Sep 27, 2024  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


  • HORT 360 - Public Horticulture

    Credits: 3

    In-depth presentation and discussion of techniques and requirements for the management and administration of a public horticultural facility.  Topics include oral and written presentation skills, proposal development, public relations, budgeting, fundraising, dealing with governing boards, interpersonal relationships and managing horticultural operations. 

    Three hours lecture a week.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 374 - Landscape Plants I

    Credits: 3

    An introduction to landscape plant identification of trees, shrubs, and cultivated herbaceous cultivated plants, including perennials, annuals, biennials, and bulbs. Topics covered in the course include classification and nomenclature, plant growth characteristics and their landscape use. Weekly labs consist of lengthy walking campus tours to observe and identify plant specimens. A field trip may be required.

    Two hours lecture and two hours lab a week.

    Recommended prerequisite: BIOL 198 or HORT 201 or AGRON 220.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 375 - Landscape Plants II

    Credits: 3

    Continued identification of cultivated landscape tree, shrubs, and herbaceous plants, including perennials, annuals, biennials, and bulbs. Topics covered in the course include classification and botanical nomenclature, plant growth characteristics and their landscape use.

    Weekly labs consist of lengthy walking campus tours to observe and identify plant specimens. A field trip may be required.

    Two hours lecture and two hours lab a week.

    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 374.

    Typically Offered
    Spring even years

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 377 - Interior Plantscaping

    Credits: 3

    A study of the interior plantscaping industry to include identification of plants used in interior environments; designing, installing and maintaining interiorscapes and green walls; and managing interior plantscaping businesses.

    One three-hour lab and one two-hour lecture/studio a week.

    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 201.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, even years

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 390 - Horticulture Topics

    Credits: 1-18

    Lectures and discussion of topics of importance to undergraduate majors.

    May be repeated.

    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 405 - Water Issues in the Lawn and Landscape

    Credits: 3

    This course will examine critical water issues related to irrigation in urbanizing watersheds, with an emphasis on water quality and quantity. Factors impacting water scarcity and quality will be discussed. Successful completion of this course will help students understand the interrelatedness of incorrect irrigation practices and water quality/quantity, and will equip them to help protect water resources through application of science based irrigation practices.

    This is a distance education course.

    Recommended prerequisite: Junior standing or one year of experience in the lawn/landscape maintenance industry.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 495 - Undergraduate Research in Horticulture

    Credits: 0-3

    Undergraduate students work with faculty mentors on projects involving various elements of research in horticultural science including identifying a problem, designing and conducting experiments, interpreting and communicating the research results. The completed project must be presented at a professional forum, and students are required to write a final project report on completion of their project.


    Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 508 - Sustainable Landscape Maintenance Practices

    Credits: 2

    Understanding and implementing maintenance requirements for the care of young trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants that focus on practices that address environmental issues related to the management of residential and commercial landscapes. Students will learn how to analyze and apply landscape maintenance practices while creating an attractive landscape in balance with the local climate that requires minimal resource inputs, such as human energy, fertilizers, pesticides and water.

    Two hours lecture and two hours lab a week for the first 11 weeks of the semester.

    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 201; HORT 374 or HORT 375 or PMC 330; and AGRON 305.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 510 - Horticultural Design II

    Credits: 3

    Reinforcement of the horticultural design process as applied to the use of native and introduced plant materials. Emphasis on functional and aesthetic arrangement of plants in small-scale design to meet site design objectives and adaptation to microclimates.  Students expected to develop site adapted plant palettes and graphic ability to present their design.

    Two three-hour studio periods a week.

    Prerequisite: HORT 275 and two plant materials courses.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 515 - Basic Turfgrass Culture

    Credits: 3

    Turfgrass identification and adaptation; establishment and maintenance of turf for golf courses, sports fields, home lawns, parks, and commercial/institutional grounds.

    Two hours recitation and two hours lab a week.

    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 201 and AGRON 305.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 517 - Golf Course and Sports Turf Operations

    Credits: 3

    Strategies involved in golf course and sports turf operation, including development of cultural practices, effective communication, personnel management, and budgeting.

    Two hours lecture and two hours lab a week.

    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 515.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 520 - Fruit Production

    Credits: 3

    Principles and practices of cultivating fruit and nut crops commercially.  Laboratory offers experiences in pomological practices.

