Jul 08, 2024  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


  • ANTH 328 - Topics in Linguistic Anthropology

    Credits: 3

    Exploration of problems in linguistic anthropology for both majors and non-majors.


    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 350 - Topics for Educators

    Credits: 1-4

    Examination of selected topics in archaeology, cultural, or linguistic anthropology designed to address education standards in the social sciences. 

    Does not apply towards requirements for anthropology major or minor.

    May be repeated with change of topic.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 351 - Special Studies in Anthropology

    Credits: 1-3

    Explores topics in anthropology through guided field trips (study abroad or domestic excursion).


    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 364 - Archaeological Myths and Mysteries

    Credits: 3

    Introduces evidence-based thinking and the scientific method in archaeology through evaluation of “mysteries” of our human past.  Explores social factors affecting interpretation of past cultures.  Case studies include who “discovered” the Americas, ancient alien intervention, Atlantis, myth of the mound builders, and more.

    Designed for non-Anthropology majors.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 365 - Exploring Kansas Archaeology

    Credits: 3

    Exploration of the archaeological record of past Native people of Kansas and the Central Plains and their diverse lifeways.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 368 - Topics in Archaeology

    Credits: 3

    Exploration of problems in archaeology for both majors and non-majors.


    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 380 - Introduction to Human Evolution

    Credits: 3

    Survey of the human fossil record, including an introduction to evolutionary theory and a discussion of the place that humans occupy among the other primates.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 383 - Plagues: The Co-Evolutionary History of Humans and Pathogens

    Credits: 3

    The course will explore the proximate (mechanistic/physiological) and ultimate (evolutionary) causes of disease from a biocultural and historical perspective.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, even years

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 388 - Topics in Physical Anthropology

    Credits: 3

    Exploration of problems in physical anthropology for both majors and non-majors.


    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 399 - Honors Seminar in Anthropology

    Credits: 1-3

    Readings and discussion of selected topics.

    Open to non-majors in the honors program.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring (odd years only)

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 499 - Honors Project

    Credits: 3

    Open only to Arts & Sciences students who are active members of the University Honors Program.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 501 - Proficiency Development

    Credits: 0-3

    Integrative review of anthropological concepts and skills under faculty supervision. For single students or groups of students. Not applicable to major field requirements.


    For undergraduate credit only.

    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and superior performance in relevant course.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 505 - South Asian Civilizations

    Credits: 3

    Interdisciplinary survey of the development of civilizations in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and Afghanistan, including geography, philosophy, social, economic, political institution, and historical movements.

    Prerequisite: 3 hours of social science or junior standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, even years

    GEOG 505, HIST 505, POLSC 505, SOCIO 505, ECON 505

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 506 - Central America: Its Peoples and Problems

    Credits: 3

    An anthropological perspective of the interactions of indigenous and foreign populations with an examination of the geographic, social, economic, political, and ideological bases of the problems facing Central America today. A look at the seven countries composing Central America in terms of their particular problems and unique solutions.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 200.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 509 - Cultures of Africa

    Credits: 3

    Family life, subsistence patterns, exchange systems, languages, religions, and development of the peoples of Africa.

    Typically Offered
    Fall or Spring

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 512 - Political Anthropology

    Credits: 3

    Ethnological approaches to politics in societies around the world. Structural-functional, evolutionary, and conflict theories. A comparison of the political systems of small-scale and complex societies: political modernization.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall or Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 513 - Immigrant America

    Credits: 3

    Discussion of post-1965 immigration to the United States with a focus on Asian and Latino newcomers. Immigrant adaptation, economic strategies and the reinterpretation of cultural identity. Implications for American society.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 200, 204, or 210.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Human Diversity within the U.S.
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 515 - Creativity and Culture

    Credits: 3

    How ethnologists view the expressive and creative aspects of culture. A cross-cultural survey of the verbal, visual, and performing arts.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 200, 204, or 210.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, even years

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 516 - Ethnomusicology

    Credits: 3

    Ethnic, popular, and traditional musics from around the world. The course samples a wide range of stylistic traditions from Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe, and the Americas. Emphasis is on understanding musical style in cultural context.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 200, 204, or 210.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, even years

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 518 - Topics in Cultural Anthropology

    Credits: 1-4

    Intensive exploration of problems in cultural anthropology for both majors and non-majors with adequate background.

