Sep 27, 2024  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


  • LAR 430 - Narratives and Placemaking Studio

    Credits: 4

    Immersive exploration into fundamentals of landscape narratives, place theory and placemaking. Students will examine and engage in a variety of locations, create expressions of narrative using a variety of representational techniques, and apply knowledge gained in site design.

    Prerequisite: LAR 420.
    Corequisite: LAR 030, LAR 352, LAR 425.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 433 - Landscape History and Design Studio

    Credits: 5

    Introduction to the history and theory of landscape architecture materials and design from the Middle Ages to the present with a focus on Europe and North America. Students will gain competency in landscape architecture vocabulary, the ability to recognize notable works and practitioners, and apply historical precedents to site design projects.

    Prerequisite: LAR 230.
    Corequisite: LAR 351.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 438 - Site Design Implementation

    Credits: 5

    Introduction to construction materials, methods, and documentation appropriate for design implementation at the site scale. Focus on producing a set of construction documents including grading, stormwater management, plants and materials.

    Prerequisite: LAR 425, LAR 430.
    Corequisite: LAR 353.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 439 - Master Plan Design and Implementation

    Credits: 5

    Design implementation at the master plan and regional scales. Focus on suitability analyses and systems supporting community services such as pedestrian and vehicular transportation, land use, hydrology and other natural systems.

    Prerequisite: LAR 438.
    Corequisite: LAR 354.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 442 - Site Research and Design Studio

    Credits: 5

    Iterative development of site plans and designs. Students will research and share precedent studies to expand knowledge base, and will apply findings to multiple design projects.

    Prerequisite: LAR 352, LAR 425, LAR 430.
    Corequisite: LAR 040.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 444 - Career and Academic Planning

    Credits: 2

    Exploration and identification of career paths and development of academic plans for reaching personal and professional goals including specific coursework, internships, study abroad and extracurricular activities.

    Prerequisite: LAR 430.

    Typically Offered

    PLAN 444

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 445 - Career Development Communications

    Credits: 1

    Development of visual, written and oral communication skills for career development. Students will prepare materials for internship application, job search, or career advancement.

    Prerequisite: LAR 444.

    Typically Offered

    PLAN 444

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 500 - Site Planning and Design

    Credits: 3

    Theory, principles, and elements of site planning and design. Lectures, readings, short problems, and site visits dealing with site analysis, ecological consideration, grading drainage, circulation and parking, lighting, planting design, materials and details, management and maintenance, and cost factors.

    Prerequisite: ARCH 403 or concurrent enrollment with ARCH 403, or admission to RCP professional program.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 501 - Landscape Architecture Seminar I

    Credits: 2

    Discussion of current trends in landscape architecture and related fields by students, faculty, and invited speakers.

    May be repeated.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 510 - Landscape Architecture Tech Module I

    Credits: 1

    Introductory theory, methods, and application of technological skills and support of concurrent landscape architecture studios and courses. Emphasis is on data collection and management and mapping and analysis.

    Prerequisite: Admission to LA professional program.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 520 - Landscape Architecture Tech Module II

    Credits: 1

    Introductory theory, methods, and application of technological skills and support of concurrent landscape architecture studios and courses. Emphasis is on CAD and 3-D modeling.

    Prerequisite: LAR 510.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 530 - Landscape Architecture Tech Module III

    Credits: 2

    Intermediate theory, methods, and application of technological skills and support of concurrent landscape architecture studios and courses. Emphasis is on CAD and 3-D modeling and surveying.

    Prerequisite: LAR 520.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 540 - Landscape Architecture Tech Module IV

    Credits: 1

    Intermediate theory, methods, and application of technological skills and support of concurrent landscape architecture studios and courses. Emphasis is on CAD and 3-D modeling and presentation graphics.

    Prerequisite: LAR 530.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 550 - Landscape Architecture Tech Module V

    Credits: 2

    Advanced application of technological skills and support of concurrent landscape architecture studios and courses. Emphasis is on CAD and 3-D modeling, thematic mapping, and geoprocessing.