    Two hours recitation and two hours lab a week.

    Prerequisite: HORT 201 or equivalent.

    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 350.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, odd years

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 525 - Horticulture for Special Populations

    Credits: 3

    An intensive study of the concepts and methods of using plants and gardening as therapeutic activities with developmentally disabled, geriatric, economically and socially disadvantaged, emotionally disturbed, or educationally deprived clients.

    Two hours recitation and two hours lab a week.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 530 - Horticultural Therapy Case Management

    Credits: 1

    Guest lecturer and student presentations of topics relating to professionalism, current issues, or goals of horticultural therapy. The course is intended to help students focus expectations and assumptions about a professional career in horticultural therapy and to give them practice in articulating their understanding of the field. Client case management is used as part of career practice.

    One hour recitation a week.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 535 - Horticultural Therapy Field Techniques

    Credits: 3

    Students under supervision will plan, conduct, and evaluate horticultural therapy activities at Manhattan institutional sites selected according to student’s interest. A weekly discussion session addresses evaluation and issues of professionalism.

    Two hours recitation and two hours lab a week.

    Prerequisite: HORT 525.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 540 - Horticultural Therapy Field Experiences

    Credits: 3 or 6

    Supervised training at institutions with horticultural therapy programs to gain experience in the application and use of horticultural activities for special populations. Six months (1,000) hours continuous internships required in psychiatric and correctional programs.

    Two 3-month (500 hours) internships may be completed at two different sites. Students are required to complete 6 credits of field experience before graduation.


    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 545 - Computer Applications in Horticultural Design

    Credits: 3

    Introduction to a variety of computer software packages that students may encounter in the nursery/garden center environment. These include planning, routing, and estimating packages.

    Students must provide their own laptop computer.

    One hour recitation and four hours lab per week.

    Prerequisite: HORT 510, or instructor permission.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 550 - Horticultural Irrigation Systems

    Credits: 3

    Application of the principles and practices of horticultural irrigation which involve the various aspects of irrigation system installation, maintenance and scheduling, electrical troubleshooting, basic hydraulics, and drip irrigation as these topics pertain to residential and commercial landscapes, recreational turf areas, and greenhouse and field production systems.

    Two hour lecture and two hours lab a week.

    Recommended prerequisite: MATH 100; HORT 201; and AGRON 305.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 551 - The Business of Landscape Contracting

    Credits: 1

    The study of contracts and specifications, and the bidding and estimating processes as applied to landscape contracting.

    Two hours recitation a week, for the first seven weeks of the semester.

    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 275.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 552 - Horticultural Landscape Construction

    Credits: 1

    The interpretation and implementation of small-scale landscape construction (hardscape) projects.

    Three hours lab a week, for the last 11 weeks of the semester.

    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 275.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 560 - Vegetable Crop Production

    Credits: 3

    Study of production principles and cultural practices involved in the growing of vegetable crops.

    Two hours lecture and two hours lab or field trips a week.

    Prerequisite: HORT 201.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, even years

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 570 - Greenhouse Operations Management

    Credits: 3

    Greenhouse systems operations and management including greenhouse layout; structures; glazing materials; heating, ventilation, irrigation, lighting, benching, growing medium handling, and fertilization systems; traffic flow; crop handling, processing and shipping.

    Two hours recitation and two hours lab a week.

    Prerequisite: HORT 201.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 575 - Nursery Management

    Credits: 3

    A study of the various practices and methods of operating a commercial nursery for the production of woody ornamental plants for the landscaping industry. Nursery layout, planting systems, nutrition management, plant maintenance, and harvesting technologies will be discussed.

    Two hours lecture and three hours lab a week. Field trips may be required.

    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 350 and AGRON 305.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 580 - Advanced Horticultural Design

    Credits: 3

    Emphasis is on horticultural design projects with clients, working with the design process, design articulation and communication with the clients.

    Prerequisite: HORT 510.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, by appointment

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 582 - Foundations of Horticultural Pest Management

    Credits: 1

    Pesticide use and handling, horticultural pesticides and their characteristics, integrated pest management approaches, and pesticide applicator certification.

    Two hours lecture and two hours lab a week, for the first five weeks of the semester.