    May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 200, 204, or 210.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 525 - Language and Culture

    Credits: 3

    Study of language and dialect as aspects of social and ethnic group identities. Emphasis on analysis of conversational style in diverse cultural settings. Research project to be determined according to student interests.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 220 or consent of instructor.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 528 - Topics in Linguistic Anthropology

    Credits: 1-4

    Intensive exploration of problems in linguistic anthropology for both major and non-majors with adequate background.


    Prerequisite: ANTH 220.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 560 - Archaeological Fact or Fiction: Applied Critical Thinking

    Credits: 3

    Explores and develops practical critical thinking and research skills using archaeological approaches and case studies. Examines impact of interpretation of the human past on past and present populations.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 260 or equivalent.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, even years

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 561 - Archaeological Field Methods

    Credits: 1-9

    Provides hands-on training in archaeological field methods (i.e., data collection and documentation through archaeological survey and excavation) as part of a research project.

    May be repeated once if the areas or problems involved are different.

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent (application required).

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 562 - Archaeological Laboratory Methods

    Credits: 3

    Hands-on instruction in and application of professional principles of processing, analyzing, and interpreting artifacts and related archeological materials.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 260 or equivalent.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 563 - Applied Archaeology

    Credits: 3

    Training in professional and ethical practice in cultural resource management and public archaeology.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 260 or its equivalent.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 565 - North American Archaeology

    Credits: 3

    The prehistoric of native cultures of North America explored through the archaeological record from the peopling of the continent, to the spread of agriculture and village life, up to contact period.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 260.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, odd years

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 568 - Topics in Archaeology

    Credits: 1-4

    Intensive exploration of archaeological problems for both major and non-majors with adequate background.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 260.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 588 - Topics in Physical Anthropology

    Credits: 1-4

    Intensive exploration of problems in physical anthropology for both major and non-majors with adequate background.

    May be repeated.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 280 and 281.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 602 - Anthropological Theory

    Credits: 3

    Review and integration of the major theoretical approaches in the principal branches of anthropology.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 200 or 210.

    Typically Offered
    Fall or Spring

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 605 - North American Indians

    Credits: 3

    Description and comparison of native cultures of Canada and the United States; culture contact and change among surviving groups.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 200 or 210 or 260.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 606 - South American Indians

    Credits: 3

    A survey of the nature and variability of the original cultures of Latin America. Analysis of sample cultures, stressing economic, social, political, and religious structures.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 200 or 210 or 260.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 608 - Asian Religions

    Credits: 3

    Explore religious beliefs and practices in major traditions of South, Southeast, Central, and East Asia, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, and later Buddhist movements.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 200, ANTH 204, or ANTH 210.

    Typically Offered
    II, even years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 612 - Ethnohistory

    Credits: 3

    Introduction to ethnohistory as an anthropological research method.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 200 or 204 or equivalent.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 613 - Gender, Power, and International Development

    Credits: 3

    Examination of various models of development and their impact on various roles of woman and men in various cultures. Emphasis upon Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Comparisons of public, service, and economics sectors, including agriculture, marketing, and industry. Examination of policy issues.

    Prerequisite: SOCIO 211 or ANTH 200 or ANTH 210 and 3 additional hours in sociology or cultural anthropology.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    SOCIO 633

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 615 - Race and Culture

    Credits: 3

    The biological meaning of race; the interrelationships of biological and cultural traits in human evolution; processes of racial formation of man; methods of classifying human races; cultural inheritance; the distinction of race, culture, personality, and intelligence; a review of modern racism; race as an evolutionary episode.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 200, 210 or 280.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 616 - Anthropology of the Future: Apocalypse, Prophecy, and Hope

    Credits: 3

    This seminar course will explore culturally construction notion of “the future” by exploring discourses of time, divination, utopia, prophecy, world-endings and world-renewals from various societies around the world.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 200, 204, or 210.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 618 - Religion in Culture

    Credits: 3

    The nature of religion in different cultural systems.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 200 or ANTH 210 or SOCIO 211.