    Prerequisite: LAR 540.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 560 - Landscape Architecture Tech Module VI

    Credits: 1

    Advanced project specific applications in data collection and management, CAD modeling, thematic mapping and GIS, and presentation graphics.

    Corequisite: LAR 705.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 580 - Planning and Design Intro to GIS

    Credits: 2

    This course will provide students with the essential background in geospatial analysis and information systems for the design and planning fields. Students will learn basics about data models and management, vector and raster analysis and cartography. Students will learn how to use these skills to develop suitability analyses to evaluate the performance of plans and designs or to identify which location would be best for a particular purpose.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 635 - Golf Course Planning and Design

    Credits: 1-4

    Fundamentals of golf course planning and design, including: history, management, design, facilities, aesthetics, and technical development.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 645 - Professional Internship Report

    Credits: 1

    Confirmed employment with a landscape architecture, architecture, planning, or engineering sponsor.

    Prerequisite:  LAR 655.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 646 - Community Engagement Studio

    Credits: 5

    Engagement with communities and stakeholders through service learning projects. Focus on engagement methods and visualization, representation and communication to general audiences. Utilizes planning and design techniques and knowledge gained in previous semesters.

    Prerequisite: LAR 442. Corequisite: LAR 050.

    Typically Offered

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 647 - Design Implementation III

    Credits: 5

    Continuation of LAR 439 to include large scale site design, road alignment, large area grading, soils and excavation methods, storm drainage, and utilities routing.

    Prerequisite: LAR 439.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 648 - Advanced Studio

    Credits: 5

    In-depth exploration of a specific landscapte architecture topic.

    Prerequisite: LAR 354, LAR 439, LAR 444, LAR 646.
    Corequisite: LAR 750.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 650 - Landscape Architecture Seminar II

    Credits: 2

    Literature review and discussion of current issues and trends in community planning and design. Readings and discussion in preparation for field trip. 

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 655 - Landscape Architecture Professional Internship

    Credits: 7-9

    Twenty-eight week internship with an approved landscape architecture, architecture, planning or engineering sponsor subject to the approval of the departmental faculty.

    Prerequisite: LAR 444.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 700 - Project Programming

    Credits: 3

    Research and the development of a program directed toward the advancement of a capstone project for LAR 705 Master’s Project and Report.

    Prerequisite: LAR 725, LAR 648, LAR 750 or corequisite: LAR 750.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 703 - Landscape Architecture Off-Campus Studio

    Credits: 5

    Off campus design studies fulfilled in an approved professional design office or in an approved international studies program.

    Prerequisite: LAR 647, 648 and 444.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 704 - Environmental Landscape Planning and Design

    Credits: 3

    Introduction to and understanding of environmental planning, design and management of natural and social landscape systems beyond site scale. The course focuses on theories, techniques and processes for designing sustainable landscapes and urban environments. Students will develop a final project starting with the conceptualization, through inventory, analysis and simulation, in order to develop a final design proposal.

    Prerequisite: LAR 580, or GEOG 508 or equivalent, or instructor permission.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 705 - Master’s Project Studio 1

    Credits: 5

    In-depth exploration of a specific landscape architecture topic through research and design supervised by a major professor in accordance with Graduate School guidelines.

    Prerequisite: LAR 648, LAR 725, LAR 750.
    Corequisite: LAR 897.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 710 - Master’s Project Studio 2

    Credits: 3

    In-depth exploration of a specific landscape architecture topic through research and design supervised by a major professor in accordance with Graduate School guidelines.

    Prerequisite: LAR 705.
    Corequisite: LAR 898.

    Typically Offered

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 720 - Public Lands and Natural Resources Law

    Credits: 3

    Legal aspects of land use and natural resource management on the federal public lands. A brief history of the acquisition and disposition of the public domain and a review of legal authority on the public lands are followed by an examination of key legal issues concerning the resources of water, minerals, timber, range, wildlife, recreation and wilderness.

