or historical traditions of non-Western cultures (excluding those dealing primarily with Greek, Roman, Western European, or North American experience).

Students may satisfy the international studies requirement at the same time they satisfy requirements in the major, in the humanities, or the social sciences. These courses qualify:

  • Anthropology—ANTH 200, 204, 210, 220, 260, 305, 310, 314, 315, 505, 506, 509, 512, 515, 525, 604, 605, 606, 616, 618, 663, 665
  • Art – ART 195, 196, 545, 550, 602, 603, 612, 613, 622, or 628
  • Communication Studies—COMM 480, 756, or 780
  • Dean of Arts and Sciences—DAS 507, or 525
  • Economics—ECON 505, 507, 536, 681, 682, or 684
  • English—ENGL 280, or 580
  • Environmental Design - ENVD 210
  • Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies—GWSS 380 or 405
  • Geography—GEOG 100, 200, 201, 300, 505, 508, 620, 622, 640, or 715
  • History—HIST 111, 112, 250, 303, 330, 332, 501, 504, 505, 508, 509, 510, 514, 516, 517, 543, 544, 545, 560, 561, 562, 571, 576, 577, 578, 584, 591, 592, 593, 595, or 598
  • Mass Communications—MC 572, 623, 662, or 725
  • Management—MANGT 590
  • Marketing—MKTG 544
  • Modern Languages—Any Level 4 or above language course and ARAB 501, 502, 540, CHINE 501, 502, 599, CLSCS 501, GREEK 301, 302, ITAL 520, JAPAN 391, 591, 592, 599, LATIN 302, MLANG 507, RUSSN 398, 551, 552, 552
  • Political Science—POLSC 333, 505, 511, 540, 541, 543, 545, 549, 622, 623, 624, 626, 627, 629, 642, 643, 645, 647, 649, 651, 652, 653, or 655
  • Sociology—SOCIO 363, 505, 507, 522, 535, 618, 635, or 742

Students may use the fourth course in a single foreign language sequence (other than Latin) to satisfy the international studies overlay requirement.

U.S. Multicultural Overlay

Purpose: To educate students on the historical and contemporary inequities related to race and ethnicities that are currently considered as non-white in the United States.

U.S. Multicultural Overlay Criteria

All four criteria must be met in a one-semester course.

1. Courses that fulfill the overlay requirement will have a preponderance of their content on race and/or ethnicities that are perceived as non-white.

2. Courses that fulfill the overlay requirement will promote awareness of the structural nature of inequities in relation to race and ethnicity within contemporary U.S. culture.

3. Courses that fulfill the overlay requirement will incorporate readings and academic research on historically marginalized communities and structural inequities within the United States.
These readings will include writings and/or research by people from these communities and backgrounds. Discipline-specific exceptions will be considered with input from faculty in the discipline.

4. Courses that fulfill the overlay requirement will assess student understanding of structural inequities within the United States through reflective analyses incorporating written, statistical, and/or oral methods.

  • AMETH 160, 300, 351, 352, 353, 354, 370, 450, 461, 499, 501, 550, 556, 650, 660, 700
  • ANTH 513, 516, 605, 615, 710
  • COMM 434
  • ENGL 285, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 476, 655, 710
  • GWSS 105, 321, 325, 345, 350, 435, 560
  • HIST 311, 537, 539
  • MC 612
  • PHILO 380, 525
  • PSYCH 556, 557
  • SOCIO 463, 510, 541, 545, 570, 647
  • SOCWK 510
  • SPAN 531, 560

Select topics courses may fulfill the overlay pending content approval:
ENGL 395, ENGL 420, ENGL 695, ENGL 720, ENGL 725, ENGL 745, HIST 533, GWSS 300, 500, POLSC 601


Office for the Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering (KAWSE)

125 Seaton Hall
Fax: 785-532-2627

The K-State Office for the Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering, or KAWSE, is administered by the Office of the Provost and is supported by the Colleges of Agriculture, Arts and Sciences, and Engineering. KAWSE sponsors outreach programs to foster the interest and professional development of girls and women in science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM, fields. KAWSE has institutionalized many of the programs previously funded by National Science Foundation awards. Through mentoring, lectures, seminars and hands-on exploration of STEM, this office equips women of all ages to be more successful and visible in cutting-edge disciplines, thereby enhancing the diversity and efficacy of STEM universally.

KAWSE activities include on-campus speakers, career exploration panels, workforce preparation programs, and social events to facilitate student and faculty contact. Students are also encouraged to become involved in KAWSE’s ongoing research and outreach programs to middle and high school students.