    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 201 and an entomology, plant pathology, or weed science course.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 585 - Arboriculture

    Credits: 3

    Principles and practices of maintaining shade and ornamental trees under urban environments.

    Two hours lecture and two hours lab a week.

    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 201; and HORT 374 or FOR 330.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 587 - Turfgrass Diseases and Their Management

    Credits: 1

    Biology, diagnosis and integrated management of turfgrass diseases.  Emphasis is on diseases of intensively maintained turfgrass.

    Two hours lecture and two hours lab a week, for the first five weeks of the semester.

    Prerequisite: HORT 582 or concurrent enrollment and HORT 515 or concurrent enrollment.

    Typically Offered

    PLPTH 587

    K-State 8
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 588 - Turfgrass Weeds and Their Management

    Credits: 1

    Biology, diagnosis and integrated management of turfgrass weeds.

    Two hours lecture and two hours lab a week, for the middle five weeks of the semester.

    Prerequisite: HORT 582 or concurrent enrollment and HORT 515 or concurrent enrollment.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 589 - Turfgrass Insects and Their Management

    Credits: 1

    Biology, diagnosis and integrated management of turfgrass insect pests.

    Two hours lecture and two hours lab a week, for the last five weeks of the semester.

    Prerequisite: HORT 582 or concurrent enrollment and HORT 515 or concurrent enrollment.

    Typically Offered

    ENTOM 589

    K-State 8
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 590 - Horticulture Internship

    Credits: 2-6

    Principles of commercial or public horticulture activity including exposure to multiple phases of the working horticulture operation.

    Students will be placed according to specific interest. Required for horticulture majors after having completed 60 hours.


    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 190, HORT 201, plus one 500-level horticulture commodity course.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 595 - Horticulture Study Abroad

    Credits: 3

    Seminar and travel course designed to prepare students before an international study abroad experience focused on horticulture. Upon completion of travel, students will analyze, critique, and report their experiences. In addition, students will be introduced and immersed in historical components, both disciplinary and culturally.

    Repeat for Credit

    Prerequisite: Instructor permission.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 599 - The Horticultural Professional

    Credits: 0

    Completion of horticulture program assessment tools. Completion of modules associated with professional development during careers in horticultural disciplines, including diversity and ethics in the workplace, job search skills, and providing leadership in the profession.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 600 - Herbaceous Landscape Plant Production

    Credits: 3

    The principles and commercial practices for producing annual and herbaceous perennial plants from seed and cuttings, including vegetable and herb crops in controlled environments. Analysis of crop production costs and plant growth regulation will be emphasized.

    Two hours recitation and three hours lab a week.

    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 350 and HORT 570.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 625 - Floral Crops Production and Handling

    Credits: 2

    The principles and commercial practices for producing floral potted crops and fresh flowers crops, emphasizing the physical responses of plants to their environment. Aspects of postharvest physiology of fresh flowers will be covered.

    Three hours recitation a week.

    Prerequisite: HORT 201. Recommended prerequisite: HORT 350, BIOL 500, and HORT 570.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, odd years

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 630 - General Viticulture

    Credits: 3

    Focus is on aspects of grapes, from vine anatomy to final products produced from them.  Includes cultivars, propagation, canopy management, diseases, weed control, physiology, anatomy, irrigation, wine production, climates and soils.

    Three hours lecture a week.

    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 520.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, odd years

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 640 - Horticultural Problems

    Credits: 0-3

    Problems and reports in floriculture, olericulture, ornamental horticulture, pomology, turfgrass and horticultural therapy.


    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 695 - Introduction to Permaculture

    Credits: 3

    Exploration of a thinking/design methodology that seeks to provide for the physical needs of humans, including food, water, shelter, energy, etc. while doing so in an environmentally-friendly, sustainable manner.

    Three hours lecture a week.

    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 201 and HORT 275.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, odd years

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 706 - Advanced Culture of Golf and Sports Turf

    Credits: 3

    Advanced topics in golf and sports turf maintenance focusing on construction methods and management of abiotic and biotic stresses.

    Three hours lecture a week.

    Prerequisite: HORT 515.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 710 - Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture

    Credits: 3

    Course will cover the principles and laboratory exercises that demonstrate major concepts and practical techniques in plant cell, tissue and organ culture. The history and use of plant cell-, tissue-, and organ-culture for crop improvement will be explained. The variety of tissue-culture techniques will be highlighted. Selected readings and practical tissue culture projects will be required.

