Jul 01, 2024  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


  • EDACE 765 - Adult Learners and Integrating Technology into Curriculum

    Credits: 3

    This course includes an in-depth study of methods for integrating innovative technologies into the curriculum for adult learners. With an indepth understanding of adult learners, students will analyze learning theories and appropriate technologies for revlevance, effectiveness, and alignment with course curriculum.

    Recommended prerequisite: EDACE 790.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDACE 775 - Readings in Adult Learning and Leadership

    Credits: 1-3

    Readings in research and application in specialized areas in education.


    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDACE 780 - Introduction to Adult Learning and Leadership

    Credits: 3

    A survey of adult learning and leadership field. Consideration given to articulation with other levels of education. Identification of changing needs within the field are reviewed.

    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDACE 782 - Educational Gerontology

    Credits: 3

    For both the practitioner and those interested in educational gerontology as a field of inquiry. It will examine education for and about aging, with particular reference to the role, needs, and ability of persons in the later years as learners.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDACE 785 - Designing Classroom Instruction and Curriculum for Adult Learners

    Credits: 3

    This course focuses on the systematic approach to instructional design for adult learners. A comprehensive discussion of all major components of curriculum design from instructional objectives, course sequencing, instructional strategies, formative assessments and summative evaluations will be included. A major focus will also be on transfer of learning.

    Recommended prerequisites: EDACE 765 and EDACE 790.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDACE 786 - Topics in Adult Learning and Leadership

    Credits: 1-3

    Examination of current topic in area of specialization of faculty.

    Repeatable. Varied topics offered each semester.

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDACE 790 - Characteristics of the Adult Learner

    Credits: 3

    For teachers and administrators in adult and occupational programs who need a familiarity with the major characteristics of adulthood which affect the adult as a learner.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDACE 792 - Hospital and Industry Adult Learning and Leadership

    Credits: 3

    An introduction to principles, roles, organization, procedures, and problems of adult learning and leadership in hospitals, industry, and related agencies.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDACE 795 - Problems in Adult Learning and Leadership

    Credits: 1-18

    Independent study of specific problems in the areas of adult learning and leadership.


    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 103 - Healthful and Safe College Life

    Credits: 3

    Addresses pertinent health education topics that impact college students and explores the effect of lifestyle choices on academic achievement. Topics include sexual health, mental health, nutrition and fitness, alcohol/drugs/tobacco, injury and illness prevention education.

    Not intended to replace the HN 352 Personal Wellness course when required in a curriculum.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 109 - Supplemental Instruction

    Credits: 1

    Peer-facilitated supplemental instruction that supports learning in affiliated course. Practice and development of study skills, learning strategies, and specific learning goals.

    Repeat for Credit
    Repeatable for a maximum of two credit hours.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 110 - Study Skills and Strategies

    Credits: 1-3

    Assists first-year students in developing effective study skills, collaboration skills, and multicultural competencies. Prepares students for the independent learning and decision-making skills needed for their sophomore year and beyond.

    Repeatable. Recitation.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 111 - The University Experience

    Credits: 1-2

    Introduction to the university experience through participation interactive seminar classes and co-curricular events. Study of topics such as academic skills, including communication and critical thinking, time management, academic and career planning and goal setting, and community building.


    Prerequisite: New students or instructor consent.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 120 - Academic and Career Decisions

    Credits: 1

    Addresses general principles of academic and career choice through lectures, class discussions, and individual research. Topics include decision-making models and principles; exploration of interests, abilities, and values through career assessments; and academic and career investigation using interactive software, library materials, online resources, and experiential learning opportunities.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 160 - Development and Integrity

    Credits: 1

    Provides a general overview of ethics and ethical decision making in academia and professional life.  It is designed to help students better understand issues about academic misconduct, as well as several approaches to thinking about and resolving ethical dilemmas.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 202 - Career and Life Planning

    Credits: 2

    Applies theory research concerning assessment interest and career choice-making to individual’s planning and decision-making. Focuses on increasing understanding of the complexities of the world of work and on skills of integrating such understanding with each person’s planning experience, characteristics, motives, and values in the career exploration process. Reviews resume writing, interviewing skills, and job search techniques.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 211 - Leadership Training Seminar

    Credits: 2

    General principles of leadership as applied to small groups. Study of the role of the leader, group processes and interaction, defining group goals, and techniques of observation. Workshop and supervision in small group leadership.