    Typically Offered

    SOCIO 618

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 651 - Internship in Applied Anthropology

    Credits: 3

    Supervised field experience of at least three weeks full time or 150 hours part time with an organization or institution in the application of anthropological approaches to problem solving and working in a professional setting. Emphasis is on anthropological skills in relation to the objectives and operations of an institution.

    Open to anthropology major only. May be repeated once for credit.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 519 and junior and consent of program coordinator.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 652 - Internship in Museology

    Credits: 3

    Practical professional museum experience of at least three weeks full time or 150 hours part time in the processing of collections, conservation, cataloging, archive and library maintenance, and/or planning and preparation of exhibits.

    Open to anthropology majors only. May be repeated once for credit if at a different museum.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 200 or 210 or 260.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 659 - Independent Reading and Research in Anthropology

    Credits: 1-3

    Guided reading and research on a specific anthropological topic of student interest, leading to preparation of a research paper.


    Topic and credit to be arranged.

    Prerequisite: Three hours of anthropology and consent of instructor.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 663 - Andean Archaeology

    Credits: 3

    Examines the economic, social, and political development of the region, including the Tawantinsuya (Inca Empire). Covers the adoption of agriculture; the origin of the state; power; and the role of religion, cosmology, ideology, and art.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 260.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 665 - European Archaeology

    Credits: 3

    Survey of human prehistory in Europe from the earliest Paleolithic hominins to evolve in Europe, expansion of Homo sapiens and associated cultural  developments, the spread of agriculture, diversity of Bronze Age adaptations, to the development of Celtic societies. Studies of archaeological and related evidence are investigated to interpret the dynamics of past ways of living.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 260.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, even years

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 680 - Forensic Anthropology

    Credits: 4

    Anthropological survey of the predominantly biological areas of forensic science, their methods and techniques, as they pertain to the application of that science to the purpose of the law. Particular emphasis will be given to perspectives about the science itself, its application to anthropology, and the unique ways in which that science may be used by law.

    Prerequisite: A life science with laboratory requirement in the College of Arts and Sciences or the consent of the instructor.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, even years

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 681 - Primatology

    Credits: 3

    Survey of the primate order including considerations of evolution, morphology, and behavior. Particular emphasis will be given to developing perspectives about the origin and evolution of hominids in the context of the primate order.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 280 or consent of instructor.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 682 - Human Growth and Development

    Credits: 3

    Provides an anthropological examination of the process of growth and development in humans that emphasizes both the biological, evolutionary, and cultural aspects that have shaped them through time. Emphasis is given to the evolution of the life cycle, as well as the social and environmental conditions that affect human growth.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 280 or instructor’s permission.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 683 - Osteology

    Credits: 4

    Detailed study of human skeleton, with special attention to health and demographic conditions in prehistoric cultures and the evaluation of physical characteristics and genetic relationships of prehistoric populations. Laboratory demonstration and exercise in working with skeletal material for analysis of sex, age, stature, and race. Complete metric and nonmetric analysis with consideration given to paleodemography, paleopathology in situ analysis and excavation, and preservation.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 280 or consent of instructor.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, even years

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 686 - Bioarchaeology

    Credits: 3

    Explores how archaeologists and bioanthropologists approach the study of death, mortuary practices and skeletal remains, to reconstruct past lives and understand the associated behavior.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 280 or instructor’s consent.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Natural and Physical Sciences
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 687 - Seminar in Osteology

    Credits: 2

    Analysis of human and nonhuman skeletal remains including age, sex, stature, race, anomalities, pathologies, trauma, metric and nonmetric traits, cause of death, and time since death. This course allows greater breadth and depth of osteological analysis than either ANTH 694 or 695, and allows for more concentration on individual methods and techniques and case studies.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 694 and 695.

