Sep 27, 2024  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


  • HIST 545 - War in the Twentieth Century

    Credits: 3

    Considers the military theory and practice, the technology, and the political and ideological constraints of World Wars I and II, the Spanish Civil War, the Korean War, and the Indochinese wars. Students are to gain an understanding of the varieties of military experience in the twentieth century, including civil wars, “total war,”and guerrilla warfare.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 546 - History of American Military Affairs

    Credits: 3

    Deals with the development of military institutions in colonial America and the United States, civil-military relations and conflicts between political constraints and strategic demands, popular attitudes toward the military, and the rise of the military-industrial complex.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 547 - Economic History of the United States

    Credits: 3

    Major topics in American economic history from the colonial period to the present.  Focus is on nineteenth- and twentieth-century issues, including the rise of big business; the expanding role of the government in the economy; the Great Depression; the postwar boom and its end; issues of class, race, and gender; America’s shifting roles in the global economy.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 549 - Modern Africa from 1850

    Credits: 3

    Introduction to modern African history since 1850. Key topics include the establishment and impact of the colonial empires that dominated Africa between the 1880s and 1960s; the process of decolonization; African responses to colonial rule; and the development of post-Independence Africa with a special emphasis on the challenges faced by African countries.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing recommended.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, or Summer

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 551 - History of Family Violence

    Credits: 3

    Explores the history of family violence in America as a social, cultural, legal, and public policy issue from colonial times to the present. Stress is placed upon the cultural roots and evolution of domestic law. The development of state-controlled social welfare agencies as well as the emergence of the “battered women’s movement” is particularly emphasized.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 553 - History of American Culture

    Credits: 3

    Main emphasis is on political, religious, and social thought and ideology, 1620 to present.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, in alternate years

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 554 - History of the South

    Credits: 3

    Topical analysis of important issues in Southern history. Compares the plantation myth of popular films with interpretations by important historians. Emphasis on plantation agriculture, slavery, race relations, class, and gender in the Old South. Post-Civil War topics include federal Reconstruction efforts, segregation, economic reform, and the modern Civil Rights movement.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, in alternate years

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 555 - American Constitutional History

    Credits: 3

    Survey of constitutional and legal development from colonial times to the present. English constitutional ideas and the common law in the American colonies, formation of the Constitution, the role of the Supreme Court, development of the modern American legal system, growth of the legal profession, the problem of civil liberties. The course offers insight into the relationship of constitutional-legal institutions to American society.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, in alternate years

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 556 - Bill of Rights in American History

    Credits: 3

    This course provides a topical survey of the American Bill of Rights from the colonial era to the present. It begins with the origins of American rights in England and colonial America. An analysis of the need for a Bill of Rights at the founding and Supreme Court interpretations in 1835 and during the Reconstruction era follow. The bulk of the course is concerned with the nationalization and expansion of the Bill of Rights in the twentieth century and its meaning in the everyday lives of American citizens.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 557 - History of American Agriculture

    Credits: 3

    Concentrates on the period since 1850 in an attempt to acquaint the student with the political and economic history of American agriculture. No attempt will be made to present the scientific or technological side of agriculture in detail, but agriculture will be shown in relation to the life of the entire United States. The life of the farmer and his family, the relationship between agricultural changes and other parts of the economy will be part of this course. Special attention will be paid to agriculture in Kansas and the Great Plains.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 558 - History of Kansas

    Credits: 3

    Land, people, and cultural developments in Kansas, from the earliest written records to the present. Provides the student with an intimate understanding of the state of Kansas.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 559 - History of Aztecs, Inca, and Maya

    Credits: 3

    Introduction to the history of Ancient Mesoamerican and Andean civilizations through a multi-disciplinary approach combining materials from the fields of history, art history, anthropology, and archaeology.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 560 - Latin American Nations

    Credits: 3

    Survey of economic, social, and political developments of the Latin American nations from independence to the present decade with emphasis on Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Chile, and Mexico. Stresses reform and revolution of the last 50 years.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 561 - Colonial Hispanic America

    Credits: 3

    Iberian and indigenous American background, exploration, conquest, settlement, and development of Latin America. Stresses growth of mestizo culture, colonial styles of living, and wars of independence.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 562 - Modern Mexico