    Offered only at the Manhattan campus.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing and consent of instructor.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 311 - Interaction and Guidance for the Paraprofessional

    Credits: 3

    Application of a systematic approach to interaction skills in a paraprofessional helping relationship. Includes background knowledge of listening skills and practice in emitting skills which influence interaction quality.


    Prerequisite: Junior standing or sophomore standing and consent of instructor.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 315 - Educational Psychology

    Credits: 3

    The application of psychological principles to the teaching-learning process with special emphasis on principles of learning, motivation, information processing, individual differences, and assessment.

    Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education, and FSHS 110.

    Elementary students must take this course concurrent with EDCI 318, EDSP 324, and EDEL 320.

    Secondary education students must take this course concurrent with EDSP 323 and EDSEC 376.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 360 - Peer Health Education and Leadership

    Credits: 3

    This course is intended as an academic exploration of social health and wellness concerns pertinent to the college student population. Using the principles of public health, peer educators will explore the importance of health-promoting behaviors in the prevention of disease. Students will examine social factors that may influence behaviors between their peers and obtain background knowledge in listening and communication skills.

    Prerequisite: WellCAT Ambassadors Application and Informational Interview is required to enroll.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Social Sciences
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 502 - Independent Study in Counseling and Educational Psychology

    Credits: 1-3

    Selected topics in professional education.


    Maximum of three hours applicable toward degree requirements.

    Prerequisite: Consent of department chair.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 525 - Interpersonal Relations in the Schools

    Credits: 1

    A didactic and experiential course designed to develop an understanding of human relations skills in the schools. Provides knowledge and skills necessary to work effectively with students, parents, and school personnel. Particular emphasis is on the basis for interpersonal relations in education, communication skills, the facilitative relationship, working with students in groups, and conducting meetings with parents and school personnel.

    Prerequisite: EDSEC 376, EDSP 323, EDCEP 315. Concurrent enrollment required for EDSEC 455, 477.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Social Sciences

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 711 - Middle School Classroom Guidance

    Credits: 3

    Techniques of integrating guidance principles for pre- and early teens into a middle school concept; investigation of classroom dynamics for middle school teachers as members of the guidance team; involvement of teachers in model guidance programs.

    Prerequisite: EDCEP 315.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 715 - Principles of Assessment

    Credits: 3

    Principles of development, administration, evaluation, and constructive instructional use of paper-pencil, product, and performance assessments. Focus on norm-and criterion-referenced uses of teacher-made and published measures as an integral part of effective decision making in education.

    Prerequisite: EDCEP 315.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 725 - The Teacher and Child Abuse

    Credits: 3

    An exploration of child abuse and neglect with specific references to legal and moral responsibilities of teaching. Suggestions for detection, reporting, and responsive instruction for suspected cases of child abuse and neglect.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 737 - Drug Abuse Education

    Credits: 3

    Emphasis on the development of effective drug abuse education programs with attention given to the role delineation for schools and teachers. Materials and procedures for developing values and attitudes in an education setting.

    Typically Offered
    Summer, in alternate years

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 752 - College Student Athletes

    Credits: 3

    Study of college student athletes. Topics include the role of intercollegiate athletics, pressures and challenges on student athletes, student development theory, life skills programming, National Collegiate Athletic Association policy, diversity, and gender issues.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 761 - Intercollegiate Athletics and the College Student Athlete

    Credits: 3

    Examines policies and procedures of the NCAA, roles and responsibilities within a department of intercollegiate athletics. Topics include marketing, fundraising, external relations, sports information, coaching, academic support, among others.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 775 - Readings in Counseling and Educational Psychology

    Credits: 1-3

    Readings in research and application in specialized areas in education.


    Prerequisite: FSHS 110.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 786 - Topics in Counseling and Educational Psychology

    Credits: 1-3

    Examination of current topic in specialization of faculty.