    Typically Offered
    In odd years and on sufficient demand

    K-State 8
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 688 - Paleoanthropology

    Credits: 3

    Human origins and evolution as indicated by fossil evidence; interpretation of man-apes, Pithecanthropus, Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon, and other major fossil groups within the context of evolutionary theory, primate comparisons, and cultural evolution.

    Lecture and lab.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 200 or 280 or consent of instructor.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, odd years

    K-State 8
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 710 - Writing Cultures: Ethnographic Methods

    Credits: 3

    An introduction to qualitative field methods and research ethics in cultural anthropology. Students will examine issues of truth, representation, and reflexivity in ethnographic writing.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 200, 204, or 210.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 715 - Research Methods in Digital Ethnography

    Credits: 3

    A hands-on exploration of the uses of digital technology for ethnographic research and representation.

    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ANTH 720 - Field Methods in Linguistics

    Credits: 3

    Techniques of collecting and analyzing linguistic data in the field. Work with language consultants in class, on languages such as Swahili.

    Prerequisite: ANTH 220 or LING 280.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • AP 601 - Cardiorespiratory Exercise Physiology

    Credits: 3

    Intensive study of a selected topic in kinesiology involving either great in-depth study, or application of theory presented in a related course.

    May be repeated as topic varies.

    Prerequisite: 6 hrs in Kinesiology 500 and above. Only 6 hours may be counted toward degree.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, on sufficient demand

    KIN 601

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • AP 603 - Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology

    Credits: 3

    An examination of the structure and function of the respiratory system and the manner in which oxygen passes from the atmosphere to its site of utilization in the mitochondria. Exercise and environmental stresses will form the basis for examining the capacity, plasticity and limitations to respiratory function.

    Prerequisite: KIN 250 and 335.

    Typically Offered

    KIN 603

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • AP 700 - Gross Anatomy I

    Credits: 5

    Gross dissection of the dog with comparative aspects of the cat.

    Two hours lecture and nine hours lab a week.

    Prerequisite: First-year standing in College of Veterinary Medicine or consent of the instructor.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • AP 705 - Gross Anatomy II

    Credits: 6

    Gross dissection of the horse and ruminant with comparative aspects of the pig, laboratory animals, and the chicken.

    Three hours lecture and nine hours lab a week.

    Prerequisite: AP 700.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • AP 710 - Microscopic Anatomy I

    Credits: 5

    Origin, development, and microscopic structure and appearance of the cells and tissues of the animal body.

    Three hours lecture and six hours lab a week.

    Prerequisite: First-year standing in College of Veterinary Medicine.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • AP 711 - Stem Cells and Comparative Biomedicine

    Credits: 2

    Characteristics of major categories of stem cells. Applicable or potential clinical uses, including their utilization in tissue engineering or targeted delivery of therapeutics.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • AP 730 - Cross-Course Integration I

    Credits: 1

    Vertical and horizontal integration among semester courses to improve student cognitive retention and understanding of core content. Structure-function relationships will be emphasized to facilitate student assimilation and provide clinical relevance to basic science content.

    Prerequisite: First-year standing in the College of Veterinary Medicine or consent of instructor.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • AP 737 - Veterinary Physiology I

    Credits: 5

    Function of the animal body at the cellular level, including nerve and muscle function. Basic pathophysiological mechanisms and intermediary metabolism will be emphasized and correlated with clinical topics.

    Five hours lecture a week.

    Prerequisite: First-year standing in College of Veterinary Medicine or consent of instructor.

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • AP 740 - Cross-Course Integration II

    Credits: 1

    Vertical and horizontal integration within and between semester courses to improve student cognitive retention and understanding of core content. Structure-function relationships will be emphasized to facilitate student assimilation and provide clinical relevance to basic science content.

    Prerequisite: AP 730 or consent of instructor.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • AP 747 - Veterinary Physiology II

    Credits: 6

    Function of the cardiovascular, endocrine, respiratory, renal, digestive, and reproductive systems of domestic animals with emphasis on physiologic control mechanisms, interrelationships of body systems, and criteria for evaluating animal health.

    Five hours lecture and three hours lab a week.