    Credits: 3

    Brief survey of lines of national development, 1821-1910, and major emphasis on the twentieth-century revolution and its reforms (1910-1940) as well as its subsequent implications.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 564 - History of Mass Communications in America

    Credits: 3

    Growth and development of media and media technology in the United States and their economic, political, and social significance.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    MC 564

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 565 - History and Culture of Greece

    Credits: 3

    The rise of civilization in the ancient Near East, the migrations of the Greeks and the Heroic Age, the Greek city-states, commerce and colonization, the Persian invasion, Athens’ leadership of Greece, the war between Athens and Sparta, Alexander the Great, and the total Hellenic achievement.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 566 - History and Culture of Rome

    Credits: 3

    Examines the various theories of Rome’s origin, the causes, problems, and influences upon the republican government, political and economic problems of Roman expansion, and the Roman world. Various reforms including those of the Gracchi, Caesar, and Augustus. Contact with Greece and the older areas of civilization. The Roman imperial system, the many causes of Rome’s fall, and Rome’s role as a synthesizer of the ancient classical culture.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 567 - Europe in the Middle Ages

    Credits: 3

    Europe from the fall of the Roman Empire to the thirteenth century. Investigates the conflict and interaction of Roman, Christian, and Germanic ideals and attitudes in the early Middle Ages, and the increasing complexity and sophistication of society, culture, religion, and government of the high Middle Ages.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 568 - The Renaissance

    Credits: 3

    The Italian Renaissance as a major phase in the history of Western civilization and its spread to northern Europe.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 569 - The Reformation

    Credits: 3

    A study of the Protestant, Catholic, and Radical Reformations with special attention to Luther, Calvin, the origins of the Church of England and the Presbyterian Church, the Anabaptists, the Puritans, and Roman Catholic Reform, and the impact of religious developments on the political, economic, social, and intellectual history of the Western world. Covers the period from approximately 1500 to 1660.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 570 - Europe in the Seventeenth Century

    Credits: 3

    Surveys the economic, social, political and intellectual history of western Europe in the seventeenth century, a period marked by economic depression, international conflict, and domestic revolutions as well as by cultural achievement. Emphasizes the complex interaction among social groups; the rise of a European state system; the development of constitutional monarchy in England and absolute monarchy in France; and the change in values generated by the scientific revolution.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, in alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 571 - Eighteenth-Century Europe

    Credits: 3

    Europe from the death of Louis XIV in 1715 to the fall of Napoleon in 1815. The origins and development of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic legacy, also examines reform and counter-revolutionary movements in England, Italy, Russia, Poland, and the Germanies.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, in alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 572 - Nineteenth Century Europe

    Credits: 3

    The history of Europe from the French Revolution to the end of the first World War. Major topics covered will include the rise of conservatism as an ideology and its application in practice, the nature of liberalism and socialism, the impact of science and technology, the origins and course of World War I.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 573 - Twentieth Century Europe

    Credits: 3

    Examines the political, social, and intellectual developments of Europe in the period of the two world wars. Emphasis on the failure of democracy and the rise of competing antidemocratic and nondemocratic mass movements and ideologies. The course will also deal with the attempted system of collective security, its failure, and the origins and course of World War II.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 574 - Europe since World War II

    Credits: 3

    Postwar European society, politics, economy, and culture. The effects of total war on the population; restoration and reconstruction. The influence of the U.S. and U.S.S.R. on Europe. Capitalism, socialism, and communism in technological society. European unity movements and their conflicts with traditional values.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 576 - European International Relations to 1815

    Credits: 3

    The nature, evolution, and function of the diplomatic system for the Ancient World to 1815. Analyzes the Greek and Roman diplomatic tradition, international relations during the Medieval, Renaissance, and Early Modern periods, and the works of various theorists.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 577 - European International Relations Since 1815

    Credits: 3

    The nature, evolution, and functions of the European diplomatic system from 1815 to the present. Focuses on the Vienna settlement, the Eastern Question, the Crimean War, Italian and German unification, origins of World War I, international developments between the two world wars, the cold war, and the post-cold war era. Includes analysis of major theorists.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, in alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 578 - Central Europe, 1500-1914