    Repeatable. Varied topics offered each semester.

    Prerequisite: FSHS 110.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCEP 795 - Problems in Counseling and Educational Psychology

    Credits: 1-18

    Selected students are permitted to secure specialized training appropriate to the needs of the individual.  The student’s project may involve intensive library investigation in a special field or the collection and analysis of data pertinent to a given problem.  All work is done independently under the direction of a faculty member.  As many conferences are held as necessary to assure successful completion of a project.


    Prerequisite: Background of courses necessary for the problem undertaken and consent of instructor.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 200 - Teaching as a Career

    Credits: 1

    Examines the roles, responsibilities, and dispositions of effective teachers; characteristics of the teaching/learning environment; the design of K-State’s teacher education program; ways teachers change during their careers; and self-assessment about the commitment to teaching and preferences to grade levels or subject areas. An overview of the teacher education program is provided, the unit’s conceptual framework is discussed, and the portfolio requirements are initiated. The skills of reflection and the dimensions of caring and ethical practice are introduced.

    Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment required in EDEL 230 and sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 230 - Early Field Experience

    Credits: 1

    Includes 40 hours of supervised field experiences examining selected aspects of teaching and the learning environment, including students and learning, content and pedagogy, planning, instruction, and professionalism. Requires written reports, analyses, and reflections for each weekly school visit.

    Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in EDEL 200 and sophomore standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 300 - Principles of Coaching

    Credits: 3

    Physiological, psychological, and kinesiological principles of coaching. Topics include training and conditioning, motivation, psychological factors affecting sport skill in performance, and mechanical principles underlying sport performance.

    Not for kinesiology majors.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 310 - Foundations of Education

    Credits: 3

    Examines the historical, political, philosophical, and sociological foundations of education in the United States including the evolution of career and technical education and changing demographics; ethical and legal issues; governance and financial support; and contemporary curriculum issues. Includes critical thinking and reflective decision making about educational issues.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Historical Perspectives
    Human Diversity within the U.S.

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 311 - Current Issues in Education: Global Perspective

    Credits: 3

    Examines current issues in K-12 education from a global perspective. Introduction to the concept of global education and explore values, beliefs, behaviors, policies and customs from around the World.

    Prerequisite: EDCI 310 Foundations of Ed, OR Equivalent.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8
    Global Issues and Perspectives

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 318 - Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning

    Credits: 1

    Introduces pre-service teachers to the use of contemporary instructional technologies to enhance instruction and to facilitate professional productivity. Attention is given to issues of access and diversity.

    Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 320 - Core Teaching Skills and Lab

    Credits: 3

    Examines instructional planning, differentiating instruction, direct and indirect instructional strategies, strategies to promote student understanding, managing lesson delivery, classroom management, assessing student performance, and working with colleagues and parents.

    Includes a lab session each week for detailed analysis of the issues and skill building.

    Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education. Concurrent enrollment in EDCI 318, EDCEP 315, and EDSP 324.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8
    Ethical Reasoning and Responsibility

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 400 - New Literacies in Contemporary Classrooms

    Credits: 3

    This course introduces general concepts of new literacies (i.e., the skills, strategies and dispositions needed to adapt to constantly changing information and communication technologies) along with innovative approaches to literacy instruction. In particular, the course will focus on the use of digital tools and multimodal texts to support reading comprehension, written and oral communication, visual literacy, global competence, and creative thinking/ problem solving in K-6 classrooms. 

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 505 - Introduction to Online Teaching and Learning

    Credits: 3

    Provides an overview of the history, current status, and anticipated future directions of online teaching and learning (OTL). Examines the impact of OTL within K-12 contexts.

    Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education or valid K-12 teaching license.

    Typically Offered
    Summer, Intersessions

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 506 - Online Instructional Design and Development I

    Credits: 3

    This course introduces participants to key instructional systems design approaches to design and prototype online lessons for diverse learners and contexts, and technology tools to develop and implement these lessons.

    Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education or valid K-12 teaching license; EDCI 505.