    Two hours lecture and three hours lab per week.

    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 350.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 715 - Advanced Interiorscaping

    Credits: 3

    Focus is the physiological principles and industry practices in the production, moving, care, and maintenance of interior plants.  This course will provide students the career tools to design, install and maintain interior plantscapes through knowledge of interior plant physiology, care and maintenance.

    Two hours lecture and two hours lab a week.

    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 201 and BIOL 500.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, even years

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 720 - Environmental Nursery Production

    Credits: 3

    Cultural practices used with nursery production will be presented with focus on the adoption of best management practices, conservation of resources, scientific research-based investigations related to nursery cultural practices, potential risks to nursery personnel, and off-site movement of air-borne materials and effluents to surrounding areas and public watersheds.

    Three hours lecture a week.

    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 575.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, odd years

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 725 - Postharvest Technology and Physiology of Horticultural Crops

    Credits: 3

    A study of the principles and practices involved in the harvesting, handling and storage of horticultural products. The relationship of plant structure and physiology will be emphasized in discussing effects of postharvest handling and storage to maximize quality and shelf life of products.

    Three hours lecture a week.

    Prerequisite: One horticulture commodity course and BIOL 500.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, odd years

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 751 - Human Issues in Horticultural Therapy

    Credits: 3

    This course will explore human issues in horticulture generally, and human issues in horticultural therapy specifically. Consideration of selected topics and issues such as people-plant relationship theories, horticultural therapy as a specialized allied health field, health-care gardens and their use, societal impacts on horticultural therapy, and research issues. Provides students with a knowledge and understanding of the literature in horticultural therapy and develops an appreciation of the interrelationships involved in this multidisciplinary area.

    Three hours recitation a week.

    Recommended prerequisite: A course in research methods and a course in statistics.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 752 - Horticulture in Horticultural Therapy

    Credits: 3

    Application of horticulture principles and practices in therapeutic settings; considerations for greenhouse systems operations and management in therapeutic settings; landscape maintenance, fruit and vegetable gardening, and production horticulture as part of a therapeutic program; and plant propagation for production and therapy.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 753 - Clinical Skills in Horticultural Therapy

    Credits: 3

    Development of horticultural therapy skills and methodology is facilitated through real-life case studies. Includes instruction, practice, and evaluation of clinical skills with population groups typically served through horticultural therapy.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 755 - Practicum in Horticultural Therapy

    Credits: 3

    The practicum is a means of demonstrating the interconnections between ‘theory’ and ‘practice’. By conducting a practicum project, students demonstrate the ability to apply concepts and ideas from their study of horticultural therapy to a specific population or setting.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 760 - Business Management for Horticultural Enterprises

    Credits: 3

    Focus is on developing a detailed business plan for the service, design and production businesses in horticulture that incorporates considerations of start-up capitalization, insurance, investments, legal accounting and employee compensation.  Strategic decision-making and aspects of a horticulture firms that are unique to its industries, such as product seasonality and perishability, will be discussed.

    Three hours lecture a week.

    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 500-level or above.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 775 - Plant Breeding Methods in Horticulture

    Credits: 3

    Focus is on introductory plant breeding principles with emphasis on traditional methods of developing improved cultivars of crosspollinated, self-pollinated, and asexually-propagated horticultural crops, and the genetic principles on which breeding methods are based.  The course provides a general background in all areas of plant breeding as a foundation for mastering more complex breeding principles.

    Three hours lecture a week.

    Recommended prerequisite: ASI 500 and STAT 300-level or above.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, even years

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 780 - Health-Promoting Phytochemicals: Fruits and Vegetables

    Credits: 2

    The course deals with various aspects of phytochemicals in plant-based foods including fruits and vegetables and their impact on human health and well-being. It includes potential effects of phytochemicals in promoting human health, preventing various diseases and fostering wellness. It also includes biosynthesis and metabolism of phytochemicals in plants. Emphasis is placed on developing strategies to improve the phytochemical content of food crops through approaches involving crop management, environmental and biotechnology tools.

    Two hours lecture per week.