    Credits: 3

    The diplomatic, military, political, cultural, and social aspects of the Hapsburg empire in Central Europe from its foundation to its dissolution in the twentieth century.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 579 - The British Isles to 1603

    Credits: 3

    English, Scottish, and Irish culture in the medieval and pre-modern periods. Early folk societies, feudalism, the church in society and politics, the origins of representative institutions and the religious reformations are studied topically.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 580 - The British Isles Since 1603

    Credits: 3

    English society and politics in modern times with reference also to Scotland and Ireland. Emphasis on topics such as the three orders of society (king, lords, and commons), the churches and religion, the appearance of parliamentary sovereignty, the industrial revolution, and the extension of democratic institutions.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 582 - Eastern Europe Since 1914

    Credits: 3

    The growth of nationalism, the formation of nation-states after World War I, the devastation of World War II, the establishment of Soviet rule, the dramatic revolutions of 1989, and Yugoslavia’s ethnic wars.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 583 - History of France, 1400-1715

    Credits: 3

    France from the conclusion of the Hundred Years War to the death of Louis XIV. French economy, society, and royal administration, and the changes generated in these areas by significant events: the Reformation and the Wars of Religion; the rise of France to world power; peasant uprisings and constitutional crisis; and the reforms of Richelieu, Colbert, and Louis XIV. Trends in art, architecture, and philosophy.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 584 - France and its Empire, 1815-Present

    Credits: 3

    Emphasis on the development of French democracy and France’s place in the world. Covers the world wars and French imperialism as well as social and gender change in French history.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 585 - Medieval Christianity

    Credits: 3

    A survey of the development of Christianity in western Europe during the Middle Ages (c. 500-1500). Topics include the development of the papacy and the ecclesiastical hierarchy, the role of kings and other rulers, the Crusades, scholasticism, purgatory, penance, monasticism, specific religious orders like the Franciscans, baptism, marriage, asceticism, how medieval Christians read the Bible, saints, the roles of women, and heresy.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 586 - Advanced Seminar in History

    Credits: 3

    An undergraduate seminar that focuses on the intellectual principles of the historical discipline as well as the fundamental research techniques and writing skills used by historians. Each section of the seminar will center on a particular topic or historical problem. The students will prepare a research paper on a relevant subject of their choice.

    All history majors must take this seminar to complete the requirements for their degree.

    Prerequisite: Six hours of History courses at or above the 500 level.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 587 - Nineteenth-Century Imperial Germany

    Credits: 3

    Central Europe in the French Revolutionary era, the revolutions of 1848, German unification, imperial Germany, emphasizing social changes, especially the transition from agrarian to industrial society.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 588 - Nazi Germany and the Holocaust

    Credits: 3

    Examines the political, social, economic, and intellectual developments in Germany from World War I to the end of World War II, including the Nazi ideology and the Holocaust.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 589 - Lost Kansas Communities

    Credits: 3

    Combined lecture-field research course in the history of vanished Kansas towns. Overview of settlement, persistence, and decline. Students also research a lost community of their choosing.

    Open to all majors with no prerequisites, sophomore standing required.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 591 - The Russian Empire

    Credits: 3

    Imperial Russia from the earliest Slavic tribes through 1881, with emphasis on Russia’s heritage as a multi-ethnic state and the phenomenon of Russia’s revolutional intellectuals.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, in alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 592 - Twentieth Century Russia

    Credits: 3

    The turbulent history of modern Russia, including the upheaval of the Russian Revolution and Civil War, Stalin’s transformation of Soviet society, World War II, failed attempts to transform the Soviet system, and the fall of the Soviet Union.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, in alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 593 - The Vietnam War

    Credits: 3

    This course examines the origins, actions, and consequences of the Indochina wars fought by the French, Japanese, and Americans during the last century. Particular emphasis is placed on America’s experience in Southeast Asia. Videos from the PBS series, “Vietnam: A Television History,” are used in the course.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 595 - French Revolution, 1789-1815

    Credits: 3

    The political, economic, cultural, and social development of France from the origins of the Revolution to the Congress of Vienna.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, in alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 597 - Topics in European History

    Credits: 1-3

    Provides instructor and students the opportunity to investigate in detail a particular theme, event, or problem in European history.