KAWSE encompasses four programs on the Manhattan campus that provide an integrated set of experiences to foster the interest and professional development of girls and women in STEM disciplines. These programs focus on females’ interest in STEM fields from the time they are in sixth grade through postdoctoral study and in their roles as university faculty. Descriptions of each program are included below

  • ADVANCE provides events and networking opportunities to enrich the environment for women postdoctoral students and faculty in STEM fields at K-State.
  • SUCCEED creates opportunities for women to flourish in STEM fields. Undergraduate and graduate students can serve as mentors to middle and high school students, share in mentoring connections with alumnae, and network with faculty and other students in STEM.
  • EXCITE, or Exploring Science, Technology and Engineering, is designed for students in ninth through 12th grades. The goal of the program is to foster girls’ continuing interest in STEM. Students can also participate in a three-day summer workshop to learn about the latest research through hands-on activities presented by undergraduate and graduate students and faculty.
  • GROW, or Girls Researching Our World, is designed for all students in sixth through eighth grades. The goal of the program is to increase girls’ interest in STEM fields. Students participate in hands-on activities presented by undergraduate and graduate students and faculty.

Pre-Health Professions

Students interested in health professions are advised in the Professions Advising Office in the College of Arts and Sciences Students interested in pre-health are advised in the Pre-Health Professions Advisors Office.

As careers in health professions continue to be plentiful, applicants to health professional schools become more numerous and requirements for admission become more competitive. One of the universal requirements is a high grade point average (GPA). Therefore, after completing 24 or more semester hours at K-State, students with a K-State GPA below 3.0 will have their pre-health designation removed from their academic plan. It is necessary to have academic standards because most health professions programs require a minimum GPA in order to apply. Only under rare circumstances is the GPA below 3.0.  In order to be competitive, students should work to earn a GPA at or above 3.5.

Creating a competitive applicant profile takes time and includes more than academics. Therefore, students who are considering a health profession should consult with the appropriate health professions advisor in the College of Arts and Sciences Health Professions Advising Office early in their undergraduate career.

Advisors can help students:

  • Learn about the many different health professions
  • Find ways to confirm their decision to pursue a career in health care
  • Prepare academically and non-academically to become a competitive applicant
  • Understand pre-requisites and the importance of course sequencing
  • Navigate the application process
  • Decide the best time to apply to a particular program
  • Identify alternative career plans, etc.

Some health care professional schools require a baccalaureate (undergraduate) degree prior to matriculating (entering) that professional school or program whiles others do not require the baccalaureate degree. No specific major is preferred over another and students may choose their major from any undergraduate department at K-State.

If you are interested in the following health care areas, you must complete a baccalaureate degree:

The following health careers require specific prerequisites but do not require completion of a degree. Please note that some students choose to earn a baccalaureate degree even though it is not required for admission.

(Pre-vet advising is available through both the College of Arts and Sciences and College of Agriculture.) 

Students interested in Athletic Training, Dietetics, Communications Sciences and Disorders or Kinesiology will be advised for their degree through the College of Health and Human Sciences. All of these are appropriate majors for students who are a pre-health student. 

Students are encouraged to contact the Career Center to obtain additional information about health careers and to explore the majors offered at K-State. 

Helpful Links

For additional information contact:
Health Professions Advising Office
College of Arts and Sciences
Kansas State University
107 Calvin Hall
Manhattan, KS  66506

Programs, Degrees, Majors, Secondary Majors and Minors

The undergraduate degrees offered in the College of Arts and Sciences are: bachelor of arts, bachelor of fine arts, bachelor of music, bachelor of music education, and bachelor of science.

Below in the left column are majors, options, advising programs, and degrees offered. In the right column are names of the departments under which the major programs are offered. The specific requirements for a degree in the various curricula may be found in the department listings later in the College of Arts and Sciences catalog section.



Departmental Office

American Ethnic Studies, BA or BS    

American Ethnic Studies

Anthropology, BA or BS  

Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work

Art, BA   or BFA  


Biochemistry, BA   or BS  

Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics

Biology, BA or BS  


Chemistry, BA or BS  


Clinical Laboratory Science (Medical Technology), BA or BS  

Dean’s office

Communication Studies, BA or BS  

Communication Studies

Economics, BA or BS  


English, BA  


Fisheries, Wildlife, & Conservation Biology, BA or BS  


Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, BA or BS  

Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies

General Physics BS    Physics

Geography, BA or BS  


Geology, BA or BS  


History, BA or BS  


Interdisciplinary Studies

Dean’s office

Mass Communications, BA or BS  

Journalism and Mass Communications

Mathematics, BA or BS  


Microbiology, BA or BS  


Modern Languages, BA  

Modern Languages

Music, BA   or BM  

  • Music Theatre Option
  • Instrumental Performance
  • Vocal Performance
  • Composition