    Prerequisite: AP 737.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • AP 770 - Pharmacology I

    Credits: 4

    The basic principles of pharmacology, the interactions of drugs and living systems including fundamental principles of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, receptor-coupling, and mechanisms of action. A systems-based approach to drug classes will be emphasized.

    Four hours of lecture a week.

    Prerequisite: AP 737 and 747 or equivalent.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • AP 772 - Pharmacology II

    Credits: 2

    The basic principles of pharmacology, the relationship of drug actions and interactions on physiological principles and pathophysiological conditions. Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and a systems-based approach to drug classes will be emphasized.

    Prerequisite: Student must have a “C” or higher in AP 770, Pharmacology I and DMP 712. Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • AP 773 - Bioinstrumentation Laboratory

    Credits: 1

    Practical experience with and evaluation of laboratory and clinical techniques related to electrodes, transducers, computer-based data acquisition and analysis.

    Three hours lab per week.

    Prerequisite: AP 747 or equivalent and concurrent enrollment in ECE 772.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, even years

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • AP 780 - Practical Use and Interpretation of Veterinary Scientific Literature

    Credits: 1

    Designed primarily for veterinary students in the first, second or third year of the DVM curriculum. The course is intended to teach literature search skills, organization of your own literature library, and critical evaluation of clinical reports and research literature.

    The format is lecture as well as small group and online discussion.

    Students are required to contribute to classroom and online discussions and to complete written assignments.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • AP 785 - Introduction to Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Research: Concepts and Values

    Credits: 1

    This course is intended to provide first-year students an opportunity to experience the depth of veterinary/biomedical research required to advance the practice of veterinary medicine, and advance the field of medicine in general.  The students will examine the challenges of conducting 1) foundational and translation research (genetic/genomic and mechanistic research), 2) foundational and applications to clinical research 3) population and observational research (epidemiology, prospective clinical trials, retrospective studies), 4) pharmacologic research (the impact of pharmacology on the biomedical sciences).  The students will examine relevant connections, consider conceptual relationships, and critically evaluate integrative issues germane to both the practice of and the innovative progress of veterinary medicine.  Faculty members in the Departments of A&P, DM/P, and CS, will present topical overviews, based on their professional experiences. This will be designed to connect and integrate fundamental principles and relationships between research and clinical application.  These presentations provide examples of the fundamental requirements for clinical therapies and also provide examples of how innovative science leads to new therapies for long standing clinical disease.  Additionally, students will learn the tools required to search relevant topic to their career paths within the medical literature.  Finally, drawing on the multidisciplinary literature presented by faculty, students will explore the challenges in conducting genetic/genomic research, using genomic information, implementing research results to clinical practice, as well as addressing the social, legal, and professional policies that are emerging from new research. Students will be expected to do reading and to complete online worksheets and present their findings/opinions in class. Class time will be devoted to presentations and to discussion of readings and related current events.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • AP 788 - Basic and Applied Pharmacokinetics

    Credits: 3

    This course is designed to provide students with fundamental concepts and principles of absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination of drugs, environmental chemicals, and nanomaterials by the body. The course also covers actual applications of the pharmacokinetic knowledge using case studies of commonly dosed drugs, common environmental contaminants, and nanomaterials.

    Typically Offered
    Fall-even years

    KSIS Course Search

  • AP 790 - Problems in Anatomy and Physiology

    Credits: 1-18

    Introduction of undergraduate and graduate students to research involving various anatomical and physiological systems.


    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • AP 796 - Topics in Exercise Physiology

    Credits: 1-4

    Intensive study of a selected topic in Exercise Physiology involving either great in-depth study, or application of theory presented in a related course.

    May be repeated as topic varies.

    Prerequisite: KIN 335, KIN 336. Only 6 hours may be counted toward degree.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer, on sufficient demand

    KIN 796

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARAB 101 - Arabic I

    Credits: 4

    Introduction to the structure of modern Arabic. Essentials of grammar, speaking, reading, and writing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARAB 102 - Arabic II

    Credits: 4

    Continuation of Arabic I.