    Topics vary. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    In alternate years

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 598 - Topics in Non-Western History

    Credits: 1-3

    Provides instructor and students the opportunity to investigate in detail a particular theme, event, or problem in non-Western history.

    Topics vary. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 650 - Internship in History

    Credits: 3

    Practical professional experience involving at least three weeks in an archive, museum, historical library, or business. Student projects must be approved in advance and a report submitted at the end of the work period.

    May be repeated once for credit.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 703 - Overseas European Studies

    Credits: 2-3

    Short-term, intensive, and in-depth study of various aspects of European history and culture with readings, lectures, discussions, and on-the-spot experiences which will relate historical events to the places visited.

    May be repeated.

    Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing.

    Typically Offered
    Intersession only, in alternate years

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 798 - Readings in History

    Credits: 1-3

    Students will read on a central theme, attend weekly discussions, and write a final report.

    May be repeated.

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HIST 799 - Problems in History

    Credits: 1-18

    Intensive study of a particular phase of history. Students will attend weekly discussions and write a major research paper on their findings.

    May be repeated.

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 101 - Freshman Seminar in Hospitality Management

    Credits: 1

    A general orientation to the university, college, and department. Students will develop an understanding of Strengths Quest, academic career planning, the enrollment process, basic interviewing skills, resume development, and other issues as they apply to students in the hospitality management program.

    Prerequisite: Hospitality Management majors only.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 120 - Introduction to the Hospitality Industry

    Credits: 3

    Overview of the hospitality industry. Survey of the history, scope, trends, and career opportunities that comprise the segments of the industry.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Historical Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 205 - Food Safety and Protection in Hospitality Operations

    Credits: 1

    Overview of environmental issues that impact the hospitality industry. Includes: food safety principles and applications, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems, and governmental regulations in the hospitality industry. Successful completion of the ServSafe Food Protection Manager Exam is required of all students in the course.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 220 - Environmental Issues in Hospitality

    Credits: 3

    Overview of environmental issues that impact the hospitality industry. Includes: food safety principles and applications, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems, conservation of natural resources, solid waste management, air quality, and governmental regulations in the hospitality industry.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 230 - Issues in Tourism

    Credits: 3

    An overview of the history and implications of travel and tourism focusing on the understanding of tourism from the perspectives of travelers and communities, while identifying tourism’s economic, socio-cultural, and environmental impacts.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 275 - Hospitality Work Experience I

    Credits: 1

    Planned experience in a hospitality operation; minimum of 200 hours exclusive of course work.

    Prerequisite: Consent of Advisor.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 301 - Junior Seminar in Hospitality Management

    Credits: 1

    This seminar course will emphasize and reinforce important job searching skills including resume writing, interviewing techniques, job searches, communicating with employers before and after interviews, and social media management. This course will also introduce and emphasize critical thinking, research, and presentation skills that are needed for special projects in hospitality firms. After successfully completing the course, student will be able to search and secure an internship/professional position and to design, execute, and present a job related project in a hospitality firm.

    Prerequisite: STAT 350; HM 101; Junior Standing.
    Co-requisite: HM 375

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 331 - Professional Club Management

    Credits: 3

    Exploration of topics involved in club management. Topics discussed are history and current trends of public and private clubs, food and beverage service, marketing, and event and financial management.

    Prerequisite: HM 120.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 341 - Principles of Food Production Management

    Credits: 3

    Basic principles and theories of foodservice systems; menu planning; development, standardization, adjustment, and costing of quantity recipes; procurement and production of quality food; foodservice computer applications.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 351 - Commercial Food Production Management

    Credits: 3

    Applications of principles of commercial food production and hospitality service management systems, including procurement, production, and service in a commercial foodservice system; quality and cost controls, employee performance evaluation, process improvement (i.e., work simplification, motion economy), and commercial foodservice equipment operation in the program’s commercial foodservice facility. 