School of Music, Theatre, and Dance

Music Education, BME  

School of Music, Theatre, and Dance

Philosophy, BA or BS  


Physics, BA  or BS  


Political Science, BA or BS  

Political Science

Psychology, BA or BS    

Psychological Sciences

Social work, BA or BS    

Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work

Sociology, BA or BS    

Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work

Statistics and Data Science, BA or BS    


Theatre, BA or BS    

School of Music, Theatre, and Dance

*Students who complete pre-veterinary medicine requirements in the College of Arts and Sciences will be eligible for the bachelor of science degree in life science from the College of Arts and Sciences upon completion of the first professional year in a College of Veterinary Medicine.

Secondary Majors

Secondary majors are majors that can be taken only in addition to the primary majors listed above.


Contact the appropriate program director:

Secondary Teacher Licensure

An arts and sciences major may apply some elective hours toward the requirements for a secondary teacher license. In most arts and sciences departments, students can complete an academic major and earn a license within the 124 hours of course work required for a degree. (Students who entered K-State before the fall of 2003 require only 120 hours for graduation.) Because the teacher education courses are offered through the College of Education, students who choose to combine  these two programs are entitled to two advisors, one in the major field of study, the other in secondary education.

By combining a traditional academic major with teaching license, students can be assured of varied choices after graduation. By pursuing an arts and sciences major, students also have the option of working toward a bachelor of arts degree and studying a foreign language. In addition, the teaching license will qualify graduates to teach in a public secondary school. For specific licensure requirements in secondary education, see the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in this catalog.

Study Abroad

304 Fairchild Hall
Fax: 785-532-6550

The Office of Study Abroad should be the first stop for students who wish to study in another country for a year, a semester, a summer, or an intersession.

Students may apply for scholarships, such as the Fulbright or the Pearson, or scholarship-exchanges, such as the K-State/Justus Liebig year abroad. Through the International Student Exchange Program it is possible to study for a semester or a year at one of 100 colleges and universities outside the U.S. for the same cost as tuition, room, and board at K-State. Financial aid from almost every agency is applicable to all credit-earning programs.

For more information, see the International Programs section of this catalog.

Study of the Arts and Sciences Through Primary Texts Certificate

Laurie M. Bagby, Director
226 Waters Hall

This program provides an opportunity to take part in a conversation with some of the best thinkers humankind has produced. The study of primary texts or original works in philosophy, politics, literature, and the sciences encourages critical thinking, and there is a growing acknowledgment among employers that this type of training develops lifelong learners and future leaders. This program also gives students who want to pursue graduate education early experience in grappling with original works such as they will inevitably encounter in graduate school.

The certificate is an 18-hour program of study that students can tailor to their needs. Students must take DAS 300: The Great Conversation: Primary Texts Core Course, preferably early in the Primary Texts coursework. At least nine hours must be at the 400 level or above.  Selected courses must cover at least two academic disciplines.  Transfer courses that can be documented to have substantial primary text content may be accepted, but at least half of the courses must be completed at K-State. To receive the certificate, students must complete a capstone paper and have a minimum 2.75 GPA in the program at the time they graduate.

Students must submit to the director an essay on a question listed on the certificate website and/or approved by a participating professor. This essay will be kept on file until students are taking or have completed their final course in the program, whereupon they will be asked to revisit the question and improve the essay as a capstone assignment. To receive the certificate, students must have a minimum 2.75 GPA in the program at the time they graduate.

Students can count certificate courses towards the fulfillment of other College of Arts and Sciences requirements. As long as they are also designated as university general education in the line schedule, courses taken for the certificate can also be counted toward the 18 hours of K-State 8 requirement needed to graduate. Certificate courses that also fit the basic or distribution requirements of the College of Arts and Sciences can be used to fulfill those requirements. Certificate courses that also happen to be a part of a student’s major or minor can be counted for fulfillment of the requirements of both the certificate and the major or minor. DAS 300 can be taken by Honor students for Honors credit.  Consult with the directors of the Primary Texts and Honors programs on additional courses that may count in both programs.

Students who think they have fulfilled part or all of the requirements before enrolling in the program should contact the director. Students should notify the director of their interest in the program as soon as possible in their college career. The director will assist them with enrollment. Students can find a description of the program, a list of Primary Texts courses, and information on the capstone paper requirement on the certificate website.

University Honors Program

Please click on the following link to learn more about the University Honors Program . 


Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science



Secondary Major