    Prerequisite: Advanced standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 725 - Research Methods

    Credits: 3

    Development of the research design process. Students will learn to employ appropriate methods and strategies to answer research questions, and to effectively and clearly communicate research-based information to peers and the public.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    PLAN 803

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 734 - Rivers: Process & Forms

    Credits: 3

    This course addresses key aspects of hydrology such as precipitation and movement of water from uplands to channels. This movement, generally referred to as “runoff processes,” is responsible for shaping the watershed. It then focuses upon fluvial geomorphology, the science of riverscapes, to examine processes and resultant landforms. This course teaches field observation skills and field survey procedures that allow the classification of natural rivers and streams. Finally, it previews methods of prediction and monitoring of river channel stability parameters.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 735 - Advanced Golf Course Planning and Design

    Credits: 1-4

    Advanced methods and strategies of golf course and resort planning and design.

    Prerequisite: LAR 635.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 741 - Problems in Landscape Architecture

    Credits: 1-18

    Specific problems and/or reports in the area of landscape architecture.


    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 742 - Topics in Italian Landscape Architecture

    Credits: 3

    Investigation of Italian culture, landscape and communities through analytical readings and/or drawings.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 745 - Professional Practice

    Credits: 3

    Studies of conventional and newly developing methods of professional design practice. Instruction in the relationships of architects, landscape architects, interior architects, and other professionals to users, clients, construction industry, society, government, and one another.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 746 - Urban Design Studio I

    Credits: 4

    An interdisciplinary design studio involving large-scale design; projects with extensive time implementation sequence; responses to socioeconomic, cultural, environmental, and technical needs; and implementation strategies. Design methods are applied to selected urban areas of the Midwest.

    Prerequisite: PLAN 315 or equivalent and concurrent enrollment in PLAN 745.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 750 - Advanced Seminar

    Credits: 2

    Studies and discussion of topics related to advanced studio.


    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 753 - Professional Practice: Professional Responsibility

    Credits: 1

    Interdisciplinary course addresses the connections between allied design professions and the larger community. It helps students to understand and appreciate their professional legal and ethical responsibilities.

    Prerequisite: LAR 442.

    Typically Offered
    Fall and Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 754 - Professional Practice: Office Practices

    Credits: 1

    Interdisciplinary course addresses practice-based issues concerning professional relationships in the design and delivery process, management of projects, communication practices, and fiscal concerns.

    Prerequisite: LAR 442.

    Typically Offered
    Fall and Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 755 - Professional Practice: Discipline-Specific Topics

    Credits: 1

    Covers discipline-specific concerns, focusing on issues specific to architecture, interior architecture and product design, landscape architecture or regional and community planning.

    Prerequisite: LAR 442.

    Typically Offered
    Fall and Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 756 - Design of Parks and Recreation Areas

    Credits: 3

    Site planning of national, state, municipal, and private parks, and specialized recreation areas.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 757 - Design for Special Populations

    Credits: 3

    Design of exterior environment to accommodate the handicapped and disadvantaged individual.

    Prerequisite: Advanced undergraduate or graduate standing.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 759 - Landscape Resource Evaluation

    Credits: 3

    The determination of the impact of physical project design upon the natural and man-made environment. Studies of existing site conditions and projections of the effect of such projects upon the site and vicinity.

    Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 860 - Advanced Planting Design

    Credits: 1-4

    Special studies in advanced planting design.

    Prerequisite: LAR 749.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 870 - Advanced Landscape Architecture

    Credits: 1-4

    Special studies and design in advanced landscape architecture.

    Prerequisite: LAR 702.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 880 - Advanced Landscape Architecture Construction

    Credits: 1-4

    Specialized study of large-scale landscape planning involving landscape construction and grading.

    Prerequisite: LAR 439.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 897 - Proposal Writing

    Credits: 2

    Development of a master’s project and report proposal.

    Prerequisite: LAR 648, LAR 725, LAR 750.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    PLAN 897

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 898 - Master’s Report

    Credits: 2

    Comprehensive application of research and design study through individual studies approved by the department faculty.

    Prerequisite: LAR 700. Corequisite: LAR 705.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LAR 899 - Research in Landscape Architecture

    Credits: 1-18

    Investigations in landscape architecture and related areas, of such caliber as to form the basis for a graduate thesis.