    Typically Offered
    Summer, Intersessions

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 507 - Online Instructional Design and Development II

    Credits: 3

    Participants develop online teaching and learning modules employing a variety of technology tools.

    Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education or valid K-12 teaching license; EDCI 505; EDCI 506.

    Typically Offered
    Summer, Intersessions

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 508 - Online Teaching and Learning Practicum

    Credits: 3

    Participants create a full-fledged, multi-module online course that is ready to implement in a real-life instructional setting related to their current or prospective work contexts.

    Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education or valid K-12 teaching license; EDCI 505; EDCI 506; EDCI 507.

    Typically Offered
    Summer, Intersessions

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 550 - Schooling and Popular Culture

    Credits: 3

    An examination of the symbiotic relationship of American public schools and American popular culture.  The course will consider how schools are reflected in the popular culture and how the representation of schooling in popular culture affects public opinion, public policy, and schools themselves. 

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 580 - Internship in Educational Studies

    Credits: 6-9

    The internship is the culminating experience for theBachelor of Science degree in Educational Studies (B.S.E.S.).  Depending upon student academic and career interests, and in consultation with the program advisor and the faculty advisory committee, the student will receive a placement in an appropriate public or private site to serve a professional internship.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 588 - Supervised Practicum for Athletic Coaches

    Credits: 3

    Observation and coaching participation under the direction of selected coaches in public school, club, city recreation, or other nonpublic school sport settings.

    Repeat for Credit

    Prerequisite: EDCI 300.
    Co-Requisite: EDCI 301, FNDH 320.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 700 - Introduction to Bilingual/ESL Education

    Credits: 3

    This course focuses on the history and foundations of bilingual education, as well as an in-depth examination of contemporary programming models and trends in bilingual education. The dynamics of bilingualism at the individual, system, and societal levels will also be an emphasis of study.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 701 - Administration and Supervision of Vocational Education

    Credits: 2-3

    Emphasis on the duties and responsibilities of administrative and supervisory personnel responsible for the promotion, development, and coordination of comprehensive vocational-technical education programs at the local level.

    Prerequisite: Teaching experience.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, Summer, on sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 702 - Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

    Credits: 3

    Develops core concepts and skills necessary for effective teaching in elementary and secondary schools. The course examines curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment techniques.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 703 - Math Methods and Practicum for Teaching and Learning

    Credits: 3

    Principles of teaching applied to mathematics instruction in the secondary and middle school including: motivation, organization of subject matter, lesson/unit planning, assessment and reporting, organization and management of the classroom, and methodology and materials of the secondary and middle schools.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 704 - Science Methods and Practicum for Teaching and Learning

    Credits: 3

    This course addresses principles of teaching applied to science instruction in the secondary school. These principles include: motivation, organization of subject matter, lesson planning for direct, inquiry, and social/personal instructional emphases; assessment, meeting the needs of individual students; organization and management of the classroom; and methodology and materials of the secondary school science curriculum.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 705 - MAT Social Studies Methods

    Credits: 3

    Principles of teaching applied to social studies instruction in the secondary and middle schools including: motivation, organization of subject matter, lesson/unit planning, assessment and reporting, organization and management of the classroom, and methodology and materials of the secondary and middle schools.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 706 - English, Speech/Theater, and Journalism Methods ad Practicum for Teaching and Learning

    Credits: 3

    Principles of teaching applied to language arts instruction in the secondary and middle schools including: motivation, organization of subject matter, lesson/unit planning, assessment and reporting, organization and management of the classroom, and methodology and materials of the secondary and middle schools.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 707 - FACS Methods and Practicum for Teaching and Learning

    Credits: 3

    This course focuses on the principles of teaching applied to Family and Consumer Sciences instruction; organization of subject matter, unit and lesson planning, evaluation and assessment, classroom management, motivation, learning styles, methodology and materials related to teaching Family and Consumer Sciences in the middle school and secondary classroom.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 708 - Business Methods and Practicum for Teaching and Learning