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 361 - Introduction to Hotel Operations

    Credits: 3

    The development of the lodging industry and current trends. Organization and administration of hotel operations including front desk, housekeeping, laundry, sales/marketing, management, and other positions common to hotel operations.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 362 - Lodging Practicum

    Credits: 1

    Supervised experiences in the operational areas of a lodging property.

    Prerequisite: HM 361 or concurrent enrollment.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 363 - Introduction to Business Events

    Credits: 3

    This course introduces students to the key players and potential careers in the meeting and event industry. Students will explore various perspectives and responsibilities of event planners. Additionally, basic core concepts essential for planning a meeting will be discussed.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 370 - The Business of Wedding Consulting

    Credits: 3

    This course will introduce the student to the competencies required to become a professional wedding consultant. Students will analyze essential services that provide the necessary infrastructure for a wedding event and will examine the business, creative, and practical aspects of coordinating the wedding environment.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 375 - Hospitality Work Experience II

    Credits: 1

    A 300-hour planned experience that combines observation, and employment within a hospitality operation. Must be completed in the student’s declared track.

    Prerequisite: HM 275; Consent of academic advisor.
    Co-requisite: HM 341, HM 361, or HM 363.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 421 - Hospitality Service Systems

    Credits: 3

    Examination of the complexities of leading quality and service within all segments of the hospitality industry. A focus on developing leadership, problem solving and process management skills, work methods, team development, and evaluation of service systems.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 422 - Cost Controls in Hospitality Operations

    Credits: 3

    Application of accounting principles to analyze control measures used in lodging meeting/conventions/events, and commercial and noncommercial foodservice operations. Includes managerial, financial, and ethical considerations associated with procurement and human resources.

    Prerequisite: ACCTG 231; HM 341.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 423 - Facility Management

    Credits: 3

    Evaluation and selection of equipment, maintenance contracts, layout, design, sustainability of hospitality operations, facility renovation, and selection of consultants. Assessment of safety and security measures and development of risk management programs to increase guest/customer safety.

    Prerequisite: HM 375

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 424 - Hospitality Sales and Promotion

    Credits: 3

    This course guides the student to explore and understand successful sales and sales management behaviors in the hospitality industry. This course will focus on relational selling and include both asking for sales and being a hotel sales manager. Students will develop a comprehension in selling approaches, conversations and presentations, and sales management techniques. Course topics will include hotel sales structures, duties and responsibilities, sales forms, relationships, prospecting, sales call planning, communicating the message, closing the sale, as well as how to motivate, compensate and train sales people specific to the hospitality industry.

    Prerequisite: MKTG 400.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 426 - Fundraising and Nonprofit Events

    Credits: 3

    This course introduces students to the basics of fundraising and nonprofit events.  Students will gain an understanding of the similarities and differences across nonprofit events and the key elements that make them successful. Students will build and develop a plan for all facets of fundraising or nonprofit events.

    Prerequisite: HM 363

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 427 - Travel and Dining Auction Event Management

    Credits: 3

    Application of event planning principles by analyzing previous travel and dining auctions, managing and executing the current year’s travel and dining auction, and evaluating the results.

    Prerequisite: HM 426; instructor’s permission required.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 430 - Study Abroad Experience in Hospitality Management

    Credits: 1-3

    A Faculty-led Study Abroad Experience in Hospitality Management.


    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 440 - Beverage Management

    Credits: 3

    The study of historic, social, ethical, physiological, and legal issues relating to alcoholic beverage service and use in contemporary America with emphasis on responsible and knowledgeable service of beer, wine, and spirits in hospitality operations. Course will include beverage tasting and sensory analysis of products commonly served in the beverage industry. Must be 21 years of age to enroll in the course.

    100% Lecture and 50% Lab.

    Prerequisite: PSYCH 110 or SOCIO 211; 21 years of age or older

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 442 - Introduction to Wines

    Credits: 1

    Overview of wine varietals and major wine regions of the world, tasting and identifying wine varietals based on their specific characteristics, proper purchasing and service of wines, and using wines to complement foods.

    Prerequisite: 21 years of age.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 462 - Advanced Wines

    Credits: 1

    An in-depth look at specific wine producing regions and sub-regions, a critical view of wines that define these regions, and preparation for service of wine in the hospitality industry.