    Prerequisite: Graduate standing in landscape architecture.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LATIN 101 - Latin I

    Credits: 5

    An introductory study of the structure of Latin.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • LATIN 102 - Latin II

    Credits: 5

    Continuation and completion of the study of the structure of Latin.

    Prerequisite: LATIN 101.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • LATIN 301 - Intermediate Latin - Prose

    Credits: 3

    Continuation of the study of Latin syntax and grammar, based upon reading of Roman prose. Topics may include Caesar, Cicero, or Sallust.


    Prerequisite: LATIN 102.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • LATIN 302 - Intermediate Latin - Poetry

    Credits: 3

    The reading of Latin poetry in the original at an intermediate level. Topics may include Virgil, Ovid, and Lucretius.


    Prerequisite: LATIN 301.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 195 - CAT Community Connections

    Credits: 1-3

    Interdisciplinary course that explores the connections among two different fields, courses, or disciplines. For first-year students enrolled in a specific CAT (Connections Across Topics) Community linked to the Staley School of Leadership Studies.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 200 - Foundations of Leadership of Society

    Credits: 1-3

    Expose students to a variety of concepts, theories and skills relevant to contemporary leadership thought. Consider their personal conceptions and philosophy of leadership. Examine leadership within particular contexts such as creating change, ethical leadership, leadership and management, and historical leadership thought and leaders.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 212 - Introduction to Leadership Concepts

    Credits: 2-3

    This course is organized to provide students with a broad overview of leadership theories, an introduction to ethical decision making, identification of personal leadership styles, and current societal issues for leaders.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 225 - Fundamentals of Global Food Systems Leadership

    Credits: 3

    An interdisciplinary approach to the fundamental roles people, policies, and cultures play in the global food system enterprise as it relates to sustainable food production, processing, distribution, and availability. Students will explore complexities within self, others, and community related to leadership in the context of a rapidly increasing global population.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    GENAG 225, DAS 225

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 251 - Honors Leadership I

    Credits: 3

    This is the first of two courses in a year-long curriculum that is designed to explore four tenets of leadership: citizenship, stewardship, humanitarianism, and purposeful passion. Students will begin to clarify and express their core values as they explore questions around effective leadership and followership concepts and strategies.

    Prerequisite: Freshman standing with honors.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 252 - Honors Leadership II

    Credits: 3

    This is the second of two courses in a year-long curriculum that is designed to explore four tenets of leadership: citizenship, stewardship, humanitarianism, and purposeful passion. Students will continue to explore their values and develop leadership and teamwork skills through service, reflection, and designing a purposeful passion project.

    Prerequisite: LEAD 251 Honors Leadership I. Freshman standing with honors.

    Must be taken in the semester immediately subsequent to LEAD 251 Honors Leadership I.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 312 - Peer Leader Practicum

    Credits: 0-3

    This course uses experiential learning to prepare students with the personal, relational, planning, and facilitation skills needed to effectively lead a team or organization. Weekly LEAD 212 facilitation, class preparation seminars, and peer feedback will allow for experience, reflection, meaning-making, and experimentation.


    Prerequisite: LEAD 212 - Introduction to Leadership Concepts.
    Corequisite: Junior standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 320 - Theories of Leadership

    Credits: 3

    This course provides an overview of the major theories of leadership and the empirical and theoretical evidence supporting those theories. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the theories and the empirical evidence supporting them as well as develop their ability to critically assess the theoretical and empirical work surrounding leadership theories and models.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 325 - Uncertainty in Global Food Systems Leadership

    Credits: 3

    Explore technical and adaptive elements of grand challenges across disciplines. This course addresses the impact of cultural identity, life experience, and world views on leadership relationships as it relates to privilege and inclusion in the context of global food systems. Students will consider elements of community-engaged work.

    Prerequisite: GENAG 225 or LEAD 225 or DAS 225.

    Typically Offered

    GENAG 325, DAS 325

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 350 - Culture and Context in Leadership

    Credits: 3

    Opportunity to integrate the course and leadership experiences in light of contemporary issues in the study of leadership behavior across cultures and contexts. Based on the current research and writing that introduce and discuss the impact of culture and context on the concept of leadership and development of individuals as interculturally competent leaders.

