2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Political Science
Jeffrey Pickering, Head
Professors: L. Johnson, Kisangani, and Pickering; Associate Professors: Bell, Bernick, Ciftci, Fliter, Franke, Heidbreder, Long, and Martinez Machain; Assistant Professors: Birkhead, Flynn, Schafer, Stoyan, Tyburski, and Zhang; Undergraduate Advisor: Lillich; Visiting Professor: Carlin; Associate Professor Emeritus: Michie and Unekis; Professor Emeritus: L. Richter, W. Richter, and Tummala; University Distinguished Professor Emeritus: Herspring.
101D Calvin Hall
Fax: 785-532-2339
E-mail: polsci@k-state.edu
The major in political science acquaints students with political aspects of society and encourages them to develop a critical and imaginative perspective on public issues. The program in political science provides the foundation for a liberal education, including the intellectual skills of critical analysis, writing, and discussion. It also emphasizes the importance of continuing involvement in political activity and public affairs. These educational experiences prepare our students for a variety of careers in fields including public service, business, teaching, research, journalism, public relations, and administration.
A political science major should complete a broad liberal arts program that includes study in related social sciences and provides familiarity with computer applications, statistics, and mathematics as basic tools describing and explaining political phenomena.
Advising and specialized curricula
Advising by faculty members
Advising is undertaken by Kathy Lillich (117A Calvin) and Dr. John Fliter (101A Calvin). For advising appointments or questions please contact by phone at 532-0642.
Specialized curricula
The department participates in a number of interdisciplinary curricula and activities and encourages students to take advantage of these. In most instances, the requirements for these programs or secondary majors also fulfill college or political science department requirements, making it possible to finish both the major and a secondary major within the required 120 hours for graduation. More extensive information on these programs and secondary majors is available from the faculty listed here as contact people, from other members of the political science department, or elsewhere in this catalog.
International studies
Students interested in the multidisciplinary study of the relations among countries, or in the study of world regions, may wish to pursue a secondary major in international studies contact Department of Modern Languages, 104 Eisenhower Hall.
Gender, Women, and Sexuality studies
The Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies program focuses on the roles of women in society, the major institutions that shape those roles, images of women in a variety of creative media, and the status of women both across time and around the world. For more information contact Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies Program, 3 Leasure Hall.
American ethnic studies
This program focuses on the variety of ethnic groups in the United States. Students learn to live and work in a multi-ethnic society. Contact the department.
Internships and community service for credit
Students may gain practical experience and academic credit by participating in internships in city, county, state, national, or international governments and organizations or through K-State’s Community Service program. Contact Associate Professor Brianne Heidbreder, 18C Calvin Hall or the director, Community Service Program, 14A Eisenhower Hall.
Study abroad for credit
Opportunities exist for summer, one semester, or a full year of study abroad in many countries. These are coordinated through the Education Abroad Office on campus. Credits earned may be transferred back to K-State in consultation with appropriate departmental faculty. Many programs are exchanges where tuition costs are the same as studying at K-State. Contact the Education Abroad Office, 304 Fairchild Hall.
Primary Texts Certificate
Students can earn a certificate in the study of arts and science through primary texts while fulfilling Political Science and other required credit hours. This program focuses on learning subjects through reading original works instead of textbooks, and courses tend to emphasize communications skills. Contact the director of the certificate, Professor Laurie Johnson, 214 Calvin Hall, lauriej@ksu.edu, http://www.k-state.edu/artsci/primary/.
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science
Political Science