    Prerequisite: HM 440 or HM 442, and 21 years of age or older.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 463 - Business Event Coordination

    Credits: 3

    In this course, students will plan a theoretical event from start to completion and learn details pertinent to the organization and execution of a business meeting. Topics include objectives, timelines, finance and contracts, site selection, program development, marketing, and evaluation.

    Prerequisite: HM 363

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 464 - Revenue Management

    Credits: 3

    Analysis and interpretation of key lodging statistics including occupancy percentage, average daily rate (ADR), revenue per available room (REVPAR), customer profiles, etc. Overview of forecasting methods and pricing and distribution channel strategies. Emphasis on concepts and practices of revenue management in the hotel/lodging industry.

    Prerequisite: HM 361, Junior standing.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 465 - Catering and Banquet Management

    Credits: 3

    Application and principles of catering management, including off-site and on-site functions. Organizational, logistical, aesthetic, and marketing aspects of the catering industry will be utilized and applied.

    Typically Offered

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 475 - Internship in the Hospitality Management

    Credits: 3

    Planned and supervised experience in a foodservice or hospitality operation; minimum of 400 hours.

    Prerequisite: For HM majors and minors only: junior standing, HM 275, HM 375, and HM 421; consent of instructor.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 482 - Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Industry

    Credits: 3

    This course will focus on the role of the hospitality manager as facilitator, trainer, and motivator of employees. High quality employees are vital for success in any organization, and the goal of this course is to provide you with the tools for successfully managing employees to enhance individual and organizational performance. Special attention is given to the unique problems associated with hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality businesses. Upon completion of this course, you should be able to design and implement the most effective methods for attracting, selecting, developing, motivating, and retaining quality employees to promote a competitive advantage for the hospitality organization.

    Prerequisite: HM 375.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 499 - Problems in Hospitality Management

    Credits: 1-18

    Independent study under the supervision of a faculty member.

    May be repeated.

    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 621 - Hospitality Law

    Credits: 3

    Legal aspects of managing hospitality operations and responsibilities for the operations, patron civil rights, governmental regulations, franchising, and commercial transactions.

    Prerequisite: HM 475.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 624 - Procurement in the Hospitality Industry

    Credits: 2

    Principles and theories of procurement of food and supplies for hospitality operations. Includes management, financial, safety, and ethical considerations in the procurement process.

    Prerequisite: HM 342.

    Typically Offered
    On demand

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 640 - Entrepreneurship in Hospitality Management

    Credits: 3

    Development and management of small businesses or private practice within the hospitality industry. Business plan development, marketing, cost considerations. Overview of consulting to healthcare and hospitality operations and examination of skills required for success.

    Prerequisite: ACCTG 231.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, even years

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 662 - Foodservice Systems Management

    Credits: 3

    A capstone course in foodservice management that focuses on the management, analysis, and evaluation of food and beverage systems. Emphasis on planning, coordinating, and improving commercial and noncommercial operations. Development of analytical and decision-making skills for solving managerial and operational problems.

    Prerequisite: HM 351, HM 375.

    Recommended prerequisite: HM 422 and HM 475.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 663 - Business Event Management

    Credits: 3

    A capstone course in meeting and event management. This course will provide students with an opportunity to integrate knowledge, concepts and capacities from different parts of their learning experiences into real-world event planning experiences. This course will enable students to plan an event from initial conception to final evaluation.

    Prerequisite: Senior Standing.

    Recommended prerequisite: HM 475

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 664 - Advanced Hotel Operations

    Credits: 3

    This senior-level course provides students the opportunity to utilize a strategic management process as a decision-making tool that integrates marketing, human resources, operations, and financial performance measures. This is a computer simulation class, where teams will compete with each other in real-time to understand and evaluate the market dynamics of a competitive set of hotels.

    Prerequisite: HM 464, Senior Standing.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 665 - Casino Management

    Credits: 3

    Investigation of the histories and overall operations of casino properties and their impacts on the foodservice and hospitality industry from the social, economic, political and environmental perspectives.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing, 60 credit hours or more.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 705 - Information Technology Systems in Hospitality Operations

    Credits: 3

    Review of computer development in foodservice and hospitality operations; development of criteria for implementation of a computer system; analysis of foodservice and hospitality hardware and software.