    Typically Offered
    Offered upon request

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 399 - Internships for Career Development

    Credits: 1

    This course helps you apply your academic knowledge, skills and understanding to experiences as a developing leader within the workplace. The course is structured to incorporate your internship experience with self-directed analysis to develop your personal, academic and professional competencies. You will practice and reflect on your leadership strengths.

    Repeat for Credit

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 405 - Leadership in Practice

    Credits: 2

    This course provides an opportunity to practice leadership and followership in an experiential setting followed by an in-depth classroom discussion.

    Repeat for Credit

    Prerequisite: LEAD 212, LEAD 350, and junior standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 420 - Theories of Nonprofit Leadership

    Credits: 3

    This course provides an overview of nonprofit organization leadership by integrating concepts and theories with applied practice.  Students will demonstrate an understanding and application of competencies (knowledge and skills) necessary for professional success as a nonprofit organization leader.

    Prerequisite: LEAD 212, LEAD 350 and LEAD 405. Corequisite: Junior standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 425 - Global Food Systems Leadership in Action

    Credits: 3

    In this capstone course, students will conduct a community-engaged global food systems leadership research/service project. Emphasis will be placed on data collection, analysis and dissemination to appropriate audiences. Additional emphases will be on ethical dimensions of leadership and individual exploration of careers and roles within global food systems.

    Prerequisite: GENAG 325 or LEAD 325 or DAS 325.

    Typically Offered

    GENAG 425

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 430 - Women and Leadership

    Credits: 3

    This course addresses issues related to leadership as it intersects with women’s studies scholarship, such as: women’s styles of leadership, women and competition, sexism in the workplace, gender differences in communication, and feminist models of leadership. This course will explore issues related to women’s leadership development in the theoretical contexts of leadership studies and women’s studies.

    Prerequisite: LEAD 212 or WOMST 105.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 450 - Senior Seminar in Leadership Studies

    Credits: 3

    In this capstone course students will integrate and apply learning from the minor. Emphasis will be on the clarification of the students’ personal values, their evaluation of codes of ethics for organizations in their proposed professions, and their analysis of current events through the lens of ethical dimensions of leadership.


    Prerequisite: LEAD 212, 350, 405, and senior standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 489 - Seminar in International Service-Learning

    Credits: 3

    This course is the first phase of the International Service Teams service-learning program. Learning in the course facilitates preparation for the summer service experience. This course is designed around the PARE service-learning model; both the curriculum and class expectations will be reflective of the service-learning process.

    Prerequisite: Students must complete a program application, interview, and be accepted into the International Service Team program prior to enrollment in the course.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 499 - Nonprofit Organization Internship

    Credits: 3

    This course provides a capstone opportunity for students in the nonprofit leadership focus of the leadership studies minor to document and present their achievement of the foundation and professional development competencies required by American Humanics national certification in nonprofit leadership through coursework, co-curricular and work experiences, and their 300-hour internship experience.  Current texts focusing on the leadership of high impact nonprofit organizations will be incorporated into this process.

    Prerequisite: LEAD 212, LEAD 405, LEAD 420, LEAD 502-Ethical Dimensions of Leadership.
    Corequisite: Senior standing.

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 502 - Independent Study in Leadership Studies

    Credits: 0-3

    Selected topics in leadership studies.


    Prerequisite: Consent of department chair.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 510 - Foundations of Community-Engaged Leadership

    Credits: 3

    This course integrates leadership theory and practice exploring principles, purposes, and processes of community engagement and democratic practice. Utilizing service-learning methods, students will partner with community to consider and examine foundational forms of civic and public life. Community paradigms will be explored and deconstructed in relation to course themes.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 520 - Approaches to Community-Engaged Leadership

    Credits: 3

    Through theory and practice, students consider the ethical dimensions of leadership in relation to community systems, organizations, and institutions. Students will deconstruct concepts of community-engaged leadership including race, class, gender, justice, and power. Through service-learning, students will work with partners to understand community systems, organizations, and institutions.