    Prerequisite: Senior standing and CHM 110 or CHM 210.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 790 - Sustainable Agriculture

    Credits: 2

    Historical perspectives of the sustainable agriculture movement in the United States and world-wide will be examined and critiqued.  Components of sustainable agriculture such as agroecosystem theory, permaculture, energy use efficiency, and organic standards will be compared and evaluated.  Students will demonstrate their understanding and application of the material by conducting research on a topic within sustainable agriculture and presenting the topic to the rest of the class.

    Two hours lecture per week.

    Required prerequisite: Junior standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, odd years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 791 - Urban Agriculture

    Credits: 2

    Students will become familiar with a wide variety of urban agriculture types and production systems utilized in urban settings. The course will include background readings, case studies, guest speakers, student-facilitated class discussions, and lectures.

    Required prerequisite: Junior standing.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 792 - Urban Food Production Practicum

    Credits: 1

    Students will complete a 400 hour practicum in an approved urban agriculture setting to gain exposure to a broad range of tasks facing the urban farmer. This includes planning, production and marketing of crops in high tunnels and open field.

    Recommended prerequisite: HORT 520 and HORT 560.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 793 - Farm to Fork Produce Safety

    Credits: 2

    This course will cover all aspects of food safety for fresh produce grown in urban and rural environments, including pathogen ecology and production aspects as well as pre-harvest and postharvest factors that influence the risk of microbial contamination. More specifically, we will discuss ways to minimize the risk of human pathogens on fresh produce using strategies such as the implementation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and Good Handling Practices (GHPs). The course will cover postharvest interventions that are currently used (chemical sanitizers) as well as innovative technology applications like physical treatments, irradiation, and biological control techniques. Additionally, students will explore the impact of food borne outbreaks on public health and the fresh produce industry in terms of economics, consumer acceptance, and legal aspects.

    Recommended prerequisite: A course in microbiology.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, even years

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 794 - Urban Food Systems

    Credits: 2

    This course will cover all components of urban food systems through the lens of food security, food justice, access, policy, and community planning. Students will gain skills in grant-writing, non-profit planning and management, and working with urban policy and planning boards.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, even years

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 795 - Urban Agriculture Study Tour

    Credits: 1

    Faculty-led trip for students to explore leading examples of urban agriculture. Each year, a trip will occur within North America, lasting approximately 7 days. The study tours will focus on urban food system development in major cities and will highlight examples of how food is being grown in urban areas and the impacts that it has on the community.

    Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 796 - Professional Development in Urban Food Systems

    Credits: 0-1

    A team instructed seminar course that provides urban food systems students with a suite of skills complimentary to their research experience but still necessary for professional career success.


    Urban Food System students will be expected to enroll in this course 4 semesters.

    Typically Offered
    Fall and Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 210 - Introduction to Digital Applications

    Credits: 1

    This course introduces basic design software skills in development of both 3D digital models and 2D graphics renderings and diagramming. Additionally, this course introduces best practices with regard to basic computer skills (ie, assembly, file management, etc.).

    Prerequisite: Admission to the professional program in interior architecture and product design.

    Corequisite: IAPD 320.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 248 - Fundamentals of Architectural Technology

    Credits: 3

    Instruction in the fundamentals of architectural technology with emphasis on the concepts and principles necessary for developing an integrated approach to building design.

    Three hours of lecture per week.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 115 or 113 and admission to a professional program in the college.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    ARCH 248

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 300 - Design and Material Culture

    Credits: 3

    People’s personal characteristics or social position can be expressed by the products they purchase, the possessions they own, and the physical environments they create. Design has become a major factor influencing one’s final decision for purchasing these products. This course examines material culture which is created from the influences of human behavior, design, history, marketing, economics, politics, geography, the arts, and sociology.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 307 - IAPD Design Studio I

    Credits: 5

    Generation of design concept, design process, and design alternatives for small-scale projects including living environments. Introduction to basic design theory, beginning design research, human scale, behavior and anthropometrics as they affect design decisions. Introduction of structure and environmental analysis as informants and determinants of design. Focus on multiple graphic representations and compositions, including diagramming, sketching, freehand drawing, and enhancing through digital means.