    Credits: 3

    Principles of teaching applied to business education instruction in the secondary and middle schools including:  motivation, organization of subject matter, lesson/unit planning, assessment and reporting, organization and management of the classroom, and methodology and materials of the secondary and middle schools.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 709 - Agricultural Education Methods and Practicum for Teaching and Learning

    Credits: 3

    Principles of teaching applied to agriculture education instruction in the secondary and middle schools including:  motivation, organization of subject matter, lesson/unit planning, assessment and reporting, organization and management of the classroom, and methodology and materials of the secondary and middle schools.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 710 - Social Foundations of K-12 Education

    Credits: 3

    Examines the historical, political, philosophical, economic, legal, and sociological intersections of public education in the United States of America; emphasizes freedom, democracy, truth, power, and choice as core concepts of social change and social justice.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 711 - Art Methods and Practicum for Teaching and Learning

    Credits: 3

    Principles of teaching applied to art instruction in the secondary and middle schools including: motivation, organization of subject matter, lesson/unit planning, assessment and reporting, organization and management of the classroom, and methodology and materials of the secondary and middle schools. Field-based experience to help the pre-professional teacher practice the incorporation of art with reading methods and demonstrate application of technology into teaching and assessment in the secondary and middle schools.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 712 - MAT Foreign Language Methods

    Credits: 3

    Principles of teaching applied to modern language instruction in the secondary and middle schools including:  motivation, organization of subject matter, lesson/unit planning, assessment and reporting, organization and management of the classroom, and methodology and materials of the secondary and middle schools.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 713 - Occupational Analysis

    Credits: 2-3

    An introduction to various techniques used in analyzing occupations and jobs. Emphasis on developing and organizing related instructional materials and content.

    Prerequisite: Prior or concurrent enrollment in EDSEC 620.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 714 - Reading and the Bilingual Child

    Credits: 3

    The course will focus on appropriate instructional literacy and reading skill development among second language learners. A particular emphasis will be the development of literacy skills among students whose dominant language is other than English.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing/target language proficiency.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 715 - Literacy and Diverse Learners in the Content Areas

    Credits: 3

    An examination of contemporary literacy and diverse learners in the secondary school content areas in light of learning theory and adolescents’ stages of development.

    Course is designed for classroom middle level and secondary teachers.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 716 - Teaching Diverse Learners

    Credits: 3

    Examines teaching in a culturally diverse society. Emphasizes historically underrepresented students, culturally and linguistically diverse learners, abilities, exceptionalities, gender, religion, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation and preference. Additionally, this course explores environments that are healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging for all students.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 718 - Introduction to Educational Technology

    Credits: 3

    This course examines the roles that technology, teachers, and learners may take in any educational context: ways of integrating technology into teaching and learning; and issues involved in using technology in K-12 settings.

    Course is offered on the Web.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 720 - ESL/Dual Language Methods

    Credits: 3

    An exploration of contemporary approaches, methods, and strategies for the appropriate instruction of second language learners. Also provided is a foundational perspective on ESL/Dual Language approaches, including the communicative, cognitive, and grammatical.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 721 - Learning Strategies and Study Skills

    Credits: 3

    An exploration of research-based strategies for empowering learners and connecting contemporary youth with the skills needed to develop mental stamina and engage in cross-disciplinary academic tasks.

    Prerequisite: Senior standing or greater.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 723 - Computer Applications in Subject Areas

    Credits: 1-3

    Theory and practice of using computer software to enhance teaching and learning in specific subject areas. Subjects covered will vary.

    Repeatable for credit in different subject areas.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 724 - Fundamentals of Teaching Music

    Credits: 1

    Techniques, materials, and experiences for a variety of music classes will be examined through discovery. Furthermore, lesson plan development, writing, and implementation will be examined in detail.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 725 - Music Methods for Elementary Schools

    Credits: 1

    The study of the musical characteristics of children and development of appropriate curriculum, instructional materials and techniques, and related technology for teaching musical understanding, literacy, multicultural connections, and creative improvisation in grades K-6 instrumental, vocal, and general music.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 726 - Music Program in Middle and Secondary Schools