    Prerequisite: LEAD 510.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LEAD 560 - Experiences in Community-Engaged Leadership

    Credits: 6

    In this capstone experience students design, plan, execute, and evaluate a community-engaged research project. The project will be consistent with the principles of community engagement and the purposes and process of democratic practice. Students will exercise leadership with community partners to build capacity for systemic change.

    Prerequisites: LEAD 510 and LEAD 520.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LG 601 - General Phonetics

    Credits: 3

    Description and classification of speech sounds according to point and manner of articulation. Transcription in the International Phonetic Association alphabet. Includes sounds of English, French, Spanish, German, and others.

    Typically Offered
    Fall or Spring, in alternate years

    ENGL 601 and LING 601

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LG 602 - Historical Linguistics

    Credits: 3

    Internal and comparative reconstruction of earlier forms of languages. Genetic relationships in language families, and various typological considerations. Includes French, Spanish, and others.

    Typically Offered
    Fall or Spring, in alternate years

    ENGL 602 and LING 602

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LG 603 - Topics in Linguistics

    Credits: 1-3

    Seminar on a special topic in linguistics: decipherment of ancient writing systems, linguistics applied to the teaching of English or other languages, discourse analysis (especially of spoken texts), etc. Topic to be announced for semester in which offered.

    Repeatable for credit on a different topic.

    Typically Offered
    Fall or Spring, in alternate years

    ENGL 603 and LING 603

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • LSHD 700 - Problems in Life Span Human Development

    Credits: 1-6

    Relevant topics in life span human development will be explored in a small group setting.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 300 - Introduction to Total Quality Management

    Credits: 1

    Overview of major topics related to Total Quality Management (TQM), including managerial and engineering aspects.

    One hour lecture a week.

    Prerequisite: MATH 100, 205, or 220, sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 366 - Information Technology for Business

    Credits: 3

    A comprehensive view of the role of information technology in satisfying organizations’ information requirements. Problems and techniques concerning the management of responsive information systems with special attention to managers’ use of systems outputs. Cases and hands-on exercises emphasizing the use of information systems in decision making, information gathering and organizing, use of modeling techniques, and presentation of information.

    Demonstrate competence in use of computer spreadsheets.

    Prerequisite: GENBA 166 or CIS 101, 102, 103.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 392 - Business Law II

    Credits: 3

    A study of civil law as it affects commercial transactions, including corporations, partnerships, property, commercial paper, and secured transactions.

    Prerequisite: MANGT 390.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 420 - Principles of Management

    Credits: 3

    Provides an introduction to the four basic managerial functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling and their application to today’s complex work environment. An emphasis is placed on the roles and responsibilities of managers that help them to successfully meet organizational objectives by effectively leading employees and optimizing processes.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 421 - Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management

    Credits: 3

    To gain knowledge of Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM) principles and techniques, such as process management, project management, quality management, continuous improvement, forecasting, supply chain management, inventory management, planning and scheduling, and lean systems. The primary goals are to develop students’ analytical skills in solving OSCM-related problems in a variety of business settings and to help students understand how OSCM contributes to a firm’s competitive position in a global marketplace.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 430 - Business Law I

    Credits: 3

    A study of law as it relates to business, including court procedures and systems, contracts, torts, agency and employment law, and business crimes.

    Prerequisite: MANGT 420 or Junior standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 490 - Undergraduate Research Experience

    Credits: 0-3

    Open to students pursuing undergraduate research projects.

    Repeat for Credit

    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 495 - Management Internship

    Credits: 0-3

    Eight weeks of applied management business designed to coordinate the interests of students and firms.


    Prerequisite: MANGT 420 and consent of instructor.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 497 - Topics in Management

    Credits: 1-3

    Discussion and analysis of current issues in management, including topics related to new theory, the practice of management, and management development.


    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand or intersession

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 498 - Independent Studies in Management

    Credits: 1-18

    In-depth analysis of special problems in management including study of current literature.


    Prerequisite: Senior standing, consent of instructor, and 12 hours of management.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 520 - Organizational Behavior

    Credits: 3

    Examination of psychological and sociological variables important in understanding individual motivation, group functioning, change, creativity, and leadership in organizations.