    Prerequisite: ARAB 101 or equivalent.

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARAB 300 - Arabic III

    Credits: 5

    Continuation of ARAB 102; further development of four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing; with emphasis on building and applying basic language knowledge in communicative tasks; exercises in oral interactions and interactions involving text.

    Prerequisite: ARAB 102 or equivalent.

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARAB 301 - Arabic IV

    Credits: 5

    Continuation of Arabic III.

    Prerequisite: ARAB 201 or equivalent.

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARAB 501 - Arabic V

    Credits: 4

    Further development of language and culture skills.

    Prerequisite: ARAB 282 or equivalent.

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARAB 502 - Arabic VI

    Credits: 4

    A continuation of Arabic V, with further development of language and culture skills.

    Prerequisite: ARAB 501 or equivalent.

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARAB 540 - Special Studies in Arabic

    Credits: 1-18

    Prerequisite: Consent of the department head and instructor involved.

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 240 - Science, Technology, and Architecture

    Credits: 3

    An exploration of the interrelationships between architecture and various sciences including the technological applications of selected scientific theories.

    Non-majors may take this course for UGE credit, but it will not fulfill UGE requirements for majors. However, it may be taken as a professional support elective (PSE) by architecture students.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 248 - Fundamentals of Architectural Technology

    Credits: 3

    Instruction in the fundamentals of architectural technology with emphasis on the concepts and principles necessary for developing an integrated approach to building design.

    Three hours of lecture per week.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 113 or 115 and admission to a professional program in the college.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    IAPD 248

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 265 - Basic Problems in Architectural Design

    Credits: 1-18

    Study of specific architectural design problems under the direction of a member of the architecture faculty.

    May be repeated.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 274 - Digital Architecture I

    Credits: 1

    This course will introduce students to digital management concepts, basic architectural digital representation, 3-dimensional computer modeling, raster, and vector graphics with an emphasis on conceptual development.

    Prerequisites: Second year standing or higher, or permission of the instructor.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 290 - Architecture Through the Ages

    Credits: 3

    An introductory survey of the history of architecture worldwide from its prehistoric beginnings up to the present day.

    May not be taken for credit by students enrolled in the College of Architecture, Planning and Design.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer (periodically)

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 301 - Appreciation of Architecture

    Credits: 3

    An analysis of the evolution of architectural styles to determine the relation of architectural expression to the needs of society.

    Three hours recitation a week. May not be taken for credit by students enrolled in the architecture, landscape architecture, or interior architecture curricula.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 302 - Architectural Design Studio I

    Credits: 5

    Instruction in architectural design focusing on the application of elements and principles of form and space in design. Instruction in the use of techniques for visually representing design ideas.

    Prerequisite: Admission to the architecture program and ENVD 202.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 304 - Architectural Design Studio II

    Credits: 5

    Instruction in architectural design focusing on the synthesis of basic social, functional, technical, and aesthetic factors in design. Continued instruction in techniques for visually representing design ideas.

    Prerequisite: ARCH 302 and no grade lower than a C in an architectural design studio course.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 325 - Environmental Design and Society

    Credits: 3

    Instruction in behavioral, cultural, and ecological factors that contribute to successful environmental design; considers how the design process is affected by a conceptual point of view. Case studies from architecture, landscape architecture, interior architecture, and interior design.

    Three hours lecture a week.

    Prerequisite: Second-year standing or permission of instructor.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 347 - Structural Systems in Architecture I

    Credits: 4

    Introduction to structure as a building system.  Overview of contemporary structural systems and their components, including wood, timber, steel, concrete, masonry, and hybrid structures.  Discussion of building code requirements for structure, general guidelines for building structures, including appropriate application, and methods for schematic estimation of structural member sizing.  Basic understanding of how gravity and lateral forces are propagated through a structural frame from load to building foundation.

    Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory per week.