    Credits: 1

    Organization and administration of the comprehensive music program in middle and secondary high schools; including the study of vocal and instrumental ensemble development, as well as techniques, materials and appropriate instructional technologies.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 727 - Advanced Methods in Music Education

    Credits: 1

    Advanced instructional methods and technologies related to the teaching of music in grades preK-12 implemented through field experiences.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 729 - Middle-Level Mathematics for Teachers

    Credits: 3

    This course reviews math concepts, problems and applications to help prepare teachers to pass the Middle School Mathematics Praxis Exam. The course helps teachers gain pedagogical content knowledge in relation to teaching mathematics.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 730 - Education of the Disadvantaged

    Credits: 3

    Consideration of the life-space of the disadvantaged learner and its relationship to curriculum, organization, and interpersonal relationships in schools. The development of realistic, relevant goals for the teacher of the disadvantaged.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 731 - ESL/Dual Language Linguistics

    Credits: 3

    Explores the theoretical underpinnings of language acquisition and linguistics that educators need to understand, in order to better plan appropriately adapted curriculum and instruction for second language learners. The course encompasses problematic aspects of English language learning, the ways in which languages may differ, and certain universal aspects of languages.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 732 - Practicum in Career Education

    Credits: 1-6

    Related occupational or professional experiences in approved industry, school, Cooperative Extension Service, or similar agency setting under faculty supervision.


    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 733 - Curriculum Materials for Ethnic Diversity

    Credits: 3

    An examination and analysis of recent materials and practices of schools serving multiethnic student bodies, particularly minorities from disadvantaged backgrounds. Materials include any items used by the school in implementing the curriculum.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 735 - Gender Implications for Education

    Credits: 3

    Implications of the research based on sex-role stereotyping in educational institutions. Examination of resource materials, teaching strategies, and policies intended to facilitate non-sexist educational environments.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 737 - Practicum in Business and Office Occupations

    Credits: 1-6

    Related occupational or professional experiences in approved industry, school, Cooperative Extension Service, or similar agency setting under faculty supervision.


    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 739 - Coordination of Cooperative Vocational Education

    Credits: 2-3

    Emphasis on legal aspects and other minimum requirements essential to conducting cooperative vocational education programs at the secondary and postsecondary levels.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 740 - Culture and Language in Classroom Practice

    Credits: 3

    Examines ways teachers can address diversity in their classrooms with attention to issues such as critical reflection on practice; effective collaboration with families; diversification of the learning environment; use and adaptation of the grade-level curriculum; the differentiation of classroom instruction for cultural and linguistic diversity; and advocacy skill development.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 742 - ESL/Dual Language Assessment

    Credits: 3

    An in-depth examination of key issues/challenges in the appropriate language assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse students. Among focal topics in theory, research and practice discussed will be: pre-and post-instructional assessment, authentic and alternative assessment, language testing and placement for programming in ESL/Dual language classrooms.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 745 - ESL/Dual Language Elementary Practicum

    Credits: 3

    The practicum is a portfolio-based experience providing the student with application experiences in ESL/Dual Language methods, assessment, and multicultural competence as well as the opportunity to demonstrate understanding of second language acquisition. Students will be required to spend 60 hours in a school setting where they can practice and implement ESL/BE lessons/methodology.


    Prerequisite: EDCI 720, 731, 742, and 733 or 740.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 746 - ESL/Dual Language Secondary Practicum

    Credits: 3

    The practicum is a portfolio-based experience providing the student with application experiences in ESL/Dual Language methods, assessment, and multicultural competence as well as the opportunity to demonstrate understanding of second language acquisition. Students will be required to spend 60 hours in a school setting where they can practice and implement ESL/BE lessons/methodology.


    Prerequisite: EDCI 720, 731, 742, and 733 or 740.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 749 - Environmental Education

    Credits: 1-3

    The selection, adaptation, and development of environmental education K-12 curriculum materials: procedures for an integrated curricular implementation; the selection of appropriate instructional strategies. Background in environmental studies recommended.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 755 - Multicultural Issues in Teaching

    Credits: 3

    Examines the socio-cultural forces that influence the American educational system. Considers curriculum and instruction implications of human differences, and analyzes ways to promote equitable, quality education.