    Prerequisite: MANGT 420.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Human Diversity within the U.S.
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 521 - Managerial Decision Analytics

    Credits: 3

    Given the flood of data available to businesses regarding their supply chain these days, companies are turning to analytics solutions to extract meaning from big data to help improve decision making. Managerial decision analytics is designed to render managerial decisions supported by analytic capabilities that improve the decision-making process and reduce decision time, complexity, and uncertainty.

    Prerequisite: GENBA 166 or CIS 101, 102, 103 or 200 and lab, MANGT 420, MATH 205, and STAT 350.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 522 - Operations Planning and Control

    Credits: 3

    Development of concepts and understanding of planning and control systems for allocating resources and scheduling activities in business firms. To guide and coordinate the flow of materials, labor inputs, and goods and services through physical productive systems. Topics include: aggregate planning, master production scheduling, production activity planning and control, operations information systems, inventory control, material requirements planning, and total quality control.

    Prerequisite: MANGT 421.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, on sufficient demand

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 530 - Labor Relations and Negotiations

    Credits: 3

    This is a problem based learning course which aims to increase students’ knowledge of flour milling and specialty grain milling. During the semester students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed to troubleshoot real-life issues related to processing, quality assurance, HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment), and finished product quality. Students are expected to analyze their problems and develop the skills needed to effectively communicate their findings during group presentations. 

    Prerequisite: MANGT 420 or Junior standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 531 - Human Resources Management

    Credits: 3

    This course provides an overview of the human resource systems and processes needed to achieve organizational effectiveness and strategic success. All key functional areas including human resource planning, staffing, performance management, employee development, and compensation are addressed.

    Prerequisite: MANGT 420.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Human Diversity within the U.S.
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 535 - Employment Law

    Credits: 3

    A survey course designed to acquaint students with the broad and controlling aspects of prominent laws which affect human resource management. Topics include ADA, ADEA, OSHA, Title VII, etc.

    Prerequisite: MANGT 531.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 541 - Management of Quality

    Credits: 3

    Addresses quality management topics and applications vital to business and organizational improvement.  Coverage of quality as a management philosophy through the study of ideas from contemporary quality philosophies of Deming, Juran, and Taguchi, as well as topics of Lean Six Sigma, Kaizen continuous improvement, employee empowerment, statistical process control charting, and other applicable organizational topics.

    Prerequisite: MANGT 421.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 550 - Organizational Training and Development

    Credits: 3

    The process of training and developing the human resources in organizations, which includes organizational diagnosis, needs assessment, program design, appropriate methodologies, program implementation, transfer of training, and the evaluation of program effectiveness. Current trends in the content and process of training and development activities are also examined.

    Prerequisite: MANGT 520 and MANGT 531.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 553 - Business Project Management

    Credits: 3

    Provides an in-depth coverage of project management concepts and methodologies required for service and manufacturing operations. Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to: project selection and evaluation, project organization, management or project team members organization, project scheduling, project budgeting, project monitoring and control and project closure.

    Prerequisite: MANGT 420, MANGT 421.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 560 - Managing for Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

    Credits: 3

    Provides a framework for understanding how diversity and a culture of inclusion interfaces with all aspects of an organization. Topics include the business case for diversity and inclusion (D&I), related demographic, technological, and social changes, current events and their associated impact in the workplace, diversity recruitment and retention, and theories and strategies for creating inclusion. On an individual level, students will develop their ability to communicate across differences. On an organizational level, students will gain skills to develop and present a strategic plan for diversity and inclusion.

    Prerequisite: MANGT 420 or Junior standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Human Diversity within the U.S.
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • MANGT 566 - Computer Systems for Finance and Investment Management

    Credits: 3

    An integrated course examining the interrelationship between finance/investment management and information technology taught using a mixture of theory/concepts and hands-on activities. Topics include spreadsheet design and use in finance and investments, decision support systems and artificial intelligence used in risk analysis, financial database design, and information technologies used to transmit financial and investment information.

    Prerequisite: MANGT 366 and FINAN 450.

    Typically Offered
    On Sufficient Demand

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search


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