    This course replaces ARCH 348 and ARCH 449.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 113 or 115, MATH 100 or higher, ARCH 248, and admission to a professional program in the college.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 348 - Structural Systems in Architecture I

    Credits: 3

    Introduction to statics; force analysis and the study of forces in equilibrium; principles of statics as applied to the study of simple elemental structures; the origin, the nature, and the action of loads on structural systems. Instruction in the use of statics in the preliminary stages of building design. For ARCH and IAPD students.

    Three hours lecture, two hours recitation a week.

    Prerequisite: PHYS 113 or 115, MATH 100 or higher.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 350 - History of the Designed Environment III

    Credits: 3

    The history of the designed environment from the mid-18th century through present.

    Prerequisite: ENVD 251 or permission of instructor.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 373 - Digital Architecture II

    Credits: 1

    This course will introduce students to methods for digital 3-dimensional visualization, including rendering, animation, composting and analysis.

    Prerequisite: Second year standing or higher, or permission of the instructor.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 374 - Digital Architecture III

    Credits: 1

    This course will introduce students to parametric and associative modeling methods for conceptual development, the design and representation of building assemblies and systems, and architectural documentation.

    Prerequisite: ARCH 274, ARCH 373, or permission of the instructor.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 401 - Accelerated Architectural Design Studio I

    Credits: 5

    An introduction to the principles, processes and vocabularies of architectural design; basic architectural concerns (space/light/form and human factors); and techniques for visually representing design ideas (sketching/diagramming/instrument-aided drawings and model making).

    Prerequisite: Admission to the post-baccalaureate track of the Master of Architecture Program.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 402 - Accelerated Architectural Design Studio II

    Credits: 5

    Further development of the ideas skills and methodologies introduced in ARCH 401, and introduction to wider array of architectural concerns including social, functional, technical, contextual, and professional issues. The course will prepare students to enter the third-year architectural design studios.

    Prerequisite: ARCH 401, and no grade lower than a C in an architectural design studio course.

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 403 - Architectural Design Studio III

    Credits: 5

    Relation of structures to their environment; client and community restraint; development of building programs; synthesis of functional, technical, and aesthetic considerations in the design of structures for human use.

    Twelve hours studio a week.

    Prerequisite: ARCH 304 or ARCH 402, and no grade lower than a C in an architectural design studio course.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 404 - Architectural Design Studio IV

    Credits: 5

    Relation of structures to their environment; client and community restraint; development of building programs; synthesis of functional, technical, and aesthetic considerations in the design of structures for human use.

    Twelve hours studio a week.

    Prerequisite: ARCH 403 and no grade lower than a C in an architectural design studio course.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 413 - Environmental Systems in Architecture I

    Credits: 4

    Instruction in environmental and building control systems of architecture, including bioclimatic and ecological design principles. Emphasis on integrated system design approach, with a focus on passive and natural strategies. Contemporary and developing approaches are explored.

    Three hours lecture and one hour recitation a week.

    Prerequisite: ARCH 248 or IAPD 248 and enrollment in a professional program in the college.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 433 - Building Construction Systems in Architecture I

    Credits: 3

    A lecture course that develops an understanding of how materials and systems assembly reinforce and extend the intentions of the designer as well as an understanding of the strategies and techniques for integration and coordination of the building components.  For ARCH and IAPD students.

    Three hours lecture per week.

    Prerequisite: ARCH 248 and admission to a professional program in the college.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 434 - Building Construction Systems in Architecture II

    Credits: 3

    This course develops a more sophisticated level of understanding of how materials and systems assembly reinforce and extend the intentions of the designer. Students will develop their ability to both analyze and employ building construction techniques and assemblies as a design generator in preparation for Architectural Design Studio V.

    Prerequisite: ARCH 433.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • ARCH 448 - Structural Systems in Architecture II

    Credits: 4

    Instruction in the quantitative analysis of structural systems and the forces they resist, proceeding from the design loads associated with building through the reactions of particular structural elements.  Overview of material strengths, and other properties of specific structural systems.  Instruction in structural system sizing, by hand calculation and computer analysis.

    Three hours of lecture, two hours laboratory per week.
    This course replaces ARCH 452 and ARCH 453.

    Prerequisite: ARCH 347 and admission to a professional program in the college.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search


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