    Prerequisite: CIS 101; and HM 480 or 560 or MANGT 420.

    Typically Offered
    Summer, in alternate years

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 710 - Readings in Hospitality Administration

    Credits: 1-3

    Directed study of current literature in hospitality management and related areas.

    May be repeated.

    Prerequisite: HM 480 or 560 or MANGT 420.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 720 - Administration of Health Care Organizations

    Credits: 3

    Comprehensive review of current health care institutions and their response to the economic, social/ethical, political/legal, technological, and ecological environments.

    Three hours lecture.

    Typically Offered

    MPH 720

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HM 785 - Practicum in Hospitality Management

    Credits: 1-6

    Professional experiences in approved foodservice organization as a member of the management team under faculty supervision.

    May be repeated.

    Prerequisite or concurrent: HM 342; and HM 480 or 560 or MANGT 420.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 190 - Preparing for Your Horticulture Career

    Credits: 1

    This course is designed to assist students in their personal and professional development. Specifically, students will gain an appreciation for the significance of the horticultural industry while acquiring various skills necessary for a rewarding internship experience and their future professional career. Students will also develop an understanding, awareness and empathy of human diversity as it relates to each individual and the world around them.

    One hour lecture per week.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 201 - Principles of Horticultural Science

    Credits: 4

    The basic principles of plant science and the environment that apply to horticulture; survey of the industry; plant taxonomy, anatomy, morphology, and physiology; environment and plant growth; plant propagation, pest management, plant breeding.

    Three hours lecture and two hours lab a week.

    Recommended prerequisite: High school biology/botany or concurrent enrollment in BIOL 198.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Natural and Physical Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 210 - Concepts of Floral Design

    Credits: 3

    An introduction to the use of flowers and related products with emphasis on fundamentals of design.

    Two hours recitation and three hours studio a week. For majors or non-majors.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 235 - Introduction to the Horticultural Therapy Profession

    Credits: 3

    This course will consist of a practical exploration of the field of horticultural therapy services in various settings. Students will learn about major job duties such as facilitation techniques, programs, clients, staff, budgets, facilities, and equipment and the variety of populations with which professional horticultural therapists work.

    Two hours lecture and one hour recitation a week.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 256 - Human Dimensions of Horticulture

    Credits: 3

    Introduction to horticulture applied in schools, psychiatric and medical hospitals, corrections, vocational rehabilitation centers, elderly programs, and consumer horticulture settings. Networking the art and science of horticulture with architecture, business, social sciences, health care, horticulture, and education.

    Two hours lecture and one hour recitation a week.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 275 - Horticultural Design I

    Credits: 3

    Introduction to the landscape design process including historical perspectives and contemporary issues; development of planning, graphical presentation, and communication skills; and application of design principles to horticultural garden design.

    Two hours recitation and two hours studio per week.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8
    Aesthetic Interpretation
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 301 - Horticulture Practicum

    Credits: 1-3

    Experiential approach to learning horticulture through teaching. Students will assist faculty with specific horticulture courses. 

    No more than 3 credits may be used as horticulture specialization electives nor may it substitute for a required horticulture course in the horticulture or horticultural therapy curricula.

    Prerequisite: HORT 201, junior standing, and successful completion of practicum assistance course with at least a C.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 325 - Introduction to Organic Farming

    Credits: 2

    This class will cover the history of organic farming principles, practices, and policies. USDA standards will be compared to similar standards in other countries, and to “green labels” that compete with organic products in the marketplace. Industry trends as well as the basics of how to certify farms and food processors will be included.

    One hour lecture and two hours lab a week.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, even years

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • HORT 350 - Plant Propagation

    Credits: 3

    Designed to develop proficiency in various skills and techniques necessary for propagation of horticultural plants. Basic fundamentals of seed structure and vegetative makeup of plants are emphasized.

    Two hours recitation and two hours lab a week.

    Prerequisite: BIOL 198. Recommended prerequisite: HORT 201.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search


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