    Prerequisite: Admission to the professional program in interior architecture and product design.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 310 - Digital Applications

    Credits: 2

    This course addresses current digital media as it is used by the profession to draft and visualize design projects. Survey a wide variety of contemporary design and visualization software. The intention is not mastery of any single software but instead to form an understanding of the interface and use of the tools and when they are appropriate. Enable the thoughtful discussion and understanding of design representation and process in both drafting and visualization. Enable and empower the student to comfortably engage design software as they continue to evolve.

    Prerequisite: Admission to the professional program in interior architecture and product design.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 320 - IAPD Design Studio II

    Credits: 5

    Introductory Product Design studio that explores the design and development of human scale consumer products with focus on human-centered need and desire satisfaction; physical, cognitive and emotional/behavioral ergonomics; architectural context; usability; human interface and experience; technology exploration; and final modeling. Introduction to empathetic and ethnographic research methods.

    Prerequisite: IAPD 307; no grade lower than a C in any interior architecture and product design studio course.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 391 - Topics in Contemporary Design Seminar

    Credits: 3

    Seminar on current interior architecture, product design, and furniture design that illustrate principles and practical concerns that motivate design with readings, class discussion, student presentations, research papers or projects. 

    Prerequisite: Open to non-majors accepted in the College of Architecture, Planning and Design; third-year standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 406 - Problems in IAPD

    Credits: 1-18

    Study of specific interior architectural problems under direct supervision of a member of the department.


    Prerequisite: ENVD 201.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 407 - Design Workshop I

    Credits: 3

    An introduction to shop procedures, equipment, design materials, joinery, and elementary design experiences in turning and shaping various materials. The course also includes identification and application of specific interior finishes and provides the student the opportunity through a series of small projects to be exposed to the total creative design process by researching, designing, constructing, and evaluating finished products.

    Prerequisite: IAPD 409, IAPD 435. Corequisite: IAPD 412.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 409 - Materials and Finishes

    Credits: 3

    Introduction to materials, textiles, and finishes specific to interior applications. Criteria for evaluation, selection, and application of interior materials and finishes with the building fabric and their impact on building design. Preparation of written and graphic communications to illustrate and direct the construction process.

    Three hours lecture a week.

    Prerequisite: Admission to the professional program in interior architecture and product design.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 410 - Interior Architecture Digital Applications

    Credits: 3

    Introduction to software and digital means to investigate, visualize, model, and represent design.

    Six contact hours per week.

    Prerequisite: IAPD 307 and admission to the professional program in interior architecture and product design.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 411 - Drawing in Black and White

    Credits: 3

    Freehand representational drawing of architectonic space using graphite pencil and ink pen. Emphasis is on the development of the visual perception of space and the communication of the perceived space through drawings that are clear and expressive.

    Prerequisite: Third-year standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 412 - Design Workshop I Studio

    Credits: 1

    Exploration of design alternatives; process, presentation and construction graphics communicating design.

    Corequisite: IAPD 407.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 416 - History of Furniture

    Credits: 3

    Exploration of furniture history from prehistory to the present. Focus on socio-cultural, architectural, technological, material culture, manufacturing, spiritual, aesthetic, sustainable factors over the human timeline.

    Prerequisite: IAPD 320.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 420 - Theory of Furniture Design

    Credits: 2

    Analysis, materials, and construction techniques from the early American period through the contemporary movement, with a focus on contemporary furniture design from the 1960’s to the present.

    Prerequisite: Admission to the professional program in architecture, interior architecture, or landscape architecture.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 430 - Visual Communication

    Credits: 2

    Students will be challenged to visualize and communicate in both two- and three-dimensional languages using diagramming and freehand perspective. Students use simple form models and cameras as tools to attain rapid graphic images. Various media is studied enabling quick exploration of multiple design options in a spatial environment. Emphasis is placed on two-dimensional graphics in storytelling using diagrams to describe and analyze the design and build process. Quick ideation sketching to record and refine design solutions. Color theory is introduced with Munsell and Pantone systems and applied throughout the semester.

    Prerequisite: ENVD 202.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 431 - Visual Communications II

    Credits: 2

    Provides an advanced understanding of design visualization and presentation. Introduces a variety of 3D modeling and rendering software commonly used in the Industrial and Product Design field. Explores digital form development, materials representation, perceptual education and visual communication. 