    Prerequisite: Senior standing.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 756 - Tradebooks across the Curriculum

    Credits: 3

    This course examines the use of children’s literature in the K-8 literacy classroom. It focuses on recently published books in several literary genres across curricular areas.

    Prerequisite: EDEL 585, EDSEC 586, or EDSEC 582.

    Typically Offered
    Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 758 - Reading/Writing Connections

    Credits: 3

    This course examines teaching language arts in an integrated manner, exploring the relationships between reading and writing from a developmental perspective. Teaching methods for a holistic environment are highlighted.

    Prerequisite: EDEL 585, EDSEC 586, or EDSEC 582.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 760 - Action Research in Education

    Credits: 3

    This course introduces the theoretical and practical dimensions of school-based action research about curriculum and instruction topics, and students conduct an action research project. Access to the research site is required.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 770 - Methods for Second Language Acquisition/Learning

    Credits: 3

    The study of contemporary approaches, methods, and research-based best practices for world language instruction. Provides a venue to analyze and discuss programmatic and curricular decisions and how that impacts teaching and learning.

    Prerequisite: EDSEC 500 and 520.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 771 - Assessment in World Language Education

    Credits: 3

    The course will study how to create, implement, and analyze world language assessments to enhance instruction and support learning

    Prerequisite: EDCI 770

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 772 - Current Trends and Research in World Language Education

    Credits: 3

    Analyze current trends in world language education. Recent research will be stressed. Explore how this applies to curricular and instructional decisions.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 773 - Contemporary Technology in World Language Education

    Credits: 3

    The course will study pedagogical implications of instructional technologies to enhance and support world language education. There will be a focus on the constant evolution of technology and how it can enhance the teaching and learning of world language education.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 775 - Readings in Curriculum and Instruction

    Credits: 1-3

    Readings in research and application in specialized areas in education.


    Prerequisite: Junior standing.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 776 - Teaching in Middle Schools

    Credits: 3

    Several instructional approaches consistent with the characteristics of the emerging adolescent student (grades 5-9) will be examined in relation to current research. Direct development of alternative curricular programs. Appropriate use of interdisciplinary activities and nontraditional materials will be emphasized.

    Prerequisite: EDCEP 315.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 779 - Primary School Education

    Credits: 3

    A course for those interested in the kindergarten and primary school child. Emphasis will be placed on curriculum development, pertinent research, and innovative practices in early education.

    Prerequisite: Senior standing.

    Typically Offered

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 780 - Kindergarten Education

    Credits: 3

    A specialized study of the kindergarten in the American school: methods and materials for working with the kindergarten child, including communication and explanation skills and readiness for reading.

    Prerequisite: Senior standing.

    Typically Offered
    On sufficient demand

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 781 - Teaching the Theoretical Foundations of Constitutional Government

    Credits: 1

    Examines the theories (e.g., natural rights, classical republicanism, and constitutionalism) and theorists (e.g., Aristotle, Locke, Hobbes, and Montesquieu) that most influenced constitutional thinking in the United States.  Explores how to teach effectively about these theories and theorists.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 782 - Teaching the Historical Origins of Constitutional Government

    Credits: 1

    Examines seminal ideas, documents, and events in the creation of the United States Constitution such as problems with the Articles of Confederation, the characteristics of good government, the debates at the Philadelphia Convention, the Federalist Papers, and the Antifederalist Papers.  Explores how to teach effectively these ideas, document, and events.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 783 - Teaching the Development of Constitutional Principals

    Credits: 1

    Examines the development of political ideas and constitutional thinking since the Founding.  Focuses on how the Bill of Rights, the amendment process, judicial review, and the Fourteenth Amendment are used to empower and limit government.  Explores how to teach effectively about developments in constitutional thought.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search

  • EDCI 784 - Teaching the Institutions of Government

    Credits: 1

    Examines the powers, limits, and development of political institutions such as Congress, the President, the Supreme Court, and political parties.  Explores how to teach effectively about these institutions.

    Typically Offered
    Fall, Spring, Summer

    K-State 8

    KSIS Course Search


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