    Prerequisite: IAPD 430

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 435 - IAPD Design Studio III

    Credits: 5

    Intermediate product design studio focusing on projects involving products and their associated contextual spatial environments. Projects incorporate object scale product solutions, and include a ‘near environment’, within-reach sphere of human influence. Students follow the industrial design process from identification of opportunity; research around user, market, environment and technology; the iterative creative, ideation and prototyping process; and finally, commercial implementation.

    Prerequisite: IAPD 320, no grade lower than a C in any interior architecture and product design studio course.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 440 - IAPD Design Studio IV

    Credits: 5

    This course will build upon and extend the knowledge and skill base gained by students in previous studios, and will include the introduction of programming methodology and its relationship to the design and organization of interior space. Emphasis will be placed on an understanding of how human behavior affects the designed environment, including the elements and objects that shape it such as the appropriate selection of furniture, finishes, fixtures, and equipment within the context of their relationships to form, function, task and users’ needs.

    Prerequisite: IAPD 435, no grade lower than a C in any interior architecture and product design studio course.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 455 - Product Design Illustration

    Credits: 1

    Exercises in various rendering techniques and involvement in different media presentations associated with product design.

    Prerequisite: IAPD 420.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 456 - Introduction to Product/Industrial Design

    Credits: 2

    Introduction to the Profession of Product/Industrial Design including history; major movements; key practitioners; socio-cultural, architectural and technological drivers; unique design/make processes and methodologies; materials and manufacturing techniques; and, contemporary issues.

    Prerequisite: IAPD 307.
    Corequisite: IAPD 320.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 520 - Design Graphics Workshop

    Credits: 3

    A course in the use of colored pencils, to render and present form and space using different techniques. Emphasis on the visual perception and composition of elements in design drawings and presentation.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 605 - Problems in IAPD

    Credits: 1-18

    Study of specific problems related to interior architecture, product design, and furniture design.


    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 606 - IAPD Design Studio VI

    Credits: 5

    This semester of study provides an option for an interdisciplinary collaborative studio course oriented towards replicating the learning experience and interactive activities that takes place in the modern multidisciplinary professional office or a validated equivalent studio completed in an approved study program.

    Prerequisite: ARCH 433 and IAPD 801, and no grade lower than a C in any interior architecture and product design studio course.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 610 - Advanced Digital Applications and Fabrications

    Credits: 3

    Exploration of advanced representation and fabrication techniques for the design professions.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 625 - Lighting

    Credits: 3

    An examination of design and technical issues related to luminous environments in building interiors. Topics include color and light, vision, light sources, luminaire selection and design, and the evaluation of lighting solutions.

    Prerequisite: IAPD 435 or INDD 435.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 628 - Building Construction Systems IA

    Credits: 3

    A technical capstone course that explores the development of construction documentation for interior architecture projects includes demolition, partition, and reflected ceiling plans, power and communications plans, finish and furnishings plans, interior elevations, sections, details, and schedules. Understanding of the mechanical, electrical, plumbing and structural systems, as well as building and life-safety codes, and the Americans with Disabilities Act will be demonstrated through completion of the set of drawings.

    Prerequisite: IAPD 435.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 644 - Internship

    Credits: 9

    Fifteen week internship in a professional environment with a focus on Interior Architecture, Product/Industrial Design and/or Furniture Design: office and field experience.

    Prerequisite: IAPD 440 or INDD 440.
    Corequisite: IAPD 645.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 645 - Internship Report

    Credits: 5

    Development of the student’s analysis; observation, and communication skills in relationship to the professional office and field environment. Detailed documentation, online and on-campus, of the experiences encountered during internship, allowing classmates to learn from their peer’s varied experiences as well as provide a detailed documentation of the student’s work during internship.

    Corequisite: IAPD 644.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 664 - Summer Internship

    Credits: 6

    Ten week internship in a professional environment with a focus on Interior Architecture, Industrial/Product Design and/or Furniture Design: office and field experience.

    Prerequisite: IAPD 440, IAPD 440 or INDD 440 and IAPD 628 and no grade lower than a C in any IAPD or INDD studio course.
    Corequisite: IAPD 665.

    Typically Offered
    Summer, Intersession

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 665 - Summer Internship Report

    Credits: 1

    Development of the student’s analysis, observation, and communication skills in relationship to the professional office and field environment. Detailed documentation, online and on-campus, of the experiences encountered during internship, allowing classmates to learn from their peer’s varied experiences as well as provide a detailed documentation of the student’s work during internship.

    Corequisite: IAPD 664.

    Typically Offered
    Summer, Intersession

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 668 - Study Abroad Experience

    Credits: 1-18

    Courses taken from a university in an approved foreign studies program.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 680 - Production Furniture for the Contract Market Research

    Credits: 1

    Introduction and implementation of market research; client end-user research; manufacturing implications; BIFMA and other testing requirements; and, competitive market analysis and implications to develop a complete “design brief” for a line of contract furniture within a major manufacturer’s existing line.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 681 - Production Furniture for the Contract Market Design

    Credits: 2

    This course builds upon the knowledge gained and the design brief developed in IAPD 680, Production Furniture for the Contract Market Research and develops the designers’ understanding of intersecting forces affecting the design of a line of furniture, from conception to final production. Students work in teams with a manufacturer in the design and development of a line/family of products-expectations of design, prototyping, royalties and licensing-as well as the manufacturing processes and knowledge of effectively specifying furnishings.

    Prerequisite: IAPD 680.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 710 - Advanced 3-D Computer Modeling

    Credits: 3

    Lighting, materials, animation, advanced modeling techniques, sound, and storyboarding are methodologies required to successfully build a digital presentation for projection in a two dimensional, or 3-dimensional environment using the vision domes. Projects that utilize these topics will include an introduction to 3D modeling, animation, sound, titling, lighting, and a material editor.

    Prerequisite: IAPD 410.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 740 - Product Design Studio

    Credits: 1-5

    Advanced design projects involving products related to the interior environment. Synthesis of the design, materials, construction and finishing of prototype products relevant to human use.

    Prerequisite: Admission to the professional program in interior architecture and product design.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 753 - Professional Practice: Professional Responsibility

    Credits: 1

    Interdisciplinary course addresses the connections between allied design professions and the larger community. It helps students to understand and appreciate their professional legal and ethical responsibilities.

    Typically Offered
    Fall and Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 754 - Professional Practice: Office Practices

    Credits: 1

    Interdisciplinary course addresses practice-based issues concerning professional relationships in the design and delivery process, management of projects, communication practices, and fiscal concerns.

    Typically Offered
    Fall and Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 755 - Professional Practice: Discipline-Specific Topics

    Credits: 1

    Covers discipline-specific concerns, focusing on issues specific to architecture, interior architecture and product design, landscape architecture or regional and community planning.

    Typically Offered
    Fall and Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 756 - Theory of Product Design

    Credits: 2

    Introduction to the Profession of Product/Industrial Design including history; major movements; key practitioners; socio-cultural, architectural and technological drivers; unique design/make processes and methodologies; materials and manufacturing techniques; and, contemporary issues.

    Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 760 - IAPD Seminar

    Credits: 0-18

    Readings and discussion of contemporary thought and movements within the field of interior architecture and product design with special emphasis on the societal factors that produce and effect change.

    Repeat for Credit

    Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 801 - IAPD Design Studio V

    Credits: 5

    This semester of study provides an option for an interdisciplinary collaborative studio course oriented towards replicating the learning experience and interactive activities that takes place in the modern multi-disciplinary professional office.

    Prerequisite: IAPD 440 and no grade lower than a C in any IAPD studio course.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 802 - Design Workshop II

    Credits: 3

    Design Workshop II is intended to further develop the student’s understanding of the three dimensional design process through research, design, prototype construction, evaluation, and redesign. Enhance and increase the student’s understanding of the structural characteristics of materials.

    Prerequisite: IAPD 407, IAPD 412, and no grade lower than a C in any IAPD or INDD studio course.
    Corequisite: IAPD 803.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • IAPD 803 - Design Workshop II Studio

    Credits: 1

    Studio component of Design Workshop II. Exploration of design alternatives; process, presentation and construction graphics, students increase their proficiency at communicating ideas through working and presentation drawings for projects to be created in IAPD 802: Design Workshop II.

    Prerequisite: IAPD 412, IAPD 407 and no grade lower than a C in any IAPD or INDD studio course.
    Corequisite: IAPD 802.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search


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